#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- from PyQt5.QtCore import QAbstractItemModel, QMimeData from PyQt5.QtCore import QModelIndex from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize from PyQt5.QtCore import QVariant from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QFont from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit, qApp from lxml import etree as ET import re from manuskript import enums import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class abstractItem(): # Enum kept on the class for easier access enum = enums.Abstract # Used for XML export name = "abstractItem" # Regexp from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8733233/filtering-out-certain-bytes-in-python valid_xml_re = re.compile(u'[^\u0020-\uD7FF\u0009\u000A\u000D\uE000-\uFFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]+') def __init__(self, model=None, title="", _type="abstract", xml=None, parent=None, ID=None): self._data = {} self.childItems = [] self._parent = None self._model = model self.IDs = ["0"] # used by root item to store unique IDs self._lastPath = "" # used by loadSave version_1 to remember which files the items comes from, # in case it is renamed / removed self._data[self.enum.title] = title self._data[self.enum.type] = _type if xml != None: self.setFromXML(xml) if parent: # add this as a child to the parent, and link to the outlineModel of the parent parent.appendChild(self) if ID: self._data[self.enum.ID] = ID if self._model: self._model.updateAvailableIDs(ID) ####################################################################### # Model ####################################################################### def setModel(self, model): self._model = model if not self.ID(): self.getUniqueID() elif model: # if we are setting a model update it's ID self._model.updateAvailableIDs(self.ID()) for c in self.children(): c.setModel(model) def index(self, column=0): if self._model: return self._model.indexFromItem(self, column) else: return QModelIndex() def emitDataChanged(self, cols=None, recursive=False): """ Emits the dataChanged signal of the model, to signal views that data have changed. @param cols: an array of int (or None). The columns of the index that have been changed. @param recursive: boolean. If true, all children will also emit the dataChanged signal. """ idx = self.index() if idx and self._model: if not cols: # Emit data changed for the whole item (all columns) self._model.dataChanged.emit(idx, self.index(len(self.enum))) else: # Emit only for the specified columns for c in cols: self._model.dataChanged.emit(self.index(c), self.index(c)) if recursive: for c in self.children(): c.emitDataChanged(cols, recursive=True) ####################################################################### # Properties ####################################################################### def title(self): return self._data.get(self.enum.title, "") def ID(self): return self._data.get(self.enum.ID) def columnCount(self): return len(self.enum) def type(self): return self._data[self.enum.type] ####################################################################### # Parent / Children management ####################################################################### def child(self, row): return self.childItems[row] def childCount(self): return len(self.childItems) def childCountRecursive(self): n = self.childCount() for c in self.children(): n += c.childCountRecursive() return n def children(self): return self.childItems def row(self): if self.parent(): return self.parent().childItems.index(self) return None def appendChild(self, child): self.insertChild(self.childCount(), child) def insertChild(self, row, child): self.childItems.insert(row, child) child._parent = self child.setModel(self._model) def removeChild(self, row): """ Removes child at position `row` and returns it. @param row: index (int) of the child to remove. @return: the removed abstractItem """ r = self.childItems.pop(row) # Disassociate the child from its parent and the model. r._parent = None r.setModel(None) return r def parent(self): return self._parent def path(self, sep=" > "): "Returns path to item as string." if self.parent().parent(): return "{parent}{sep}{title}".format( parent=self.parent().path(), sep=sep, title=self.title()) else: return self.title() def pathID(self): "Returns path to item as list of (ID, title)." if self.parent() and self.parent().parent(): return self.parent().pathID() + [(self.ID(), self.title())] else: return [(self.ID(), self.title())] def level(self): """Returns the level of the current item. Root item returns -1.""" if self.parent(): return self.parent().level() + 1 else: return -1 def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of item, with no parent, and no ID. """ item = self.__class__(xml=self.toXML()) item.setData(self.enum.ID, None) return item def siblings(self): if self.parent(): return self.parent().children() return [] ############################################################################### # IDS ############################################################################### def getUniqueID(self, recursive=False): if not self._model: return self.setData(self.enum.ID, self._model.requestNewID()) if recursive: for c in self.children(): c.getUniqueID(recursive) def checkIDs(self): """This is called when a model is loaded. Makes a list of all sub-items IDs, that is used to generate unique IDs afterwards. """ self.IDs = self.listAllIDs() if max([self.IDs.count(i) for i in self.IDs if i]) != 1: LOGGER.warning("There are some items with overlapping IDs: %s", [i for i in self.IDs if i and self.IDs.count(i) != 1]) _IDs = [self.ID()] def checkChildren(item): "Check recursively every children and give them unique, non-empty, non-zero IDs." for c in item.children(): _id = c.ID() if not _id or _id == "0" or _id in _IDs: c.getUniqueID() LOGGER.warning("* Item {} '{}' is given new unique ID: '{}'".format(_id, c.title(), c.ID())) _IDs.append(_id) checkChildren(c) checkChildren(self) # Not sure if self.IDs is still useful (it was used in the old unique ID generating system at least). # It might be deleted everywhere. But just in the meantime, it should at least be up to date. self.IDs = self.listAllIDs() def listAllIDs(self): IDs = [self.ID()] for c in self.children(): IDs.extend(c.listAllIDs()) return IDs ####################################################################### # Data ####################################################################### def data(self, column, role=Qt.DisplayRole): # Return value in self._data if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole: return self._data.get(column, "") # Or return QVariant return QVariant() def setData(self, column, data, role=Qt.DisplayRole): # Setting data self._data[column] = data # The _model will be none during splitting if self._model and column == self.enum.ID: self._model.updateAvailableIDs(data) # Emit signal self.emitDataChanged(cols=[column]) # new in 0.5.0 ############################################################################### # XML ############################################################################### # We don't want to write some datas (computed) XMLExclude = [] # We want to force some data even if they're empty XMLForce = [] def cleanTextForXML(self, text): return self.valid_xml_re.sub('', text) def toXML(self): """ Returns a string containing the item (and children) in XML. By default, saves all attributes from self.enum and lastPath. You can define in XMLExclude and XMLForce what you want to be excluded or forcibly included. """ item = ET.Element(self.name) for attrib in self.enum: if attrib in self.XMLExclude: continue val = self.data(attrib) if val or attrib in self.XMLForce: item.set(attrib.name, self.cleanTextForXML(str(val))) # Saving lastPath item.set("lastPath", self._lastPath) # Additional stuff for subclasses item = self.toXMLProcessItem(item) for i in self.childItems: item.append(ET.XML(i.toXML())) return ET.tostring(item) def toXMLProcessItem(self, item): """ Subclass this to change the behavior of `toXML`. """ return item def setFromXML(self, xml): root = ET.XML(xml) for k in self.enum: if k.name in root.attrib: self.setData(k, str(root.attrib[k.name])) if "lastPath" in root.attrib: self._lastPath = root.attrib["lastPath"] self.setFromXMLProcessMore(root) for child in root: if child.tag == self.name: item = self.__class__(self._model, xml=ET.tostring(child), parent=self) def setFromXMLProcessMore(self, root): """ Additional stuff that subclasses must do with the XML to restore item. """ return