Export Basic HTML output using the Python module 'markdown'. Python module 'markdown'. Markdown source HTML Source HTML Output Default exporter, provides basic formats used by other exporters. Preview with highlighter. Plain text Απλό κείμενο A little known format modestly used. You know, web sites for example. Needs LaTeX to be installed. Χρειάζεται να εγκατασταθεί το LaTex. Error Σφάλμα Standalone document (not just a fragment) Include a table of contents. Συμπεριλάβετε έναν πίνακα περιεχομένων. Number of sections level to include in TOC: Typographically correct output Τυπογραφικά σωστή έξοδος Normalize the document (cleaner) Ομαλοποίηση του εγγράφου (καθαρότερο) Specify the base level for headers: Καθορίστε το επίπεδο βάσης για κεφαλίδες: Use reference-style links instead of inline links Use ATX-style headers Self-contained HTML files, with no dependencies Use <q> tags for quotes in HTML LaTeX engine used to produce the PDF. Paper size: Font size: Class: Line spacing: Books that don't kill trees. OpenDocument format. Used by LibreOffice for example. Microsoft Office (.docx) document. reStructuredText is a lightweight markup language. Just like plain text, excepts adds markdown titles. Presupposes that texts are formatted in markdown. Simplest export to plain text. Allows you to use your own markup not understood by Manuskript, for example <a href='www.fountain.io'>Fountain</a>. <p>A universal document converter. Can be used to convert Markdown to a wide range of other formats.</p> <p>Website: <a href="http://www.pandoc.org">http://pandoc.org/</a></p> a valid LaTeX installation. Pandoc recommendations can be found on: <a href="https://pandoc.org/installing.html">pandoc.org/installing.html</a>. If you want Unicode support, you need XeLaTeX. Export to markdown, using pandoc. Allows more formatting options than the basic manuskript exporter. LaTeX is a word processor and document markup language used to create beautiful documents. The purpose of this format is to provide a way to exchange information between outliners and Internet services that can be browsed or controlled through an outliner. Disable YAML metadata block. Use that if you get YAML related error. Convert to ePUB3 Could not process regular expression: {} Choose output file… ExportersManager Manage Exporters Manuskript Description Offers export to Status Status: Version: Path: ... {HelpText} FrequencyAnalyzer Frequency Analyzer Word frequency Settings Minimum size: Exclude words (comma separated): Analyze Phrase frequency Number of words: from to Import Markdown import <b>Info:</b> A very simple parser that will go through a markdown document and create items for each titles.<br/>&nbsp; Folder import <p><b>Info:</b> Imports a whole directory structure. Folders are added as folders, and plaintext documents within (you chose which ones by extension) are added as scene.</p> <p>Only text files are supported (not images, binary or others).</p> Include only those extensions: Comma separated values Sort items by name Import folder then files OPML Import File open failed. This does not appear to be a valid OPML file. Pandoc import <b>Info:</b> Manuskript can import from <b>markdown</b> or <b>OPML</b>. Pandoc will convert your document to either (see option below), and then it will be imported in manuskript. One or the other might give better result depending on your document. <br/>&nbsp; Import using: Wrap lines: <p>Should pandoc create cosmetic / non-semantic line-breaks?</p><p> <b>auto</b>: wraps at 72 characters.<br> <b>none</b>: no line wrap.<br> <b>preserve</b>: tries to preserves line wrap from the original document.</p> Mind Map Import This does not appear to be a valid Mind Map file. Mind Map import Import tip as: Untitled MDEditCompleter Insert reference MainWindow General Title Subtitle Series Volume Genre License Author Name Email Summary Situation: Summary: One sentence One paragraph One page Full One sentence summary One paragraph summary Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph One page summary Full summary Next What if...? Characters Names Filter Basic info Importance Motivation Goal Conflict Epiphany <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> Notes Detailed info Plots Plot Character(s) Description Result Resolution steps World Populates with empty data More Source of passion Source of conflict Outline Editor Debug FlatData Persos Labels &File &Recent &Help &Tools &Edit &View &Mode &Cheat sheet Sea&rch &Navigation &Open Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Sa&ve as... Ctrl+Shift+S &Quit Ctrl+Q &Show help texts Ctrl+Shift+B &Spellcheck F9 &Labels... &Status... Tree &Simple &Fiction Index cards S&ettings F8 &Close project Co&mpile F6 &Frequency Analyzer Book information &About About Manuskript Manuskript Project {} saved. WARNING: Project {} not saved. Project {} loaded. Project {} loaded with some errors: * {} wasn't found in project file. Project {} loaded with some errors. (~{} pages) Words: {}{} Book summary Project tree Metadata Story line Enter information about your book, and yourself. The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Create your characters. Develop plots. Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Create the outline of your masterpiece. Write. Debug info. Sometimes useful. Dictionary Nothing POV Label Progress Compile Icon color Text color Background color Icon Text Background Border Corner Add plot step &Import… F7 &Copy Ctrl+C C&ut Ctrl+X &Paste Ctrl+V &Split… Ctrl+Shift+K Sp&lit at cursor Ctrl+K Ctrl+M Ctrl+D Del &Move Up Ctrl+Shift+Up M&ove Down Ctrl+Shift+Down Dupl&icate &Delete &Rename F2 Organi&ze M&erge &Format &Header &Level 1 (setext) Ctrl+Alt+1 Level &2 Ctrl+Alt+2 Level &1 (atx) Ctrl+1 L&evel 2 Ctrl+2 Level &3 Ctrl+3 Level &4 Ctrl+4 Level &5 Ctrl+5 Level &6 Ctrl+6 &Bold Ctrl+B &Italic Ctrl+I &Strike &Verbatim Su&perscript Ctrl++ Subsc&ript Ctrl+- Co&mment block Ctrl+Shift+C Clear &formats Ctrl+0 &Comment line(s) &Ordered list &Unordered list B&lockquote Remove selected plot step(s) The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Install {}{} to use spellcheck {} has no installed dictionaries {}{} is not installed Save project? Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. Proceed with import at your own risk Settings Settings General Revisions Views Labels Status Fullscreen General settings Application settings Loading Automatically load last project on startup Saving Automatically save every minutes. If no changes during seconds. Save on project close <html><head/><body><p>If you check this option, your project will be saved as one single file. Easier to copy or backup, but does not allow collaborative editing, or versioning.<br/>If this is unchecked, your project will be saved as a folder containing many small files.</p></body></html> Save to one single file Revisions are a way to keep track of modifications. For each text item, it stores any changes you make to the main text, allowing you to see and restoring previous versions. Keep revisions S&mart remove Keep: Smart remove allows you to keep only a certain number of revisions. It is strongly recommended to use it, lest you file will becomes full of thousands of insignificant changes. revisions per day for the last month revisions per minute for the last 10 minutes revisions per hour for the last day revisions per 10 minutes for the last hour revisions per week till the end of time Views settings Tree Colors Icon color: Nothing POV Label Progress Compile Text color: Background color: Folders Show ite&m count Show summary &Nothing Text Outline Visible columns Goal Word count Percentage Title Index cards Item colors Border color: Corner color: Background Color: Ctrl+S Image: Text editor Font Family: Size: Misspelled: Background: Paragraphs Line spacing: Single 1.5 lines Double Proportional % Tab width: px Indent 1st line Spacing: New Edit Delete Theme name: Apply Cancel Window Background Text Background Text Options Paragraph Options Type: No Image Tiled Centered Stretched Scaled Zoomed Opacity: Position: Left Center Right Width: Corner radius: Margins: Padding: Font: Style Cursor Use block insertion of Alignment: Justify Alignment Icon Size TextLabel Disable blinking Text area Max width Left/Right margins: Top/Bottom margins: S&how progress Show summar&y Show p&rogress Old st&yle Transparent Restore defaults Style: Language: Font size: Restarting Manuskript ensures all settings take effect. Show &word count &Show word count &New style Typewriter mode Focus mode None Sentence Line Paragraph <p><b>The Revisions feature has been at the source of many reported issues. In this version of Manuskript it has been turned off by default for new projects in order to provide the best experience.</b></p><p>Why aren't these issues fixed already? <a href="https://www.theologeek.ch/manuskript/contribute/">We need your help to make Manuskript better!</a></p> SpellAction Spelling Suggestions &Add to dictionary &Remove from custom dictionary about About Manuskript Manuskript aboutDialog Version Software Versions in Use: abstractModel Title POV Label Status Compile Word count Goal basicItemView Form POV: Goal: Word count One line summary Few sentences summary: characterModel New character Name Value characterTreeView Main Secondary Minor cheatSheet Form Filter (type the name of anything in your project) Minor Secondary Main Characters Texts Plots World cmbOutlineCharacterChoser None Main Secondary Minor Various cmbOutlineLabelChoser Various cmbOutlineStatusChoser Various collapsibleDockWidgets Dock Widgets Toolbar completer Form corkDelegate One line summary Full summary editorWidget_ui Form exporter Export Export to: Manage exporters Preview Settings exporterDialog {} (not implemented yet) exporterSettings Form Content Decide here what will be included in the final export. Type Title Text I need more granularity Fi&lters <html><head/><body><p>Filters what items will be included in the final export.<br/><span style=" color:#773333;">(Not fully implemented yet.)</span></p></body></html> Ignore compile status (include all items) Subitems of: Labels Status Separations Between folders: Empty line Custom Between texts: Between folder and text: Between text and folder: Transformations Typographic replacements: Replace double quotes (") with: Replace single quotes (') with: Remove multiple spaces Custom replacements: Enabled Replace With RegExp If checked, uses regular expression for replacement. If unchecked, replaced as plain text. Preview Font Font: Font size: Folder {}Level {} folder {}Level {} text Replace ... with … Replace --- with — exportersManager Installed Custom Not found {} not found. Install it, or set path manually. <b>Status:</b> uninstalled. <b>Requires:</b> Set {} executable path. frequencyAnalyzer Phrases Frequency Word fullScreenEditor Theme: {} words / {} {} words Spellcheck Navigation New Text Title Title: Show Full Path Theme selector Word count Progress Progress: Auto Show/Hide Clock Clock: Show Seconds generalSettings General Split scenes at: \n---\n Trim long titles (> 32 chars) Import under: Import in a top-level folder helpLabel If you don't wanna see me, you can hide me in Help menu. importer Import Format: Choose file Clear file Preview Settings lastAccessedDirectoryInfo Last accessed directory "{}" loaded. lineEditView Various locker Form Lock screen: Word target Time target words minutes Lock ! ~{} h. ~{} mn. {}:{} {} s. {} remaining {} words remaining mainEditor Form Text Index cards Outline F11 Go to parent item Alt+Up Root {} words / {} {} words markdownSettings Markdown metadataView Form Properties Summary One line summary Full summary Notes / References Revisions myPanel Auto-hide outlineBasics Set POV None Set Status Set Label New Main Secondary Minor Set Custom Icon Restore to default Root Open {} items in new tabs Open {} in a new tab About to remove <p><b>You're about to delete {} item(s).</b></p><p>Are you sure?</p> Select at least two items. Folders are ignored. All items must be on the same level (share the same parent). New &Folder New &Text &Copy C&ut &Paste &Rename &Delete outlineCharacterDelegate None Main Secondary Minor outlineItem {} words / {} ({}) {} words pandocSettings General Table of Content Custom settings for {} persosProxyModel Main Secondary Minors plotDelegate General Promise Problem Progress Resolution Try / Fail No and Yes but Freytag's pyramid Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Three acts 1. Setup 1. Inciting event 1. Turning point 2. Choice 2. Reversal 2. Disaster 3. Stand up 3. Climax 3. Ending Hero's journey Ordinary world Call to adventure Refusal of the call Meeting with mentor Tests Approach Abyss Reward / Revelation Transformation Atonement Return plotModel New plot Name Meta New step Main Secondary Minor plotTreeView Main Secondary Minor **Plot:** {} plotsProxyModel Main Secondary Minors propertiesView Form POV Status Label Compile Goal Word count references Not a reference: {}. Unknown reference: {}. Path: Stats: POV: Status: Label: Short summary: Long summary: Notes: Basic info Detailed info POV of: Go to {}. Description Result Characters Resolution steps Passion Conflict <b>Unknown reference:</b> {}. Folder: <b>{}</b> Text: <b>{}</b> Character: <b>{}</b> Plot: <b>{}</b> World: <b>{name}</b>{path} Referenced in: Motivation Goal Epiphany Short summary Longer summary revisions Form Options Restore Delete Show modifications Show ancient version Show spaces Show modifications only {} years ago {} months ago {} days ago 1 day ago {} hours ago {} minutes ago {} seconds ago Line {}: Clear all search Form Search for... Search in: All Title Text Summary Notes POV Status Label Options: Case sensitive settingsWindow New status New label newtheme New theme (read-only) Open Image Image files (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png) Error Unable to load selected file Unable to add selected image: {} sldImportance Form TextLabel Minor Secondary Main splitDialog <p>Split selected item(s) at the given mark.</p> <p>If one of the selected item is a folder, it will be applied recursively to <i>all</i> of it's children items.</p> <p>The split mark can contain following escape sequences: <ul> <li><b><code>\n</code></b>: line break</li> <li><b><code>\t</code></b>: tab</li> </ul> </p> <p><b>Mark:</b></p> Split '{}' Split items storylineView Form Show Plots Show Characters tabSplitter Open selected items in that view. Split horizontally Close split Split vertically textEditView Various textFormat Form CTRL+B CTRL+I CTRL+U CTRL+P CTRL+L CTRL+E CTRL+R CTRL+J treeView Expand {} Collapse {} Expand All Collapse All welcome Form 1 Templates Empty Novel Novella Short Story Research paper Demo projects Add level Add word count Next time, automatically open last project Open... Recent Create Open project Manuskript project (*.msk);;All files (*) Save project as... Manuskript project (*.msk) Manuskript Create New Project Warning Overwrite existing project {} ? Empty fiction Chapter Scene Trilogy Book Section Empty non-fiction words each. of Text Something <b>Total:</b> {} words (~ {} pages) Fiction Non-fiction Idea Note Research TODO First draft Second draft Final worldModel New item Fantasy world building Physical Climate Topography Astronomy Wild life Flora History Races Diseases Cultural Customs Food Languages Education Dresses Science Calendar Bodily language Ethics Religion Government Politics Gender roles Music and arts Architecture Military Technology Courtship Demography Transportation Medicine Magic system Rules Organization Magical objects Magical places Magical races Important places Important objects Natural resources