#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # This is aiming at implementing every rule from www.txt2tags.org/rules.html # But we're not there yet. # FIXME: macro words not hilighted properly if at the begining of a line. # TODO: parse %!postproc et !%preproc, et si la ligne se termine par une couleur en commentaire (%#FF00FF), # utiliser cette couleur pour highlighter. Permet des règles customisées par document, facilement. import re from PyQt5.QtCore import QRegExp, QDir, QFileInfo from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextBlockFormat, QTextCursor, QTextCharFormat, QBrush from manuskript.ui.editors.basicHighlighter import basicHighlighter from manuskript.ui.editors.blockUserData import blockUserData from manuskript.ui.editors.t2tFunctions import State, textToFormatArray from manuskript.ui.editors.t2tHighlighterStyle import t2tHighlighterStyle class t2tHighlighter(basicHighlighter): """Syntax highlighter for the Txt2Tags language. """ def __init__(self, editor, style="Default"): basicHighlighter.__init__(self, editor) # Stupid variable that fixes the loss of QTextBlockUserData. self.thisDocument = editor.document() self.style = t2tHighlighterStyle(self.editor, self._defaultCharFormat, style) self.inDocRules = [] rules = [ (r'^\s*[-=_]{20,}\s*$', State.HORIZONTAL_LINE), (r'^\s*(\+{1})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{1})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_1), (r'^\s*(\+{2})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{2})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_2), (r'^\s*(\+{3})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{3})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_3), (r'^\s*(\+{4})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{4})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_4), (r'^\s*(\+{5})([^\+].*[^\+])(\+{5})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.NUMBERED_TITLE_5), (r'^\s*(={1})([^=].*[^=])(={1})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_1), (r'^\s*(={2})([^=].*[^=])(={2})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_2), (r'^\s*(={3})([^=].*[^=])(={3})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_3), (r'^\s*(={4})([^=].*[^=])(={4})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_4), (r'^\s*(={5})([^=].*[^=])(={5})(\[[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\])?\s*$', State.TITLE_5), (r'^%!.*$', State.SETTINGS_LINE), (r'^%[^!]?.*$', State.COMMENT_LINE), (r'^\t.+$', State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE), (r'^(```)(.+)$', State.CODE_LINE), (r'^(""")(.+)$', State.RAW_LINE), (r'^(\'\'\')(.+)$', State.TAGGED_LINE), (r'^\s*[-+:] [^ ].*$', State.LIST_BEGINS), (r'^\s*[-+:]\s*$', State.LIST_ENDS), (r'^ *\|\| .*$', State.TABLE_HEADER), (r'^ *\| .*$', State.TABLE_LINE) ] # Generate rules to identify blocks State.Rules = [(QRegExp(pattern), state) for (pattern, state) in rules] State.Recursion = 0 def setDefaultCharFormat(self, cf): self._defaultCharFormat = cf self.setStyle() self.rehighlight() def highlightBlock(self, text): """Apply syntax highlighting to the given block of text. """ basicHighlighter.highlightBlockBefore(self, text) # Check if syntax highlighting is enabled if self.style is None: default = QTextBlockFormat() QTextCursor(self.currentBlock()).setBlockFormat(default) print("t2tHighlighter.py: is style supposed to be None?") return block = self.currentBlock() oldState = blockUserData.getUserState(block) self.identifyBlock(block) # formatBlock prevent undo/redo from working # TODO: find a todo/undo compatible way of formatting block # self.formatBlock(block) state = blockUserData.getUserState(block) data = blockUserData.getUserData(block) inList = self.isList(block) op = self.style.format(State.MARKUP) # self.setFormat(0, len(text), self.style.format(State.DEFAULT)) # InDocRules: is it a settings which might have a specific rule, # a comment which contains color infos, or a include conf? # r'^%!p[or][se]t?proc[^\s]*\s*:\s*\'(.*)\'\s*\'.*\'' rlist = [QRegExp(r'^%!p[or][se]t?proc[^\s]*\s*:\s*((\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\"))'), # pre/postproc QRegExp(r'^%.*\s\((.*)\)'), # comment QRegExp(r'^%!includeconf:\s*([^\s]*)\s*')] # includeconf for r in rlist: if r.indexIn(text) != -1: self.parseInDocRules() # Format the whole line: for lineState in [ State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE, State.HORIZONTAL_LINE, State.HEADER_LINE, ]: if not inList and state == lineState: self.setFormat(0, len(text), self.style.format(lineState)) for (lineState, marker) in [ (State.COMMENT_LINE, "%"), (State.CODE_LINE, "```"), (State.RAW_LINE, "\"\"\""), (State.TAGGED_LINE, "'''"), (State.SETTINGS_LINE, "%!") ]: if state == lineState and \ not (inList and state == State.SETTINGS_LINE): n = 0 # If it's a comment, we want to highlight all '%'. if state == State.COMMENT_LINE: while text[n:n + 1] == "%": n += 1 n -= 1 # Apply Format self.setFormat(0, len(marker) + n, op) self.setFormat(len(marker) + n, len(text) - len(marker) - n, self.style.format(lineState)) # If it's a setting, we might do something if state == State.SETTINGS_LINE: # Target r = QRegExp(r'^%!([^\s]+)\s*:\s*(\b\w*\b)$') if r.indexIn(text) != -1: setting = r.cap(1) val = r.cap(2) if setting == "target" and \ val in self.editor.main.targetsNames: self.editor.fileWidget.preview.setPreferredTarget(val) # Pre/postproc r = QRegExp(r'^%!p[or][se]t?proc[^\s]*\s*:\s*((\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\"))') if r.indexIn(text) != -1: p = r.pos(1) length = len(r.cap(1)) self.setFormat(p, length, self.style.makeFormat(base=self.format(p), fixedPitch=True)) # Tables for lineState in [State.TABLE_LINE, State.TABLE_HEADER]: if state == lineState: for i, t in enumerate(text): if t == "|": self.setFormat(i, 1, op) else: self.setFormat(i, 1, self.style.format(lineState)) # Lists # if text == " p": print(data.isList()) if data.isList(): r = QRegExp(r'^\s*[\+\-\:]? ?') r.indexIn(text) self.setFormat(0, r.matchedLength(), self.style.format(State.LIST_BULLET)) # if state == State.LIST_BEGINS: # r = QRegExp(r'^\s*[+-:] ') # r.indexIn(text) # self.setFormat(0, r.matchedLength(), self.style.format(State.LIST_BULLET)) if state == State.LIST_ENDS: self.setFormat(0, len(text), self.style.format(State.LIST_BULLET_ENDS)) # Titles if not inList and state in State.TITLES: r = [i for (i, s) in State.Rules if s == state][0] pos = r.indexIn(text) if pos >= 0: f = self.style.format(state) # Uncomment for markup to be same size as title # op = self.formats(preset="markup", # base=self.formats(preset=state)) self.setFormat(r.pos(2), len(r.cap(2)), f) self.setFormat(r.pos(1), len(r.cap(1)), op) self.setFormat(r.pos(3), len(r.cap(3)), op) # Areas: comment, code, raw tagged for (begins, middle, ends) in [ (State.COMMENT_AREA_BEGINS, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_AREA_ENDS), (State.CODE_AREA_BEGINS, State.CODE_AREA, State.CODE_AREA_ENDS), (State.RAW_AREA_BEGINS, State.RAW_AREA, State.RAW_AREA_ENDS), (State.TAGGED_AREA_BEGINS, State.TAGGED_AREA, State.TAGGED_AREA_ENDS), ]: if state == middle: self.setFormat(0, len(text), self.style.format(middle)) elif state in [begins, ends]: self.setFormat(0, len(text), op) # Inline formatting if state not in [ # State.COMMENT_AREA, # State.COMMENT_LINE, State.RAW_AREA, State.RAW_LINE, State.CODE_AREA, State.CODE_LINE, State.TAGGED_AREA, State.TAGGED_LINE, State.SETTINGS_LINE, State.HORIZONTAL_LINE, ] and state not in State.TITLES: formatArray = textToFormatArray(text) # InDocRules for (r, c) in self.inDocRules: i = re.finditer(r.decode('utf8'), text, re.UNICODE) for m in i: f = self.format(m.start()) l = m.end() - m.start() if "," in c: c1, c2 = c.split(",") self.setFormat(m.start(), l, self.style.makeFormat(color=c1, bgcolor=c2, base=f)) else: self.setFormat(m.start(), l, self.style.makeFormat(color=c, base=f)) # Links if state not in [State.COMMENT_LINE, State.COMMENT_AREA]: r = QRegExp(r'\[(\[[^\]]*\])?[^\]]*\s*([^\s]+)\]') r.setMinimal(False) pos = r.indexIn(text) links = [] while pos >= 0: # TODO: The text should not be formatted if [**not bold**] # if max([k[pos] for k in formatArray]) == 0 or 1 == 1: self.setFormat(pos, 1, self.style.format(State.MARKUP)) self.setFormat(pos + 1, len(r.cap(0)) - 1, self.style.format(State.LINKS)) self.setFormat(pos + len(r.cap(0)) - 1, 1, self.style.format(State.MARKUP)) if r.pos(2) > 0: _f = QTextCharFormat(self.style.format(State.LINKS)) _f.setForeground(QBrush(_f.foreground() .color().lighter())) _f.setFontUnderline(True) self.setFormat(r.pos(2), len(r.cap(2)), _f) links.append([pos, len(r.cap(0))]) # To remember for the next highlighter (single links) pos = r.indexIn(text, pos + 1) # Links like www.theologeek.ch, http://www.fsf.org, ... # FIXME: - "http://adresse et http://adresse" is detected also as italic # - some error, like "http://adress.htm." also color the final "." # - also: adresse@email.com, ftp://, www2, www3, etc. # - But for now, does the job r = QRegExp(r'http://[^\s]*|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+[^\s]*') # r.setMinimal(True) pos = r.indexIn(text) while pos >= 0: for k in links: # print pos, k[0], k[1] if k[0] < pos < k[0] + k[1]: # already highlighted break else: self.setFormat(pos, len(r.cap(0)), self.style.format(State.LINKS)) pos = r.indexIn(text, pos + 1) # Bold, Italic, Underline, Code, Tagged, Strikeout for i, t in enumerate(text): f = self.format(i) beautifiers = [k[i] for k in formatArray] self.setFormat(i, 1, self.style.beautifyFormat(f, beautifiers)) # Macro words for r in [r'(%%)\b\w+\b', r'(%%)\b\w+\b\(.+\)']: r = QRegExp(r) r.setMinimal(True) pos = r.indexIn(text) while pos >= 0: if max([k[pos] for k in formatArray]) == 0: self.setFormat(pos, len(r.cap(0)), self.style.format(State.MACRO)) pos = r.indexIn(text, pos + 1) # Highlighted word (for search) if self.editor.highlightWord: if self.editor.highligtCS and self.editor.highlightWord in text or \ not self.editor.highlightCs and self.editor.highlightWord.lower() in text.lower(): # if self.editor.highlightCS: # s = self.editor.highlightWord # else: # s = self.editor.highlightWord.toLower() # print(s) p = text.indexOf(self.editor.highlightWord, cs=self.editor.highlightCS) while p >= 0: self.setFormat(p, len(self.editor.highlightWord), self.style.makeFormat(preset="higlighted", base=self.format(p))) p = text.indexOf(self.editor.highlightWord, p + 1, cs=self.editor.highlightCS) ### Highlight Selection ### TODO: way to slow, find another way. ##sel = self.editor.textCursor().selectedText() ##if len(sel) > 5: self.keywordRules.append((QRegExp(sel), "selected")) ## Do keyword formatting # for expression, style in self.keywordRules: # expression.setMinimal( True ) # index = expression.indexIn(text, 0) ## There might be more than one on the same line # while index >= 0: # length = expression.cap(0).length() # f = self.formats(preset=style, base=self.formats(index)) # self.setFormat(index, length, f) # index = expression.indexIn(text, index + length) basicHighlighter.highlightBlockAfter(self, text) def identifyBlock(self, block): """Identifies what block type it is, and set userState and userData accordingly.""" text = block.text() data = blockUserData.getUserData(block) # Header Lines # No header line here # if block.blockNumber() == 0: # block.setUserState(State.HEADER_LINE) # return # elif block.blockNumber() in [1, 2] and \ # self.document().findBlockByNumber(0).text(): # block.setUserState(State.HEADER_LINE) # return state = 0 inList = False blankLinesBefore = 0 # if text.contains(QRegExp(r'^\s*[-+:] [^ ].*[^-+]{1}\s*$')): if QRegExp(r'^\s*[-+:] [^ ].*[^-+]{1}\s*$').indexIn(text) != -1: state = State.LIST_BEGINS # List stuff if self.isList(block.previous()) or state == State.LIST_BEGINS: inList = True # listLevel and leadingSpaces # FIXME: not behaving exactly correctly... lastData = blockUserData.getUserData(block.previous()) if state == State.LIST_BEGINS: leadingSpaces = QRegExp(r'[-+:]').indexIn(text, 0) data.setLeadingSpaces(leadingSpaces) data.setListSymbol(text[leadingSpaces]) if self.isList(block.previous()): # The last block was also a list. # We need to check if this is the same level, or a sublist if leadingSpaces > lastData.leadingSpaces(): # This is a sublevel list data.setListLevel(lastData.listLevel() + 1) else: # This is same level data.setListLevel(lastData.listLevel()) else: data.setListLevel(1) else: data.setListLevel(lastData.listLevel()) data.setLeadingSpaces(lastData.leadingSpaces()) data.setListSymbol(lastData.listSymbol()) # Blank lines before (two = end of list) blankLinesBefore = self.getBlankLines(block.previous()) if not QRegExp(r'^\s*$').indexIn(block.previous().text()) != -1 and \ not blockUserData.getUserState(block.previous()) in [State.COMMENT_LINE, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_AREA_BEGINS, State.COMMENT_AREA_ENDS]: blankLinesBefore = 0 elif not blockUserData.getUserState(block.previous()) in \ [State.COMMENT_LINE, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_AREA_BEGINS, State.COMMENT_AREA_ENDS]: blankLinesBefore += 1 if blankLinesBefore == 2: # End of list. blankLinesBefore = 0 inList = False if inList and QRegExp(r'^\s*$').indexIn(text) != -1: state = State.LIST_EMPTY # Areas for (begins, middle, ends, marker) in [ (State.COMMENT_AREA_BEGINS, State.COMMENT_AREA, State.COMMENT_AREA_ENDS, "^%%%\s*$"), (State.CODE_AREA_BEGINS, State.CODE_AREA, State.CODE_AREA_ENDS, "^```\s*$"), (State.RAW_AREA_BEGINS, State.RAW_AREA, State.RAW_AREA_ENDS, "^\"\"\"\s*$"), (State.TAGGED_AREA_BEGINS, State.TAGGED_AREA, State.TAGGED_AREA_ENDS, '^\'\'\'\s*$'), ]: if QRegExp(marker).indexIn(text) != -1: if blockUserData.getUserState(block.previous()) in [begins, middle]: state = ends break else: state = begins break if blockUserData.getUserState(block.previous()) in [middle, begins]: state = middle break # Patterns (for lines) if not state: for (pattern, lineState) in State.Rules: pos = pattern.indexIn(text) if pos >= 0: state = lineState break if state in [State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE, State.LIST_ENDS]: # FIXME: doesn't work exactly. Closes only the current level, not # FIXME: the whole list. inList = False if inList and not state == State.LIST_BEGINS: state += 100 if blankLinesBefore: state += 100 block.setUserState(state) block.setUserData(data) def formatBlock(self, block): """ Formats the block according to its state. """ # TODO: Use QTextDocument format presets, and QTextBlock's # TODO: blockFormatIndex. And move that in t2tHighlighterStyle. state = block.userState() blockFormat = QTextBlockFormat() if state in [State.BLOCKQUOTE_LINE, State.HEADER_LINE] + State.LIST: blockFormat = self.style.formatBlock(block, state) QTextCursor(block).setBlockFormat(blockFormat) def getBlankLines(self, block): """Returns if there is a blank line before in the list.""" state = block.userState() if state >= 200: return 1 else: return 0 def isList(self, block): """Returns TRUE if the block is in a list.""" if block.userState() == State.LIST_BEGINS or \ block.userState() >= 100: return True def setStyle(self, style="Default"): if style in t2tHighlighterStyle.validStyles: self.style = t2tHighlighterStyle(self.editor, self._defaultCharFormat, style) else: self.style = None self.rehighlight() def setFontPointSize(self, size): self.defaultFontPointSize = size self.style = t2tHighlighterStyle(self.editor, self.style.name) self.rehighlight() def parseInDocRules(self): oldRules = self.inDocRules self.inDocRules = [] t = self.thisDocument.toPlainText() # Get all conf files confs = [] lines = t.split("\n") for l in lines: r = QRegExp(r'^%!includeconf:\s*([^\s]*)\s*') if r.indexIn(l) != -1: confs.append(r.cap(1)) # Try to load conf files for c in confs: try: import codecs f = self.editor.fileWidget.file d = QDir.cleanPath(QFileInfo(f).absoluteDir().absolutePath() + "/" + c) file = codecs.open(d, 'r', "utf-8") except: print(("Error: cannot open {}.".format(c))) continue # We add the content to the current lines of the current document lines += file.readlines() # lines.extend(file.readlines()) # b = self.thisDocument.firstBlock() lastColor = "" # while b.isValid(): for l in lines: text = l # b.text() r = QRegExp(r'^%!p[or][se]t?proc[^\s]*\s*:\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")\s*(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")') if r.indexIn(text) != -1: rule = r.cap(1)[1:-1] # Check if there was a color-comment above that post/preproc bloc if lastColor: self.inDocRules.append((str(rule), lastColor)) # Check if previous block is a comment like it should else: previousText = lines[lines.indexOf(l) - 1] # b.previous().text() r = QRegExp(r'^%.*\s\((.*)\)') if r.indexIn(previousText) != -1: lastColor = r.cap(1) self.inDocRules.append((str(rule), lastColor)) else: lastColor = "" # b = b.next() if oldRules != self.inDocRules: # Rules have changed, we need to rehighlight # print("Rules have changed.", len(self.inDocRules)) # self.rehighlight() # Doesn't work (seg fault), why? pass # b = self.thisDocument.firstBlock() # while b.isValid(): # for (r, c) in self.inDocRules: # r = QRegExp(r) # pos = r.indexIn(b.text()) # if pos >= 0: # print("rehighlighting:", b.text()) # self.rehighlightBlock(b) # break # b = b.next()