#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QInputDialog from manuskript.functions import mainWindow class splitDialog(QInputDialog): """ Opens a dialog to split indexes. """ def __init__(self, parent, indexes, mark=None): """ @param parent: a QWidget, for the dialog. @param indexes: a list of QModelIndex in the outlineModel @param default: the default split mark """ QInputDialog.__init__(self, parent) description = self.tr("""

Split selected item(s) at the given mark.

If one of the selected item is a folder, it will be applied recursively to all of it's children items.

The split mark can contain folling escape sequences:


""") if not mark: mark = "\\n---\\n" mark = mark.replace("\n", "\\n") mark = mark.replace("\t", "\\t") self.setLabelText(description) self.setTextValue(mark) if len(indexes) == 0: return if len(indexes) == 1: idx = indexes[0] self.setWindowTitle( self.tr("Split '{}'").format(self.getItem(idx).title()) ) else: self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Split items")) r = self.exec() mark = self.textValue() if r and mark: mark = mark.replace("\\n", "\n") mark = mark.replace("\\t", "\t") for idx in indexes: item = self.getItem(idx) item.split(mark) def getItem(self, index): if index.isValid(): return index.internalPointer() else: return mainWindow().mdlOutline.rootItem