# Manuskript [Manuskript](http://www.theologeek.ch/manuskript) is an open-source tool for writers. ![Main view](http://www.theologeek.ch/manuskript/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/manuskript-0.3.0.jpg) ## [Download](http://www.theologeek.ch/manuskript/download) ## Running from sources To run the application without installing just: * Download [latest code archive](https://github.com/olivierkes/manuskript/archive/master.zip) or clone the repository. * Run: * On Linux/Mac: bin/manuskript Be sure to have all **dependencies** installed! ## Dependencies - Python 3 - PyQt5 - libqt5svg5 - lxml Optional: - pyenchant - zlib ### To install dependencies on Linux: - Arch Linux: ```sudo pacman -S --needed python python-pyqt5 qt5-svg python-lxml python-pyenchant zlib``` - Debian based (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.): ```sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 libqt5svg5 python3-lxml python3-enchant zlibg1```