#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- """ The converters package provide functions to quickly convert on the fly from one format to another. It is responsible to check what external library are present, and do the job as best as possible with what we have in hand. """ from manuskript.converters.abstractConverter import abstractConverter from manuskript.converters.pandocConverter import pandocConverter #from manuskript.converters.markdownConverter import markdownConverter def HTML2MD(html): # Convert using pandoc if pandocConverter.isValid(): return pandocConverter.convert(html, _from="html", to="markdown") # Convert to plain text using QTextEdit return HTML2PlainText(html) def HTML2PlainText(html): """ Convert from HTML to plain text. """ if pandocConverter.isValid(): return pandocConverter.convert(html, _from="html", to="plain") # Last resort: probably resource ineficient e = QTextEdit() e.setHtml(html) return e.toPlainText()