#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSize, QModelIndex from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor, QPalette, QIcon, QFont, QFontMetrics, QBrush from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QStyledItemDelegate, QStyleOptionViewItem, QStyle, QComboBox, QStyleOptionComboBox from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp from manuskript import settings from manuskript.enums import Character, Outline from manuskript.functions import outlineItemColors, mixColors, colorifyPixmap, toInt, toFloat, drawProgress from manuskript.ui import style as S class outlineTitleDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): def __init__(self, parent=None): QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) self._view = None def setView(self, view): self._view = view def paint(self, painter, option, index): item = index.internalPointer() colors = outlineItemColors(item) style = qApp.style() opt = QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(opt, index) iconRect = style.subElementRect(style.SE_ItemViewItemDecoration, opt) textRect = style.subElementRect(style.SE_ItemViewItemText, opt) # Background style.drawPrimitive(style.PE_PanelItemViewItem, opt, painter) if settings.viewSettings["Outline"]["Background"] != "Nothing" and not opt.state & QStyle.State_Selected: col = colors[settings.viewSettings["Outline"]["Background"]] if col != QColor(Qt.transparent): col2 = QColor(S.base) if opt.state & QStyle.State_Selected: col2 = opt.palette.brush(QPalette.Normal, QPalette.Highlight).color() col = mixColors(col, col2, .2) painter.save() painter.setBrush(col) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) rect = opt.rect if self._view: r2 = self._view.visualRect(index) rect = self._view.viewport().rect() rect.setLeft(r2.left()) rect.setTop(r2.top()) rect.setBottom(r2.bottom()) painter.drawRoundedRect(rect, 5, 5) painter.restore() # Icon mode = QIcon.Normal if not opt.state & QStyle.State_Enabled: mode = QIcon.Disabled elif opt.state & QStyle.State_Selected: mode = QIcon.Selected state = QIcon.On if opt.state & QStyle.State_Open else QIcon.Off icon = opt.icon.pixmap(iconRect.size(), mode=mode, state=state) if opt.icon and settings.viewSettings["Outline"]["Icon"] != "Nothing": color = colors[settings.viewSettings["Outline"]["Icon"]] colorifyPixmap(icon, color) opt.icon = QIcon(icon) opt.icon.paint(painter, iconRect, opt.decorationAlignment, mode, state) # Text if opt.text: painter.save() textColor = QColor(S.text) if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected: col = QColor(S.highlightedText) textColor = col painter.setPen(col) if settings.viewSettings["Outline"]["Text"] != "Nothing": col = colors[settings.viewSettings["Outline"]["Text"]] if col == Qt.transparent: col = textColor # If text color is Compile and item is selected, we have # to change the color if settings.viewSettings["Outline"]["Text"] == "Compile" and \ item.compile() in [0, "0"]: col = mixColors(textColor, QColor(S.window)) painter.setPen(col) f = QFont(opt.font) painter.setFont(f) fm = QFontMetrics(f) elidedText = fm.elidedText(opt.text, Qt.ElideRight, textRect.width()) painter.drawText(textRect, Qt.AlignLeft, elidedText) painter.restore() # QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) class outlineCharacterDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): def __init__(self, mdlCharacter, parent=None): QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) self.mdlCharacter = mdlCharacter def sizeHint(self, option, index): # s = QStyledItemDelegate.sizeHint(self, option, index) item = QModelIndex() character = self.mdlCharacter.getCharacterByID(index.data()) if character: item = character.index(Character.name) opt = QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(opt, item) s = QStyledItemDelegate.sizeHint(self, opt, item) if s.width() > 200: s.setWidth(200) elif s.width() < 100: s.setWidth(100) return s + QSize(18, 0) def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): item = index.internalPointer() # if item.isFolder(): # No POV for folders # return editor = QComboBox(parent) editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) editor.setFrame(False) return editor def setEditorData(self, editor, index): # editor.addItem("") editor.addItem(QIcon.fromTheme("dialog-no"), self.tr("None")) l = [self.tr("Main"), self.tr("Secondary"), self.tr("Minor")] for importance in range(3): editor.addItem(l[importance]) editor.setItemData(editor.count() - 1, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightedTextDark)), Qt.ForegroundRole) editor.setItemData(editor.count() - 1, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightLight)), Qt.BackgroundRole) item = editor.model().item(editor.count() - 1) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) for i in range(self.mdlCharacter.rowCount()): imp = toInt(self.mdlCharacter.importance(i)) if not 2 - imp == importance: continue # try: editor.addItem(self.mdlCharacter.icon(i), self.mdlCharacter.name(i), self.mdlCharacter.ID(i)) editor.setItemData(editor.count() - 1, self.mdlCharacter.name(i), Qt.ToolTipRole) # except: # pass editor.setCurrentIndex(editor.findData(index.data())) editor.showPopup() def setModelData(self, editor, model, index): val = editor.currentData() model.setData(index, val) def paint(self, painter, option, index): ##option.rect.setWidth(option.rect.width() - 18) # QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) ##option.rect.setWidth(option.rect.width() + 18) itemIndex = QModelIndex() character = self.mdlCharacter.getCharacterByID(index.data()) if character: itemIndex = character.index(Character.name) opt = QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(opt, itemIndex) qApp.style().drawControl(QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, opt, painter) # if index.isValid() and index.internalPointer().data(Outline.POV) not in ["", None]: if itemIndex.isValid() and self.mdlCharacter.data(itemIndex) not in ["", None]: opt = QStyleOptionComboBox() opt.rect = option.rect r = qApp.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ComboBox, opt, QStyle.SC_ComboBoxArrow) option.rect = r qApp.style().drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_IndicatorArrowDown, option, painter) class outlineCompileDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): def __init__(self, parent=None): QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) def displayText(self, value, locale): return "" class outlineGoalPercentageDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): def __init__(self, rootIndex=None, parent=None): QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) self.rootIndex = rootIndex def sizeHint(self, option, index): sh = QStyledItemDelegate.sizeHint(self, option, index) # if sh.width() > 50: sh.setWidth(100) return sh def paint(self, painter, option, index): if not index.isValid(): return QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) item = index.internalPointer() if not item.data(Outline.goal): return p = toFloat(item.data(Outline.goalPercentage)) typ = item.data(Outline.type) level = item.level() if self.rootIndex and self.rootIndex.isValid(): level -= self.rootIndex.internalPointer().level() + 1 margin = 5 height = max(min(option.rect.height() - 2 * margin, 12) - 2 * level, 6) painter.save() rect = option.rect.adjusted(margin, margin, -margin, -margin) # Move rect.translate(level * rect.width() / 10, 0) rect.setWidth(rect.width() - level * rect.width() / 10) rect.setHeight(height) rect.setTop(option.rect.top() + (option.rect.height() - height) / 2) drawProgress(painter, rect, p) # from functions painter.restore() def displayText(self, value, locale): return "" class outlineStatusDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): def __init__(self, mdlStatus, parent=None): QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) self.mdlStatus = mdlStatus def sizeHint(self, option, index): s = QStyledItemDelegate.sizeHint(self, option, index) if s.width() > 150: s.setWidth(150) elif s.width() < 50: s.setWidth(50) return s + QSize(18, 0) def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): editor = QComboBox(parent) editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) editor.setFrame(False) return editor def setEditorData(self, editor, index): for i in range(self.mdlStatus.rowCount()): editor.addItem(self.mdlStatus.item(i, 0).text()) val = index.internalPointer().data(Outline.status) if not val: val = 0 editor.setCurrentIndex(int(val)) editor.showPopup() def setModelData(self, editor, model, index): val = editor.currentIndex() model.setData(index, val) def displayText(self, value, locale): try: return self.mdlStatus.item(int(value), 0).text() except: return "" def paint(self, painter, option, index): QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) if index.isValid() and index.internalPointer().data(Outline.status) not in ["", None, "0", 0]: opt = QStyleOptionComboBox() opt.rect = option.rect r = qApp.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ComboBox, opt, QStyle.SC_ComboBoxArrow) option.rect = r qApp.style().drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_IndicatorArrowDown, option, painter) class outlineLabelDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): def __init__(self, mdlLabels, parent=None): QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) self.mdlLabels = mdlLabels def sizeHint(self, option, index): d = index.internalPointer().data(index.column(), Qt.DisplayRole) if not d: d = 0 item = self.mdlLabels.item(int(d), 0) idx = self.mdlLabels.indexFromItem(item) opt = QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(opt, idx) s = qApp.style().sizeFromContents(QStyle.CT_ItemViewItem, opt, QSize()) if s.width() > 150: s.setWidth(150) elif s.width() < 50: s.setWidth(50) return s + QSize(18, 0) def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): item = index.internalPointer() editor = QComboBox(parent) # editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) editor.setFrame(False) return editor def setEditorData(self, editor, index): for i in range(self.mdlLabels.rowCount()): editor.addItem(self.mdlLabels.item(i, 0).icon(), self.mdlLabels.item(i, 0).text()) val = index.internalPointer().data(Outline.label) if not val: val = 0 editor.setCurrentIndex(int(val)) editor.showPopup() def setModelData(self, editor, model, index): val = editor.currentIndex() model.setData(index, val) def paint(self, painter, option, index): if not index.isValid(): return QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) else: item = index.internalPointer() d = item.data(index.column(), Qt.DisplayRole) if not d: d = 0 lbl = self.mdlLabels.item(int(d), 0) opt = QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(opt, self.mdlLabels.indexFromItem(lbl)) qApp.style().drawControl(QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, opt, painter) # Drop down indicator if index.isValid() and index.internalPointer().data(Outline.label) not in ["", None, "0", 0]: opt = QStyleOptionComboBox() opt.rect = option.rect r = qApp.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ComboBox, opt, QStyle.SC_ComboBoxArrow) option.rect = r qApp.style().drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_IndicatorArrowDown, option, painter)