#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- from qt import * from ui.editors.t2tFunctions import * from ui.editors.blockUserData import blockUserData #TODO: creates a general way to generate styles (and edit/import/export) class t2tHighlighterStyle (): """Style for the Syntax highlighter for the Txt2Tags language. """ validStyles = ["Default", "Monospace"] def __init__(self, editor, name="Default"): self.editor = editor self.name = name # Defaults self.defaultFontPointSize = self.editor.defaultFontPointSize self.defaultFontFamily = qApp.font().family() self.tabStopWidth = 40 self.setupEditor() if self.name == "Default": self.initDefaults() #Temporary other theme elif self.name == "Monospace": self.defaultFontFamily = "Monospace" self.initDefaults() for i in self.styles: f = self.styles[i] f.setFontFixedPitch(True) f.setFontFamily(self.defaultFontFamily) f.setFontPointSize(self.defaultFontPointSize) self.styles[i] = f def setupEditor(self): self.editor.setTabStopWidth(self.tabStopWidth) def initDefaults(self): self.styles = {} for i in [State.CODE_AREA, State.CODE_LINE, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_LINE, State.SETTINGS_LINE, State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE, State.RAW_AREA, State.RAW_LINE, State.TAGGED_AREA, State.TAGGED_LINE, State.TITLE_1, State.TITLE_2, State.TITLE_3, State.TITLE_4, State.TITLE_5, State.NUMBERED_TITLE_1, State.NUMBERED_TITLE_2, State.NUMBERED_TITLE_3, State.NUMBERED_TITLE_4, State.NUMBERED_TITLE_5, State.TABLE_HEADER, State.TABLE_LINE, State.HORIZONTAL_LINE, State.MARKUP, State.LIST_BULLET, State.LIST_BULLET_ENDS, State.LINKS, State.MACRO, State.DEFAULT, State.HEADER_LINE]: self.styles[i] = self.makeFormat(preset=i) def format(self, state): return self.styles[state] def beautifyFormat(self, base, beautifiers): "Apply beautifiers given in beautifiers array to format" if max(beautifiers) == 2: return self.makeFormat(preset=State.MARKUP, base=base) else: if beautifiers[0]: # bold base.setFontWeight(QFont.Bold) if beautifiers[1]: # italic base.setFontItalic(True) if beautifiers[2]: # underline base.setFontUnderline(True) if beautifiers[3]: # strikeout base.setFontStrikeOut(True) if beautifiers[4]: # code base = self.makeFormat(base=base, preset=State.CODE_LINE) if beautifiers[5]: # tagged base = self.makeFormat(base=base, preset=State.TAGGED_LINE) return base def formatBlock(self, block, state): "Apply transformation to given block." blockFormat = QTextBlockFormat() if state == State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE: # Number of tabs n = block.text().indexOf(QRegExp(r'[^\t]'), 0) blockFormat.setIndent(0) blockFormat.setTextIndent(-self.tabStopWidth * n) blockFormat.setLeftMargin(self.tabStopWidth * n) #blockFormat.setRightMargin(self.editor.contentsRect().width() # - self.editor.lineNumberAreaWidth() # - fm.width("X") * self.editor.LimitLine #+ self.editor.tabStopWidth()) blockFormat.setAlignment(Qt.AlignJustify) if self.name == "Default" : blockFormat.setTopMargin(5) blockFormat.setBottomMargin(5) elif state == State.HEADER_LINE: blockFormat.setBackground(QColor("#EEEEEE")) elif state in State.LIST: data = blockUserData.getUserData(block) if str(data.listSymbol()) in "+-": blockFormat.setBackground(QColor("#EEFFEE")) else: blockFormat.setBackground(QColor("#EEEEFA")) n = blockUserData.getUserData(block).leadingSpaces() + 1 f = QFontMetrics(QFont(self.defaultFontFamily, self.defaultFontPointSize)) fm = f.width(" " * n + blockUserData.getUserData(block).listSymbol()) blockFormat.setTextIndent(-fm) blockFormat.setLeftMargin(fm) if blockUserData.getUserState(block) == State.LIST_BEGINS and\ self.name == "Default": blockFormat.setTopMargin(5) return blockFormat def makeFormat(self, color='', style='', size='', base='', fixedPitch='', preset='', title_level='', bgcolor=''): """ Returns a QTextCharFormat with the given attributes, using presets. """ _color = QColor() _format = QTextCharFormat() size = self.defaultFontPointSize _format.setFontFamily(self.defaultFontFamily) # Base if base: _format = base # Presets if preset in [State.CODE_AREA, State.CODE_LINE, "code"]: style = "bold" color = "black" fixedPitch = True _format.setBackground(QColor("#EEEEEE")) if preset in [State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_LINE, "comment"]: style = "italic" color = "darkGreen" if preset in [State.SETTINGS_LINE, "setting", State.MACRO]: #style = "italic" color = "magenta" if preset in [State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE]: color = "red" if preset in [State.HEADER_LINE]: size = size * 2 #print size if preset in [State.RAW_AREA, State.RAW_LINE, "raw"]: color = "blue" if preset in [State.TAGGED_AREA, State.TAGGED_LINE, "tagged"]: color = "purple" if preset in State.TITLES: style = "bold" color = "darkRed" if State.titleLevel(preset) % 2 == 1 else "blue" size = (self.defaultFontPointSize + 11 - 2 * State.titleLevel(preset)) if preset == State.TABLE_HEADER: style = "bold" color = "darkMagenta" if preset == State.TABLE_LINE: color = "darkMagenta" if preset == State.LIST_BULLET: color = "red" style = "bold" fixedPitch = True if preset == State.LIST_BULLET_ENDS: color = "darkGray" fixedPitch = True if preset in [State.MARKUP, "markup"]: color = "darkGray" if preset in [State.HORIZONTAL_LINE]: color = "cyan" fixedPitch = True if preset == State.LINKS: color="blue" #style="underline" if preset == "selected": _format.setBackground(QColor("yellow")) if preset == "higlighted": bgcolor = "yellow" if preset == State.DEFAULT: size = self.defaultFontPointSize _format.setFontFamily(self.defaultFontFamily) # Manual formatting if color: _color.setNamedColor(color) _format.setForeground(_color) if bgcolor: _color.setNamedColor(bgcolor) _format.setBackground(_color) if 'bold' in style: _format.setFontWeight(QFont.Bold) if 'italic' in style: _format.setFontItalic(True) if 'strike' in style: _format.setFontStrikeOut(True) if 'underline' in style: _format.setFontUnderline(True) if size: _format.setFontPointSize(size) if fixedPitch: _format.setFontFixedPitch(True) return _format