#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- # The loadSave file calls the propper functions to load and save file # trying to detect the proper file format if it comes from an older version import os import zipfile import manuskript.load_save.version_0 as v0 import manuskript.load_save.version_1 as v1 def saveProject(version=None): # While debugging, we don't save the project # return if version == 0: v0.saveProject() else: v1.saveProject() # FIXME: add settings to chose between saving as zip or not. def loadProject(project): # Detect version isZip = False version = 0 # Is it a zip? try: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(project) isZip = True except zipfile.BadZipFile: isZip = False # Does it have a VERSION in zip root? if isZip and "VERSION" in zf.namelist(): version = int(zf.read("VERSION")) # Zip but no VERSION: oldest file format elif isZip: version = 0 # Not a zip else: with open(project, "r") as f: version = int(f.read()) print("Loading:", project) print("Detected file format version:", version) if version == 0: v0.loadProject(project) else: v1.loadProject(project, zip=isZip)