#!/usr/bin/env python #--!-- coding: utf8 --!-- import os import re from random import * from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRect, QStandardPaths, QObject, QRegExp, QDir from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QTimer from PyQt5.QtGui import QBrush, QIcon, QPainter, QColor, QImage, QPixmap from PyQt5.QtGui import QDesktopServices from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp, QTextEdit from manuskript.enums import Outline # Used to detect multiple connections AUC = Qt.AutoConnection | Qt.UniqueConnection MW = None def wordCount(text): t = text.strip().replace(" ", "\n").split("\n") t = [l for l in t if l] return len(t) def toInt(text): if text: try: return int(text) except ValueError: pass return 0 def toFloat(text): if text: return float(text) else: return 0. def toString(text): if text in [None, "None"]: return "" else: return str(text) def drawProgress(painter, rect, progress, radius=0): from manuskript.ui import style as S painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(QColor(S.base)) # "#dddddd" painter.drawRoundedRect(rect, radius, radius) painter.setBrush(QBrush(colorFromProgress(progress))) r2 = QRect(rect) r2.setWidth(r2.width() * min(progress, 1)) painter.drawRoundedRect(r2, radius, radius) def colorFromProgress(progress): progress = toFloat(progress) c1 = QColor(Qt.red) c2 = QColor(Qt.blue) c3 = QColor(Qt.darkGreen) c4 = QColor("#FFA500") if progress < 0.3: return c1 elif progress < 0.8: return c2 elif progress > 1.2: return c4 else: return c3 def mainWindow(): global MW if not MW: for i in qApp.topLevelWidgets(): if i.objectName() == "MainWindow": MW = i return MW return None else: return MW def iconColor(icon): """Returns a QRgb from a QIcon, assuming its all the same color""" px = icon.pixmap(5, 5) if px.width() != 0: return QColor(QImage(px).pixel(2, 2)) else: return QColor(Qt.transparent) def iconFromColor(color): px = QPixmap(32, 32) px.fill(color) return QIcon(px) def iconFromColorString(string): return iconFromColor(QColor(string)) def themeIcon(name): "Returns an icon for the given name." db = { "character": "stock_people", "characters": "stock_people", "plot": "stock_shuffle", "plots": "stock_shuffle", "world": "emblem-web", #stock_timezone applications-internet "outline": "gtk-index", #applications-versioncontrol "label": "folder_color_picker", "status": "applications-development", "text": "view-text", "card": "view-card", "outline": "view-outline", "tree": "view-list-tree", "spelling": "tools-check-spelling" } if name in db: return QIcon.fromTheme(db[name]) else: return QIcon() def randomColor(mix=None): """Generates a random color. If mix (QColor) is given, mixes the random color and mix.""" r = randint(0, 255) g = randint(0, 255) b = randint(0, 255) if mix: r = (r + mix.red()) / 2 g = (g + mix.green()) / 2 b = (b + mix.blue()) / 2 return QColor(r, g, b) def mixColors(col1, col2, f=.5): fromString = False if type(col1) == str: fromString = True col1 = QColor(col1) if type(col2) == str: col2 = QColor(col2) f2 = 1-f r = col1.red() * f + col2.red() * f2 g = col1.green() * f + col2.green() * f2 b = col1.blue() * f + col2.blue() * f2 return QColor(r, g, b) if not fromString else QColor(r, g, b).name() def outlineItemColors(item): from manuskript.ui import style as S """Takes an OutlineItem and returns a dict of colors.""" colors = {} mw = mainWindow() # POV colors["POV"] = QColor(Qt.transparent) POV = item.data(Outline.POV) if POV == "": col = QColor(Qt.transparent) else: for i in range(mw.mdlCharacter.rowCount()): if mw.mdlCharacter.ID(i) == POV: colors["POV"] = iconColor(mw.mdlCharacter.icon(i)) # Label lbl = item.data(Outline.label) if lbl == "": col = QColor(Qt.transparent) else: col = iconColor(mw.mdlLabels.item(toInt(lbl)).icon()) # if col == Qt.black: # # Don't know why, but transparent is rendered as black # col = QColor(Qt.transparent) colors["Label"] = col # Progress pg = item.data(Outline.goalPercentage) colors["Progress"] = colorFromProgress(pg) # Compile if item.compile() in [0, "0"]: colors["Compile"] = mixColors(QColor(S.text), QColor(S.window)) else: colors["Compile"] = QColor(Qt.transparent) # will use default return colors def colorifyPixmap(pixmap, color): # FIXME: ugly p = QPainter(pixmap) p.setCompositionMode(p.CompositionMode_Overlay) p.fillRect(pixmap.rect(), color) return pixmap def appPath(suffix=None): p = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "..")) if suffix: p = os.path.join(p, suffix) return p def writablePath(suffix=None): if hasattr(QStandardPaths, "AppLocalDataLocation"): p = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.AppLocalDataLocation) else: # Qt < 5.4 p = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.DataLocation) if suffix: p = os.path.join(p, suffix) if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p) return p def allPaths(suffix=None): paths = [] # src directory paths.append(appPath(suffix)) # user writable directory paths.append(writablePath(suffix)) return paths def tempFile(name): "Returns a temp file." return os.path.join(QDir.tempPath(), name) def totalObjects(): return len(mainWindow().findChildren(QObject)) def printObjects(): print("Objects:", str(totalObjects())) def findWidgetsOfClass(cls): """ Returns all widgets, children of MainWindow, whose class is cls. @param cls: a class @return: list of QWidgets """ return mainWindow().findChildren(cls, QRegExp()) def findBackground(filename): """ Returns the full path to a background file of name filename within resources folders. """ return findFirstFile(re.escape(filename), "resources/backgrounds") def findFirstFile(regex, path="resources"): """ Returns full path of first file matching regular expression regex within folder path, otherwise returns full path of last file in folder path. """ paths = allPaths(path) for p in paths: lst = os.listdir(p) for l in lst: if re.match(regex, l): return os.path.join(p, l) def customIcons(): """ Returns a list of possible customIcons. String from theme. """ r = [ "text-plain", "gnome-settings", "applications-internet", "applications-debugging", "applications-development", "system-help", "info", "dialog-question", "dialog-warning", "stock_timezone", "stock_people", "stock_shuffle", "gtk-index", "folder_color_picker", "applications-versioncontrol", "stock_home", "stock_trash_empty", "stock_trash_full", "stock_yes", "stock_no", "stock_notes", "stock_calendar", "stock_mic", 'stock_score-lowest', 'stock_score-lower', 'stock_score-low', 'stock_score-normal', 'stock_score-high', 'stock_score-higher', 'stock_score-highest', "stock_task", "stock_refresh", "application-community", "applications-chat", "application-menu", "applications-education", "applications-science", "applications-puzzles", "applications-roleplaying", "applications-sports", "applications-libraries", "applications-publishing", "applications-development", "applications-games", "applications-boardgames", "applications-geography", "applications-physics", "package_multimedia", "media-flash", "media-optical", "media-floppy", "media-playback-start", "media-playback-pause", "media-playback-stop", "media-playback-record", "media-playback-start-rtl", "media-eject", "document-save", "gohome", 'purple-folder', 'yellow-folder', 'red-folder', 'custom-folder', 'grey-folder', 'blue-folder', 'default-folder', 'pink-folder', 'orange-folder', 'green-folder', 'brown-folder', 'folder-home', 'folder-remote', 'folder-music', 'folder-saved-search', 'folder-projects', 'folder-sound', 'folder-publicshare', 'folder-pictures', 'folder-saved-search-alt', 'folder-tag', 'calendar-01', 'calendar-02', 'calendar-03', 'calendar-04', 'calendar-05', 'calendar-06', 'calendar-07', 'calendar-08', 'calendar-09', 'calendar-10', 'arrow-down', 'arrow-left', 'arrow-right', 'arrow-up', 'arrow-down-double', 'arrow-left-double', 'arrow-right-double', 'arrow-up-double', 'emblem-added', 'emblem-checked', 'emblem-downloads', 'emblem-dropbox-syncing', 'emblem-danger', 'emblem-development', 'emblem-dropbox-app', 'emblem-art', 'emblem-camera', 'emblem-dropbox-selsync', 'emblem-insync-des-error', 'emblem-insync-error', 'emblem-generic', 'emblem-favorites', 'emblem-error', 'emblem-dropbox-uptodate', 'emblem-marketing', 'emblem-money', 'emblem-music', 'emblem-noread', 'emblem-people', 'emblem-personal', 'emblem-sound', 'emblem-shared', 'emblem-sales', 'emblem-presentation', 'emblem-plan', 'emblem-system', 'emblem-urgent', 'emblem-videos', 'emblem-web', 'face-angel', 'face-clown', 'face-angry', 'face-cool', 'face-devilish', 'face-sick', 'face-sleeping', 'face-uncertain', 'face-monkey', 'face-ninja', 'face-pirate', 'face-glasses', 'face-in-love', 'face-confused', 'feed-marked-symbolic', 'feed-non-starred', 'feed-starred', 'feed-unmarked-symbolic', 'notification-new-symbolic', ] return sorted(r) def statusMessage(message, duration=5000): """ Shows a message in MainWindow's status bar. """ mainWindow().statusBar().show() mainWindow().statusBar().showMessage(message, duration) QTimer.singleShot(duration, mainWindow().statusBar().hide) def openURL(url): """ Opens url (string) in browser using desktop default application. """ QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url)) def inspect(): """ Debugging tool. Call it to see a stack of calls up to that point. """ import inspect, os print("-----------------------") for s in inspect.stack()[1:]: print(" * {}:{} // {}".format( os.path.basename(s.filename), s.lineno, s.function)) print(" " + "".join(s.code_context))