package io.heckel.ntfy.ui import android.animation.Animator import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter import import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.* import android.widget.Toast import androidx.activity.viewModels import import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import androidx.swiperefreshlayout.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout import* import io.heckel.ntfy.R import import import io.heckel.ntfy.util.topicShortUrl import io.heckel.ntfy.msg.ApiService import io.heckel.ntfy.msg.NotificationService import import io.heckel.ntfy.firebase.FirebaseMessenger import io.heckel.ntfy.msg.BroadcastService import io.heckel.ntfy.msg.SubscriberService import io.heckel.ntfy.util.fadeStatusBarColor import io.heckel.ntfy.util.formatDateShort import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import kotlin.random.Random class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ActionMode.Callback, AddFragment.SubscribeListener, NotificationFragment.NotificationSettingsListener { private val viewModel by viewModels { SubscriptionsViewModelFactory((application as Application).repository) } private val repository by lazy { (application as Application).repository } private val api = ApiService() private val messenger = FirebaseMessenger() // UI elements private lateinit var menu: Menu private lateinit var mainList: RecyclerView private lateinit var mainListContainer: SwipeRefreshLayout private lateinit var adapter: MainAdapter private lateinit var fab: View // Other stuff private var actionMode: ActionMode? = null private var workManager: WorkManager? = null // Context-dependent private var notifier: NotificationService? = null // Context-dependent private var broadcaster: BroadcastService? = null // Context-dependent private var subscriberManager: SubscriberManager? = null // Context-dependent private var appBaseUrl: String? = null // Context-dependent override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) Log.d(TAG, "Create $this") // Dependencies that depend on Context workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(this) notifier = NotificationService(this) broadcaster = BroadcastService(this) subscriberManager = SubscriberManager(this) appBaseUrl = getString(R.string.app_base_url) // Action bar title = getString(R.string.main_action_bar_title) // Floating action button ("+") fab = findViewById( fab.setOnClickListener { onSubscribeButtonClick() } // Swipe to refresh mainListContainer = findViewById( mainListContainer.setOnRefreshListener { refreshAllSubscriptions() } mainListContainer.setColorSchemeResources(R.color.primaryColor) // Update main list based on viewModel (& its datasource/livedata) val noEntries: View = findViewById( val onSubscriptionClick = { s: Subscription -> onSubscriptionItemClick(s) } val onSubscriptionLongClick = { s: Subscription -> onSubscriptionItemLongClick(s) } mainList = findViewById( adapter = MainAdapter(onSubscriptionClick, onSubscriptionLongClick) mainList.adapter = adapter viewModel.list().observe(this) { it?.let { subscriptions -> adapter.submitList(subscriptions as MutableList) if (it.isEmpty()) { mainListContainer.visibility = View.GONE noEntries.visibility = View.VISIBLE } else { mainListContainer.visibility = View.VISIBLE noEntries.visibility = View.GONE } } } // React to changes in fast delivery setting viewModel.listIdsWithInstantStatus().observe(this) { subscriberManager?.refreshService(it) } // Create notification channels right away, so we can configure them immediately after installing the app notifier!!.createNotificationChannels() // Subscribe to control Firebase channel (so we can re-start the foreground service if it dies) messenger.subscribe(ApiService.CONTROL_TOPIC) // Background things startPeriodicPollWorker() startPeriodicAutoRestartWorker() } private fun startPeriodicPollWorker() { val workerVersion = repository.getPollWorkerVersion() val workPolicy = if (workerVersion == PollWorker.VERSION) { Log.d(TAG, "Poll worker version matches: choosing KEEP as existing work policy") ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP } else { Log.d(TAG, "Poll worker version DOES NOT MATCH: choosing REPLACE as existing work policy") repository.setPollWorkerVersion(PollWorker.VERSION) ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE } val constraints = Constraints.Builder() .setRequiredNetworkType(NetworkType.CONNECTED) .build() val work = PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder(MINIMUM_PERIODIC_WORKER_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .setConstraints(constraints) .addTag(PollWorker.TAG) .addTag(PollWorker.WORK_NAME_PERIODIC) .build() Log.d(TAG, "Poll worker: Scheduling period work every ${MINIMUM_PERIODIC_WORKER_INTERVAL} minutes") workManager!!.enqueueUniquePeriodicWork(PollWorker.WORK_NAME_PERIODIC, workPolicy, work) } private fun startPeriodicAutoRestartWorker() { val workerVersion = repository.getAutoRestartWorkerVersion() val workPolicy = if (workerVersion == SubscriberService.AUTO_RESTART_WORKER_VERSION) { Log.d(TAG, "Auto restart worker version matches: choosing KEEP as existing work policy") ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP } else { Log.d(TAG, "Auto restart worker version DOES NOT MATCH: choosing REPLACE as existing work policy") repository.setAutoRestartWorkerVersion(SubscriberService.AUTO_RESTART_WORKER_VERSION) ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE } val work = PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder(MINIMUM_PERIODIC_WORKER_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .addTag(SubscriberService.TAG) .addTag(SubscriberService.AUTO_RESTART_WORKER_WORK_NAME_PERIODIC) .build() Log.d(TAG, "Auto restart worker: Scheduling period work every ${MINIMUM_PERIODIC_WORKER_INTERVAL} minutes") workManager!!.enqueueUniquePeriodicWork(SubscriberService.AUTO_RESTART_WORKER_WORK_NAME_PERIODIC, workPolicy, work) } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean { menuInflater.inflate(, menu) = menu showHideNotificationMenuItems() startNotificationMutedChecker() // This is done here, because then we know that we've initialized the menu return true } private fun startNotificationMutedChecker() { lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { delay(1000) // Just to be sure we've initialized all the things, we wait a bit ... while (isActive) { Log.d(DetailActivity.TAG, "Checking global and subscription-specific 'muted until' timestamp") // Check global val changed = repository.checkGlobalMutedUntil() if (changed) { Log.d(TAG, "Global muted until timestamp expired; updating prefs") showHideNotificationMenuItems() } // Check subscriptions var rerenderList = false repository.getSubscriptions().forEach { subscription -> val mutedUntilExpired = subscription.mutedUntil > 1L && System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 > subscription.mutedUntil if (mutedUntilExpired) { Log.d(TAG, "Subscription ${}: Muted until timestamp expired, updating subscription") val newSubscription = subscription.copy(mutedUntil = 0L) repository.updateSubscription(newSubscription) rerenderList = true } } if (rerenderList) { redrawList() } delay(60_000) } } } private fun showHideNotificationMenuItems() { val mutedUntilSeconds = repository.getGlobalMutedUntil() runOnUiThread { val notificationsEnabledItem = menu.findItem( val notificationsDisabledUntilItem = menu.findItem( val notificationsDisabledForeverItem = menu.findItem( notificationsEnabledItem?.isVisible = mutedUntilSeconds == 0L notificationsDisabledForeverItem?.isVisible = mutedUntilSeconds == 1L notificationsDisabledUntilItem?.isVisible = mutedUntilSeconds > 1L if (mutedUntilSeconds > 1L) { val formattedDate = formatDateShort(mutedUntilSeconds) notificationsDisabledUntilItem?.title = getString(R.string.main_menu_notifications_disabled_until, formattedDate) } } } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { return when (item.itemId) { -> { onNotificationSettingsClick(enable = false) true } -> { onNotificationSettingsClick(enable = true) true } -> { onNotificationSettingsClick(enable = true) true } -> { startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(getString(R.string.main_menu_source_url)))) true } -> { startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(appBaseUrl))) true } else -> super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } } private fun onNotificationSettingsClick(enable: Boolean) { if (!enable) { Log.d(TAG, "Showing global notification settings dialog") val notificationFragment = NotificationFragment(), NotificationFragment.TAG) } else { Log.d(TAG, "Re-enabling global notifications") onNotificationMutedUntilChanged(0L) } } override fun onNotificationMutedUntilChanged(mutedUntilTimestamp: Long) { repository.setGlobalMutedUntil(mutedUntilTimestamp) showHideNotificationMenuItems() runOnUiThread { when (mutedUntilTimestamp) { 0L -> Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, getString(R.string.notification_dialog_enabled_toast_message), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() 1L -> Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, getString(R.string.notification_dialog_muted_forever_toast_message), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() else -> { val formattedDate = formatDateShort(mutedUntilTimestamp) Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, getString(R.string.notification_dialog_muted_until_toast_message, formattedDate), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } } } } private fun onSubscribeButtonClick() { val newFragment = AddFragment(), AddFragment.TAG) } override fun onSubscribe(topic: String, baseUrl: String, instant: Boolean) { Log.d(TAG, "Adding subscription ${topicShortUrl(baseUrl, topic)}") // Add subscription to database val subscription = Subscription( id = Random.nextLong(), baseUrl = baseUrl, topic = topic, instant = instant, mutedUntil = 0, totalCount = 0, newCount = 0, lastActive = Date().time/1000 ) viewModel.add(subscription) // Subscribe to Firebase topic if (even if instant, just to be sure!) if (baseUrl == appBaseUrl) { Log.d(TAG, "Subscribing to Firebase") messenger.subscribe(topic) } // Fetch cached messages lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { try { val notifications = api.poll(, subscription.baseUrl, subscription.topic) notifications.forEach { notification -> repository.addNotification(notification) } } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to fetch notifications: ${e.stackTrace}") } } // Switch to detail view after adding it onSubscriptionItemClick(subscription) } private fun onSubscriptionItemClick(subscription: Subscription) { if (actionMode != null) { handleActionModeClick(subscription) } else { startDetailView(subscription) } } private fun onSubscriptionItemLongClick(subscription: Subscription) { if (actionMode == null) { beginActionMode(subscription) } } private fun refreshAllSubscriptions() { lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { Log.d(TAG, "Polling for new notifications") var errors = 0 var errorMessage = "" // First error var newNotificationsCount = 0 repository.getSubscriptions().forEach { subscription -> try { val notifications = api.poll(, subscription.baseUrl, subscription.topic) val newNotifications = repository.onlyNewNotifications(, notifications) newNotifications.forEach { notification -> newNotificationsCount++ val notificationWithId = notification.copy(notificationId = Random.nextInt()) val result = repository.addNotification(notificationWithId) if (result.notify) { notifier?.send(subscription, notificationWithId) } if (result.broadcast) { broadcaster?.send(subscription, notification, result.muted) } } } catch (e: Exception) { val topic = topicShortUrl(subscription.baseUrl, subscription.topic) if (errorMessage == "") errorMessage = "$topic: ${e.message}" errors++ } } val toastMessage = if (errors > 0) { getString(R.string.refresh_message_error, errors, errorMessage) } else if (newNotificationsCount == 0) { getString(R.string.refresh_message_no_results) } else { getString(R.string.refresh_message_result, newNotificationsCount) } runOnUiThread { Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, toastMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() mainListContainer.isRefreshing = false } Log.d(TAG, "Finished polling for new notifications") } } private fun startDetailView(subscription: Subscription) { Log.d(TAG, "Entering detail view for subscription $subscription") val intent = Intent(this, intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_BASE_URL, subscription.baseUrl) intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_TOPIC, subscription.topic) intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_INSTANT, subscription.instant) intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_MUTED_UNTIL, subscription.mutedUntil) startActivity(intent) } private fun handleActionModeClick(subscription: Subscription) { adapter.toggleSelection( if (adapter.selected.size == 0) { finishActionMode() } else { actionMode!!.title = adapter.selected.size.toString() redrawList() } } override fun onCreateActionMode(mode: ActionMode?, menu: Menu?): Boolean { this.actionMode = mode if (mode != null) { mode.menuInflater.inflate(, menu) mode.title = "1" // One item selected } return true } override fun onPrepareActionMode(mode: ActionMode?, menu: Menu?): Boolean { return false } override fun onActionItemClicked(mode: ActionMode?, item: MenuItem?): Boolean { return when (item?.itemId) { -> { onMultiDeleteClick() true } else -> false } } private fun onMultiDeleteClick() { Log.d(DetailActivity.TAG, "Showing multi-delete dialog for selected items") val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(this) val dialog = builder .setMessage(R.string.main_action_mode_delete_dialog_message) .setPositiveButton(R.string.main_action_mode_delete_dialog_permanently_delete) { _, _ -> { viewModel.remove(it) } finishActionMode() } .setNegativeButton(R.string.main_action_mode_delete_dialog_cancel) { _, _ -> finishActionMode() } .create() dialog.setOnShowListener { dialog .getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE) .setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.primaryDangerButtonColor)) } } override fun onDestroyActionMode(mode: ActionMode?) { endActionModeAndRedraw() } private fun beginActionMode(subscription: Subscription) { actionMode = startActionMode(this) adapter.selected.add( redrawList() // Fade out FAB fab.alpha = 1f fab .animate() .alpha(0f) .setDuration(ANIMATION_DURATION) .setListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() { override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) { fab.visibility = View.GONE } }) // Fade status bar color val fromColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.primaryColor) val toColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.primaryDarkColor) fadeStatusBarColor(window, fromColor, toColor) } private fun finishActionMode() { actionMode!!.finish() endActionModeAndRedraw() } private fun endActionModeAndRedraw() { actionMode = null adapter.selected.clear() redrawList() // Fade in FAB fab.alpha = 0f fab.visibility = View.VISIBLE fab .animate() .alpha(1f) .setDuration(ANIMATION_DURATION) .setListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() { override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) { fab.visibility = View.VISIBLE // Required to replace the old listener } }) // Fade status bar color val fromColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.primaryDarkColor) val toColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.primaryColor) fadeStatusBarColor(window, fromColor, toColor) } private fun redrawList() { runOnUiThread { mainList.adapter = adapter // Oh, what a hack ... } } companion object { const val TAG = "NtfyMainActivity" const val EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "subscriptionId" const val EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_BASE_URL = "subscriptionBaseUrl" const val EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_TOPIC = "subscriptionTopic" const val EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_INSTANT = "subscriptionInstant" const val EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION_MUTED_UNTIL = "subscriptionMutedUntil" const val ANIMATION_DURATION = 80L // As per Documentation: The minimum repeat interval that can be defined is 15 minutes // (same as the JobScheduler API), but in practice 15 doesn't work. Using 16 here. // Thanks to varunon9 ( for this! const val MINIMUM_PERIODIC_WORKER_INTERVAL = 16L } }