#!/usr/bin/env python #--!-- coding: utf8 --!-- from qt import * from functions import * from lxml import etree as ET import zipfile try: import zlib # Used with zipfile for compression compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED except: compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED def saveFilesToZip(files, zipname): """Saves given files to zipname. files is actually a list of (content, filename).""" zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, mode="w") for content, filename in files: zf.writestr(filename, content, compress_type=compression) zf.close() def loadFilesFromZip(zipname): """Returns the content of zipfile as a dict of filename:content.""" zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname) files = {} for f in zf.namelist(): files[f] = zf.read(f) return files def saveStandardItemModelXML(mdl, xml=None): """Saves the given QStandardItemModel to XML. If xml (filename) is given, saves to xml. Otherwise returns as string.""" root = ET.Element("model") root.attrib["version"] = qApp.applicationVersion() # Header header = ET.SubElement(root, "header") vHeader = ET.SubElement(header, "vertical") for x in range(mdl.rowCount()): vH = ET.SubElement(vHeader, "label") vH.attrib["row"] = str(x) vH.attrib["text"] = str(mdl.headerData(x, Qt.Vertical)) hHeader = ET.SubElement(header, "horizontal") for y in range(mdl.columnCount()): hH = ET.SubElement(hHeader, "label") hH.attrib["row"] = str(y) hH.attrib["text"] = str(mdl.headerData(y, Qt.Horizontal)) # Data data = ET.SubElement(root, "data") for x in range(mdl.rowCount()): row = ET.SubElement(data, "row") row.attrib["row"] = str(x) for y in range(mdl.columnCount()): col = ET.SubElement(row, "col") col.attrib["col"] = str(y) if mdl.data(mdl.index(x, y), Qt.DecorationRole) != None: color = iconColor(mdl.data(mdl.index(x, y), Qt.DecorationRole)).name(QColor.HexArgb) col.attrib["color"] = color if color != "#ff000000" else "#00000000" if mdl.data(mdl.index(x, y)) != "": col.text = mdl.data(mdl.index(x, y)) #print(qApp.tr("Saving to {}.").format(xml)) if xml: ET.ElementTree(root).write(xml, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) else: return ET.tostring(root, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) def loadStandardItemModelXML(mdl, xml, fromString=False): """Load data to a QStandardItemModel mdl from xml. By default xml is a filename. If fromString=True, xml is a string containg the data.""" #print(qApp.tr("Loading {}... ").format(xml), end="") if not fromString: try: tree = ET.parse(xml) except: print("Failed.") return else: root = ET.fromstring(xml) #root = tree.getroot() #Header hLabels = [] vLabels = [] for l in root.find("header").find("horizontal").findall("label"): hLabels.append(l.attrib["text"]) for l in root.find("header").find("vertical").findall("label"): vLabels.append(l.attrib["text"]) #print(root.find("header").find("vertical").text) mdl.setVerticalHeaderLabels(vLabels) mdl.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(hLabels) #Data for row in root.find("data").iter("row"): r = int(row.attrib["row"]) for col in row.iter("col"): c = int(col.attrib["col"]) if col.text: mdl.setData(mdl.index(r, c), col.text) if "color" in col.attrib: mdl.item(r, c).setIcon(iconFromColorString(col.attrib["color"])) #print("OK")