#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- import re ############################################################################### # SHORT REFERENCES ############################################################################### # A regex used to match references from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from manuskript.enums import Outline from manuskript.enums import Character from manuskript.enums import Plot from manuskript.enums import PlotStep from manuskript.functions import mainWindow, mixColors from manuskript.ui import style as S RegEx = r"{(\w):(\d+):?.*?}" # A non-capturing regex used to identify references RegExNonCapturing = r"{\w:\d+:?.*?}" # The basic format of the references EmptyRef = "{{{}:{}:{}}}" EmptyRefSearchable = "{{{}:{}:" CharacterLetter = "C" TextLetter = "T" PlotLetter = "P" WorldLetter = "W" # Colors TextHighlightColor = QColor(mixColors(QColor(Qt.blue).name(), S.window, .3)) CharacterHighlightColor = QColor(mixColors(QColor(Qt.yellow).name(), S.window, .3)) PlotHighlightColor = QColor(mixColors(QColor(Qt.red).name(), S.window, .3)) WorldHighlightColor = QColor(mixColors(QColor(Qt.green).name(), S.window, .3)) def plotReference(ID, searchable=False): """Takes the ID of a plot and returns a reference for that plot. @searchable: returns a stripped version that allows simple text search.""" if not searchable: return EmptyRef.format(PlotLetter, ID, "") else: return EmptyRefSearchable.format(PlotLetter, ID, "") def characterReference(ID, searchable=False): """Takes the ID of a character and returns a reference for that character. @searchable: returns a stripped version that allows simple text search.""" if not searchable: return EmptyRef.format(CharacterLetter, ID, "") else: return EmptyRefSearchable.format(CharacterLetter, ID, "") def textReference(ID, searchable=False): """Takes the ID of an outline item and returns a reference for that item. @searchable: returns a stripped version that allows simple text search.""" if not searchable: return EmptyRef.format(TextLetter, ID, "") else: return EmptyRefSearchable.format(TextLetter, ID, "") def worldReference(ID, searchable=False): """Takes the ID of a world item and returns a reference for that item. @searchable: returns a stripped version that allows simple text search.""" if not searchable: return EmptyRef.format(WorldLetter, ID, "") else: return EmptyRefSearchable.format(WorldLetter, ID, "") ############################################################################### # READABLE INFOS ############################################################################### def infos(ref): """Returns a full paragraph in HTML format containing detailed infos about the reference ``ref``. """ match = re.fullmatch(RegEx, ref) if not match: return qApp.translate("references", "Not a reference: {}.").format(ref) _type = match.group(1) _ref = match.group(2) # A text or outline item if _type == TextLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlOutline idx = m.getIndexByID(_ref) if not idx.isValid(): return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) item = idx.internalPointer() # Titles pathTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Path:") statsTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Stats:") POVTitle = qApp.translate("references", "POV:") statusTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Status:") labelTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Label:") ssTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Short summary:") lsTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Long summary:") notesTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Notes:") # The POV of the scene POV = "" if item.POV(): POV = "{text}".format( ref=characterReference(item.POV()), text=mainWindow().mdlCharacter.getCharacterByID(item.POV()).name()) # The status of the scene status = item.status() if status: status = mainWindow().mdlStatus.item(int(status), 0).text() else: status = "" # The label of the scene label = item.label() if label: label = mainWindow().mdlLabels.item(int(label), 0).text() else: label = "" # The path of the scene path = item.pathID() pathStr = [] for _id, title in path: pathStr.append("{text}".format( ref=textReference(_id), text=title)) path = " > ".join(pathStr) # Summaries and notes ss = item.data(Outline.summarySentence) ls = item.data(Outline.summaryFull) notes = item.data(Outline.notes) text = """


{pathTitle} {path}

{statsTitle} {stats}
{POV} {status} {label}

{ss} {ls} {notes} {references} """.format( title=item.title(), pathTitle=pathTitle, path=path, statsTitle=statsTitle, stats=item.stats(), POV="{POVTitle} {POV}
".format( POVTitle=POVTitle, POV=POV) if POV else "", status="{statusTitle} {status}
".format( statusTitle=statusTitle, status=status) if status else "", label="{labelTitle} {label}

".format( labelTitle=labelTitle, label=label) if label else "", ss="

{ssTitle} {ss}

".format( ssTitle=ssTitle, ss=ss.replace("\n", "
")) if ss.strip() else "", ls="


".format( lsTitle=lsTitle, ls=ls.replace("\n", "
")) if ls.strip() else "", notes="


".format( notesTitle=notesTitle, notes=linkifyAllRefs(notes)) if notes.strip() else "", references=listReferences(ref) ) return text # A character elif _type == CharacterLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlCharacter c = m.getCharacterByID(int(_ref)) if c == None: return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) index = c.index() name = c.name() # Titles basicTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Basic info") detailedTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Detailed info") POVof = qApp.translate("references", "POV of:") # Goto (link) goto = qApp.translate("references", "Go to {}.") goto = goto.format(refToLink(ref)) # basic infos basic = [] for i in [ (Character.motivation, qApp.translate("references", "Motivation"), False), (Character.goal, qApp.translate("references", "Goal"), False), (Character.conflict, qApp.translate("references", "Conflict"), False), (Character.epiphany, qApp.translate("references", "Epiphany"), False), (Character.summarySentence, qApp.translate("references", "Short summary"), True), (Character.summaryPara, qApp.translate("references", "Longer summary"), True), ]: val = m.data(index.sibling(index.row(), i[0].value)) if val: basic.append("{title}:{n}{val}".format( title=i[1], n="\n" if i[2] else " ", val=val)) basic = "
".join(basic) # detailed infos detailed = [] for _name, _val in c.listInfos(): detailed.append("{}: {}".format( _name, _val)) detailed = "
".join(detailed) # list scenes of which it is POV oM = mainWindow().mdlOutline lst = oM.findItemsByPOV(_ref) listPOV = "" for t in lst: idx = oM.getIndexByID(t) listPOV += "
  • {text}
  • ".format( link=textReference(t), text=oM.data(idx, Outline.title)) text = """


    {goto} {basicInfos} {detailedInfos} {POV} {references} """.format( name=name, goto=goto, basicInfos="


    {basic}".format( basicTitle=basicTitle, basic=basic) if basic else "", detailedInfos="


    {detailed}".format( detailedTitle=detailedTitle, detailed=detailed) if detailed else "", POV="


    ".format( POVof=POVof, listPOV=listPOV) if listPOV else "", references=listReferences(ref) ) return text # A plot elif _type == PlotLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlPlots index = m.getIndexFromID(_ref) name = m.getPlotNameByID(_ref) if not index.isValid(): return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) # Titles descriptionTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Description") resultTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Result") charactersTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Characters") stepsTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Resolution steps") # Goto (link) goto = qApp.translate("references", "Go to {}.") goto = goto.format(refToLink(ref)) # Description description = m.data(index.sibling(index.row(), Plot.description)) # Result result = m.data(index.sibling(index.row(), Plot.result)) # Characters pM = mainWindow().mdlCharacter item = m.item(index.row(), Plot.characters) characters = "" if item: for r in range(item.rowCount()): ID = item.child(r, 0).text() characters += "
  • {text}".format( link=characterReference(ID), text=pM.getCharacterByID(ID).name()) # Resolution steps steps = "" item = m.item(index.row(), Plot.steps) if item: for r in range(item.rowCount()): title = item.child(r, PlotStep.name).text() summary = item.child(r, PlotStep.summary).text() meta = item.child(r, PlotStep.meta).text() if meta: meta = " ({})".format(meta) steps += "
  • {title}{summary}{meta}
  • ".format( title=title, summary=": {}".format(summary) if summary else "", meta=meta if meta else "") text = """


    {goto} {characters} {description} {result} {steps} {references} """.format( name=name, goto=goto, description="


    {text}".format( title=descriptionTitle, text=description) if description else "", result="


    {text}".format( title=resultTitle, text=result) if result else "", characters="


    ".format( title=charactersTitle, lst=characters) if characters else "", steps="


    ".format( title=stepsTitle, steps=steps) if steps else "", references=listReferences(ref) ) return text # A World item elif _type == WorldLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlWorld index = m.indexByID(_ref) name = m.name(index) if not index.isValid(): return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) # Titles descriptionTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Description") passionTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Passion") conflictTitle = qApp.translate("references", "Conflict") # Goto (link) goto = qApp.translate("references", "Go to {}.") goto = goto.format(refToLink(ref)) # Description description = basicFormat(m.description(index)) # Passion passion = basicFormat(m.passion(index)) # Conflict conflict = basicFormat(m.conflict(index)) text = """


    {goto} {description} {passion} {conflict} {references} """.format( name=name, goto=goto, description="


    {text}".format( title=descriptionTitle, text=description) if description else "", passion="


    {text}".format( title=passionTitle, text=passion) if passion else "", conflict="


    ".format( title=conflictTitle, lst=conflict) if conflict else "", references=listReferences(ref) ) return text else: return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) def shortInfos(ref): """Returns infos about reference ``ref``. Returns -1 if ``ref`` is not a valid reference, and None if it is valid but unknown.""" match = re.fullmatch(RegEx, ref) if not match: return -1 _type = match.group(1) _ref = match.group(2) infos = {} infos["ID"] = _ref if _type == TextLetter: infos["type"] = TextLetter m = mainWindow().mdlOutline idx = m.getIndexByID(_ref) if not idx.isValid(): return None item = idx.internalPointer() if item.isFolder(): infos["text_type"] = "folder" else: infos["text_type"] = "text" infos["title"] = item.title() infos["path"] = item.path() return infos elif _type == CharacterLetter: infos["type"] = CharacterLetter m = mainWindow().mdlCharacter c = m.getCharacterByID(_ref) if c: infos["title"] = c.name() infos["name"] = c.name() return infos elif _type == PlotLetter: infos["type"] = PlotLetter m = mainWindow().mdlPlots name = m.getPlotNameByID(_ref) if name: infos["title"] = name return infos elif _type == WorldLetter: infos["type"] = WorldLetter m = mainWindow().mdlWorld item = m.itemByID(_ref) if item: name = item.text() path = m.path(item) infos["title"] = name infos["path"] = path return infos return None def title(ref): """Returns a the title (or name) for the reference ``ref``.""" infos = shortInfos(ref) if infos and infos != -1 and "title" in infos: return infos["title"] else: return None def type(ref): infos = shortInfos(ref) if infos and infos != -1: return infos["type"] def ID(ref): infos = shortInfos(ref) if infos and infos != -1: return infos["ID"] def tooltip(ref): """Returns a tooltip in HTML for the reference ``ref``.""" infos = shortInfos(ref) if not infos: return qApp.translate("references", "Unknown reference: {}.").format(ref) if infos == -1: return qApp.translate("references", "Not a reference: {}.").format(ref) if infos["type"] == TextLetter: if infos["text_type"] == "folder": tt = qApp.translate("references", "Folder: {}").format(infos["title"]) else: tt = qApp.translate("references", "Text: {}").format(infos["title"]) tt += "
    {}".format(infos["path"]) return tt elif infos["type"] == CharacterLetter: return qApp.translate("references", "Character: {}").format(infos["title"]) elif infos["type"] == PlotLetter: return qApp.translate("references", "Plot: {}").format(infos["title"]) elif infos["type"] == WorldLetter: return qApp.translate("references", "World: {name}{path}").format( name=infos["title"], path=" ({})".format(infos["path"]) if infos["path"] else "") ############################################################################### # FUNCTIONS ############################################################################### def refToLink(ref): """Transforms the reference ``ref`` in a link displaying useful infos about that reference. For character, character's name. For text item, item's name, etc. """ match = re.fullmatch(RegEx, ref) if match: _type = match.group(1) _ref = match.group(2) text = "" if _type == TextLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlOutline idx = m.getIndexByID(_ref) if idx.isValid(): item = idx.internalPointer() text = item.title() elif _type == CharacterLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlCharacter c = m.getCharacterByID(int(_ref)) if c: text = c.name() elif _type == PlotLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlPlots text = m.getPlotNameByID(_ref) elif _type == WorldLetter: m = mainWindow().mdlWorld item = m.itemByID(_ref) if item: text = item.text() if text: return "{text}".format( ref=ref, text=text) else: return ref def linkifyAllRefs(text): """Takes all the references in ``text`` and transform them into HMTL links.""" return re.sub(RegEx, lambda m: refToLink(m.group(0)), text) def findReferencesTo(ref, parent=None, recursive=True): """List of text items containing references ref, and returns IDs. Starts from item parent. If None, starts from root.""" oM = mainWindow().mdlOutline if parent == None: parent = oM.rootItem # Removes everything after the second ':': '{L:ID:random text}' → '{L:ID:' ref = ref[:ref.index(":", ref.index(":") + 1)+1] # Bare form '{L:ID}' ref2 = ref[:-1] + "}" # Since it's a simple search (no regex), we search for both. lst = parent.findItemsContaining(ref, [Outline.notes], recursive=recursive) lst += parent.findItemsContaining(ref2, [Outline.notes], recursive=recursive) return lst def listReferences(ref, title=qApp.translate("references", "Referenced in:")): oM = mainWindow().mdlOutline listRefs = "" lst = findReferencesTo(ref) for t in lst: idx = oM.getIndexByID(t) listRefs += "
  • {text}
  • ".format( link=textReference(t), text=oM.data(idx, Outline.title)) return "


    ".format( title=title, ref=listRefs) if listRefs else "" def basicFormat(text): if not text: return "" text = text.replace("\n", "
    ") text = linkifyAllRefs(text) return text def open(ref): """Identify ``ref`` and open it.""" match = re.fullmatch(RegEx, ref) if not match: return _type = match.group(1) _ref = match.group(2) if _type == CharacterLetter: mw = mainWindow() item = mw.lstCharacters.getItemByID(_ref) if item: mw.tabMain.setCurrentIndex(mw.TabPersos) mw.lstCharacters.setCurrentItem(item) return True print("Error: Ref {} not found".format(ref)) return False elif _type == TextLetter: mw = mainWindow() index = mw.mdlOutline.getIndexByID(_ref) if index.isValid(): mw.tabMain.setCurrentIndex(mw.TabRedac) mw.mainEditor.setCurrentModelIndex(index, newTab=True) return True else: print("Ref not found") return False elif _type == PlotLetter: mw = mainWindow() item = mw.lstPlots.getItemByID(_ref) if item: mw.tabMain.setCurrentIndex(mw.TabPlots) mw.lstPlots.setCurrentItem(item) return True print("Ref not found") return False elif _type == WorldLetter: mw = mainWindow() item = mw.mdlWorld.itemByID(_ref) if item: mw.tabMain.setCurrentIndex(mw.TabWorld) mw.treeWorld.setCurrentIndex( mw.mdlWorld.indexFromItem(item)) return True print("Ref not found") return False print("Ref not implemented") return False