# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pickle import pprint from enums import * viewSettings = { "Tree": { "Icon": "Nothing", "Text": "Compile", "Background": "Nothing", "InfoFolder": "Nothing", "InfoText": "Nothing", }, "Cork": { "Icon": "Nothing", "Text": "Nothing", "Background": "Nothing", "Corner": "Label", "Border": "Nothing", }, "Outline": { "Icon": "Nothing", "Text": "Compile", "Background": "Nothing", }, } spellcheck = False dict = None corkSizeFactor = 100 folderView = "cork" lastTab = 0 lastIndex = "" autoSave = False autoSaveDelay = 5 autoSaveNoChanges = True autoSaveNoChangesDelay = 5 saveOnQuit = True outlineViewColumns = [Outline.title.value, Outline.POV.value, Outline.status.value, Outline.compile.value, Outline.wordCount.value, Outline.goal.value, Outline.goalPercentage.value, Outline.label.value] corkBackground = { "color": "#926239", "image": "" } fullScreenTheme = "spacedreams" def save(filename=None): global spellcheck, dict, corkSliderFactor, viewSettings, corkSizeFactor, folderView, lastTab, lastIndex, \ autoSave, autoSaveDelay, saveOnQuit, autoSaveNoChanges, autoSaveNoChangesDelay, outlineViewColumns, \ corkBackground, fullScreenTheme allSettings = { "viewSettings": viewSettings, "dict": dict, "spellcheck": spellcheck, "corkSizeFactor": corkSizeFactor, "folderView": folderView, "lastTab": lastTab, "lastIndex": lastIndex, "autoSave":autoSave, "autoSaveDelay":autoSaveDelay, "saveOnQuit":saveOnQuit, "autoSaveNoChanges":autoSaveNoChanges, "autoSaveNoChangesDelay":autoSaveNoChangesDelay, "outlineViewColumns":outlineViewColumns, "corkBackground":corkBackground, "fullScreenTheme":fullScreenTheme, } #pp=pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, compact=False) #print("Saving:") #pp.pprint(allSettings) if filename: f = open(filename, "wb") pickle.dump(allSettings, f) else: return pickle.dumps(allSettings) def load(string, fromString=False): """Load settings from 'string'. 'string' is the filename of the pickle dump. If fromString=True, string is the data of the pickle dumps.""" global allSettings if not fromString: try: f = open(string, "rb") allSettings = pickle.load(f) except: print("{} doesn't exist, cannot load settings.".format(string)) return else: allSettings = pickle.loads(string) #pp=pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, compact=False) #print("Loading:") #pp.pprint(allSettings) if "viewSettings" in allSettings: global viewSettings viewSettings = allSettings["viewSettings"] if "dict" in allSettings: global dict dict = allSettings["dict"] if "spellcheck" in allSettings: global spellcheck spellcheck = allSettings["spellcheck"] if "corkSizeFactor" in allSettings: global corkSizeFactor corkSizeFactor = allSettings["corkSizeFactor"] if "folderView" in allSettings: global folderView folderView = allSettings["folderView"] if "lastTab" in allSettings: global lastTab lastTab = allSettings["lastTab"] if "lastIndex" in allSettings: global lastIndex lastIndex = allSettings["lastIndex"] if "autoSave" in allSettings: global autoSave autoSave = allSettings["autoSave"] if "autoSaveDelay" in allSettings: global autoSaveDelay autoSaveDelay = allSettings["autoSaveDelay"] if "saveOnQuit" in allSettings: global saveOnQuit saveOnQuit = allSettings["saveOnQuit"] if "autoSaveNoChanges" in allSettings: global autoSaveNoChanges autoSaveNoChanges = allSettings["autoSaveNoChanges"] if "autoSaveNoChangesDelay" in allSettings: global autoSaveNoChangesDelay autoSaveNoChangesDelay = allSettings["autoSaveNoChangesDelay"] if "outlineViewColumns" in allSettings: global outlineViewColumns outlineViewColumns = allSettings["outlineViewColumns"] if "corkBackground" in allSettings: global corkBackground corkBackground = allSettings["corkBackground"] if "fullScreenTheme" in allSettings: global fullScreenTheme fullScreenTheme = allSettings["fullScreenTheme"]