#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QModelIndex from PyQt5.QtGui import QPalette from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QFrame, QSpacerItem, QSizePolicy from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QVBoxLayout, qApp, QStyle from manuskript import settings from manuskript.functions import AUC, mainWindow from manuskript.ui.editors.editorWidget_ui import Ui_editorWidget_ui from manuskript.ui.views.MDEditView import MDEditView from manuskript.ui.tools.splitDialog import splitDialog class editorWidget(QWidget, Ui_editorWidget_ui): """ `editorWidget` is a class responsible for displaying and editing one `outlineItem`. This item can be a folder or a text. It has four views (see `self.setView`) - For folders: "text", "outline" or "cork" (set in `self.folderView`) Text: displays a list of `textEditView` in a scroll area Outline: displays an outline, using an `outlineView` Cork: displays flash cards, using a `corkView` - For text: item is simply displayed in a `textEditView` All those views are contained in `editorWidget` single widget: `self.stack`. `editorWidget` are managed in `tabSplitted` (that allow to open several `outlineItem`s, either in Tabs or in split views. `tabSplitted` are in turn managed by the `mainEditor`, which is unique and gives UI buttons to manage all those views. """ toggledSpellcheck = pyqtSignal(bool) dictChanged = pyqtSignal(str) _maxTabTitleLength = 24 def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.currentIndex = QModelIndex() self.currentID = None self.txtEdits = [] self.scroll.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Base) self.toggledSpellcheck.connect(self.txtRedacText.toggleSpellcheck, AUC) self.dictChanged.connect(self.txtRedacText.setDict, AUC) self.txtRedacText.setHighlighting(True) self.currentDict = "" self.spellcheck = True self.folderView = "cork" self.mw = mainWindow() self._tabWidget = None # set by mainEditor on creation self._model = None # Capture textEdit scrollbar, so that we can put it outside the margins. self.txtEditScrollBar = self.txtRedacText.verticalScrollBar() self.txtEditScrollBar.setParent(self) self.stack.currentChanged.connect(self.setScrollBarVisibility) # def setModel(self, model): # self._model = model # self.setView() def resizeEvent(self, event): """ textEdit's scrollBar has been reparented to self. So we need to update it's geomtry when self is resized, and put it where we want it to be. """ # Update scrollbar geometry r = self.geometry() w = 10 # Cf. style.mainEditorTabSS r.setWidth(w) r.moveRight(self.geometry().width()) self.txtEditScrollBar.setGeometry(r) QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event) def setScrollBarVisibility(self): """ Since the texteEdit scrollBar has been reparented to self, it is not hidden when stack changes. We have to do it manually. """ self.txtEditScrollBar.setVisible(self.stack.currentIndex() == 0) def setFolderView(self, v): oldV = self.folderView if v == "cork": self.folderView = "cork" elif v == "outline": self.folderView = "outline" else: self.folderView = "text" # Saving value settings.folderView = self.folderView if oldV != self.folderView and self.currentIndex: self.setCurrentModelIndex(self.currentIndex) def setCorkSizeFactor(self, v): self.corkView.itemDelegate().setCorkSizeFactor(v) self.redrawCorkItems() def redrawCorkItems(self): r = self.corkView.rootIndex() if r.isValid(): count = r.internalPointer().childCount() elif self._model: count = self._model.rootItem.childCount() else: count = 0 for c in range(count): self.corkView.itemDelegate().sizeHintChanged.emit(r.child(c, 0)) def updateTabTitle(self): """ `editorWidget` belongs to a `QTabWidget` in a `tabSplitter`. We update the tab title to reflect that of current item. """ # `self._tabWidget` is set by mainEditor when creating tab and `editorWidget`. # if `editorWidget` is ever used out of `mainEditor`, this could throw # an error. if not self._tabWidget: return if self.currentIndex.isValid(): item = self.currentIndex.internalPointer() elif self._model: item = self._model.rootItem else: return i = self._tabWidget.indexOf(self) self._tabWidget.setTabText(i, self.ellidedTitle(item.title())) self._tabWidget.setTabToolTip(i, item.title()) def ellidedTitle(self, title): if len(title) > self._maxTabTitleLength: return "{}…".format(title[:self._maxTabTitleLength]) else: return title def setView(self): # index = mainWindow().treeRedacOutline.currentIndex() # Couting the number of other selected items # sel = [] # for i in mainWindow().treeRedacOutline.selectionModel().selection().indexes(): # if i.column() != 0: continue # if i not in sel: sel.append(i) # if len(sel) != 0: # item = index.internalPointer() # else: # index = QModelIndex() # item = self.mw.mdlOutline.rootItem # self.currentIndex = index if self.currentIndex.isValid(): item = self.currentIndex.internalPointer() else: item = self.mw.mdlOutline.rootItem self.updateTabTitle() def addTitle(itm): edt = MDEditView(self, html="{t}".format(l=min(itm.level() + 1, 5), t=itm.title()), autoResize=True) edt.setFrameShape(QFrame.NoFrame) self.txtEdits.append(edt) l.addWidget(edt) def addLine(): line = QFrame(self.text) line.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) line.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken) l.addWidget(line) def addText(itm): edt = MDEditView(self, index=itm.index(), spellcheck=self.spellcheck, dict=settings.dict, highlighting=True, autoResize=True) edt.setFrameShape(QFrame.NoFrame) edt.setStatusTip("{}".format(itm.path())) self.toggledSpellcheck.connect(edt.toggleSpellcheck, AUC) self.dictChanged.connect(edt.setDict, AUC) # edt.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.txtEdits.append(edt) l.addWidget(edt) def addChildren(itm): for c in range(itm.childCount()): child = itm.child(c) if child.isFolder(): addTitle(child) addChildren(child) else: addText(child) addLine() def addSpacer(): l.addItem(QSpacerItem(10, 1000, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) # Display multiple selected items # if len(sel) > 1 and False: # Buggy and not very useful, skip # self.stack.setCurrentIndex(1) # w = QWidget() # l = QVBoxLayout(w) # self.txtEdits = [] # for idx in sel: # sItem = idx.internalPointer() # addTitle(sItem) # if sItem.isFolder(): # addChildren(sItem) # else: # addText(sItem) # addLine() # addSpacer() # self.scroll.setWidget(w) if item and item.isFolder() and self.folderView == "text": self.stack.setCurrentIndex(1) w = QWidget() w.setObjectName("editorWidgetFolderText") l = QVBoxLayout(w) opt = settings.textEditor background = (opt["background"] if not opt["backgroundTransparent"] else "transparent") w.setStyleSheet("background: {};".format(background)) self.stack.widget(1).setStyleSheet("background: {}" .format(background)) # self.scroll.setWidgetResizable(False) self.txtEdits = [] if item != self._model.rootItem: addTitle(item) addChildren(item) addSpacer() self.scroll.setWidget(w) elif item and item.isFolder() and self.folderView == "cork": self.stack.setCurrentIndex(2) self.corkView.setModel(self._model) self.corkView.setRootIndex(self.currentIndex) try: self.corkView.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(mainWindow().redacMetadata.selectionChanged, AUC) self.corkView.clicked.connect(mainWindow().redacMetadata.selectionChanged, AUC) self.corkView.clicked.connect(mainWindow().mainEditor.updateTargets, AUC) except TypeError: pass elif item and item.isFolder() and self.folderView == "outline": self.stack.setCurrentIndex(3) self.outlineView.setModelCharacters(mainWindow().mdlCharacter) self.outlineView.setModelLabels(mainWindow().mdlLabels) self.outlineView.setModelStatus(mainWindow().mdlStatus) self.outlineView.setModel(self._model) self.outlineView.setRootIndex(self.currentIndex) try: self.outlineView.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(mainWindow().redacMetadata.selectionChanged, AUC) self.outlineView.clicked.connect(mainWindow().redacMetadata.selectionChanged, AUC) self.outlineView.clicked.connect(mainWindow().mainEditor.updateTargets, AUC) except TypeError: pass if item and item.isText(): self.txtRedacText.setCurrentModelIndex(self.currentIndex) self.stack.setCurrentIndex(0) # Single text item else: self.txtRedacText.setCurrentModelIndex(QModelIndex()) try: self._model.dataChanged.connect(self.modelDataChanged, AUC) self._model.rowsInserted.connect(self.updateIndexFromID, AUC) self._model.rowsRemoved.connect(self.updateIndexFromID, AUC) #self.mw.mdlOutline.rowsAboutToBeRemoved.connect(self.rowsAboutToBeRemoved, AUC) except TypeError: pass self.updateStatusBar() def setCurrentModelIndex(self, index=None): if index.isValid(): self.currentIndex = index self._model = index.model() self.currentID = self._model.ID(index) else: self.currentIndex = QModelIndex() self.currentID = None if self._model: self.setView() def updateIndexFromID(self): """ Index might have changed (through drag an drop), so we keep current item's ID and update index. Item might have been deleted too. """ idx = self._model.getIndexByID(self.currentID) # If we have an ID but the ID does not exist, it has been deleted if self.currentID and idx == QModelIndex(): # Item has been deleted, we open the parent instead self.setCurrentModelIndex(self.currentIndex.parent()) # FIXME: selection in self.mw.treeRedacOutline is not updated # but we cannot simply setCurrentIndex through treeRedacOutline # because this might be a tab in the background / out of focus # Also the UI of mainEditor is not updated (so the folder icons # are not display, button "up" doesn't work, etc.). # Item has been moved elif idx != self.currentIndex: # We update the index self.currentIndex = idx self.setView() def modelDataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight): # if self.currentID: # self.updateIndexFromID() if not self.currentIndex: return if topLeft.row() <= self.currentIndex.row() <= bottomRight.row(): self.updateStatusBar() #def rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, parent, first, last): #if self.currentIndex: #if self.currentIndex.parent() == parent and \ #first <= self.currentIndex.row() <= last: ## Item deleted, close tab #self.mw.mainEditor.tab.removeTab(self.mw.mainEditor.tab.indexOf(self)) def updateStatusBar(self): # Update progress # if self.currentIndex and self.currentIndex.isValid(): # if self._model: mw = mainWindow() if not mw: return mw.mainEditor.updateStats() def toggleSpellcheck(self, v): self.spellcheck = v self.toggledSpellcheck.emit(v) def setDict(self, dct): self.currentDict = dct self.dictChanged.emit(dct) ############################################################################### # FUNCTIONS FOR MENU ACCESS ############################################################################### def getCurrentItemView(self): """ Returns the current item view, between txtRedacText, outlineView and corkView. If folder/text view, returns None. (Because handled differently) """ if self.stack.currentIndex() == 0: return self.txtRedacText elif self.folderView == "outline": return self.outlineView elif self.folderView == "cork": return self.corkView else: return None def copy(self): if self.getCurrentItemView(): self.getCurrentItemView().copy() def cut(self): if self.getCurrentItemView(): self.getCurrentItemView().cut() def paste(self): if self.getCurrentItemView(): self.getCurrentItemView().paste() def rename(self): if self.getCurrentItemView(): self.getCurrentItemView().rename() def duplicate(self): if self.getCurrentItemView(): self.getCurrentItemView().duplicate() def delete(self): if self.getCurrentItemView(): self.getCurrentItemView().delete() def moveUp(self): if self.getCurrentItemView(): self.getCurrentItemView().moveUp() def moveDown(self): if self.getCurrentItemView(): self.getCurrentItemView().moveDown() def splitDialog(self): """ Opens a dialog to split selected items. """ if self.getCurrentItemView() == self.txtRedacText: # Text editor if not self.currentIndex.isValid(): return sel = self.txtRedacText.textCursor().selectedText() # selectedText uses \u2029 instead of \n, no idea why. sel = sel.replace("\u2029", "\n") splitDialog(self, [self.currentIndex], mark=sel) elif self.getCurrentItemView(): # One of the views self.getCurrentItemView().splitDialog() def splitCursor(self): """ Splits items at cursor position. If there is a selection, that selection becomes the new item's title. Call context: Only works when editing a file. """ if not self.currentIndex.isValid(): return if self.getCurrentItemView() == self.txtRedacText: c = self.txtRedacText.textCursor() title = c.selectedText() # selection can be backward pos = min(c.selectionStart(), c.selectionEnd()) item = self.currentIndex.internalPointer() item.splitAt(pos, len(title)) def merge(self): """ Merges selected items together. Call context: Multiple selection, same parent. """ if self.getCurrentItemView() == self.txtRedacText: # Text editor, nothing to merge pass elif self.getCurrentItemView(): # One of the views self.getCurrentItemView().merge()