#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- import time import locale from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp from lxml import etree as ET from manuskript.models.abstractItem import abstractItem from manuskript import enums from manuskript import functions as F from manuskript import settings from manuskript.converters import HTML2PlainText try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except: # Invalid locale, but not really a big deal because it's used only for # number formatting pass class outlineItem(abstractItem): enum = enums.Outline # Used for XML export name = "outlineItem" def __init__(self, model=None, title="", _type="folder", xml=None, parent=None, ID=None): abstractItem.__init__(self, model, title, _type, xml, parent, ID) self.defaultTextType = None if not self._data.get(self.enum.compile): self._data[self.enum.compile] = 2 ####################################################################### # Properties ####################################################################### def isFolder(self): return self._data[self.enum.type] == "folder" def isText(self): return self._data[self.enum.type] == "md" def isMD(self): return self._data[self.enum.type] == "md" def isMMD(self): return self._data[self.enum.type] == "md" def text(self): return self.data(self.enum.text) def compile(self): if self._data.get(self.enum.compile, 1) in ["0", 0]: return False elif self.parent(): return self.parent().compile() else: return True # rootItem always compile def POV(self): return self.data(self.enum.POV) def status(self): return self.data(self.enum.status) def label(self): return self.data(self.enum.label) def customIcon(self): return self.data(self.enum.customIcon) def setCustomIcon(self, customIcon): self.setData(self.enum.customIcon, customIcon) def wordCount(self): return self._data.get(self.enum.wordCount, 0) def __str__(self): return "{id}: {folder}{title}{children}".format( id=self.ID(), folder="*" if self.isFolder() else "", title=self.data(self.enum.title), children="" if self.isText() else "({})".format(self.childCount()) ) __repr__ = __str__ ####################################################################### # Data ####################################################################### def data(self, column, role=Qt.DisplayRole): data = abstractItem.data(self, column, role) E = self.enum if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole: if data == "" and column == E.revisions: return [] else: return data elif role == Qt.DecorationRole and column == E.title: if self.customIcon(): return QIcon.fromTheme(self.data(E.customIcon)) if self.isFolder(): return QIcon.fromTheme("folder") elif self.isText(): return QIcon.fromTheme("text-x-generic") elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole and column == E.compile: return Qt.Checked if self.compile() else Qt.Unchecked elif role == Qt.FontRole: f = QFont() if column == E.wordCount and self.isFolder(): f.setItalic(True) elif column == E.goal and self.isFolder() and not self.data(E.setGoal): f.setItalic(True) if self.isFolder(): f.setBold(True) return f def setData(self, column, data, role=Qt.DisplayRole): E = self.enum if column == E.text and self.isFolder(): # Folder have no text return if column == E.goal: self._data[E.setGoal] = F.toInt(data) if F.toInt(data) > 0 else "" # Checking if we will have to recount words updateWordCount = False if column in [E.wordCount, E.goal, E.setGoal]: updateWordCount = not column in self._data or self._data[column] != data # Stuff to do before if column == E.text: self.addRevision() # Calling base class implementation abstractItem.setData(self, column, data, role) # Stuff to do afterwards if column == E.text: wc = F.wordCount(data) self.setData(E.wordCount, wc) if column == E.compile: # Title changes when compile changes self.emitDataChanged(cols=[E.title, E.compile], recursive=True) if column == E.customIcon: # If custom icon changed, we tell views to update title (so that # icons will be updated as well) self.emitDataChanged(cols=[E.title]) if updateWordCount: self.updateWordCount() ####################################################################### # Wordcount ####################################################################### def insertChild(self, row, child): abstractItem.insertChild(self, row, child) self.updateWordCount() def removeChild(self, row): r = abstractItem.removeChild(self, row) self.updateWordCount() return r def updateWordCount(self): """Update word count for item and parents.""" if not self.isFolder(): setGoal = F.toInt(self.data(self.enum.setGoal)) goal = F.toInt(self.data(self.enum.goal)) if goal != setGoal: self._data[self.enum.goal] = setGoal if setGoal: wc = F.toInt(self.data(self.enum.wordCount)) self.setData(self.enum.goalPercentage, wc / float(setGoal)) else: wc = 0 for c in self.children(): wc += F.toInt(c.data(self.enum.wordCount)) self._data[self.enum.wordCount] = wc setGoal = F.toInt(self.data(self.enum.setGoal)) goal = F.toInt(self.data(self.enum.goal)) if setGoal: if goal != setGoal: self._data[self.enum.goal] = setGoal goal = setGoal else: goal = 0 for c in self.children(): goal += F.toInt(c.data(self.enum.goal)) self._data[self.enum.goal] = goal if goal: self.setData(self.enum.goalPercentage, wc / float(goal)) else: self.setData(self.enum.goalPercentage, "") self.emitDataChanged([self.enum.goal, self.enum.setGoal, self.enum.wordCount, self.enum.goalPercentage]) if self.parent(): self.parent().updateWordCount() def stats(self): wc = self.data(enums.Outline.wordCount) goal = self.data(enums.Outline.goal) progress = self.data(enums.Outline.goalPercentage) if not wc: wc = 0 if goal: return qApp.translate("outlineItem", "{} words / {} ({})").format( locale.format_string("%d", wc, grouping=True), locale.format_string("%d", goal, grouping=True), "{}%".format(str(int(progress * 100)))) else: return qApp.translate("outlineItem", "{} words").format( locale.format_string("%d", wc, grouping=True)) ####################################################################### # Tools: split and merge ####################################################################### def split(self, splitMark, recursive=True): """ Split scene at splitMark. If multiple splitMark, multiple splits. If called on a folder and recursive is True, then it is recursively applied to every children. """ if self.isFolder() and recursive: for c in self.children(): c.split(splitMark) else: txt = self.text().split(splitMark) if len(txt) == 1: # Mark not found return False else: # Stores the new text self.setData(self.enum.text, txt[0]) k = 1 for subTxt in txt[1:]: # Create a copy item = self.copy() # Change title adding _k item.setData(self.enum.title, "{}_{}".format(item.title(), k+1)) # Set text item.setData(self.enum.text, subTxt) # Inserting item #self.parent().insertChild(self.row()+k, item) self._model.insertItem(item, self.row()+k, self.parent().index()) k += 1 def splitAt(self, position, length=0): """ Splits note at position p. If length is bigger than 0, it describes the length of the title, made from the character following position. """ txt = self.text() # Stores the new text self.setData(self.enum.text, txt[:position]) # Create a copy item = self.copy() # Update title if length > 0: title = txt[position:position+length].replace("\n", "") else: title = "{}_{}".format(item.title(), 2) item.setData(self.enum.title, title) # Set text item.setData(self.enum.text, txt[position+length:]) # Inserting item using the model to signal views self._model.insertItem(item, self.row()+1, self.parent().index()) def mergeWith(self, items, sep="\n\n"): """ Merges item with several other items. Merge is basic, it merges only the text. @param items: list of `outlineItem`s. @param sep: a text added between each item's text. """ # Merges the texts text = [self.text()] text.extend([i.text() for i in items]) self.setData(self.enum.text, sep.join(text)) # Removes other items self._model.removeIndexes([i.index() for i in items]) ####################################################################### # Search ####################################################################### def findItemsByPOV(self, POV): "Returns a list of IDs of all subitems whose POV is ``POV``." lst = [] if self.POV() == POV: lst.append(self.ID()) for c in self.children(): lst.extend(c.findItemsByPOV(POV)) return lst def findItemsContaining(self, text, columns, mainWindow=F.mainWindow(), caseSensitive=False, recursive=True): """Returns a list if IDs of all subitems containing ``text`` in columns ``columns`` (being a list of int). """ lst = self.itemContains(text, columns, mainWindow, caseSensitive) if recursive: for c in self.children(): lst.extend(c.findItemsContaining(text, columns, mainWindow, caseSensitive)) return lst def itemContains(self, text, columns, mainWindow=F.mainWindow(), caseSensitive=False): lst = [] text = text.lower() if not caseSensitive else text for c in columns: if c == self.enum.POV and self.POV(): c = mainWindow.mdlCharacter.getCharacterByID(self.POV()) if c: searchIn = c.name() else: searchIn = "" print("Character POV not found:", self.POV()) elif c == self.enum.status: searchIn = mainWindow.mdlStatus.item(F.toInt(self.status()), 0).text() elif c == self.enum.label: searchIn = mainWindow.mdlLabels.item(F.toInt(self.label()), 0).text() else: searchIn = self.data(c) searchIn = searchIn.lower() if not caseSensitive else searchIn if text in searchIn: if not self.ID() in lst: lst.append(self.ID()) return lst ############################################################################### # REVISIONS ############################################################################### def revisions(self): return self.data(self.enum.revisions) def appendRevision(self, ts, text): if not self.enum.revisions in self._data: self._data[self.enum.revisions] = [] self._data[self.enum.revisions].append(( int(ts), text)) def addRevision(self): if not settings.revisions["keep"]: return if not self.enum.text in self._data: return self.appendRevision( time.time(), self.text()) if settings.revisions["smartremove"]: self.cleanRevisions() self.emitDataChanged([self.enum.revisions]) def deleteRevision(self, ts): self._data[self.enum.revisions] = [r for r in self._data[self.enum.revisions] if r[0] != ts] self.emitDataChanged([self.enum.revisions]) def clearAllRevisions(self): self._data[self.enum.revisions] = [] self.emitDataChanged([self.enum.revisions]) def cleanRevisions(self): "Keep only one some the revisions." rev = self.revisions() rev2 = [] now = time.time() rule = settings.revisions["rules"] revs = {} for i in rule: revs[i] = [] for r in rev: # Have to put the lambda key otherwise cannot order when one element is None for span in sorted(rule, key=lambda x: x if x else 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 365): if not span or now - r[0] < span: revs[span].append(r) break for span in revs: sortedRev = sorted(revs[span], key=lambda x: x[0]) last = None for r in sortedRev: if not last: rev2.append(r) last = r[0] elif r[0] - last >= rule[span]: rev2.append(r) last = r[0] if rev2 != rev: self._data[self.enum.revisions] = rev2 self.emitDataChanged([self.enum.revisions]) ####################################################################### # XML ####################################################################### # We don't want to write some datas (computed) XMLExclude = [enums.Outline.wordCount, enums.Outline.goal, enums.Outline.goalPercentage, enums.Outline.revisions] # We want to force some data even if they're empty XMLForce = [enums.Outline.compile] def toXMLProcessItem(self, item): # Saving revisions rev = self.revisions() for r in rev: revItem = ET.Element("revision") revItem.set("timestamp", str(r[0])) revItem.set("text", self.cleanTextForXML(r[1])) item.append(revItem) return item def setFromXMLProcessMore(self, root): # If loading from an old file format, convert to md and # remove html markup if self.type() in ["txt", "t2t"]: self.setData(Outline.type, "md") elif self.type() == "html": self.setData(Outline.type, "md") self.setData(Outline.text, HTML2PlainText(self.data(Outline.text))) self.setData(Outline.notes, HTML2PlainText(self.data(Outline.notes))) # Revisions for child in root: if child.tag == "revision": self.appendRevision(child.attrib["timestamp"], child.attrib["text"])