#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- from qt import * from ui.editors.t2tFunctions import * from ui.editors.blockUserData import blockUserData from ui.editors.t2tHighlighterStyle import t2tHighlighterStyle import re # This is aiming at implementing every rule from www.txt2tags.org/rules.html # But we're not there yet. #FIXME: macro words not hilighted properly if at the begining of a line. #TODO: parse %!postproc et !%preproc, et si la ligne se termine par une couleur en commentaire (%#FF00FF), utiliser cette couleur pour highlighter. Permet des règles customisées par document, facilement. class t2tHighlighter (QSyntaxHighlighter): """Syntax highlighter for the Txt2Tags language. """ def __init__(self, editor, style="Default"): QSyntaxHighlighter.__init__(self, editor.document()) self.editor = editor # Stupid variable that fixes the loss of QTextBlockUserData. self.thisDocument = editor.document() self.style = t2tHighlighterStyle(self.editor, style) self.inDocRules = [] rules = [ (r'^\s*[-=_]{20,}\s*$', State.HORIZONTAL_LINE), (r'^\s*(\+{1})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{1})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_1), (r'^\s*(\+{2})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{2})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_2), (r'^\s*(\+{3})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{3})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_3), (r'^\s*(\+{4})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{4})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_4), (r'^\s*(\+{5})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{5})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_5), (r'^\s*(={1})([^=].*[^=])(={1})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_1), (r'^\s*(={2})([^=].*[^=])(={2})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_2), (r'^\s*(={3})([^=].*[^=])(={3})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_3), (r'^\s*(={4})([^=].*[^=])(={4})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_4), (r'^\s*(={5})([^=].*[^=])(={5})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_5), (r'^%!.*$', State.SETTINGS_LINE), (r'^%[^!]?.*$', State.COMMENT_LINE), (r'^\t.+$', State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE), (r'^(```)(.+)$', State.CODE_LINE), (r'^(""")(.+)$', State.RAW_LINE), (r'^(\'\'\')(.+)$', State.TAGGED_LINE), (r'^\s*[-+:] [^ ].*$', State.LIST_BEGINS), (r'^\s*[-+:]\s*$', State.LIST_ENDS), (r'^ *\|\| .*$', State.TABLE_HEADER), (r'^ *\| .*$', State.TABLE_LINE) ] # Generate rules to identify blocks State.Rules = [(QRegExp(pattern), state) for (pattern, state) in rules] State.Recursion = 0 def highlightBlock(self, text): """Apply syntax highlighting to the given block of text. """ # Check if syntax highlighting is enabled if self.style is None: default = QTextBlockFormat() QTextCursor(self.currentBlock()).setBlockFormat(default) return block = self.currentBlock() oldState = blockUserData.getUserState(block) self.identifyBlock(block) # formatBlock prevent undo/redo from working # TODO: find a todo/undo compatible way of formatting block #self.formatBlock(block) state = blockUserData.getUserState(block) data = blockUserData.getUserData(block) inList = self.isList(block) op = self.style.format(State.MARKUP) self.setFormat(0, len(text), self.style.format(State.DEFAULT)) # InDocRules: is it a settings which might have a specific rule, # a comment which contains color infos, or a include conf? # r'^%!p[or][se]t?proc[^\s]*\s*:\s*\'(.*)\'\s*\'.*\'' rlist = [QRegExp(r'^%!p[or][se]t?proc[^\s]*\s*:\s*((\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\"))'), # pre/postproc QRegExp(r'^%.*\s\((.*)\)'), # comment QRegExp(r'^%!includeconf:\s*([^\s]*)\s*')] # includeconf for r in rlist: if r.indexIn(text) != -1: self.parseInDocRules() # Format the whole line: for lineState in [ State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE, State.HORIZONTAL_LINE, State.HEADER_LINE, ]: if not inList and state == lineState: self.setFormat(0, len(text), self.style.format(lineState)) for (lineState, marker) in [ (State.COMMENT_LINE, "%"), (State.CODE_LINE, "```"), (State.RAW_LINE, "\"\"\""), (State.TAGGED_LINE, "'''"), (State.SETTINGS_LINE, "%!") ]: if state == lineState and \ not (inList and state == State.SETTINGS_LINE): n = 0 # If it's a comment, we want to highlight all '%'. if state == State.COMMENT_LINE: while text[n:n + 1] == "%": n += 1 n -= 1 # Apply Format self.setFormat(0, len(marker) + n, op) self.setFormat(len(marker) + n, len(text) - len(marker) - n, self.style.format(lineState)) # If it's a setting, we might do something if state == State.SETTINGS_LINE: # Target r = QRegExp(r'^%!([^\s]+)\s*:\s*(\b\w*\b)$') if r.indexIn(text) != -1: setting = r.cap(1) val = r.cap(2) if setting == "target" and \ val in self.editor.main.targetsNames: self.editor.fileWidget.preview.setPreferredTarget(val) # Pre/postproc r = QRegExp(r'^%!p[or][se]t?proc[^\s]*\s*:\s*((\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\"))') if r.indexIn(text) != -1: p = r.pos(1) length = len(r.cap(1)) self.setFormat(p, length, self.style.makeFormat(base=self.format(p), fixedPitch=True)) # Tables for lineState in [State.TABLE_LINE, State.TABLE_HEADER]: if state == lineState: for i in range(len(text)): if text[i] == "|": self.setFormat(i, 1, op) else: self.setFormat(i, 1, self.style.format(lineState)) # Lists #if text == " p": print(data.isList()) if data.isList(): r = QRegExp(r'^\s*[\+\-\:]? ?') r.indexIn(text) self.setFormat(0, r.matchedLength(), self.style.format(State.LIST_BULLET)) #if state == State.LIST_BEGINS: #r = QRegExp(r'^\s*[+-:] ') #r.indexIn(text) #self.setFormat(0, r.matchedLength(), self.style.format(State.LIST_BULLET)) if state == State.LIST_ENDS: self.setFormat(0, len(text), self.style.format(State.LIST_BULLET_ENDS)) # Titles if not inList and state in State.TITLES: r = [i for (i, s) in State.Rules if s == state][0] pos = r.indexIn(text) if pos >= 0: f = self.style.format(state) # Uncomment for markup to be same size as title #op = self.formats(preset="markup", #base=self.formats(preset=state)) self.setFormat(r.pos(2), r.cap(2).length(), f) self.setFormat(r.pos(1), r.cap(1).length(), op) self.setFormat(r.pos(3), r.cap(3).length(), op) # Areas: comment, code, raw tagged for (begins, middle, ends) in [ (State.COMMENT_AREA_BEGINS, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_AREA_ENDS), (State.CODE_AREA_BEGINS, State.CODE_AREA, State.CODE_AREA_ENDS), (State.RAW_AREA_BEGINS, State.RAW_AREA, State.RAW_AREA_ENDS), (State.TAGGED_AREA_BEGINS, State.TAGGED_AREA, State.TAGGED_AREA_ENDS), ]: if state == middle: self.setFormat(0, len(text), self.style.format(middle)) elif state in [begins, ends]: self.setFormat(0, len(text), op) # Inline formatting if state not in [ #State.COMMENT_AREA, #State.COMMENT_LINE, State.RAW_AREA, State.RAW_LINE, State.CODE_AREA, State.CODE_LINE, State.TAGGED_AREA, State.TAGGED_LINE, State.SETTINGS_LINE, State.HORIZONTAL_LINE, ] and state not in State.TITLES: formatArray = textToFormatArray(text) # InDocRules for (r, c) in self.inDocRules: i = re.finditer(r.decode('utf8'), text, re.UNICODE) for m in i: f = self.format(m.start()) l = m.end() - m.start() if "," in c: c1, c2 = c.split(",") self.setFormat(m.start(), l, self.style.makeFormat(color=c1, bgcolor=c2, base=f)) else: self.setFormat(m.start(), l, self.style.makeFormat(color=c, base=f)) # Links if state not in [State.COMMENT_LINE, State.COMMENT_AREA]: r = QRegExp(r'\[(\[[^\]]*\])?[^\]]*\s*([^\s]+)\]') r.setMinimal(False) pos = r.indexIn(text) links = [] while pos >= 0: #TODO: The text should not be formatted if [**not bold**] #if max([k[pos] for k in formatArray]) == 0 or 1 == 1: self.setFormat(pos, 1, self.style.format(State.MARKUP)) self.setFormat(pos + 1, r.cap(0).length() - 1, self.style.format(State.LINKS)) self.setFormat(pos + r.cap(0).length() - 1, 1, self.style.format(State.MARKUP)) if r.pos(2) > 0: _f = QTextCharFormat(self.style.format(State.LINKS)) _f.setForeground(QBrush(_f.foreground() .color().lighter())) _f.setFontUnderline(True) self.setFormat(r.pos(2), r.cap(2).length(), _f) links.append([pos, r.cap(0).length()]) # To remember for the next highlighter (single links) pos = r.indexIn(text, pos + 1) # Links like www.theologeek.ch, http://www.fsf.org, ... # FIXME: - "http://adresse et http://adresse" is detected also as italic # - some error, like "http://adress.htm." also color the final "." # - also: adresse@email.com, ftp://, www2, www3, etc. # - But for now, does the job r = QRegExp(r'http://[^\s]*|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+[^\s]*') #r.setMinimal(True) pos = r.indexIn(text) while pos >= 0: for k in links: #print pos, k[0], k[1] if pos > k[0] and pos < k[0] + k[1]: # already highlighted break else: self.setFormat(pos, r.cap(0).length(), self.style.format(State.LINKS)) pos = r.indexIn(text, pos + 1) # Bold, Italic, Underline, Code, Tagged, Strikeout for i in range(len(text)): f = self.format(i) beautifiers = [k[i] for k in formatArray] self.setFormat(i, 1, self.style.beautifyFormat(f, beautifiers)) # Macro words for r in [r'(%%)\b\w+\b', r'(%%)\b\w+\b\(.+\)']: r = QRegExp(r) r.setMinimal(True) pos = r.indexIn(text) while pos >= 0: if max([k[pos] for k in formatArray]) == 0: self.setFormat(pos, r.cap(0).length(), self.style.format(State.MACRO)) pos = r.indexIn(text, pos + 1) # Highlighted word (for search) if self.editor.highlightWord: if self.editor.highligtCS and self.editor.highlightWord in text or \ not self.editor.highlightCs and self.editor.highlightWord.lower() in text.lower(): #if self.editor.highlightCS: #s = self.editor.highlightWord #else: #s = self.editor.highlightWord.toLower() #print(s) p = text.indexOf(self.editor.highlightWord, cs=self.editor.highlightCS) while p >= 0: self.setFormat(p, len(self.editor.highlightWord), self.style.makeFormat(preset="higlighted", base=self.format(p))) p = text.indexOf(self.editor.highlightWord, p + 1, cs=self.editor.highlightCS) ### Highlight Selection ### TODO: way to slow, find another way. ##sel = self.editor.textCursor().selectedText() ##if len(sel) > 5: self.keywordRules.append((QRegExp(sel), "selected")) ## Do keyword formatting #for expression, style in self.keywordRules: #expression.setMinimal( True ) #index = expression.indexIn(text, 0) ## There might be more than one on the same line #while index >= 0: #length = expression.cap(0).length() #f = self.formats(preset=style, base=self.formats(index)) #self.setFormat(index, length, f) #index = expression.indexIn(text, index + length) # Spell checking # Based on http://john.nachtimwald.com/2009/08/22/qplaintextedit-with-in-line-spell-check/ WORDS = u'(?iu)[\w\']+' if state not in [State.SETTINGS_LINE]: if self.editor.spellcheck: for word_object in re.finditer(WORDS, text): if not self.editor.dict.check(word_object.group()): format = self.format(word_object.start()) format.setUnderlineColor(Qt.red) format.setUnderlineStyle(QTextCharFormat.SpellCheckUnderline) self.setFormat(word_object.start(), word_object.end() - word_object.start(), format) # If a title was changed, we emit the corresponding signal if oldState in State.TITLES or \ self.currentBlockState() in State.TITLES: self.editor.structureChanged.emit() #FIXME: si du texte est supprimé et qu'il y a un titre dedans, # cela n'est pas détecté et le signal pas émis. def identifyBlock(self, block): """Identifies what block type it is, and set userState and userData accordingly.""" text = block.text() data = blockUserData.getUserData(block) # Header Lines # No header line here #if block.blockNumber() == 0: #block.setUserState(State.HEADER_LINE) #return #elif block.blockNumber() in [1, 2] and \ #self.document().findBlockByNumber(0).text(): #block.setUserState(State.HEADER_LINE) #return state = 0 inList = False blankLinesBefore = 0 #if text.contains(QRegExp(r'^\s*[-+:] [^ ].*[^-+]{1}\s*$')): if QRegExp(r'^\s*[-+:] [^ ].*[^-+]{1}\s*$').indexIn(text) <> -1: state = State.LIST_BEGINS # List stuff if self.isList(block.previous()) or state == State.LIST_BEGINS: inList = True # listLevel and leadingSpaces #FIXME: not behaving exactly correctly... lastData = blockUserData.getUserData(block.previous()) if state == State.LIST_BEGINS: leadingSpaces = QRegExp(r'[-+:]').indexIn(text, 0) data.setLeadingSpaces(leadingSpaces) data.setListSymbol(text[leadingSpaces]) if self.isList(block.previous()): # The last block was also a list. # We need to check if this is the same level, or a sublist if leadingSpaces > lastData.leadingSpaces(): # This is a sublevel list data.setListLevel(lastData.listLevel() + 1) else: # This is same level data.setListLevel(lastData.listLevel()) else: data.setListLevel(1) else: data.setListLevel(lastData.listLevel()) data.setLeadingSpaces(lastData.leadingSpaces()) data.setListSymbol(lastData.listSymbol()) # Blank lines before (two = end of list) blankLinesBefore = self.getBlankLines(block.previous()) if not QRegExp(r'^\s*$').indexIn(block.previous().text()) <> -1 and \ not blockUserData.getUserState(block.previous()) in [State.COMMENT_LINE, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_AREA_BEGINS, State.COMMENT_AREA_ENDS]: blankLinesBefore = 0 elif not blockUserData.getUserState(block.previous()) in \ [State.COMMENT_LINE, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_AREA_BEGINS, State.COMMENT_AREA_ENDS]: blankLinesBefore += 1 if blankLinesBefore == 2: # End of list. blankLinesBefore = 0 inList = False if inList and QRegExp(r'^\s*$').indexIn(text) <> -1: state = State.LIST_EMPTY # Areas for (begins, middle, ends, marker) in [ (State.COMMENT_AREA_BEGINS, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_AREA_ENDS, "^%%%\s*$"), (State.CODE_AREA_BEGINS, State.CODE_AREA, State.CODE_AREA_ENDS, "^```\s*$"), (State.RAW_AREA_BEGINS, State.RAW_AREA, State.RAW_AREA_ENDS, "^\"\"\"\s*$"), (State.TAGGED_AREA_BEGINS, State.TAGGED_AREA, State.TAGGED_AREA_ENDS, '^\'\'\'\s*$'), ]: if QRegExp(marker).indexIn(text) <> -1: if blockUserData.getUserState(block.previous()) in [begins, middle]: state = ends break else: state = begins break if blockUserData.getUserState(block.previous()) in [middle, begins]: state = middle break # Patterns (for lines) if not state: for (pattern, lineState) in State.Rules: pos = pattern.indexIn(text) if pos >= 0: state = lineState break if state in [State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE, State.LIST_ENDS]: #FIXME: doesn't work exactly. Closes only the current level, not #FIXME: the whole list. inList = False if inList and not state == State.LIST_BEGINS: state += 100 if blankLinesBefore: state += 100 block.setUserState(state) block.setUserData(data) def formatBlock(self, block): """ Formats the block according to its state. """ #TODO: Use QTextDocument format presets, and QTextBlock's #TODO: blockFormatIndex. And move that in t2tHighlighterStyle. state = block.userState() blockFormat = QTextBlockFormat() if state in [State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE, State.HEADER_LINE] + State.LIST: blockFormat = self.style.formatBlock(block, state) QTextCursor(block).setBlockFormat(blockFormat) def getBlankLines(self, block): "Returns if there is a blank line before in the list." state = block.userState() if state >= 200: return 1 else: return 0 def isList(self, block): "Returns TRUE if the block is in a list." if block.userState() == State.LIST_BEGINS or\ block.userState() >= 100: return True def setStyle(self, style): if style in t2tHighlighterStyle.validStyles: self.style = t2tHighlighterStyle(self.editor, style) else: self.style = None self.rehighlight() def setFontPointSize(self, size): self.defaultFontPointSize = size self.style = t2tHighlighterStyle(self.editor, self.style.name) self.rehighlight() def parseInDocRules(self): oldRules = self.inDocRules self.inDocRules = [] t = self.thisDocument.toPlainText() # Get all conf files confs = [] lines = t.split("\n") for l in lines: r = QRegExp(r'^%!includeconf:\s*([^\s]*)\s*') if r.indexIn(l) != -1: confs.append(r.cap(1)) # Try to load conf files for c in confs: try: import codecs f = self.editor.fileWidget.file d = QDir.cleanPath(QFileInfo(f).absoluteDir().absolutePath()+"/"+c) file = codecs.open(d, 'r', "utf-8") except: print("Error: cannot open {}.".format(c)) continue # We add the content to the current lines of the current document lines += file.readlines() #lines.extend(file.readlines()) #b = self.thisDocument.firstBlock() lastColor = "" #while b.isValid(): for l in lines: text = l #b.text() r = QRegExp(ur'^%!p[or][se]t?proc[^\s]*\s*:\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")') if r.indexIn(text) != -1: rule = r.cap(1)[1:-1] # Check if there was a color-comment above that post/preproc bloc if lastColor: self.inDocRules.append((str(rule), lastColor)) # Check if previous block is a comment like it should else: previousText = lines[lines.indexOf(l)-1] #b.previous().text() r = QRegExp(r'^%.*\s\((.*)\)') if r.indexIn(previousText) != -1: lastColor = r.cap(1) self.inDocRules.append((str(rule), lastColor)) else: lastColor = "" #b = b.next() if oldRules != self.inDocRules: #Rules have changed, we need to rehighlight #print("Rules have changed.", len(self.inDocRules)) #self.rehighlight() # Doesn't work (seg fault), why? pass #b = self.thisDocument.firstBlock() #while b.isValid(): #for (r, c) in self.inDocRules: #r = QRegExp(r) #pos = r.indexIn(b.text()) #if pos >= 0: #print("rehighlighting:", b.text()) #self.rehighlightBlock(b) #break #b = b.next()