#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- import locale from PyQt5.QtCore import QAbstractItemModel, QMimeData from PyQt5.QtCore import QModelIndex from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize from PyQt5.QtCore import QVariant from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QFont from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit, qApp from manuskript import settings from lxml import etree as ET from manuskript.enums import Outline from manuskript.functions import mainWindow, toInt, wordCount, HTML2PlainText try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except: # Invalid locale, but not really a big deal because it's used only for # number formating pass import time, os class outlineModel(QAbstractItemModel): def __init__(self, parent): QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent) self.rootItem = outlineItem(self, title="Root", ID="0") # Stores removed item, in order to remove them on disk when saving, depending on the file format. self.removed = [] self._removingRows = False def index(self, row, column, parent): if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent): return QModelIndex() if not parent.isValid(): parentItem = self.rootItem else: parentItem = parent.internalPointer() childItem = parentItem.child(row) if childItem: return self.createIndex(row, column, childItem) else: return QModelIndex() def indexFromItem(self, item, column=0): if item == self.rootItem: return QModelIndex() parent = item.parent() if not parent: parent = self.rootItem if len(parent.children()) == 0: return None # print(item.title(), [i.title() for i in parent.children()]) row = parent.children().index(item) col = column return self.createIndex(row, col, item) def ID(self, index): if index.isValid(): item = index.internalPointer() return item.ID() def findItemsByPOV(self, POV): "Returns a list of IDs of all items whose POV is ``POV``." return self.rootItem.findItemsByPOV(POV) def findItemsContaining(self, text, columns, caseSensitive=False): """Returns a list of IDs of all items containing ``text`` in columns ``columns`` (being a list of int).""" return self.rootItem.findItemsContaining(text, columns, mainWindow(), caseSensitive) def getItemByID(self, ID): def search(item): if item.ID() == ID: return item for c in item.children(): r = search(c) if r: return r item = search(self.rootItem) return item def getIndexByID(self, ID): "Returns the index of item whose ID is ``ID``. If none, returns QModelIndex()." item = self.getItemByID(ID) if not item: return QModelIndex() else: return self.indexFromItem(item) def parent(self, index=QModelIndex()): if not index.isValid(): return QModelIndex() childItem = index.internalPointer() # print(childItem.title()) parentItem = childItem.parent() # try: # parentItem = childItem.parent() # except AttributeError: # import traceback, sys # print(traceback.print_exc()) # print(sys.exc_info()[0]) # return QModelIndex() if parentItem == self.rootItem: return QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(parentItem.row(), 0, parentItem) def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): if parent.column() > 0: return 0 if not parent.isValid(): parentItem = self.rootItem else: parentItem = parent.internalPointer() return parentItem.childCount() def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): if parent.isValid(): return parent.internalPointer().columnCount() else: return self.rootItem.columnCount() def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid(): return QVariant() item = index.internalPointer() return item.data(index.column(), role) def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole): item = index.internalPointer() if item.data(index.column(), role) != value: item.setData(index.column(), value, role) # self.dataChanged.emit(index.sibling(index.row(), 0), # index.sibling(index.row(), max([i.value for i in Outline]))) # print("Model emit", index.row(), index.column()) self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) if index.column() == Outline.type.value: # If type changed, then the icon of title changed. # Some views might be glad to know it. self.dataChanged.emit(index.sibling(index.row(), Outline.title.value), index.sibling(index.row(), Outline.title.value)) return True def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role in [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.ToolTipRole]: if section == Outline.title.value: return self.tr("Title") elif section == Outline.POV.value: return self.tr("POV") elif section == Outline.label.value: return self.tr("Label") elif section == Outline.status.value: return self.tr("Status") elif section == Outline.compile.value: return self.tr("Compile") elif section == Outline.wordCount.value: return self.tr("Word count") elif section == Outline.goal.value: return self.tr("Goal") elif section == Outline.goalPercentage.value: return "%" else: return [i.name for i in Outline][section] elif role == Qt.SizeHintRole: if section == Outline.compile.value: return QSize(40, 30) elif section == Outline.goalPercentage.value: return QSize(100, 30) else: return QVariant() else: return QVariant() return True def maxLevel(self): """Returns the max depth of the model.""" def depth(item, d=-1): d += 1 r = d for c in item.children(): r = max(r, depth(c, d)) return r d = depth(self.rootItem) return d #################### DRAG AND DROP ######################## # http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/model-view-programming.html#using-drag-and-drop-with-item-views def flags(self, index): # FIXME when dragging folders, sometimes flags is not called flags = QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) | Qt.ItemIsEditable if index.isValid() and index.internalPointer().isFolder() and index.column() == 0: flags |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled elif index.isValid() and index.column() == 0: flags |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled elif not index.isValid(): flags |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled if index.isValid() and index.column() == Outline.compile.value: flags |= Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable if index.column() in [i.value for i in [Outline.wordCount, Outline.goalPercentage]]: flags &= ~ Qt.ItemIsEditable return flags def mimeTypes(self): return ["application/xml"] def mimeData(self, indexes): mimeData = QMimeData() encodedData = "" root = ET.Element("outlineItems") for index in indexes: if index.isValid() and index.column() == 0: item = ET.XML(index.internalPointer().toXML()) root.append(item) encodedData = ET.tostring(root) mimeData.setData("application/xml", encodedData) return mimeData def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def canDropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): """Ensures that we are not droping an item into itself.""" if not data.hasFormat("application/xml"): return False if column > 0: return False # # Gets encoded mime data to retrieve the item items = self.decodeMimeData(data) if items is None: return False # We check if parent is not a child of one of the items if self.isParentAChildOfItems(parent, items): return False return True def isParentAChildOfItems(self, parent, items): """ Takes a parent index, and a list of outlineItems items. Check whether parent is in a child of one of the items. Return True in that case, False if not. """ # Get the parent item if not parent.isValid(): parentItem = self.rootItem else: parentItem = parent.internalPointer() for item in items: # Get parentItem's parents IDs in a list path = parentItem.pathID() # path to item in the form [(ID, title), ...] path = [ID for ID, title in path] # Is item in the path? It would mean that it tries to get dropped # as a children of himself. if item.ID() in path: return True return False def decodeMimeData(self, data): if not data.hasFormat("application/xml"): return None encodedData = bytes(data.data("application/xml")).decode() root = ET.XML(encodedData) if root is None: return None if root.tag != "outlineItems": return None items = [] for child in root: if child.tag == "outlineItem": item = outlineItem(xml=ET.tostring(child)) items.append(item) # We remove every item whose parent is also in items, otherwise it gets # duplicated. (https://github.com/olivierkes/manuskript/issues/169) # For example if selecting: # - Parent # - Child # And draging them, items encoded in mime data are: [Parent, Child], # but Child is already contained in Parent, so if we do nothing we end # up with: # - Parent # - Child # - Child newItems = items[:] IDs = [i.ID() for i in items] def checkIfChildIsPresent(item): # Recursively check every children of item, to see if any is in # the list of items to copy. If so, we remove it from the list. for c in item.children(): # We check if children is in the selection # and if it hasn't been removed yet if c.ID() in IDs and c.ID() in [i.ID() for i in newItems]: # Remove item by ID newItems.remove([i for i in newItems if i.ID() == c.ID()][0]) checkIfChildIsPresent(c) for i in items: checkIfChildIsPresent(i) items = newItems return items def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): if action == Qt.IgnoreAction: return True # What is that? if action == Qt.MoveAction: # Strangely, on some cases, we get a call to dropMimeData though # self.canDropMimeData returned False. # See https://github.com/olivierkes/manuskript/issues/169 to reproduce. # So we double check for safety. if not self.canDropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent): return False items = self.decodeMimeData(data) if items is None: return False if column > 0: column = 0 if row != -1: beginRow = row elif parent.isValid(): beginRow = self.rowCount(parent) + 1 else: beginRow = self.rowCount() + 1 if action == Qt.CopyAction: # Behavior if parent is a text item # For example, we select a text and do: CTRL+C CTRL+V if parent.isValid() and not parent.internalPointer().isFolder(): # We insert copy in parent folder, just below beginRow = parent.row() + 1 parent = parent.parent() if parent.isValid() and parent.internalPointer().isFolder(): while self.isParentAChildOfItems(parent, items): # We are copying a folder on itself. Assume duplicates. # Copy not in, but next to beginRow = parent.row() + 1 parent = parent.parent() if not items: return False r = self.insertItems(items, beginRow, parent) if action == Qt.CopyAction: for item in items: item.getUniqueID(recursive=True) return r ################# ADDING AND REMOVING ################# def insertItem(self, item, row, parent=QModelIndex()): return self.insertItems([item], row, parent) def insertItems(self, items, row, parent=QModelIndex()): if not parent.isValid(): parentItem = self.rootItem else: parentItem = parent.internalPointer() if parent.isValid() and parent.column() != 0: parent = parentItem.index() # Insert only if parent is folder if parentItem.isFolder(): self.beginInsertRows(parent, row, row + len(items) - 1) for i in items: parentItem.insertChild(row + items.index(i), i) self.endInsertRows() return True else: return False def appendItem(self, item, parent=QModelIndex()): if not parent.isValid(): parentItem = self.rootItem else: parentItem = parent.internalPointer() if parent.isValid() and parent.column() != 0: parent = parentItem.index() # If parent is folder, write into if parentItem.isFolder(): self.insertItem(item, self.rowCount(parent), parent) # If parent is not folder, write next to else: self.insertItem(item, parent.row() + 1, parent.parent()) def removeIndex(self, index): item = index.internalPointer() self.removeRow(item.row(), index.parent()) def removeIndexes(self, indexes): levels = {} for i in indexes: item = i.internalPointer() level = item.level() if not level in levels: levels[level] = [] levels[level].append([i.row(), i]) # Sort by level then by row for l in reversed(sorted(levels.keys())): rows = levels[l] rows = list(reversed(sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x[0]))) for r in rows: self.removeIndex(r[1]) def removeRow(self, row, parent=QModelIndex()): return self.removeRows(row, 1, parent) def removeRows(self, row, count, parent=QModelIndex()): if not parent.isValid(): parentItem = self.rootItem else: parentItem = parent.internalPointer() self._removingRows = True # Views that are updating can easily know # if this is due to row removal. self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row + count - 1) for i in range(count): item = parentItem.removeChild(row) self.removed.append(item) self._removingRows = False self.endRemoveRows() return True # def insertRow(self, row, item, parent=QModelIndex()): # self.beginInsertRows(parent, row, row) # if not parent.isValid(): # parentItem = self.rootItem # else: # parentItem = parent.internalPointer() # parentItem.insertChild(row, item) # self.endInsertRows() ################# XML / saving / loading ################# def saveToXML(self, xml=None): "If xml (filename) is given, saves the items to xml. Otherwise returns as string." root = ET.XML(self.rootItem.toXML()) if xml: ET.ElementTree(root).write(xml, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) else: return ET.tostring(root, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) def loadFromXML(self, xml, fromString=False): "Load from xml. Assume that xml is a filename. If fromString=True, xml is the content." if not fromString: root = ET.parse(xml) else: root = ET.fromstring(xml) self.rootItem = outlineItem(model=self, xml=ET.tostring(root), ID="0") self.rootItem.checkIDs() def indexFromPath(self, path): path = path.split(",") item = self.rootItem for p in path: if p != "" and int(p) < item.childCount(): item = item.child(int(p)) return self.indexFromItem(item) class outlineItem(): def __init__(self, model=None, title="", _type="folder", xml=None, parent=None, ID=None): self._data = {} self.childItems = [] self._parent = None self._model = model self.defaultTextType = None self.IDs = ["0"] # used by root item to store unique IDs self._lastPath = "" # used by loadSave version_1 to remember which files the items comes from, # in case it is renamed / removed if title: self._data[Outline.title] = title self._data[Outline.type] = _type self._data[Outline.compile] = Qt.Checked if xml is not None: self.setFromXML(xml) if parent: parent.appendChild(self) if ID: self._data[Outline.ID] = ID def child(self, row): return self.childItems[row] def childCount(self): return len(self.childItems) def childCountRecursive(self): n = self.childCount() for c in self.children(): n += c.childCountRecursive() return n def children(self): return self.childItems def columnCount(self): return len(Outline) def data(self, column, role=Qt.DisplayRole): # print("Data: ", column, role) if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole: # if column == Outline.compile.value: # return self.data(column, Qt.CheckStateRole) if Outline(column) in self._data: return self._data[Outline(column)] elif column == Outline.revisions.value: return [] else: return "" elif role == Qt.DecorationRole and column == Outline.title.value: if self.customIcon(): return QIcon.fromTheme(self.data(Outline.customIcon.value)) if self.isFolder(): return QIcon.fromTheme("folder") elif self.isMD(): return QIcon.fromTheme("text-x-generic") # elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole: # if self.isCompile() in [0, "0"]: # return QBrush(Qt.gray) elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole and column == Outline.compile.value: # print(self.title(), self.compile()) # if self._data[Outline(column)] and not self.compile(): # return Qt.PartiallyChecked # else: return self._data[Outline(column)] elif role == Qt.FontRole: f = QFont() if column == Outline.wordCount.value and self.isFolder(): f.setItalic(True) elif column == Outline.goal.value and self.isFolder() and self.data(Outline.setGoal) == None: f.setItalic(True) if self.isFolder(): f.setBold(True) return f def setData(self, column, data, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if role not in [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole, Qt.CheckStateRole]: print(column, column == Outline.text.value, data, role) return if column == Outline.text.value and self.isFolder(): # Folder have no text return if column == Outline.goal.value: self._data[Outline.setGoal] = toInt(data) if toInt(data) > 0 else "" # Checking if we will have to recount words updateWordCount = False if column in [Outline.wordCount.value, Outline.goal.value, Outline.setGoal.value]: updateWordCount = not Outline(column) in self._data or self._data[Outline(column)] != data # Stuff to do before if column == Outline.text.value: self.addRevision() # Setting data self._data[Outline(column)] = data # Stuff to do afterwards if column == Outline.text.value: wc = wordCount(data) self.setData(Outline.wordCount.value, wc) if column == Outline.compile.value: self.emitDataChanged(cols=[Outline.title.value, Outline.compile.value], recursive=True) if column == Outline.customIcon.value: # If custom icon changed, we tell views to update title (so that icons # will be updated as well) self.emitDataChanged(cols=[Outline.title.value]) if updateWordCount: self.updateWordCount() def updateWordCount(self, emit=True): """Update word count for item and parents. If emit is False, no signal is emitted (sometimes cause segfault)""" if not self.isFolder(): setGoal = toInt(self.data(Outline.setGoal.value)) goal = toInt(self.data(Outline.goal.value)) if goal != setGoal: self._data[Outline.goal] = setGoal if setGoal: wc = toInt(self.data(Outline.wordCount.value)) self.setData(Outline.goalPercentage.value, wc / float(setGoal)) else: wc = 0 for c in self.children(): wc += toInt(c.data(Outline.wordCount.value)) self._data[Outline.wordCount] = wc setGoal = toInt(self.data(Outline.setGoal.value)) goal = toInt(self.data(Outline.goal.value)) if setGoal: if goal != setGoal: self._data[Outline.goal] = setGoal goal = setGoal else: goal = 0 for c in self.children(): goal += toInt(c.data(Outline.goal.value)) self._data[Outline.goal] = goal if goal: self.setData(Outline.goalPercentage.value, wc / float(goal)) else: self.setData(Outline.goalPercentage.value, "") if emit: self.emitDataChanged([Outline.goal.value, Outline.setGoal.value, Outline.wordCount.value, Outline.goalPercentage.value]) if self.parent(): self.parent().updateWordCount(emit) def row(self): if self.parent(): return self.parent().childItems.index(self) def appendChild(self, child): self.insertChild(self.childCount(), child) def insertChild(self, row, child): self.childItems.insert(row, child) child._parent = self child.setModel(self._model) if not child.data(Outline.ID.value): child.getUniqueID() self.updateWordCount() def setModel(self, model): self._model = model for c in self.children(): c.setModel(model) def index(self, column=0): if self._model: return self._model.indexFromItem(self, column) else: return QModelIndex() def emitDataChanged(self, cols=None, recursive=False): idx = self.index() if idx and self._model: if not cols: # Emit data changed for the whole item (all columns) self._model.dataChanged.emit(idx, self.index(len(Outline))) else: # Emit only for the specified columns for c in cols: self._model.dataChanged.emit(self.index(c), self.index(c)) if recursive: for c in self.children(): c.emitDataChanged(cols, recursive=True) def removeChild(self, row): """ Removes child at position `row` and returns it. @param row: index (int) of the child to remove. @return: the removed outlineItem """ r = self.childItems.pop(row) # Might be causing segfault when updateWordCount emits dataChanged self.updateWordCount(emit=False) return r def parent(self): return self._parent def type(self): return self._data[Outline.type] def isFolder(self): return self._data[Outline.type] == "folder" def isText(self): return self._data[Outline.type] == "md" def isMD(self): return self._data[Outline.type] == "md" def isMMD(self): return self._data[Outline.type] == "md" def customIcon(self): return self.data(Outline.customIcon.value) def setCustomIcon(self, customIcon): self.setData(Outline.customIcon.value, customIcon) def text(self): return self.data(Outline.text.value) def compile(self): if self._data[Outline.compile] in ["0", 0]: return False elif self.parent(): return self.parent().compile() else: return True # rootItem always compile def title(self): if Outline.title in self._data: return self._data[Outline.title] else: return "" def ID(self): return self.data(Outline.ID.value) def POV(self): return self.data(Outline.POV.value) def status(self): return self.data(Outline.status.value) def label(self): return self.data(Outline.label.value) def path(self): "Returns path to item as string." if self.parent().parent(): return "{} > {}".format(self.parent().path(), self.title()) else: return self.title() def pathID(self): "Returns path to item as list of (ID, title)." if self.parent() and self.parent().parent(): return self.parent().pathID() + [(self.ID(), self.title())] else: return [(self.ID(), self.title())] def level(self): """Returns the level of the current item. Root item returns -1.""" if self.parent(): return self.parent().level() + 1 else: return -1 def stats(self): wc = self.data(Outline.wordCount.value) goal = self.data(Outline.goal.value) progress = self.data(Outline.goalPercentage.value) if not wc: wc = 0 if goal: return qApp.translate("outlineModel", "{} words / {} ({})").format( locale.format("%d", wc, grouping=True), locale.format("%d", goal, grouping=True), "{}%".format(str(int(progress * 100)))) else: return qApp.translate("outlineModel", "{} words").format( locale.format("%d", wc, grouping=True)) def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of item, with no parent, and no ID. """ item = outlineItem(xml=self.toXML()) item.setData(Outline.ID.value, None) return item def split(self, splitMark, recursive=True): """ Split scene at splitMark. If multiple splitMark, multiple splits. If called on a folder and recursive is True, then it is recursively applied to every children. """ if self.isFolder() and recursive: for c in self.children(): c.split(splitMark) else: txt = self.text().split(splitMark) if len(txt) == 1: # Mark not found return False else: # Stores the new text self.setData(Outline.text.value, txt[0]) k = 1 for subTxt in txt[1:]: # Create a copy item = self.copy() # Change title adding _k item.setData(Outline.title.value, "{}_{}".format(item.title(), k+1)) # Set text item.setData(Outline.text.value, subTxt) # Inserting item self.parent().insertChild(self.row()+k, item) k += 1 ############################################################################### # XML ############################################################################### def toXML(self): item = ET.Element("outlineItem") # We don't want to write some datas (computed) exclude = [Outline.wordCount, Outline.goal, Outline.goalPercentage, Outline.revisions] # We want to force some data even if they're empty force = [Outline.compile] for attrib in Outline: if attrib in exclude: continue val = self.data(attrib.value) if val or attrib in force: item.set(attrib.name, str(val)) # Saving revisions rev = self.revisions() for r in rev: revItem = ET.Element("revision") revItem.set("timestamp", str(r[0])) revItem.set("text", r[1]) item.append(revItem) # Saving lastPath item.set("lastPath", self._lastPath) for i in self.childItems: item.append(ET.XML(i.toXML())) return ET.tostring(item) def setFromXML(self, xml): root = ET.XML(xml) for k in root.attrib: if k in Outline.__members__: # if k == Outline.compile: # self.setData(Outline.__members__[k].value, unicode(root.attrib[k]), Qt.CheckStateRole) # else: self.setData(Outline.__members__[k].value, str(root.attrib[k])) if "lastPath" in root.attrib: self._lastPath = root.attrib["lastPath"] # If loading from an old file format, convert to md and remove html markup if self.type() in ["txt", "t2t"]: self.setData(Outline.type.value, "md") elif self.type() == "html": self.setData(Outline.type.value, "md") self.setData(Outline.text.value, HTML2PlainText(self.data(Outline.text.value))) self.setData(Outline.notes.value, HTML2PlainText(self.data(Outline.notes.value))) for child in root: if child.tag == "outlineItem": item = outlineItem(self._model, xml=ET.tostring(child), parent=self) elif child.tag == "revision": self.appendRevision(child.attrib["timestamp"], child.attrib["text"]) ############################################################################### # IDS ############################################################################### def getUniqueID(self, recursive=False): self.setData(Outline.ID.value, self._model.rootItem.findUniqueID()) if recursive: for c in self.children(): c.getUniqueID(recursive) def checkIDs(self): """This is called when a model is loaded. Makes a list of all sub-items IDs, that is used to generate unique IDs afterwards. """ self.IDs = self.listAllIDs() if max([self.IDs.count(i) for i in self.IDs if i]) != 1: print("WARNING ! There are some items with same IDs:", [i for i in self.IDs if i and self.IDs.count(i) != 1]) def checkChildren(item): for c in item.children(): _id = c.data(Outline.ID.value) if not _id or _id == "0": c.getUniqueID() checkChildren(c) checkChildren(self) def listAllIDs(self): IDs = [self.data(Outline.ID.value)] for c in self.children(): IDs.extend(c.listAllIDs()) return IDs def findUniqueID(self): IDs = [int(i) for i in self.IDs] k = 1 while k in IDs: k += 1 self.IDs.append(str(k)) return str(k) def pathToItem(self): path = self.data(Outline.ID.value) if self.parent().parent(): path = "{}:{}".format(self.parent().pathToItem(), path) return path def findItemsByPOV(self, POV): "Returns a list of IDs of all subitems whose POV is ``POV``." lst = [] if self.POV() == POV: lst.append(self.ID()) for c in self.children(): lst.extend(c.findItemsByPOV(POV)) return lst def findItemsContaining(self, text, columns, mainWindow=mainWindow(), caseSensitive=False, recursive=True): """Returns a list if IDs of all subitems containing ``text`` in columns ``columns`` (being a list of int). """ lst = self.itemContains(text, columns, mainWindow, caseSensitive) if recursive: for c in self.children(): lst.extend(c.findItemsContaining(text, columns, mainWindow, caseSensitive)) return lst def itemContains(self, text, columns, mainWindow=mainWindow(), caseSensitive=False): lst = [] text = text.lower() if not caseSensitive else text for c in columns: if c == Outline.POV.value and self.POV(): c = mainWindow.mdlCharacter.getCharacterByID(self.POV()) if c: searchIn = c.name() else: searchIn = "" print("Character POV not found:", self.POV()) elif c == Outline.status.value: searchIn = mainWindow.mdlStatus.item(toInt(self.status()), 0).text() elif c == Outline.label.value: searchIn = mainWindow.mdlLabels.item(toInt(self.label()), 0).text() else: searchIn = self.data(c) searchIn = searchIn.lower() if not caseSensitive else searchIn if text in searchIn: if not self.ID() in lst: lst.append(self.ID()) return lst ############################################################################### # REVISIONS ############################################################################### def revisions(self): return self.data(Outline.revisions.value) def appendRevision(self, ts, text): if not Outline.revisions in self._data: self._data[Outline.revisions] = [] self._data[Outline.revisions].append(( int(ts), text)) def addRevision(self): if not settings.revisions["keep"]: return if not Outline.text in self._data: return self.appendRevision( time.time(), self._data[Outline.text]) if settings.revisions["smartremove"]: self.cleanRevisions() self.emitDataChanged([Outline.revisions.value]) def deleteRevision(self, ts): self._data[Outline.revisions] = [r for r in self._data[Outline.revisions] if r[0] != ts] self.emitDataChanged([Outline.revisions.value]) def clearAllRevisions(self): self._data[Outline.revisions] = [] self.emitDataChanged([Outline.revisions.value]) def cleanRevisions(self): "Keep only one some the revisions." rev = self.revisions() rev2 = [] now = time.time() rule = settings.revisions["rules"] revs = {} for i in rule: revs[i] = [] for r in rev: # Have to put the lambda key otherwise cannot order when one element is None for span in sorted(rule, key=lambda x: x if x else 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 365): if not span or now - r[0] < span: revs[span].append(r) break for span in revs: sortedRev = sorted(revs[span], key=lambda x: x[0]) last = None for r in sortedRev: if not last: rev2.append(r) last = r[0] elif r[0] - last >= rule[span]: rev2.append(r) last = r[0] if rev2 != rev: self._data[Outline.revisions] = rev2 self.emitDataChanged([Outline.revisions.value])