#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- import subprocess from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QCursor from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp, QMessageBox from manuskript.exporter.basic import basicExporter, basicFormat from manuskript.exporter.pandoc.HTML import HTML from manuskript.exporter.pandoc.PDF import PDF from manuskript.exporter.pandoc.outputFormats import ePub, OpenDocument, DocX from manuskript.exporter.pandoc.plainText import reST, markdown, latex, OPML from manuskript.functions import mainWindow import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class pandocExporter(basicExporter): name = "Pandoc" description = qApp.translate("Export", """

A universal document converter. Can be used to convert Markdown to a wide range of other formats.

Website: http://pandoc.org/

""") cmd = "pandoc" absentTip = "Install pandoc to benefit from a wide range of export formats (DocX, ePub, PDF, etc.)" absentURL = "http://pandoc.org/installing.html" def __init__(self): basicExporter.__init__(self) self.exportTo = [ markdown(self), latex(self), HTML(self), ePub(self), OpenDocument(self), DocX(self), PDF(self), reST(self), OPML(self), ] def version(self): if self.isValid(): r = self.run(["--version"]) return r.split("\n")[0] else: return "" def convert(self, src, args, outputfile=None): if self.isValid() == 2: run = self.cmd elif self.isValid() == 1: run = self.customPath else: LOGGER.error("No command for pandoc.") return None args = [run] + args if outputfile: args.append("--output={}".format(outputfile)) for name, col, var in [ ("Title", 0, "title"), ("Subtitle", 1, "subtitle"), ("Serie", 2, ""), ("Volume", 3, ""), ("Genre", 4, ""), ("License", 5, ""), ("Author", 6, "author"), ("Email", 7, ""), ]: item = mainWindow().mdlFlatData.item(0, col) if var and item and item.text().strip(): args.append("--variable={}:{}".format(var, item.text().strip())) # Add title metadata required for pandoc >= 2.x title = "Untitled" if mainWindow().mdlFlatData.item(0, 0): title = mainWindow().mdlFlatData.item(0, 0).text().strip() args.append("--metadata=title:{}".format(title)) qApp.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) p = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if not type(src) == bytes: src = src.encode("utf-8") # assumes utf-8 stdout, stderr = p.communicate(src) qApp.restoreOverrideCursor() if stderr or p.returncode != 0: err = "ERROR on export" + "\n" \ + "Return code" + ": %d\n" % (p.returncode) \ + "Command and parameters" + ":\n%s\n" % (p.args) \ + "Stderr content" + ":\n" + stderr.decode("utf-8") LOGGER.error(err) QMessageBox.critical(mainWindow().dialog, qApp.translate("Export", "Error"), err) return None return stdout.decode("utf-8")