#!/usr/bin/env python #--!-- coding: utf8 --!-- from qt import * from enums import * from functions import * import re ############################################################################### # SHORT REFERENCES ############################################################################### # A regex used to match references RegEx = r"{(\w):(\d+):?.*?}" # A non-capturing regex used to identify references RegExNonCapturing = r"{\w:\d+:?.*?}" # The basic format of the references EmptyRef = "{{{}:{}:{}}}" PersoLetter = "C" TextLetter = "T" PlotLetter = "P" WorldLetter = "W" def plotReference(ID): "Takes the ID of a plot and returns a reference for that plot." return EmptyRef.format(PlotLetter, ID, "") def persoReference(ID): "Takes the ID of a character and returns a reference for that character." return EmptyRef.format(PersoLetter, ID, "") def textReference(ID): "Takes the ID of an outline item and returns a reference for that item." return EmptyRef.format(TextLetter, ID, "") def worldReference(ID): "Takes the ID of a world item and returns a reference for that item." return EmptyRef.format(WordLetter, ID, "") ############################################################################### # READABLE INFOS ############################################################################### def infos(ref): """Returns a full paragraph in HTML format containing detailed infos about the reference ``ref``. """ match = re.fullmatch(RegEx, ref) if not match: return qApp.translate("references", "Not a reference: {}.").format(ref) _type = match.group(1) _ref = match.group(2) # A text or outine item if _type == TextLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlOutline idx = m.getIndexByID(_ref) if not idx.isValid(): return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) item = idx.internalPointer() #Titles pathTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Path:") statsTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Stats:") POVTitle = qApp.translate("references", "POV:") statusTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Status:") labelTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Label:") ssTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Short summary:") lsTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Long summary:") notesTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Notes:") # The POV of the scene POV = "" if item.POV(): POV = "{text}".format( ref=persoReference(item.POV()), text=mainWindow().mdlPersos.getPersoNameByID(item.POV())) # The status of the scene status = item.status() if status: status = mainWindow().mdlStatus.item(int(status), 0).text() else: status = "" # The label of the scene label = item.label() if label: label = mainWindow().mdlLabels.item(int(label), 0).text() else: label = "" # The path of the scene path = item.pathID() pathStr = [] for _id, title in path: pathStr.append("{text}".format( ref=textReference(_id), text=title)) path = " > ".join(pathStr) # Summaries and notes ss = item.data(Outline.summarySentance.value) ls = item.data(Outline.summaryFull.value) notes = item.data(Outline.notes.value) text = """


{pathTitle} {path}

{statsTitle} {stats}
{POV} {status} {label}

{ss} {ls} {notes} """.format( title=item.title(), pathTitle=pathTitle, path=path, statsTitle=statsTitle, stats=item.stats(), POV="{POVTitle} {POV}
".format( POVTitle=POVTitle, POV=POV) if POV else "", status="{statusTitle} {status}
".format( statusTitle=statusTitle, status=status) if status else "", label="{labelTitle} {label}

".format( labelTitle=labelTitle, label=label) if label else "", ss="

{ssTitle} {ss}

".format( ssTitle=ssTitle, ss=ss.replace("\n", "
")) if ss else "", ls="


".format( lsTitle=lsTitle, ls=ls.replace("\n", "
")) if ls else "", notes="


".format( notesTitle=notesTitle, notes=linkifyAllRefs(basicT2TFormat(notes))) if notes else "", ) return text # A character elif _type == PersoLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlPersos index = m.getIndexFromID(_ref) name = m.name(index.row()) # Titles basicTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Basic infos") detailedTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Detailed infos") POVof = qApp.translate("references", "POV of:") referencedIn = qApp.translate("references", "Referenced in:") # Goto (link) goto = qApp.translate("references", "Go to {}.") goto = goto.format(refToLink(ref)) # basic infos basic = [] for i in [ (Perso.motivation, qApp.translate("references", "Motivation"), False), (Perso.goal, qApp.translate("references", "Goal"), False), (Perso.conflict, qApp.translate("references", "Conflict"), False), (Perso.epiphany, qApp.translate("references", "Epiphany"), False), (Perso.summarySentance, qApp.translate("references", "Short summary"), True), (Perso.summaryPara, qApp.translate("references", "Longer summary"), True), ]: val = m.data(index.sibling(index.row(), i[0].value)) if val: basic .append("{title}:{n}{val}".format( title=i[1], n = "\n" if i[2] else " ", val=val)) basic = "
".join(basic) # detailed infos detailed = [] for _name, _val in m.listPersoInfos(index): detailed.append("{}: {}".format( _name, _val)) detailed = "
".join(detailed) # list scenes of which it is POV oM = mainWindow().mdlOutline lst = oM.findItemsByPOV(_ref) listPOV = "" for t in lst: idx = oM.getIndexByID(t) listPOV += "
  • {text}
  • ".format( link=textReference(t), text=oM.data(idx, Outline.title.value)) # List scenes where character is referenced listRefs = listReferences(ref, referencedIn) text = """


    {goto} {basicInfos} {detailedInfos} {POV} {references} """.format( name=name, goto=goto, basicInfos="


    {basic}".format( basicTitle=basicTitle, basic=basic) if basic else "", detailedInfos="


    {detailed}".format( detailedTitle=detailedTitle, detailed=detailed) if detailed else "", POV="


    ".format( POVof=POVof, listPOV=listPOV) if listPOV else "", references=listRefs if listRefs else "", ) return text # A plot elif _type == PlotLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlPlots index = m.getIndexFromID(_ref) name = m.getPlotNameByID(_ref) # Titles descriptionTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Description") resultTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Result") charactersTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Characters") stepsTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Resolution steps") referenceTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Referenced in:") # Goto (link) goto = qApp.translate("references", "Go to {}.") goto = goto.format(refToLink(ref)) # Description description = m.data(index.sibling(index.row(), Plot.description.value)) # Result result = m.data(index.sibling(index.row(), Plot.result.value)) # Characters pM = mainWindow().mdlPersos item = m.item(index.row(), Plot.persos.value) characters = "" if item: for r in range(item.rowCount()): ID = item.child(r, 0).text() characters += "
  • {text}".format( link=persoReference(ID), text=pM.getPersoNameByID(ID)) # Resolution steps steps = "" item = m.item(index.row(), Plot.subplots.value) if item: for r in range(item.rowCount()): title = item.child(r, Subplot.name.value).text() summary = item.child(r, Subplot.summary.value).text() meta = item.child(r, Subplot.meta.value).text() if meta: meta = " ({})".format(meta) steps += "
  • {title}{summary}{meta}
  • ".format( title=title, summary=": {}".format(summary) if summary else "", meta = meta if meta else "") # List scenes where item is referenced references = listReferences(ref, referenceTitle) text = """


    {goto} {characters} {description} {result} {steps} {references} """.format( name=name, goto=goto, description="


    {text}".format( title=descriptionTitle, text=description) if description else "", result="


    {text}".format( title=resultTitle, text=result) if result else "", characters="


    ".format( title=charactersTitle, lst=characters) if characters else "", steps="


    ".format( title=stepsTitle, steps=steps) if steps else "", references=references ) return text # A World item elif _type == WorldLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlWorld index = m.indexByID(_ref) name = m.name(index) # Titles descriptionTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Description") passionTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Passion") conflictTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Conflict") referenceTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Referenced in:") # Goto (link) goto = qApp.translate("references", "Go to {}.") goto = goto.format(refToLink(ref)) # Description description = basicFormat(m.description(index)) # Passion passion = basicFormat(m.passion(index)) # Conflict conflict = basicFormat(m.conflict(index)) # List scenes where item is referenced references = listReferences(ref, referenceTitle) text = """


    {goto} {description} {passion} {conflict} {references} """.format( name=name, goto=goto, description="


    {text}".format( title=descriptionTitle, text=description) if description else "", passion="


    {text}".format( title=passionTitle, text=passion) if passion else "", conflict="


    ".format( title=conflictTitle, lst=conflict) if conflict else "", references=references ) return text else: return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) def tooltip(ref): "Returns a tooltip in HTML for the reference ``ref``." match = re.fullmatch(RegEx, ref) if not match: return qApp.translate("references", "Not a reference: {}.").format(ref) _type = match.group(1) _ref = match.group(2) if _type == TextLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlOutline idx = m.getIndexByID(_ref) if not idx.isValid(): return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) item = idx.internalPointer() tooltip = qApp.translate("references", "Text: {}").format(item.title()) tooltip += "
    {}".format(item.path()) return tooltip elif _type == PersoLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlPersos name = m.item(int(_ref), Perso.name.value).text() return qApp.translate("references", "Character: {}").format(name) elif _type == PlotLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlPlots name = m.getPlotNameByID(_ref) return qApp.translate("references", "Plot: {}").format(name) elif _type == WorldLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlWorld item = m.itemByID(_ref) if item: name = item.text() path = m.path(item) return qApp.translate("references", "World: {name}{path}").format( name=name, path=" ({})".format(path) if path else "") return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) ############################################################################### # FUNCTIONS ############################################################################### def refToLink(ref): """Transforms the reference ``ref`` in a link displaying useful infos about that reference. For character, character's name. For text item, item's name, etc. """ match = re.fullmatch(RegEx, ref) if match: _type = match.group(1) _ref = match.group(2) text = "" if _type == TextLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlOutline idx = m.getIndexByID(_ref) if idx.isValid(): item = idx.internalPointer() text = item.title() elif _type == PersoLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlPersos text = m.item(int(_ref), Perso.name.value).text() elif _type == PlotLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlPlots text = m.getPlotNameByID(_ref) elif _type == WorldLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlWorld text = m.itemByID(_ref).text() if text: return "{text}".format( ref=ref, text=text) else: return ref def linkifyAllRefs(text): "Takes all the references in ``text`` and transform them into HMTL links." return re.sub(RegEx, lambda m: refToLink(m.group(0)), text) def listReferences(ref, title): oM = mainWindow().mdlOutline listRefs = "" ref = ref[:ref.index(":", ref.index(":") + 1)] lst = oM.findItemsContaining(ref, [Outline.notes.value]) for t in lst: idx = oM.getIndexByID(t) listRefs += "
  • {text}
  • ".format( link=textReference(t), text=oM.data(idx, Outline.title.value)) return "


    ".format( title=title, ref=listRefs) if listRefs else "" def basicT2TFormat(text, formatting=True, EOL=True, titles=True): "A very basic t2t formatter to display notes and texts." text = text.splitlines() for n, line in enumerate(text): if formatting: line = re.sub("\*\*(.*?)\*\*", "\\1", line) line = re.sub("//(.*?)//", "\\1", line) line = re.sub("__(.*?)__", "\\1", line) if titles: for i in range(1, 6): r1 = '^\s*{s}([^=].*[^=]){s}\s*$'.format(s="=" * i) r2 = '^\s*{s}([^\+].*[^\+]){s}\s*$'.format(s="\\+" * i) t = "\\1".format(n=i) line = re.sub(r1, t, line) line = re.sub(r2, t, line) text[n] = line text = "\n".join(text) if EOL: text = text.replace("\n", "
    ") return text def basicFormat(text): if not text: return "" text = text.replace("\n", "
    ") text = linkifyAllRefs(text) return text def open(ref): "Identify ``ref`` and open it." match = re.fullmatch(RegEx, ref) if not match: return _type = match.group(1) _ref = match.group(2) if _type == PersoLetter: mw = mainWindow() item = mw.lstPersos.getItemByID(_ref) if item: mw.tabMain.setCurrentIndex(2) mw.lstPersos.setCurrentItem(item) return True print("Ref not found") return False elif _type == TextLetter: mw = mainWindow() index = mw.mdlOutline.getIndexByID(_ref) if index.isValid(): mw.tabMain.setCurrentIndex(6) mw.mainEditor.setCurrentModelIndex(index, newTab=True) return True else: print("Ref not found") return False elif _type == PlotLetter: mw = mainWindow() item = mw.lstPlots.getItemByID(_ref) if item: mw.tabMain.setCurrentIndex(3) mw.lstPlots.setCurrentItem(item) return True print("Ref not found") return False elif _type == WorldLetter: mw = mainWindow() item = mw.mdlWorld.itemByID(_ref) if item: mw.tabMain.setCurrentIndex(4) mw.treeWorld.setCurrentIndex( mw.mdlWorld.indexFromItem(item)) return True print("Ref not found") return False print("Ref not implemented") return False