name: manuskript version: overwritten version-script: grep -E "__version__.*\".*\"" "manuskript/" | cut -d\" -f2 summary: Manuskript is an open-source tool for writers. description: | Manuskript provides a rich environment to help writers create their first draft and then further refine and edit their masterpiece. With Manuskript you can: Grow your premise from one sentence, to a paragraph, to a full summary Create characters Conceive plots Construct outlines (Outline mode and/or Index cards) Write with focus (Distraction free mode) Build worlds Track items Edit and re-organize chapters and scenes View Story line Compose with fiction or non-fiction templates and writing modes Export to HTML, ePub, OpenDocument, DocX, PDF, and more Additionally Manuskript can help in many more ways with a spell checker, markdown highlighter, frequency analyzer, and automatic save in open and plain text file format. grade: stable confinement: strict base: core18 icon: icons/Manuskript/manuskript.svg apps: manuskript: command: desktop-launch $SNAP/bin/manuskript environment: # Fallback to XWayland if running in a Wayland session. DISABLE_WAYLAND: 1 plugs: - desktop - desktop-legacy - unity7 - wayland - x11 - opengl - home parts: desktop-qt5: build-packages: - build-essential - qtbase5-dev - dpkg-dev make-parameters: - FLAVOR=qt5 plugin: make source: source-subdir: qt stage-packages: - libxkbcommon0 - ttf-ubuntu-font-family - dmz-cursor-theme - light-themes - adwaita-icon-theme - gnome-themes-standard - shared-mime-info - libqt5gui5 - libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 - libqt5svg5 - try: - appmenu-qt5 - locales-all - xdg-user-dirs - fcitx-frontend-qt5 manuskript: after: [desktop-qt5] plugin: dump source: source-type: git build-packages: - python3 - python3-pyqt5 - python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit - libqt5svg5 - python3-lxml - zlib1g - python3-enchant - python3-markdown - pandoc - texlive-latex-recommended - texlive-fonts-recommended - texlive-luatex stage-packages: - python3 - python3-pyqt5 - python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit - libqt5svg5 - python3-lxml - zlib1g - libc-bin - locales - python3-enchant - python3-markdown - pandoc - texlive-latex-recommended - texlive-fonts-recommended - texlive-luatex