#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- import re from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer, QModelIndex, Qt, QEvent, pyqtSignal, QRegExp, QLocale from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextBlockFormat, QTextCharFormat, QFont, QColor, QIcon, QMouseEvent, QTextCursor from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QTextEdit, qApp, QAction, QMenu from manuskript import settings from manuskript.enums import Outline, World, Character, Plot from manuskript import functions as F from manuskript.models import outlineModel, outlineItem from manuskript.ui.highlighters import BasicHighlighter from manuskript.ui import style as S try: import enchant except ImportError: enchant = None class textEditView(QTextEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None, index=None, html=None, spellcheck=True, highlighting=False, dict="", autoResize=False): QTextEdit.__init__(self, parent) self._column = Outline.text self._index = None self._indexes = None self._model = None self._placeholderText = self.placeholderText() self._updating = False self._item = None self._highlighting = highlighting self._textFormat = "text" self.setAcceptRichText(False) # When setting up a theme, this becomes true. self._fromTheme = False # Sometimes we need to update index because item has changed its # position, so we only have it's ID as reference. We store it to # update at the propper time. self._updateIndexFromID = None self._themeData = None self._highlighterClass = BasicHighlighter self.spellcheck = spellcheck self.currentDict = dict if dict else settings.dict self._defaultFontSize = qApp.font().pointSize() self.highlighter = None self.setAutoResize(autoResize) self._defaultBlockFormat = QTextBlockFormat() self._defaultCharFormat = QTextCharFormat() self.highlightWord = "" self.highligtCS = False self._dict = None # self.document().contentsChanged.connect(self.submit, F.AUC) # Submit text changed only after 500ms without modifications self.updateTimer = QTimer() self.updateTimer.setInterval(500) self.updateTimer.setSingleShot(True) self.updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.submit) # self.updateTimer.timeout.connect(lambda: print("Timeout")) self.updateTimer.stop() self.document().contentsChanged.connect(self.updateTimer.start, F.AUC) # self.document().contentsChanged.connect(lambda: print("Document changed")) # self.document().contentsChanged.connect(lambda: print(self.objectName(), "Contents changed")) self.setEnabled(False) if index: self.setCurrentModelIndex(index) elif html: self.document().setHtml(html) self.setReadOnly(True) # Spellchecking if enchant and self.spellcheck: try: self._dict = enchant.Dict(self.currentDict if self.currentDict else self.getDefaultLocale()) except enchant.errors.DictNotFoundError: self.spellcheck = False else: self.spellcheck = False if self._highlighting and not self.highlighter: self.highlighter = self._highlighterClass(self) self.highlighter.setDefaultBlockFormat(self._defaultBlockFormat) def getDefaultLocale(self): default_locale = enchant.get_default_language() if default_locale is None: default_locale = QLocale.system().name() if default_locale is None: default_locale = enchant.list_dicts()[0][0] return default_locale def setModel(self, model): self._model = model try: self._model.dataChanged.connect(self.update, F.AUC) except TypeError: pass try: self._model.rowsAboutToBeRemoved.connect(self.rowsAboutToBeRemoved, F.AUC) except TypeError: pass def setColumn(self, col): self._column = col def setHighlighting(self, val): self._highlighting = val def setDefaultBlockFormat(self, bf): self._defaultBlockFormat = bf if self.highlighter: self.highlighter.setDefaultBlockFormat(bf) def setCurrentModelIndex(self, index): self._indexes = None if index.isValid(): self.setEnabled(True) if index.column() != self._column: index = index.sibling(index.row(), self._column) self._index = index self.setPlaceholderText(self._placeholderText) if not self._model: self.setModel(index.model()) self.setupEditorForIndex(self._index) self.loadFontSettings() self.updateText() else: self._index = QModelIndex() self.setPlainText("") self.setEnabled(False) def currentIndex(self): """ Getter function used to normalized views acces with QAbstractItemViews. """ if self._index: return self._index else: return QModelIndex() def getSelection(self): """ Getter function used to normalized views acces with QAbstractItemViews. """ return [self.currentIndex()] def setCurrentModelIndexes(self, indexes): self._index = None self._indexes = [] for i in indexes: if i.isValid(): self.setEnabled(True) if i.column() != self._column: i = i.sibling(i.row(), self._column) self._indexes.append(i) if not self._model: self.setModel(i.model()) self.updateText() def setupEditorForIndex(self, index): # Setting highlighter if self._highlighting: self.highlighter = self._highlighterClass(self) self.highlighter.setDefaultBlockFormat(self._defaultBlockFormat) self.highlighter.updateColorScheme() def loadFontSettings(self): if self._fromTheme or \ not self._index or \ type(self._index.model()) != outlineModel or \ self._column != Outline.text: return opt = settings.textEditor f = QFont() f.fromString(opt["font"]) background = (opt["background"] if not opt["backgroundTransparent"] else "transparent") foreground = opt["fontColor"] # if not opt["backgroundTransparent"] # else S.text # self.setFont(f) self.setStyleSheet("""QTextEdit{{ background: {bg}; color: {foreground}; font-family: {ff}; font-size: {fs}; margin: {mTB}px {mLR}px; {maxWidth} }} """.format( bg=background, foreground=foreground, ff=f.family(), fs="{}pt".format(str(f.pointSize())), mTB = opt["marginsTB"], mLR = opt["marginsLR"], maxWidth = "max-width: {}px;".format(opt["maxWidth"]) if opt["maxWidth"] else "", ) ) self._defaultFontSize = f.pointSize() # We set the parent background to the editor's background in case # there are margins. We check that the parent class is a QWidget because # if textEditView is used in fullScreenEditor, then we don't want to # set the background. if self.parent().__class__ == QWidget: self.parent().setStyleSheet(""" QWidget#{name}{{ background: {bg}; }}""".format( # We style by name, otherwise all heriting widgets get the same # colored background, for example context menu. name=self.parent().objectName(), bg=background, )) cf = QTextCharFormat() # cf.setFont(f) # cf.setForeground(QColor(opt["fontColor"])) self.setCursorWidth(opt["cursorWidth"]) bf = QTextBlockFormat() bf.setLineHeight(opt["lineSpacing"], bf.ProportionalHeight) bf.setTextIndent(opt["tabWidth"] * 1 if opt["indent"] else 0) bf.setTopMargin(opt["spacingAbove"]) bf.setBottomMargin(opt["spacingBelow"]) bf.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft if opt["textAlignment"] == 0 else Qt.AlignCenter if opt["textAlignment"] == 1 else Qt.AlignRight if opt["textAlignment"] == 2 else Qt.AlignJustify) self._defaultCharFormat = cf self._defaultBlockFormat = bf if self.highlighter: self.highlighter.updateColorScheme() self.highlighter.setMisspelledColor(QColor(opt["misspelled"])) self.highlighter.setDefaultCharFormat(self._defaultCharFormat) self.highlighter.setDefaultBlockFormat(self._defaultBlockFormat) def update(self, topLeft, bottomRight): if self._updating: return if self._updateIndexFromID: # We have to update to a new index self._index = self._index.model().getIndexByID( self._updateIndexFromID, self._column) self._updateIndexFromID = None if self._index and self._index.isValid(): if topLeft.parent() != self._index.parent(): return # print("Model changed: ({}:{}), ({}:{}/{}), ({}:{}) for {} of {}".format( # topLeft.row(), topLeft.column(), # self._index.row(), self._index.row(), self._column, # bottomRight.row(), bottomRight.column(), # self.objectName(), self.parent().objectName())) if topLeft.row() <= self._index.row() <= bottomRight.row(): if topLeft.column() <= self._column <= bottomRight.column(): self.updateText() elif self._indexes: update = False for i in self._indexes: if topLeft.row() <= i.row() <= bottomRight.row(): update = True if update: self.updateText() def rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, parent, first, last): if self._index and self._index.isValid(): # Has my _index just been removed? if self._index.parent() == parent and \ first <= self._index.row() <= last: self._index = None self.setEnabled(False) return # FIXME: self._indexes if self._index.model() != outlineItem: # The next stuff is only for outlineItems return # We check if item is a child of the row about to be removed child = False p = self._index.parent() while p: if p == parent: child = True p = None elif p.isValid(): p = p.parent() else: p = None if child: # Item might have moved (so will not be valid any more) ID = self._index.internalPointer().ID() # We store ID, and we update it in self.update (after the # rows have been removed). self._updateIndexFromID = ID def disconnectDocument(self): try: self.document().contentsChanged.disconnect(self.updateTimer.start) except: pass def reconnectDocument(self): self.document().contentsChanged.connect(self.updateTimer.start, F.AUC) def updateText(self): if self._updating: return # print("Updating", self.objectName()) self._updating = True if self._index: self.disconnectDocument() if self.toPlainText() != F.toString(self._model.data(self._index)): # print(" Updating plaintext") self.document().setPlainText(F.toString(self._model.data(self._index))) self.reconnectDocument() elif self._indexes: self.disconnectDocument() t = [] same = True for i in self._indexes: item = i.internalPointer() t.append(F.toString(item.data(self._column))) for t2 in t[1:]: if t2 != t[0]: same = False break if same: self.document().setPlainText(t[0]) else: self.document().setPlainText("") if not self._placeholderText: self._placeholderText = self.placeholderText() self.setPlaceholderText(self.tr("Various")) self.reconnectDocument() self._updating = False def submit(self): self.updateTimer.stop() if self._updating: return # print("Submitting", self.objectName()) if self._index and self._index.isValid(): # item = self._index.internalPointer() if self.toPlainText() != self._model.data(self._index): # print(" Submitting plain text") self._updating = True self._model.setData(self._index, self.toPlainText()) self._updating = False elif self._indexes: self._updating = True for i in self._indexes: item = i.internalPointer() if self.toPlainText() != F.toString(item.data(self._column)): print("Submitting many indexes") self._model.setData(i, self.toPlainText()) self._updating = False def keyPressEvent(self, event): QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, event) if event.key() == Qt.Key_Space: self.submit() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resize stuff def resizeEvent(self, e): QTextEdit.resizeEvent(self, e) if self._autoResize: self.sizeChange() def sizeChange(self): opt = settings.textEditor docHeight = self.document().size().height() + 2 * opt["marginsTB"] if self.heightMin <= docHeight <= self.heightMax: self.setMinimumHeight(docHeight) def setAutoResize(self, val): self._autoResize = val if self._autoResize: self.document().contentsChanged.connect(self.sizeChange) self.heightMin = 0 self.heightMax = 65000 self.sizeChange() ############################################################################### # SPELLCHECKING ############################################################################### # Based on http://john.nachtimwald.com/2009/08/22/qplaintextedit-with-in-line-spell-check/ def setDict(self, d): self.currentDict = d self._dict = enchant.Dict(d) if self.highlighter: self.highlighter.rehighlight() def toggleSpellcheck(self, v): self.spellcheck = v if enchant and self.spellcheck and not self._dict: if self.currentDict: self._dict = enchant.Dict(self.currentDict) elif enchant.get_default_language() and enchant.dict_exists(enchant.get_default_language()): self._dict = enchant.Dict(enchant.get_default_language()) else: self.spellcheck = False if self.highlighter: self.highlighter.rehighlight() else: self.spellcheck = False def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.RightButton: # Rewrite the mouse event to a left button event so the cursor is # moved to the location of the pointer. event = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonPress, event.pos(), Qt.LeftButton, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier) QTextEdit.mousePressEvent(self, event) def wheelEvent(self, event): """ We catch wheelEvent if key modifier is CTRL to change font size. Note: this should be in a class specific for main textEditView (#TODO). """ if event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: # Get the wheel angle. d = event.angleDelta().y() / 120 # Update settings f = QFont() f.fromString(settings.textEditor["font"]) f.setPointSizeF(f.pointSizeF() + d) settings.textEditor["font"] = f.toString() # Update font to all textEditView. Drastically. for w in F.mainWindow().findChildren(textEditView, QRegExp(".*")): w.loadFontSettings() # We tell the world that we accepted this event event.accept() return QTextEdit.wheelEvent(self, event) class SpellAction(QAction): """A special QAction that returns the text in a signal. Used for spellckech.""" correct = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, *args): QAction.__init__(self, *args) self.triggered.connect(lambda x: self.correct.emit( str(self.text()))) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): # Based on http://john.nachtimwald.com/2009/08/22/qplaintextedit-with-in-line-spell-check/ popup_menu = self.createStandardContextMenu() popup_menu.exec_(event.globalPos()) def createStandardContextMenu(self): popup_menu = QTextEdit.createStandardContextMenu(self) if not self.spellcheck: return popup_menu # Select the word under the cursor. # But only if there is no selection (otherwise it's impossible to select more text to copy/cut) cursor = self.textCursor() if not cursor.hasSelection(): cursor.select(QTextCursor.WordUnderCursor) self.setTextCursor(cursor) # Check if the selected word is misspelled and offer spelling # suggestions if it is. if cursor.hasSelection(): text = str(cursor.selectedText()) valid = self._dict.check(text) selectedWord = cursor.selectedText() if not valid: spell_menu = QMenu(self.tr('Spelling Suggestions'), self) spell_menu.setIcon(F.themeIcon("spelling")) for word in self._dict.suggest(text): action = self.SpellAction(word, spell_menu) action.correct.connect(self.correctWord) spell_menu.addAction(action) # Only add the spelling suggests to the menu if there are # suggestions. if len(spell_menu.actions()) != 0: popup_menu.insertSeparator(popup_menu.actions()[0]) # Adds: add to dictionary addAction = QAction(self.tr("&Add to dictionary"), popup_menu) addAction.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme("list-add")) addAction.triggered.connect(self.addWordToDict) addAction.setData(selectedWord) popup_menu.insertAction(popup_menu.actions()[0], addAction) # Adds: suggestions popup_menu.insertMenu(popup_menu.actions()[0], spell_menu) # popup_menu.insertSeparator(popup_menu.actions()[0]) # If word was added to custom dict, give the possibility to remove it elif valid and self._dict.is_added(selectedWord): popup_menu.insertSeparator(popup_menu.actions()[0]) # Adds: remove from dictionary rmAction = QAction(self.tr("&Remove from custom dictionary"), popup_menu) rmAction.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme("list-remove")) rmAction.triggered.connect(self.rmWordFromDict) rmAction.setData(selectedWord) popup_menu.insertAction(popup_menu.actions()[0], rmAction) return popup_menu def correctWord(self, word): """ Replaces the selected text with word. """ cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.removeSelectedText() cursor.insertText(word) cursor.endEditBlock() def addWordToDict(self): word = self.sender().data() self._dict.add(word) self.highlighter.rehighlight() def rmWordFromDict(self): word = self.sender().data() self._dict.remove(word) self.highlighter.rehighlight() ############################################################################### # FORMATTING ############################################################################### def focusOutEvent(self, event): """Submit changes just before focusing out.""" QTextEdit.focusOutEvent(self, event) self.submit() ############################################################################### # KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ############################################################################### def callMainTreeView(self, functionName): """ The tree view in mainwindow must have same index as the text edit that has focus. So we can pass it the call for documents edits like: duplicate, move up, etc. """ if self._index and self._column == Outline.text: function = getattr(F.mainWindow().treeRedacOutline, functionName) function() def rename(self): self.callMainTreeView("rename") def duplicate(self): self.callMainTreeView("duplicate") def moveUp(self): self.callMainTreeView("moveUp") def moveDown(self): self.callMainTreeView("moveDown")