#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- from PyQt5.QtCore import QModelIndex, Qt, QAbstractItemModel, QVariant from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap, QColor from manuskript.functions import randomColor, iconColor, mainWindow, search from manuskript.enums import Character as C, Model from manuskript.searchLabels import CharacterSearchLabels from manuskript.models.searchableModel import searchableModel from manuskript.models.searchableItem import searchableItem class characterModel(QAbstractItemModel, searchableModel): def __init__(self, parent): QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent) # CharacterItems are stored in this list self.characters = [] ############################################################################### # QAbstractItemModel subclassed ############################################################################### def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): if parent.isValid(): c = parent.internalPointer() return len(c.infos) else: return len(self.characters) def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): if parent.isValid(): # Returns characters infos return 2 else: return len(C) def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): c = index.internalPointer() if type(c) == Character: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if index.column() in c._data: return c._data[index.column()] else: return "" elif role == Qt.DecorationRole: if index.column() == C.name.value: return c.icon else: return QVariant() elif type(c) == CharacterInfo: if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: return c.description elif index.column() == 1: return c.value def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole): c = index.internalPointer() if type(c) == Character: if role == Qt.EditRole: # We update only if data is different if index.column() not in c._data or c._data[index.column()] != value: c._data[index.column()] = value self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True elif type(c) == CharacterInfo: if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: c.description = value elif index.column() == 1: c.value = value self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True return False def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()): if not parent.isValid(): return self.createIndex(row, column, self.characters[row]) else: c = parent.internalPointer() if row < len(c.infos): return self.createIndex(row, column, c.infos[row]) else: return QModelIndex() def indexFromItem(self, item, column=0): if not item: return QModelIndex() row = self.characters.index(item) col = column return self.createIndex(row, col, item) def parent(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return QModelIndex() child = index.internalPointer() if type(child) == Character: return QModelIndex() elif type(child) == CharacterInfo: return child.character.index() def flags(self, index): if index.parent().isValid(): return QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) | Qt.ItemIsEditable else: return QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) ############################################################################### # CHARACTER QUERIES ############################################################################### def character(self, row): return self.characters[row] def name(self, row): return self.character(row).name() def icon(self, row): return self.character(row).icon def ID(self, row): return self.character(row).ID() def importance(self, row): return self.character(row).importance() def pov(self, row): return self.character(row).pov() ############################################################################### # MODEL QUERIES ############################################################################### def getCharactersByImportance(self): """ Lists characters by importance. @return: array of array of ´character´, by importance. """ r = [[], [], []] for c in self.characters: r[2-int(c.importance())].append(c) return r def getCharacterByID(self, ID): if ID != None: ID = str(ID) for c in self.characters: if c.ID() == ID: return c return None ############################################################################### # ADDING / REMOVING ############################################################################### def addCharacter(self, importance=0, name=None): """ Creates a new character @param importance: the importance level of the character @return: the character """ if not name: name = self.tr("New character") c = Character(model=self, name=self.tr(name), importance=importance) self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), len(self.characters), len(self.characters)) self.characters.append(c) self.endInsertRows() return c def removeCharacter(self, ID): """ Removes character whose ID is ID... @param ID: the ID of the character to remove @return: nothing """ c = self.getCharacterByID(ID) self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), self.characters.index( c), self.characters.index(c)) self.characters.remove(c) self.endRemoveRows() ############################################################################### # CHARACTER INFOS ############################################################################### def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if role == Qt.DisplayRole and orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return self.tr("Name") elif section == 1: return self.tr("Value") else: return C(section).name def addCharacterInfo(self, ID): c = self.getCharacterByID(ID) self.beginInsertRows(c.index(), len(c.infos), len(c.infos)) c.infos.append(CharacterInfo( c, description=self.tr("Description"), value=self.tr("Value") )) self.endInsertRows() mainWindow().updatePersoInfoView() def removeCharacterInfo(self, ID): c = self.getCharacterByID(ID) rm = [] for idx in mainWindow().tblPersoInfos.selectedIndexes(): if not idx.row() in rm: rm.append(idx.row()) rm.sort() rm.reverse() for r in rm: self.beginRemoveRows(c.index(), r, r) c.infos.pop(r) self.endRemoveRows() def searchableItems(self): return self.characters ############################################################################### # CHARACTER ############################################################################### class Character(searchableItem): def __init__(self, model, name=None, importance=0): self._model = model self.lastPath = "" if not name: name = self.translate("Unknown") self._data = {C.name.value: name} self.assignUniqueID() self.assignRandomColor() self._data[C.importance.value] = str(importance) self._data[C.pov.value] = "True" self.infos = [] super().__init__(CharacterSearchLabels) def name(self): return self._data[C.name.value] def setName(self, value): self._data[C.name.value] = value def importance(self): return self._data[C.importance.value] def ID(self): return self._data[C.ID.value] def index(self, column=0): return self._model.indexFromItem(self, column) def data(self, column, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if column == "Info": return self.infos else: return self._data.get(column, role) def assignRandomColor(self): """ Assigns a random color the the character. """ color = randomColor(QColor(Qt.white)) self.setColor(color) def setColor(self, color): """ Sets the character's color @param color: QColor. """ px = QPixmap(32, 32) px.fill(color) self.icon = QIcon(px) try: self._model.dataChanged.emit(self.index(), self.index()) except: # If it is the initialisation, won't be able to emit pass def color(self): """ Returns character's color in QColor @return: QColor """ return iconColor(self.icon) def setPOVEnabled(self, enabled): if enabled != self.pov(): if enabled: self._data[C.pov.value] = 'True' else: self._data[C.pov.value] = 'False' try: self._model.dataChanged.emit(self.index(), self.index()) except: # If it is the initialisation, won't be able to emit pass def pov(self): return self._data[C.pov.value] == 'True' def assignUniqueID(self, parent=QModelIndex()): """Assigns an unused character ID.""" vals = [] for c in self._model.characters: vals.append(int(c.ID())) k = 0 while k in vals: k += 1 self._data[C.ID.value] = str(k) def listInfos(self): r = [] for i in self.infos: r.append((i.description, i.value)) return r def searchTitle(self, column): return self.name() def searchOccurrences(self, searchRegex, column): results = [] data = self.searchData(column) if isinstance(data, list): for i in range(0, len(data)): # For detailed info we will highlight the full row, so we pass the row index # to the highlighter instead of the (startPos, endPos) of the match itself. results += [self.wrapSearchOccurrence(column, i, 0, context) for (startPos, endPos, context) in search(searchRegex, data[i].description)] results += [self.wrapSearchOccurrence(column, i, 0, context) for (startPos, endPos, context) in search(searchRegex, data[i].value)] else: results += super().searchOccurrences(searchRegex, column) return results def searchID(self): return self.ID() def searchPath(self, column): return [self.translate("Characters"), self.name(), self.translate(self.searchColumnLabel(column))] def searchData(self, column): if column == C.infos: return self.infos else: return self.data(column) def searchModel(self): return Model.Character class CharacterInfo(): def __init__(self, character, description="", value=""): self.description = description self.value = value self.character = character