#!/usr/bin/env python # --!-- coding: utf8 --!-- import re from PyQt5.QtCore import QRegExp, Qt, QTimer, QRect, QPoint from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextCursor from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp, QToolTip from manuskript.ui.views.textEditView import textEditView from manuskript.ui.highlighters import MarkdownHighlighter from manuskript import settings from manuskript.ui.highlighters.markdownEnums import MarkdownState as MS from manuskript.ui.highlighters.markdownTokenizer import MarkdownTokenizer as MT from manuskript import functions as F import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MDEditView(textEditView): blockquoteRegex = QRegExp("^ {0,3}(>\\s*)+") listRegex = QRegExp(r"^(\s*)([+*-]|([0-9a-z])+([.\)]))(\s+)") inlineLinkRegex = QRegExp("\\[([^\n]+)\\]\\(([^\n]+)\\)") imageRegex = QRegExp("!\\[([^\n]*)\\]\\(([^\n]+)\\)") automaticLinkRegex = QRegExp("(<([a-zA-Z]+\\:[^\n]+)>)|(<([^\n]+@[^\n]+)>)") def __init__(self, parent=None, index=None, html=None, spellcheck=None, highlighting=False, dict="", autoResize=False): textEditView.__init__(self, parent, index, html, spellcheck, highlighting=True, dict=dict, autoResize=autoResize) # Highlighter self._textFormat = "md" self._highlighterClass = MarkdownHighlighter self._noFocusMode = False self._lastCursorPosition = None if index: # We have to setup things anew, for the highlighter notably self.setCurrentModelIndex(index) self.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self.cursorPositionHasChanged) self.verticalScrollBar().rangeChanged.connect( self.scrollBarRangeChanged) # Clickable things self.clickRects = [] self.textChanged.connect(self.getClickRects) self.document().documentLayoutChanged.connect(self.getClickRects) self.setMouseTracking(True) ########################################################################### # KEYPRESS ########################################################################### def keyPressEvent(self, event): k = event.key() m = event.modifiers() cursor = self.textCursor() # RETURN if k == Qt.Key_Return: if not cursor.hasSelection(): if m & Qt.ShiftModifier: # Insert Markdown-style line break cursor.insertText(" ") if m & Qt.ControlModifier: cursor.insertText("\n") else: self.handleCarriageReturn() else: textEditView.keyPressEvent(self, event) # TAB elif k == Qt.Key_Tab: #self.indentText() # FIXME textEditView.keyPressEvent(self, event) elif k == Qt.Key_Backtab: #self.unindentText() # FIXME textEditView.keyPressEvent(self, event) else: textEditView.keyPressEvent(self, event) # Thanks to GhostWriter, mainly def handleCarriageReturn(self): autoInsertText = ""; cursor = self.textCursor() endList = False moveBack = False text = cursor.block().text() if cursor.positionInBlock() < cursor.block().length() - 1: autoInsertText = self.getPriorIndentation() if cursor.positionInBlock() < len(autoInsertText): autoInsertText = autoInsertText[:cursor.positionInBlock()] else: s = cursor.block().userState() if s in [MS.MarkdownStateNumberedList, MS.MarkdownStateBulletPointList]: self.listRegex.indexIn(text) g = self.listRegex.capturedTexts() # 0 = " a. " or " * " # 1 = " " " " # 2 = "a." "*" # 3 = "a" "" # 4 = "." "" # 5 = " " " " # If the line of text is an empty list item, end the list. if len(g[0].strip()) == len(text.strip()): endList = True # Else increment the list number elif g[3]: # Numbered list try: # digit i = int(g[3])+1 except: # letter i = chr(ord(g[3])+1) autoInsertText = "{}{}{}{}".format( g[1], i, g[4], g[5]) else: # Bullet list autoInsertText = g[0] if text[-2:] == " ": autoInsertText = " " * len(autoInsertText) elif s == MS.MarkdownStateBlockquote: self.blockquoteRegex.indexIn(text) g = self.blockquoteRegex.capturedTexts() autoInsertText = g[0] elif s in [MS.MarkdownStateInGithubCodeFence, MS.MarkdownStateInPandocCodeFence] and \ cursor.block().previous().userState() != s: autoInsertText = "\n" + text moveBack = True else: autoInsertText = self.getPriorIndentation() # Clear the list if endList: autoInsertText = self.getPriorIndentation() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.insertText(autoInsertText) autoInsertText = "" # Finally, we insert cursor.insertText("\n" + autoInsertText) if moveBack: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock) self.setTextCursor(cursor) self.ensureCursorVisible() def getPriorIndentation(self): text = self.textCursor().block().text() l = len(text) - len(text.lstrip()) return text[:l] def getPriorMarkdownBlockItemStart(self, itemRegex): text = self.textCursor().block().text() if itemRegex.indexIn(text) >= 0: return text[itemRegex.matchedLength():] return "" ########################################################################### # TypeWriterScrolling ########################################################################### def setCurrentModelIndex(self, index): textEditView.setCurrentModelIndex(self, index) self.centerCursor() def cursorPositionHasChanged(self): self.centerCursor() # Focus mode if self.highlighter and settings.textEditor["focusMode"]: if self._lastCursorPosition: block = self.document().findBlock(self._lastCursorPosition) self.highlighter.rehighlightBlock(block) self._lastCursorPosition = self.textCursor().position() block = self.document().findBlock(self._lastCursorPosition) self.highlighter.rehighlightBlock(block) def centerCursor(self, force=False): cursor = self.cursorRect() scrollbar = self.verticalScrollBar() viewport = self.viewport().rect() if (force or settings.textEditor["alwaysCenter"] or cursor.bottom() >= viewport.bottom() or cursor.top() <= viewport.top()): offset = viewport.center() - cursor.center() scrollbar.setValue(scrollbar.value() - offset.y()) def scrollBarRangeChanged(self, min, max): """ Adds viewport height to scrollbar max so that we can center cursor on screen. """ if settings.textEditor["alwaysCenter"]: self.verticalScrollBar().blockSignals(True) self.verticalScrollBar().setMaximum(max + self.viewport().height()) self.verticalScrollBar().blockSignals(False) ########################################################################### # FORMATTING ########################################################################### def bold(self): self.insertFormattingMarkup("**") def italic(self): self.insertFormattingMarkup("*") def strike(self): self.insertFormattingMarkup("~~") def verbatim(self): self.insertFormattingMarkup("`") def superscript(self): self.insertFormattingMarkup("^") def subscript(self): self.insertFormattingMarkup("~") def blockquote(self): self.lineFormattingMarkup("> ") def orderedList(self): self.lineFormattingMarkup(" 1. ") def unorderedList(self): self.lineFormattingMarkup(" - ") def selectWord(self, cursor): if cursor.selectedText(): return end = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfWord) cursor.setPosition(end, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfWord, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) def selectBlock(self, cursor): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) def comment(self): cursor = self.textCursor() # Select beginning and end of words self.selectWord(cursor) if cursor.hasSelection(): text = cursor.selectedText() cursor.insertText("") else: cursor.insertText("") cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor, 4) self.setTextCursor(cursor) def commentLine(self): cursor = self.textCursor() start = cursor.selectionStart() end = cursor.selectionEnd() block = self.document().findBlock(start) block2 = self.document().findBlock(end) if True: # Method 1 cursor.beginEditBlock() while block.isValid(): self.commentBlock(block) if block == block2: break block = block.next() cursor.endEditBlock() else: # Method 2 cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.setPosition(block.position()) cursor.insertText("") cursor.endEditBlock() def commentBlock(self, block): cursor = QTextCursor(block) text = block.text() if text[:5] == "": text2 = text[5:-4] else: text2 = "" self.selectBlock(cursor) cursor.insertText(text2) def lineFormattingMarkup(self, markup): """ Adds `markup` at the beginning of block. """ cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfBlock) cursor.insertText(markup) def insertFormattingMarkup(self, markup): cursor = self.textCursor() # Select beginning and end of words self.selectWord(cursor) if cursor.hasSelection(): start = cursor.selectionStart() end = cursor.selectionEnd() + len(markup) cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.setPosition(start) cursor.insertText(markup) cursor.setPosition(end) cursor.insertText(markup) cursor.endEditBlock() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor, len(markup)) #self.setTextCursor(cursor) else: # Insert markup twice (for opening and closing around the cursor), # and then move the cursor to be between the pair. cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.insertText(markup) cursor.insertText(markup) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor, len(markup)) cursor.endEditBlock() self.setTextCursor(cursor) def clearFormat(self): cursor = self.textCursor() text = cursor.selectedText() if not text: self.selectBlock(cursor) text = cursor.selectedText() text = self.clearedFormat(text) cursor.insertText(text) def clearedFormat(self, text): # FIXME: clear also block formats for reg, rep, flags in [ (r"\*\*(.*?)\*\*", "\\1", None), # bold ("__(.*?)__", "\\1", None), # bold (r"\*(.*?)\*", "\\1", None), # emphasis ("_(.*?)_", "\\1", None), # emphasis ("`(.*?)`", "\\1", None), # verbatim ("~~(.*?)~~", "\\1", None), # strike (r"\^(.*?)\^", "\\1", None), # superscript ("~(.*?)~", "\\1", None), # subscript (r"", "\\1", re.S), # comments # LINES OR BLOCKS (r"^#*\s*(.+?)\s*", "\\1", re.M), # ATX (r"^[=-]*$", "", re.M), # Setext (r"^`*$", "", re.M), # Code block fenced (r"^\s*[-+*]\s*(.*?)\s*$", "\\1", re.M), # Bullet List (r"^\s*[0-9a-z](\.|\))\s*(.*?)\s*$", "\\2", re.M), # Bullet List (r"\s*[>\s]*(.*?)\s*$", "\\1", re.M), # Code block and blockquote ]: text = re.sub(reg, rep, text, flags if flags else 0) return text def clearedFormatForStats(self, text): # Remove stuff that musn't be counted # FIXME: clear also block formats for reg, rep, flags in [ ("", "", re.S), # comments ]: text = re.sub(reg, rep, text, flags if flags else 0) return text def titleSetext(self, level): cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() # Is it already a Setext header? if cursor.block().userState() in [ MS.MarkdownStateSetextHeading1Line2, MS.MarkdownStateSetextHeading2Line2]: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock) text = cursor.block().text() if cursor.block().userState() in [ MS.MarkdownStateSetextHeading1Line1, MS.MarkdownStateSetextHeading2Line1]: # Need to remove line below c = QTextCursor(cursor.block().next()) self.selectBlock(c) c.insertText("") char = "=" if level == 1 else "-" text = re.sub(r"^#*\s*(.*)\s*#*", "\\1", text) # Removes # sub = char * len(text) text = text + "\n" + sub self.selectBlock(cursor) cursor.insertText(text) cursor.endEditBlock() def titleATX(self, level): cursor = self.textCursor() text = cursor.block().text() # Are we in a Setext Header? if cursor.block().userState() in [ MS.MarkdownStateSetextHeading1Line1, MS.MarkdownStateSetextHeading2Line1]: # Need to remove line below cursor.beginEditBlock() c = QTextCursor(cursor.block().next()) self.selectBlock(c) c.insertText("") self.selectBlock(cursor) cursor.insertText(text) cursor.endEditBlock() return elif cursor.block().userState() in [ MS.MarkdownStateSetextHeading1Line2, MS.MarkdownStateSetextHeading2Line2]: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock) self.setTextCursor(cursor) self.titleATX(level) return m = re.match(r"^(#+)(\s*)(.+)", text) if m: pre = m.group(1) space = m.group(2) txt = m.group(3) if len(pre) == level: # Remove title text = txt else: text = "#" * level + space + txt else: text = "#" * level + " " + text self.selectBlock(cursor) cursor.insertText(text) ########################################################################### # CLICKABLE THINKS ########################################################################### def resizeEvent(self, event): textEditView.resizeEvent(self, event) self.getClickRects() def scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy): textEditView.scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy) self.getClickRects() def getClickRects(self): """ Parses the whole texte to catch clickable things: links and images. Stores the result so that it can be used elsewhere. """ cursor = self.textCursor() refs = [] text = self.toPlainText() for rx in [ self.imageRegex, self.automaticLinkRegex, self.inlineLinkRegex, ]: pos = 0 while rx.indexIn(text, pos) != -1: cursor.setPosition(rx.pos()) r1 = self.cursorRect(cursor) pos = rx.pos() + rx.matchedLength() cursor.setPosition(pos) r2 = self.cursorRect(cursor) if r1.top() == r2.top(): ct = ClickThing( QRect(r1.topLeft(), r2.bottomRight()), rx, rx.capturedTexts()) refs.append(ct) else: r1.setRight(self.viewport().geometry().right()) refs.append(ClickThing(r1, rx, rx.capturedTexts())) r2.setLeft(self.viewport().geometry().left()) refs.append(ClickThing(r2, rx, rx.capturedTexts())) # We check for middle lines cursor.setPosition(rx.pos()) cursor.movePosition(cursor.Down) while self.cursorRect(cursor).top() != r2.top(): r3 = self.cursorRect(cursor) r3.setLeft(self.viewport().geometry().left()) r3.setRight(self.viewport().geometry().right()) refs.append(ClickThing(r3, rx, rx.capturedTexts())) if not cursor.movePosition(cursor.Down): # Super-rare failure. Leaving log message for future investigation. LOGGER.debug("Failed to move cursor down while calculating clickables. Aborting.") break self.clickRects = refs def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ When mouse moves, we show tooltip when appropriate. """ self.beginTooltipMoveEvent() textEditView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) self.endTooltipMoveEvent() onRect = [r for r in self.clickRects if r.rect.contains(event.pos())] if not onRect: qApp.restoreOverrideCursor() self.hideTooltip() return ct = onRect[0] if not qApp.overrideCursor(): qApp.setOverrideCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) if ct.regex == self.automaticLinkRegex: tooltip = ct.texts[2] or ct.texts[4] elif ct.regex == self.imageRegex: tt = ("

" + ct.texts[1] + "

" +"

") tooltip = None pos = event.pos() + QPoint(0, ct.rect.height()) ImageTooltip.fromUrl(ct.texts[2], pos, self) elif ct.regex == self.inlineLinkRegex: tooltip = ct.texts[1] or ct.texts[2] if tooltip: tooltip = self.tr("{} (CTRL+Click to open)").format(tooltip) self.showTooltip(self.mapToGlobal(event.pos()), tooltip) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): textEditView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event) onRect = [r for r in self.clickRects if r.rect.contains(event.pos())] if onRect and event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: ct = onRect[0] if ct.regex == self.automaticLinkRegex: url = ct.texts[2] or ct.texts[4] elif ct.regex == self.imageRegex: url = ct.texts[2] elif ct.regex == self.inlineLinkRegex: url = ct.texts[2] F.openURL(url) qApp.restoreOverrideCursor() # def paintEvent(self, event): # """ # Only useful for debugging: shows which rects are detected for # clickable things. # """ # textEditView.paintEvent(self, event) # # # Debug: paint rects # from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter # painter = QPainter(self.viewport()) # painter.setPen(Qt.gray) # for r in self.clickRects: # painter.drawRect(r.rect) def doTooltip(self, pos, message): QToolTip.showText(self.mapToGlobal(pos), message) class ClickThing: """ A simple class to remember QRect associated with clickable stuff. """ def __init__(self, rect, regex, texts): self.rect = rect self.regex = regex self.texts = texts from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkRequest, QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkReply from PyQt5.QtCore import QIODevice, QUrl, QBuffer from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap class ImageTooltip: """ This class handles the retrieving and caching of images in order to display these in tooltips. """ cache = {} manager = QNetworkAccessManager() processing = {} supportedSchemes = ("", "file", "http", "https") def fromUrl(url, pos, editor): """ Shows the image tooltip for the given url if available, or requests it for future use. """ ImageTooltip.editor = editor if ImageTooltip.showTooltip(url, pos): return # the url already exists in the cache try: ImageTooltip.manager.finished.connect(ImageTooltip.finished, F.AUC) except: pass # already connected qurl = QUrl.fromUserInput(url) if (qurl == QUrl()): ImageTooltip.cache[url] = (False, ImageTooltip.manager.tr("The image path or URL is incomplete or malformed.")) ImageTooltip.showTooltip(url, pos) return # empty QUrl means it failed completely elif (qurl.scheme() not in ImageTooltip.supportedSchemes): # QUrl.fromUserInput() can occasionally deduce an incorrect scheme, # which produces an error message regarding an unknown scheme. (Yay!) # But it also breaks all possible methods to try and associate the # reply with the original request in finished(), since reply.request() # is completely and utterly butchered for all tracking needs. :'( # (The QNetworkRequest, .url() and .originatingObject() can all change.) # Test case (Linux): ![image](C:\test_root.jpg) ImageTooltip.cache[url] = (False, ImageTooltip.manager.tr("The protocol \"{}\" is not supported.").format(qurl.scheme())) ImageTooltip.showTooltip(url, pos) return # no more request/reply chaos, please! elif (qurl in ImageTooltip.processing): return # one download is more than enough # Request the image for later processing. request = QNetworkRequest(qurl) ImageTooltip.processing[qurl] = (pos, url) reply = ImageTooltip.manager.get(request) # On Linux the finished() signal is not triggered when the url resembles # 'file://X:/...'. But because it completes instantly, we can manually # trigger the code to keep our processing dictionary neat & clean. if reply.error() == 302: # QNetworkReply.ProtocolInvalidOperationError ImageTooltip.finished(reply) def finished(reply): """ After retrieving an image, we add it to the cache. """ cache = ImageTooltip.cache url_key = reply.request().url() pos, url = None, None if url_key in ImageTooltip.processing: # Obtain the information associated with this request. pos, url = ImageTooltip.processing[url_key] del ImageTooltip.processing[url_key] elif len(ImageTooltip.processing) == 0: # We are not processing anything. Maybe it is a spurious signal, # or maybe the 'reply.error() == 302' workaround in fromUrl() has # been fixed in Qt. Whatever the reason, we can assume this request # has already been handled, and needs no more work from us. return else: # Somehow we lost track. Log what we can to hopefully figure it out. LOGGER.warning("Unable to match fetched data for tooltip to original request.") LOGGER.warning("- Completed request: %s", url_key) LOGGER.warning("- Status upon finishing: %s, %s", reply.error(), reply.errorString()) LOGGER.warning("- Currently processing: %s", ImageTooltip.processing) return # Update cache with retrieved data. if reply.error() != QNetworkReply.NoError: cache[url] = (False, reply.errorString()) else: px = QPixmap() px.loadFromData(reply.readAll()) px = px.scaled(800, 600, Qt.KeepAspectRatio) cache[url] = (True, px) ImageTooltip.showTooltip(url, pos) def showTooltip(url, pos): """ Show a tooltip for the given url based on cached information. """ cache = ImageTooltip.cache if url in cache: if not cache[url][0]: # error, image was not found ImageTooltip.tooltipError(cache[url][1], pos) else: ImageTooltip.tooltip(cache[url][1], pos) return True return False def tooltipError(message, pos): """ Display a tooltip with an error message at the given position. """ ImageTooltip.editor.doTooltip(pos, message) def tooltip(image, pos): """ Display a tooltip with an image at the given position. """ px = image buffer = QBuffer() buffer.open(QIODevice.WriteOnly) px.save(buffer, "PNG", quality=100) image = bytes(buffer.data().toBase64()).decode() tt = "

".format(image) ImageTooltip.editor.doTooltip(pos, tt)