diff --git a/libs/odf/GPL-LICENSE-2.txt b/libs/odf/GPL-LICENSE-2.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d511905..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/GPL-LICENSE-2.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along - with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/libs/odf/__init__.py b/libs/odf/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index 17c80e0..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/__init__.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This is free software. You may redistribute it under the terms -# of the Apache license and the GNU General Public License Version -# 2 or at your option any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - diff --git a/libs/odf/anim.py b/libs/odf/anim.py deleted file mode 100644 index 27dca36..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/anim.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import ANIMNS -from element import Element - - -# Autogenerated -def Animate(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'animate'), **args) - -def Animatecolor(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'animateColor'), **args) - -def Animatemotion(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'animateMotion'), **args) - -def Animatetransform(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'animateTransform'), **args) - -def Audio(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'audio'), **args) - -def Command(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'command'), **args) - -def Iterate(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'iterate'), **args) - -def Par(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'par'), **args) - -def Param(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'param'), **args) - -def Seq(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'seq'), **args) - -def Set(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'set'), **args) - -def Transitionfilter(**args): - return Element(qname = (ANIMNS,'transitionFilter'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/attrconverters.py b/libs/odf/attrconverters.py deleted file mode 100644 index cbdd8f3..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/attrconverters.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1612 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -import sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) -from namespaces import * -import re, types - -pattern_color = re.compile(r'#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}') -pattern_vector3D = re.compile(r'\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)){2}[ ]*\)') - -def make_NCName(arg): - for c in (':',' '): - arg = arg.replace(c,"_%x_" % ord(c)) - return arg - -def cnv_angle(attribute, arg, element): - if sys.version_info[0]==2: - return unicode(arg) - else: - return str(arg) - -def cnv_anyURI(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -def cnv_boolean(attribute, arg, element): - """ XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition - An instance of a datatype that is defined as boolean can have the - following legal literals {true, false, 1, 0} - """ - if str(arg).lower() in ("0","false","no"): - return "false" - if str(arg).lower() in ("1","true","yes"): - return "true" - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed as Boolean value for %s" % (str(arg), attribute[1])) - -# Potentially accept color values -def cnv_color(attribute, arg, element): - """ A RGB color in conformance with §5.9.11 of [XSL], that is a RGB color in notation “#rrggbb”, where - rr, gg and bb are 8-bit hexadecimal digits. - """ - return str(arg) - -def cnv_configtype(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("boolean", "short", "int", "long", - "double", "string", "datetime", "base64Binary"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -def cnv_data_source_has_labels(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("none","row","column","both"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -# Understand different date formats -def cnv_date(attribute, arg, element): - """ A dateOrDateTime value is either an [xmlschema-2] date value or an [xmlschema-2] dateTime - value. - """ - return str(arg) - -def cnv_dateTime(attribute, arg, element): - """ A dateOrDateTime value is either an [xmlschema-2] date value or an [xmlschema-2] dateTime - value. - """ - return str(arg) - -def cnv_double(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -def cnv_draw_aspect(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("content", "thumbnail", "icon", "print-view"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -def cnv_duration(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -def cnv_family(attribute, arg, element): - """ A style family """ - if str(arg) not in ("text", "paragraph", "section", "ruby", "table", "table-column", "table-row", "table-cell", - "graphic", "presentation", "drawing-page", "chart"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -def __save_prefix(attribute, arg, element): - prefix = arg.split(':',1)[0] - if prefix == arg: - return str(arg) - namespace = element.get_knownns(prefix) - if namespace is None: - #raise ValueError( "'%s' is an unknown prefix" % str(prefix)) - return str(arg) - p = element.get_nsprefix(namespace) - return str(arg) - -def cnv_formula(attribute, arg, element): - """ A string containing a formula. Formulas do not have a predefined syntax, but the string should - begin with a namespace prefix, followed by a “:” (COLON, U+003A) separator, followed by the text - of the formula. The namespace bound to the prefix determines the syntax and semantics of the - formula. - """ - return __save_prefix(attribute, arg, element) - -def cnv_ID(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -def cnv_IDREF(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -def cnv_integer(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -pattern_language = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*') - -def cnv_language(attribute, arg, element): - global pattern_language - if not pattern_language.match(arg): - raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid language token" % arg) - return arg - -def cnv_legend_position(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("start", "end", "top", "bottom", "top-start", "bottom-start", "top-end", "bottom-end"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -pattern_length = re.compile(r'-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))') - -def cnv_length(attribute, arg, element): - """ A (positive or negative) physical length, consisting of magnitude and unit, in conformance with the - Units of Measure defined in §5.9.13 of [XSL]. - """ - global pattern_length - if not pattern_length.match(arg): - raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid length" % arg) - return arg - -def cnv_lengthorpercent(attribute, arg, element): - failed = False - try: return cnv_length(attribute, arg, element) - except: failed = True - try: return cnv_percent(attribute, arg, element) - except: failed = True - if failed: - raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid length or percent" % arg) - return arg - -def cnv_list_linkage_type(attribute, arg, element): - if arg not in ('selection','selection-indices'): - raise ValueError( "'%s' is not either 'selection' or 'selection-indices'" % arg) - return str(arg) - -def cnv_metavaluetype(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("float", "date", "time", "boolean", "string"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -def cnv_major_minor(attribute, arg, element): - if arg not in ('major','minor'): - raise ValueError( "'%s' is not either 'minor' or 'major'" % arg) - return str(arg) - -pattern_namespacedToken = re.compile(r'[0-9a-zA-Z_]+:[0-9a-zA-Z._\-]+') - -def cnv_namespacedToken(attribute, arg, element): - global pattern_namespacedToken - - if not pattern_namespacedToken.match(arg): - raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid namespaced token" % arg) - return __save_prefix(attribute, arg, element) - -def cnv_NCName(attribute, arg, element): - """ NCName is defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-NCName - Essentially an XML name minus ':' - """ - if (sys.version_info[0]==3 and isinstance(arg, str)) or (sys.version_info[0]==2 and type(arg) in types.StringTypes): - return make_NCName(arg) - else: - return arg.getAttrNS(STYLENS, 'name') - -# This function takes either an instance of a style (preferred) -# or a text string naming the style. If it is a text string, then it must -# already have been converted to an NCName -# The text-string argument is mainly for when we build a structure from XML -def cnv_StyleNameRef(attribute, arg, element): - try: - return arg.getAttrNS(STYLENS, 'name') - except: - return arg - -# This function takes either an instance of a style (preferred) -# or a text string naming the style. If it is a text string, then it must -# already have been converted to an NCName -# The text-string argument is mainly for when we build a structure from XML -def cnv_DrawNameRef(attribute, arg, element): - try: - return arg.getAttrNS(DRAWNS, 'name') - except: - return arg - -# Must accept list of Style objects -def cnv_NCNames(attribute, arg, element): - return ' '.join(arg) - -def cnv_nonNegativeInteger(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -pattern_percent = re.compile(r'-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)%') - -def cnv_percent(attribute, arg, element): - global pattern_percent - if not pattern_percent.match(arg): - raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid length" % arg) - return arg - -# Real one doesn't allow floating point values -pattern_points = re.compile(r'-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+([ ]+-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+)*') -#pattern_points = re.compile(r'-?[0-9.]+,-?[0-9.]+([ ]+-?[0-9.]+,-?[0-9.]+)*') -def cnv_points(attribute, arg, element): - global pattern_points - if (sys.version_info[0]==3 and isinstance(arg, str)) or (sys.version_info[0]==2 and type(arg) in types.StringTypes): - if not pattern_points.match(arg): - raise ValueError( "x,y are separated by a comma and the points are separated by white spaces") - return arg - else: - try: - strarg = ' '.join([ "%d,%d" % p for p in arg]) - except: - raise ValueError( "Points must be string or [(0,0),(1,1)] - not %s" % arg) - return strarg - -def cnv_positiveInteger(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -def cnv_rowOrCol(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("row","column"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -def cnv_string(attribute, arg, element): - if sys.version_info[0]==2: - return unicode(arg) - else: - return str(arg) - -def cnv_stroke_linecap(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("butt", "square", "round"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -def cnv_textnoteclass(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("footnote", "endnote"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -# Understand different time formats -def cnv_time(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -def cnv_token(attribute, arg, element): - return str(arg) - -pattern_viewbox = re.compile(r'-?[0-9]+([ ]+-?[0-9]+){3}$') - -def cnv_viewbox(attribute, arg, element): - global pattern_viewbox - if not pattern_viewbox.match(arg): - raise ValueError( "viewBox must be four integers separated by whitespaces") - return arg - -def cnv_xlinkshow(attribute, arg, element): - if str(arg) not in ("new", "replace", "embed"): - raise ValueError( "'%s' not allowed" % str(arg)) - return str(arg) - -def cnv_xlinktype(attribute, arg, element): - if arg != "simple": - raise ValueError( "Value of '%s' must be 'simple'" % attribute[1]) - return arg - - -attrconverters = { - ((ANIMNS,u'audio-level'), None): cnv_double, - ((ANIMNS,u'color-interpolation'), None): cnv_string, - ((ANIMNS,u'color-interpolation-direction'), None): cnv_string, - ((ANIMNS,u'command'), None): cnv_string, - ((ANIMNS,u'formula'), None): cnv_string, - ((ANIMNS,u'id'), None): cnv_ID, - ((ANIMNS,u'iterate-interval'), None): cnv_duration, - ((ANIMNS,u'iterate-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((ANIMNS,u'name'), None): cnv_string, - ((ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), None): cnv_string, - ((ANIMNS,u'value'), None): cnv_string, -# ((DBNS,u'type'), None): cnv_namespacedToken, - ((CHARTNS,u'angle-offset'), None): cnv_angle, - ((CHARTNS,u'automatic-content'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'auto-position'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'auto-size'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'axis-label-position'), None): cnv_string, # Multi-value - ((CHARTNS,u'axis-position'), None): cnv_string, # Multi-value - ((CHARTNS,u'attached-axis'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'class'), (CHARTNS,u'grid')): cnv_major_minor, - ((CHARTNS,u'class'), None): cnv_namespacedToken, - ((CHARTNS,u'column-mapping'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'connect-bars'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'data-label-number'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'data-label-symbol'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'data-label-text'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'data-source-has-labels'), None): cnv_data_source_has_labels, - ((CHARTNS,u'deep'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'dimension'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'display-equation'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'display-label'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'display-r-square'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-category'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-lower-indicator'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-lower-limit'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-margin'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-percentage'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-lower-range'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-upper-indicator'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-upper-limit'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'error-upper-range'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'gap-width'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'group-bars-per-axis'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'hole-size'), None): cnv_percent, - ((CHARTNS,u'include-hidden-cells'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'interpolation'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'interval-major'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'interval-minor-divisor'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'japanese-candle-stick'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'label-arrangement'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'label-cell-address'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'label-position'), None): cnv_string, # Multi-value - ((CHARTNS,u'label-position-negative'), None): cnv_string, # Multi-value - ((CHARTNS,u'legend-align'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'legend-position'), None): cnv_legend_position, - ((CHARTNS,u'lines'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'link-data-style-to-source'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'logarithmic'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'maximum'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'mean-value'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'minimum'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'name'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'origin'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'overlap'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'percentage'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'pie-offset'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'regression-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'repeated'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((CHARTNS,u'reverse-direction'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'right-angled-axes'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'row-mapping'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'scale-text'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'series-source'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'solid-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'sort-by-x-values'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'spline-order'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'spline-resolution'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'stacked'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((CHARTNS,u'symbol-height'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'symbol-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'symbol-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'symbol-width'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'text-overlap'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'three-dimensional'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'tick-mark-position'), None): cnv_string, # Multi-value - ((CHARTNS,u'tick-marks-major-inner'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'tick-marks-major-outer'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'tick-marks-minor-inner'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'tick-marks-minor-outer'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'treat-empty-cells'), None): cnv_string, # Multi-value - ((CHARTNS,u'values-cell-range-address'), None): cnv_string, - ((CHARTNS,u'vertical'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CHARTNS,u'visible'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((CONFIGNS,u'name'), None): cnv_formula, - ((CONFIGNS,u'type'), None): cnv_configtype, - ((DR3DNS,u'ambient-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'back-scale'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'backface-culling'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'center'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'close-back'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DR3DNS,u'close-front'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DR3DNS,u'depth'), None): cnv_length, - ((DR3DNS,u'diffuse-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'direction'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'distance'), None): cnv_length, - ((DR3DNS,u'edge-rounding'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'edge-rounding-mode'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'emissive-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'enabled'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DR3DNS,u'end-angle'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'focal-length'), None): cnv_length, - ((DR3DNS,u'horizontal-segments'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'lighting-mode'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DR3DNS,u'max-edge'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'min-edge'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'normals-direction'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'normals-kind'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'projection'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'shade-mode'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'shadow'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'shadow-slant'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((DR3DNS,u'shininess'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'size'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'specular'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DR3DNS,u'specular-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'texture-filter'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'texture-generation-mode-x'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'texture-generation-mode-y'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'texture-kind'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'texture-mode'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'transform'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'vertical-segments'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'vpn'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'vrp'), None): cnv_string, - ((DR3DNS,u'vup'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'align'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'angle'), None): cnv_integer, - ((DRAWNS,u'archive'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'auto-grow-height'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'auto-grow-width'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'background-size'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'blue'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'border'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-angle'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-angle-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-escape'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-escape-direction'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-fit-line-length'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-gap'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-line-length'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-point-x'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-point-y'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), None): cnv_IDREF, - ((DRAWNS,u'caption-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'chain-next-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'class-id'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'class-names'), None): cnv_NCNames, - ((DRAWNS,u'code'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'color-inversion'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'color-mode'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'concave'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'concentric-gradient-fill-allowed'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'contrast'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'control'), None): cnv_IDREF, - ((DRAWNS,u'copy-of'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'corner-radius'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'corners'), None): cnv_positiveInteger, - ((DRAWNS,u'cx'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'cy'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'data'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'decimal-places'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'display'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'display-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'distance'), None): cnv_lengthorpercent, - ((DRAWNS,u'dots1'), None): cnv_integer, - ((DRAWNS,u'dots1-length'), None): cnv_lengthorpercent, - ((DRAWNS,u'dots2'), None): cnv_integer, - ((DRAWNS,u'dots2-length'), None): cnv_lengthorpercent, - ((DRAWNS,u'draw-aspect'), None): cnv_draw_aspect, - ((DRAWNS,u'end-angle'), None): cnv_angle, - ((DRAWNS,u'end'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'end-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'end-glue-point'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((DRAWNS,u'end-guide'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'end-intensity'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'end-line-spacing-horizontal'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'end-line-spacing-vertical'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'end-shape'), None): cnv_IDREF, - ((DRAWNS,u'engine'), None): cnv_namespacedToken, - ((DRAWNS,u'enhanced-path'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'escape-direction'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-allowed'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-brightness'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-color'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-depth'), None): cnv_double, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-diffusion'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-first-light-direction'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-first-light-harsh'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-first-light-level'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-light-face'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-metal'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-number-of-line-segments'), None): cnv_integer, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-origin'), None): cnv_double, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-rotation-angle'), None): cnv_double, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-rotation-center'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-second-light-direction'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-second-light-harsh'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-second-light-level'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-shininess'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-skew'), None): cnv_double, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-specularity'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'extrusion-viewpoint'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-gradient-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-hatch-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-hatch-solid'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-image-height'), None): cnv_lengthorpercent, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-image-name'), None): cnv_DrawNameRef, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-image-ref-point'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-image-ref-point-x'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-image-ref-point-y'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fill-image-width'), None): cnv_lengthorpercent, - ((DRAWNS,u'filter-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'fit-to-contour'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'fit-to-size'), None): cnv_string, # ODF 1.2 says boolean - ((DRAWNS,u'formula'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'frame-display-border'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'frame-display-scrollbar'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'frame-margin-horizontal'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'frame-margin-vertical'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'frame-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'gamma'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'glue-point-leaving-directions'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'glue-point-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'glue-points'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'gradient-step-count'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'green'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'guide-distance'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'guide-overhang'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-mirror-horizontal'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-mirror-vertical'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-polar'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-position'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-radius-range-maximum'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-radius-range-minimum'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-range-x-maximum'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-range-x-minimum'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-range-y-maximum'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-range-y-minimum'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'handle-switched'), None): cnv_boolean, -# ((DRAWNS,u'id'), None): cnv_ID, -# ((DRAWNS,u'id'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, # ?? line 6581 in RNG - ((DRAWNS,u'id'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'image-opacity'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'kind'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'layer'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'line-distance'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'line-skew'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'luminance'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'marker-end-center'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'marker-end'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'marker-end-width'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'marker-start-center'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'marker-start'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'marker-start-width'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'master-page-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((DRAWNS,u'may-script'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'measure-align'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'measure-vertical-align'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'mime-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'mirror-horizontal'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'mirror-vertical'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'modifiers'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'name'), None): cnv_NCName, -# ((DRAWNS,u'name'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'nav-order'), None): cnv_IDREF, - ((DRAWNS,u'nohref'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'notify-on-update-of-ranges'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'object'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'ole-draw-aspect'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'opacity'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'opacity-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'page-number'), None): cnv_positiveInteger, - ((DRAWNS,u'parallel'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'path-stretchpoint-x'), None): cnv_double, - ((DRAWNS,u'path-stretchpoint-y'), None): cnv_double, - ((DRAWNS,u'placing'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'points'), None): cnv_points, - ((DRAWNS,u'protected'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'recreate-on-edit'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'red'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'rotation'), None): cnv_integer, - ((DRAWNS,u'secondary-fill-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'shadow'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'shadow-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'shadow-offset-x'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'shadow-offset-y'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'shadow-opacity'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), None): cnv_IDREF, - ((DRAWNS,u'sharpness'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'show-unit'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'start-angle'), None): cnv_angle, - ((DRAWNS,u'start'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'start-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'start-glue-point'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((DRAWNS,u'start-guide'), None): cnv_length, - ((DRAWNS,u'start-intensity'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'start-line-spacing-horizontal'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'start-line-spacing-vertical'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'start-shape'), None): cnv_IDREF, - ((DRAWNS,u'stroke'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'stroke-dash'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'stroke-dash-names'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'stroke-linejoin'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'style'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((DRAWNS,u'symbol-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'text-areas'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'text-path-allowed'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'text-path'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'text-path-mode'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'text-path-same-letter-heights'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((DRAWNS,u'text-path-scale'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'text-rotate-angle'), None): cnv_double, - ((DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((DRAWNS,u'textarea-horizontal-align'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'textarea-vertical-align'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'tile-repeat-offset'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'transform'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'type'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'unit'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'value'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'visible-area-height'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'visible-area-left'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'visible-area-top'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'visible-area-width'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'wrap-influence-on-position'), None): cnv_string, - ((DRAWNS,u'z-index'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((FONS,u'background-color'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'border-bottom'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'border'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'border-left'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'border-right'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'border-top'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'break-after'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'break-before'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'clip'), None): cnv_string, - 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((FONS,u'margin'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'margin-left'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'margin-right'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'margin-top'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'max-height'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'max-width'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'min-height'), None): cnv_length, - ((FONS,u'min-width'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'orphans'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'padding-bottom'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'padding'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'padding-left'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'padding-right'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'padding-top'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'page-height'), None): cnv_length, - ((FONS,u'page-width'), None): cnv_length, - ((FONS,u'script'), None): cnv_token, - ((FONS,u'space-after'), None): cnv_length, - ((FONS,u'space-before'), None): cnv_length, - ((FONS,u'start-indent'), None): cnv_length, - ((FONS,u'text-align'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'text-align-last'), None): cnv_string, - ((FONS,u'text-indent'), None): cnv_string, - 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((FORMNS,u'current-value'), None): cnv_string, -# ((FORMNS,u'current-value'), None): cnv_time, - ((FORMNS,u'data-field'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'datasource'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'default-button'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((FORMNS,u'delay-for-repeat'), None): cnv_duration, - ((FORMNS,u'detail-fields'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'disabled'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((FORMNS,u'dropdown'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((FORMNS,u'echo-char'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'enctype'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'escape-processing'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((FORMNS,u'filter'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'focus-on-click'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((FORMNS,u'for'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'id'), None): cnv_ID, - ((FORMNS,u'ignore-result'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((FORMNS,u'image-align'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'image-data'), None): cnv_anyURI, - ((FORMNS,u'image-position'), None): cnv_string, - ((FORMNS,u'is-tristate'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((FORMNS,u'label'), None): cnv_string, - 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((TABLENS,u'step'), None): cnv_double, - ((TABLENS,u'steps'), None): cnv_positiveInteger, - ((TABLENS,u'structure-protected'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TABLENS,u'table-background'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'table'), None): cnv_integer, - ((TABLENS,u'table-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'target-cell-address'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'target-cell-address'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'target-range-address'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'target-range-address'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'template-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'title'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'track-changes'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'type'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'use-banding-columns-styles'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'use-banding-rows-styles'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'use-first-column-styles'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'use-first-row-styles'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'use-labels'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'use-last-column-styles'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'use-last-row-styles'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'use-regular-expressions'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'use-wildcards'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TABLENS,u'used-hierarchy'), None): cnv_integer, - ((TABLENS,u'user-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'value'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'value'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'value-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((TABLENS,u'visibility'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'active'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'address'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-separators'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), None): cnv_positiveInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'animation'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'animation-delay'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'animation-direction'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'animation-repeat'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'animation-start-inside'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'animation-steps'), None): cnv_length, - ((TEXTNS,u'animation-stop-inside'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'annote'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'author'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'bibliography-data-field'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'bibliography-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'booktitle'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'bullet-char'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'bullet-relative-size'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'c'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'capitalize-entries'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'caption-sequence-format'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'caption-sequence-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'change-id'), None): cnv_IDREF, - ((TEXTNS,u'chapter'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'citation-body-style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'citation-style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'class-names'), None): cnv_NCNames, - ((TEXTNS,u'column-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'combine-entries'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'combine-entries-with-dash'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'combine-entries-with-pp'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'comma-separated'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'cond-style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'condition'), None): cnv_formula, - ((TEXTNS,u'connection-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'consecutive-numbering'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'continue-list'), None): cnv_IDREF, - ((TEXTNS,u'continue-numbering'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'copy-outline-levels'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'count-empty-lines'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'count-in-text-boxes'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'current-value'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'custom1'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'custom2'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'custom3'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'custom4'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'custom5'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'database-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'date-adjust'), None): cnv_duration, - ((TEXTNS,u'date-value'), None): cnv_date, -# ((TEXTNS,u'date-value'), None): cnv_dateTime, - ((TEXTNS,u'default-style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'description'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'display'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'display-levels'), None): cnv_positiveInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'display-outline-level'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'dont-balance-text-columns'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'duration'), None): cnv_duration, - ((TEXTNS,u'edition'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'editor'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'filter-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'fixed'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'footnotes-position'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'formula'), None): cnv_formula, - ((TEXTNS,u'global'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'howpublished'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'id'), None): cnv_ID, -# ((TEXTNS,u'id'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'identifier'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'ignore-case'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'increment'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'index-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'index-scope'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'institution'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'is-hidden'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'is-list-header'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'isbn'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'issn'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'issn'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'journal'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'key'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'key1'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'key1-phonetic'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'key2'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'key2-phonetic'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'kind'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'label'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'label-followed-by'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'level'), None): cnv_positiveInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'line-break'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'line-number'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'list-id'), None): cnv_NCName, - ((TEXTNS,u'list-level-position-and-space-mode'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'list-tab-stop-position'), None): cnv_length, - ((TEXTNS,u'main-entry'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'main-entry-style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'master-page-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'min-label-distance'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'min-label-width'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'month'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'note-class'), None): cnv_textnoteclass, - ((TEXTNS,u'note'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'number'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'number-lines'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'number-position'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'numbered-entries'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'offset'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'organizations'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'page-adjust'), None): cnv_integer, - ((TEXTNS,u'pages'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'placeholder-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'prefix'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'protected'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'protection-key'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'protection-key-digest-algorithm'), None): cnv_anyURI, - ((TEXTNS,u'publisher'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'ref-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'reference-format'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'relative-tab-stop-position'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'report-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'restart-numbering'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'restart-on-page'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'row-number'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'school'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'section-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'select-page'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'separation-character'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'series'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'sort-algorithm'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'sort-ascending'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'sort-by-position'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'space-before'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'start-numbering-at'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'start-value'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'start-value'), None): cnv_positiveInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'string-value'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'string-value-if-false'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'string-value-if-true'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'string-value-phonetic'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'style-override'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'suffix'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'tab-ref'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'table-name'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'table-type'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'time-adjust'), None): cnv_duration, - ((TEXTNS,u'time-value'), None): cnv_dateTime, - ((TEXTNS,u'time-value'), None): cnv_time, - ((TEXTNS,u'title'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'track-changes'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'url'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-caption'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-chart-objects'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-draw-objects'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-floating-frames'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-graphics'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-index-marks'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-index-source-styles'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-keys-as-entries'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-math-objects'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-objects'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-other-objects'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-outline-level'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-soft-page-breaks'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-spreadsheet-objects'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'use-tables'), None): cnv_boolean, - ((TEXTNS,u'value'), None): cnv_nonNegativeInteger, - ((TEXTNS,u'visited-style-name'), None): cnv_StyleNameRef, - ((TEXTNS,u'volume'), None): cnv_string, - ((TEXTNS,u'year'), None): cnv_string, - ((XFORMSNS,u'bind'), None): cnv_string, - ((XHTMLNS,u'about'), None): cnv_anyURI, - ((XHTMLNS,u'content'), None): cnv_string, - ((XHTMLNS,u'datatype'), None): cnv_anyURI, - ((XHTMLNS,u'property'), None): cnv_anyURI, - ((XLINKNS,u'actuate'), None): cnv_string, - ((XLINKNS,u'href'), None): cnv_anyURI, - ((XLINKNS,u'show'), None): cnv_xlinkshow, - ((XLINKNS,u'title'), None): cnv_string, - ((XLINKNS,u'type'), None): cnv_xlinktype, - ((XMLNS,u'id'), None): cnv_NCName, -} - -class AttrConverters: - def convert(self, attribute, value, element): - """ Based on the element, figures out how to check/convert the attribute value - All values are converted to string - """ - conversion = attrconverters.get((attribute, element.qname), None) - if conversion is not None: - return conversion(attribute, value, element) - else: - conversion = attrconverters.get((attribute, None), None) - if conversion is not None: - return conversion(attribute, value, element) - if sys.version_info[0]==2: - return unicode(value) - else: - return str(value) - diff --git a/libs/odf/chart.py b/libs/odf/chart.py deleted file mode 100644 index b05dcce..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/chart.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# -from __future__ import absolute_import -from .namespaces import CHARTNS -from .element import Element - -# Autogenerated -def Axis(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'axis'), **args) - -def Categories(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'categories'), **args) - -def Chart(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'chart'), **args) - -def DataLabel(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'data-label'), **args) - -def DataPoint(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'data-point'), **args) - -def Domain(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'domain'), **args) - -def Equation(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'equation'), **args) - -def ErrorIndicator(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'error-indicator'), **args) - -def Floor(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'floor'), **args) - -def Footer(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'footer'), **args) - -def Grid(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'grid'), **args) - -def LabelSeparator(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'label-separator'), **args) - -def Legend(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'legend'), **args) - -def MeanValue(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'mean-value'), **args) - -def PlotArea(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'plot-area'), **args) - -def RegressionCurve(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'regression-curve'), **args) - -def Series(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'series'), **args) - -def StockGainMarker(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'stock-gain-marker'), **args) - -def StockLossMarker(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'stock-loss-marker'), **args) - -def StockRangeLine(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'stock-range-line'), **args) - -def Subtitle(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'subtitle'), **args) - -def SymbolImage(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'symbol-image'), **args) - -def Title(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'title'), **args) - -def Wall(**args): - return Element(qname = (CHARTNS,'wall'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/config.py b/libs/odf/config.py deleted file mode 100644 index f33f361..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import CONFIGNS -from element import Element - -# Autogenerated -def ConfigItem(**args): - return Element(qname = (CONFIGNS, 'config-item'), **args) - -def ConfigItemMapEntry(**args): - return Element(qname = (CONFIGNS,'config-item-map-entry'), **args) - -def ConfigItemMapIndexed(**args): - return Element(qname = (CONFIGNS,'config-item-map-indexed'), **args) - -def ConfigItemMapNamed(**args): - return Element(qname = (CONFIGNS,'config-item-map-named'), **args) - -def ConfigItemSet(**args): - return Element(qname = (CONFIGNS, 'config-item-set'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/dc.py b/libs/odf/dc.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7c96776..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/dc.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import DCNS -from element import Element - -# Autogenerated -def Creator(**args): - return Element(qname = (DCNS,'creator'), **args) - -def Date(**args): - return Element(qname = (DCNS,'date'), **args) - -def Description(**args): - return Element(qname = (DCNS,'description'), **args) - -def Language(**args): - return Element(qname = (DCNS,'language'), **args) - -def Subject(**args): - return Element(qname = (DCNS,'subject'), **args) - -def Title(**args): - return Element(qname = (DCNS,'title'), **args) - -# The following complete the Dublin Core elements, but there is no -# guarantee a compliant implementation of OpenDocument will preserve -# these elements - -#def Contributor(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'contributor'), **args) - -#def Coverage(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'coverage'), **args) - -#def Format(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'format'), **args) - -#def Identifier(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'identifier'), **args) - -#def Publisher(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'publisher'), **args) - -#def Relation(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'relation'), **args) - -#def Rights(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'rights'), **args) - -#def Source(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'source'), **args) - -#def Type(**args): -# return Element(qname = (DCNS,'type'), **args) diff --git a/libs/odf/dr3d.py b/libs/odf/dr3d.py deleted file mode 100644 index 989e114..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/dr3d.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# -import sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) - -from namespaces import DR3DNS -from element import Element -from draw import StyleRefElement - -# Autogenerated -def Cube(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DR3DNS,'cube'), **args) - -def Extrude(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DR3DNS,'extrude'), **args) - -def Light(Element): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DR3DNS,'light'), **args) - -def Rotate(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DR3DNS,'rotate'), **args) - -def Scene(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DR3DNS,'scene'), **args) - -def Sphere(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DR3DNS,'sphere'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/draw.py b/libs/odf/draw.py deleted file mode 100644 index 122d40f..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/draw.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -import sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) -from namespaces import DRAWNS, STYLENS, PRESENTATIONNS -from element import Element - -def StyleRefElement(stylename=None, classnames=None, **args): - qattrs = {} - if stylename is not None: - f = stylename.getAttrNS(STYLENS, 'family') - if f == 'graphic': - qattrs[(DRAWNS,u'style-name')]= stylename - elif f == 'presentation': - qattrs[(PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name')]= stylename - else: - raise ValueError( "Style's family must be either 'graphic' or 'presentation'") - if classnames is not None: - f = classnames[0].getAttrNS(STYLENS, 'family') - if f == 'graphic': - qattrs[(DRAWNS,u'class-names')]= classnames - elif f == 'presentation': - qattrs[(PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names')]= classnames - else: - raise ValueError( "Style's family must be either 'graphic' or 'presentation'") - return Element(qattributes=qattrs, **args) - -def DrawElement(name=None, **args): - e = Element(name=name, **args) - if 'displayname' not in args: - e.setAttrNS(DRAWNS,'display-name', name) - return e - -# Autogenerated -def A(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'a'), **args) - -def Applet(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'applet'), **args) - -def AreaCircle(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'area-circle'), **args) - -def AreaPolygon(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'area-polygon'), **args) - -def AreaRectangle(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'area-rectangle'), **args) - -def Caption(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'caption'), **args) - -def Circle(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'circle'), **args) - -def Connector(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'connector'), **args) - -def ContourPath(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'contour-path'), **args) - -def ContourPolygon(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'contour-polygon'), **args) - -def Control(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'control'), **args) - -def CustomShape(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'custom-shape'), **args) - -def Ellipse(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'ellipse'), **args) - -def EnhancedGeometry(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'enhanced-geometry'), **args) - -def Equation(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'equation'), **args) - -def FillImage(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return DrawElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'fill-image'), **args) - -def FloatingFrame(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'floating-frame'), **args) - -def Frame(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'frame'), **args) - -def G(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'g'), **args) - -def GluePoint(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'glue-point'), **args) - -def Gradient(**args): - return DrawElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'gradient'), **args) - -def Handle(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'handle'), **args) - -def Hatch(**args): - return DrawElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'hatch'), **args) - -def Image(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'image'), **args) - -def ImageMap(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'image-map'), **args) - -def Layer(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'layer'), **args) - -def LayerSet(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'layer-set'), **args) - -def Line(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'line'), **args) - -def Marker(**args): - return DrawElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'marker'), **args) - -def Measure(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'measure'), **args) - -def Object(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'object'), **args) - -def ObjectOle(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'object-ole'), **args) - -def Opacity(**args): - return DrawElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'opacity'), **args) - -def Page(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'page'), **args) - -def PageThumbnail(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'page-thumbnail'), **args) - -def Param(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'param'), **args) - -def Path(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'path'), **args) - -def Plugin(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'plugin'), **args) - -def Polygon(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'polygon'), **args) - -def Polyline(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'polyline'), **args) - -def Rect(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'rect'), **args) - -def RegularPolygon(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'regular-polygon'), **args) - -def StrokeDash(**args): - return DrawElement(qname = (DRAWNS,'stroke-dash'), **args) - -def TextBox(**args): - return Element(qname = (DRAWNS,'text-box'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/easyliststyle.py b/libs/odf/easyliststyle.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0576406..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/easyliststyle.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Create a element from a text string. -# Copyright (C) 2008 J. David Eisenberg -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -# (at your option) any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -import re, sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) -from style import Style, TextProperties, ListLevelProperties -from text import ListStyle,ListLevelStyleNumber,ListLevelStyleBullet - -""" -Create a element from a string or array. - -List styles require a lot of code to create one level at a time. -These routines take a string and delimiter, or a list of -strings, and creates a element for you. -Each item in the string (or array) represents a list level - * style for levels 1-10.

- * - *

If an item contains 1, I, - * i, A, or a, then it is presumed - * to be a numbering style; otherwise it is a bulleted style.

-""" - -_MAX_LIST_LEVEL = 10 -SHOW_ALL_LEVELS = True -SHOW_ONE_LEVEL = False - -def styleFromString(name, specifiers, delim, spacing, showAllLevels): - specArray = specifiers.split(delim) - return styleFromList( name, specArray, spacing, showAllLevels ) - -def styleFromList( styleName, specArray, spacing, showAllLevels): - bullet = "" - numPrefix = "" - numSuffix = "" - numberFormat = "" - cssLengthNum = 0 - cssLengthUnits = "" - numbered = False - displayLevels = 0 - listStyle = ListStyle(name=styleName) - numFormatPattern = re.compile("([1IiAa])") - cssLengthPattern = re.compile("([^a-z]+)\\s*([a-z]+)?") - m = cssLengthPattern.search( spacing ) - if (m != None): - cssLengthNum = float(m.group(1)) - if (m.lastindex == 2): - cssLengthUnits = m.group(2) - i = 0 - while i < len(specArray): - specification = specArray[i] - m = numFormatPattern.search(specification) - if (m != None): - numberFormat = m.group(1) - numPrefix = specification[0:m.start(1)] - numSuffix = specification[m.end(1):] - bullet = "" - numbered = True - if (showAllLevels): - displayLevels = i + 1 - else: - displayLevels = 1 - else: # it's a bullet style - bullet = specification - numPrefix = "" - numSuffix = "" - numberFormat = "" - displayLevels = 1 - numbered = False - if (numbered): - lls = ListLevelStyleNumber(level=(i+1)) - if (numPrefix != ''): - lls.setAttribute('numprefix', numPrefix) - if (numSuffix != ''): - lls.setAttribute('numsuffix', numSuffix) - lls.setAttribute('displaylevels', displayLevels) - else: - lls = ListLevelStyleBullet(level=(i+1),bulletchar=bullet[0]) - llp = ListLevelProperties() - llp.setAttribute('spacebefore', str(cssLengthNum * (i+1)) + cssLengthUnits) - llp.setAttribute('minlabelwidth', str(cssLengthNum) + cssLengthUnits) - lls.addElement( llp ) - listStyle.addElement(lls) - i += 1 - return listStyle - -# vim: set expandtab sw=4 : diff --git a/libs/odf/element.py b/libs/odf/element.py deleted file mode 100644 index 09e7de5..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/element.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,541 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -# Note: This script has copied a lot of text from xml.dom.minidom. -# Whatever license applies to that file also applies to this file. -# -import sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) -import xml.dom -from xml.dom.minicompat import * -from namespaces import nsdict -import grammar -from attrconverters import AttrConverters - -if sys.version_info[0] == 3: - unicode=str # unicode function does not exist - -# The following code is pasted form xml.sax.saxutils -# Tt makes it possible to run the code without the xml sax package installed -# To make it possible to have in your text elements, it is necessary to escape the texts -def _escape(data, entities={}): - """ Escape &, <, and > in a string of data. - - You can escape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as - the optional entities parameter. The keys and values must all be - strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value. - """ - data = data.replace("&", "&") - data = data.replace("<", "<") - data = data.replace(">", ">") - for chars, entity in entities.items(): - data = data.replace(chars, entity) - return data - -def _quoteattr(data, entities={}): - """ Escape and quote an attribute value. - - Escape &, <, and > in a string of data, then quote it for use as - an attribute value. The \" character will be escaped as well, if - necessary. - - You can escape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as - the optional entities parameter. The keys and values must all be - strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value. - """ - entities['\n']=' ' - entities['\r']=' ' - data = _escape(data, entities) - if '"' in data: - if "'" in data: - data = '"%s"' % data.replace('"', """) - else: - data = "'%s'" % data - else: - data = '"%s"' % data - return data - -def _nssplit(qualifiedName): - """ Split a qualified name into namespace part and local part. """ - fields = qualifiedName.split(':', 1) - if len(fields) == 2: - return fields - else: - return (None, fields[0]) - -def _nsassign(namespace): - return nsdict.setdefault(namespace,"ns" + str(len(nsdict))) - - -# Exceptions -class IllegalChild(Exception): - """ Complains if you add an element to a parent where it is not allowed """ -class IllegalText(Exception): - """ Complains if you add text or cdata to an element where it is not allowed """ - -class Node(xml.dom.Node): - """ super class for more specific nodes """ - parentNode = None - nextSibling = None - previousSibling = None - - def hasChildNodes(self): - """ Tells whether this element has any children; text nodes, - subelements, whatever. - """ - if self.childNodes: - return True - else: - return False - - def _get_childNodes(self): - return self.childNodes - - def _get_firstChild(self): - if self.childNodes: - return self.childNodes[0] - - def _get_lastChild(self): - if self.childNodes: - return self.childNodes[-1] - - def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild): - """ Inserts the node newChild before the existing child node refChild. - If refChild is null, insert newChild at the end of the list of children. - """ - if newChild.nodeType not in self._child_node_types: - raise IllegalChild( "%s cannot be child of %s" % (newChild.tagName, self.tagName)) - if newChild.parentNode is not None: - newChild.parentNode.removeChild(newChild) - if refChild is None: - self.appendChild(newChild) - else: - try: - index = self.childNodes.index(refChild) - except ValueError: - raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr() - self.childNodes.insert(index, newChild) - newChild.nextSibling = refChild - refChild.previousSibling = newChild - if index: - node = self.childNodes[index-1] - node.nextSibling = newChild - newChild.previousSibling = node - else: - newChild.previousSibling = None - newChild.parentNode = self - return newChild - - def appendChild(self, newChild): - """ Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node. - If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed. - """ - if newChild.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: - for c in tuple(newChild.childNodes): - self.appendChild(c) - ### The DOM does not clearly specify what to return in this case - return newChild - if newChild.nodeType not in self._child_node_types: - raise IllegalChild( "<%s> is not allowed in %s" % ( newChild.tagName, self.tagName)) - if newChild.parentNode is not None: - newChild.parentNode.removeChild(newChild) - _append_child(self, newChild) - newChild.nextSibling = None - return newChild - - def removeChild(self, oldChild): - """ Removes the child node indicated by oldChild from the list of children, and returns it. - """ - #FIXME: update ownerDocument.element_dict or find other solution - try: - self.childNodes.remove(oldChild) - except ValueError: - raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr() - if oldChild.nextSibling is not None: - oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling - if oldChild.previousSibling is not None: - oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling - oldChild.nextSibling = oldChild.previousSibling = None - if self.ownerDocument: - self.ownerDocument.clear_caches() - oldChild.parentNode = None - return oldChild - - def __str__(self): - val = [] - for c in self.childNodes: - val.append(str(c)) - return ''.join(val) - - def __unicode__(self): - val = [] - for c in self.childNodes: - val.append(unicode(c)) - return u''.join(val) - -defproperty(Node, "firstChild", doc="First child node, or None.") -defproperty(Node, "lastChild", doc="Last child node, or None.") - -def _append_child(self, node): - # fast path with less checks; usable by DOM builders if careful - childNodes = self.childNodes - if childNodes: - last = childNodes[-1] - node.__dict__["previousSibling"] = last - last.__dict__["nextSibling"] = node - childNodes.append(node) - node.__dict__["parentNode"] = self - -class Childless: - """ Mixin that makes childless-ness easy to implement and avoids - the complexity of the Node methods that deal with children. - """ - - attributes = None - childNodes = EmptyNodeList() - firstChild = None - lastChild = None - - def _get_firstChild(self): - return None - - def _get_lastChild(self): - return None - - def appendChild(self, node): - """ Raises an error """ - raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr( - self.tagName + " nodes cannot have children") - - def hasChildNodes(self): - return False - - def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild): - """ Raises an error """ - raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr( - self.tagName + " nodes do not have children") - - def removeChild(self, oldChild): - """ Raises an error """ - raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr( - self.tagName + " nodes do not have children") - - def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild): - """ Raises an error """ - raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr( - self.tagName + " nodes do not have children") - -class Text(Childless, Node): - nodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE - tagName = "Text" - - def __init__(self, data): - self.data = data - - def __str__(self): - return self.data - - def __unicode__(self): - return self.data - - def toXml(self,level,f): - """ Write XML in UTF-8 """ - if self.data: - f.write(_escape(unicode(self.data))) - -class CDATASection(Text, Childless): - nodeType = Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE - - def toXml(self,level,f): - """ Generate XML output of the node. If the text contains "]]>", then - escape it by going out of CDATA mode (]]>), then write the string - and then go into CDATA mode again. (' % self.data.replace(']]>',']]>]]>" % (r[1].lower().replace('-',''), self.tagName)) - - def get_knownns(self, prefix): - """ Odfpy maintains a list of known namespaces. In some cases a prefix is used, and - we need to know which namespace it resolves to. - """ - global nsdict - for ns,p in nsdict.items(): - if p == prefix: return ns - return None - - def get_nsprefix(self, namespace): - """ Odfpy maintains a list of known namespaces. In some cases we have a namespace URL, - and needs to look up or assign the prefix for it. - """ - if namespace is None: namespace = "" - prefix = _nsassign(namespace) - if not namespace in self.namespaces: - self.namespaces[namespace] = prefix - return prefix - - def allowed_attributes(self): - return grammar.allowed_attributes.get(self.qname) - - def _setOwnerDoc(self, element): - element.ownerDocument = self.ownerDocument - for child in element.childNodes: - self._setOwnerDoc(child) - - def addElement(self, element, check_grammar=True): - """ adds an element to an Element - - Element.addElement(Element) - """ - if check_grammar and self.allowed_children is not None: - if element.qname not in self.allowed_children: - raise IllegalChild( "<%s> is not allowed in <%s>" % ( element.tagName, self.tagName)) - self.appendChild(element) - self._setOwnerDoc(element) - if self.ownerDocument: - self.ownerDocument.rebuild_caches(element) - - def addText(self, text, check_grammar=True): - """ Adds text to an element - Setting check_grammar=False turns off grammar checking - """ - if check_grammar and self.qname not in grammar.allows_text: - raise IllegalText( "The <%s> element does not allow text" % self.tagName) - else: - if text != '': - self.appendChild(Text(text)) - - def addCDATA(self, cdata, check_grammar=True): - """ Adds CDATA to an element - Setting check_grammar=False turns off grammar checking - """ - if check_grammar and self.qname not in grammar.allows_text: - raise IllegalText( "The <%s> element does not allow text" % self.tagName) - else: - self.appendChild(CDATASection(cdata)) - - def removeAttribute(self, attr, check_grammar=True): - """ Removes an attribute by name. """ - allowed_attrs = self.allowed_attributes() - if allowed_attrs is None: - if type(attr) == type(()): - prefix, localname = attr - self.removeAttrNS(prefix, localname) - else: - raise AttributeError( "Unable to add simple attribute - use (namespace, localpart)") - else: - # Construct a list of allowed arguments - allowed_args = [ a[1].lower().replace('-','') for a in allowed_attrs] - if check_grammar and attr not in allowed_args: - raise AttributeError( "Attribute %s is not allowed in <%s>" % ( attr, self.tagName)) - i = allowed_args.index(attr) - self.removeAttrNS(allowed_attrs[i][0], allowed_attrs[i][1]) - - def setAttribute(self, attr, value, check_grammar=True): - """ Add an attribute to the element - This is sort of a convenience method. All attributes in ODF have - namespaces. The library knows what attributes are legal and then allows - the user to provide the attribute as a keyword argument and the - library will add the correct namespace. - Must overwrite, If attribute already exists. - """ - allowed_attrs = self.allowed_attributes() - if allowed_attrs is None: - if type(attr) == type(()): - prefix, localname = attr - self.setAttrNS(prefix, localname, value) - else: - raise AttributeError( "Unable to add simple attribute - use (namespace, localpart)") - else: - # Construct a list of allowed arguments - allowed_args = [ a[1].lower().replace('-','') for a in allowed_attrs] - if check_grammar and attr not in allowed_args: - raise AttributeError( "Attribute %s is not allowed in <%s>" % ( attr, self.tagName)) - i = allowed_args.index(attr) - self.setAttrNS(allowed_attrs[i][0], allowed_attrs[i][1], value) - - def setAttrNS(self, namespace, localpart, value): - """ Add an attribute to the element - In case you need to add an attribute the library doesn't know about - then you must provide the full qualified name - It will not check that the attribute is legal according to the schema. - Must overwrite, If attribute already exists. - """ - allowed_attrs = self.allowed_attributes() - prefix = self.get_nsprefix(namespace) -# if allowed_attrs and (namespace, localpart) not in allowed_attrs: -# raise AttributeError( "Attribute %s:%s is not allowed in element <%s>" % ( prefix, localpart, self.tagName)) - c = AttrConverters() - self.attributes[(namespace, localpart)] = c.convert((namespace, localpart), value, self) - - def getAttrNS(self, namespace, localpart): - """ - gets an attribute, given a namespace and a key - @param namespace a unicode string or a bytes: the namespace - @param localpart a unicode string or a bytes: - the key to get the attribute - @return an attribute as a unicode string or a bytes: if both paramters - are byte strings, it will be a bytes; if both attributes are - unicode strings, it will be a unicode string - """ - prefix = self.get_nsprefix(namespace) - result = self.attributes.get((namespace, localpart)) - - assert( - (type(namespace), type(namespace), type(namespace) == \ - type(b""), type(b""), type(b"")) or - (type(namespace), type(namespace), type(namespace) == \ - type(u""), type(u""), type(u"")) - ) - - return result - - def removeAttrNS(self, namespace, localpart): - del self.attributes[(namespace, localpart)] - - def getAttribute(self, attr): - """ Get an attribute value. The method knows which namespace the attribute is in - """ - allowed_attrs = self.allowed_attributes() - if allowed_attrs is None: - if type(attr) == type(()): - prefix, localname = attr - return self.getAttrNS(prefix, localname) - else: - raise AttributeError( "Unable to get simple attribute - use (namespace, localpart)") - else: - # Construct a list of allowed arguments - allowed_args = [ a[1].lower().replace('-','') for a in allowed_attrs] - i = allowed_args.index(attr) - return self.getAttrNS(allowed_attrs[i][0], allowed_attrs[i][1]) - - def write_open_tag(self, level, f): - f.write(('<'+self.tagName)) - if level == 0: - for namespace, prefix in self.namespaces.items(): - f.write(u' xmlns:' + prefix + u'="'+ _escape(str(namespace))+'"') - for qname in self.attributes.keys(): - prefix = self.get_nsprefix(qname[0]) - f.write(u' '+_escape(str(prefix+u':'+qname[1]))+u'='+_quoteattr(unicode(self.attributes[qname]))) - f.write(u'>') - - def write_close_tag(self, level, f): - f.write('') - - def toXml(self, level, f): - """ - Generate an XML stream out of the tree structure - @param level integer: level in the XML tree; zero at root of the tree - @param f an open writable file able to accept unicode strings - """ - f.write(u'<'+self.tagName) - if level == 0: - for namespace, prefix in self.namespaces.items(): - f.write(u' xmlns:' + prefix + u'="'+ _escape(str(namespace))+u'"') - for qname in self.attributes.keys(): - prefix = self.get_nsprefix(qname[0]) - f.write(u' '+_escape(unicode(prefix+':'+qname[1]))+u'='+_quoteattr(unicode(self.attributes[qname]))) - if self.childNodes: - f.write(u'>') - for element in self.childNodes: - element.toXml(level+1,f) - f.write(u'') - else: - f.write(u'/>') - - def _getElementsByObj(self, obj, accumulator): - if self.qname == obj.qname: - accumulator.append(self) - for e in self.childNodes: - if e.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: - accumulator = e._getElementsByObj(obj, accumulator) - return accumulator - - def getElementsByType(self, element): - """ Gets elements based on the type, which is function from text.py, draw.py etc. """ - obj = element(check_grammar=False) - return self._getElementsByObj(obj,[]) - - def isInstanceOf(self, element): - """ This is a check to see if the object is an instance of a type """ - obj = element(check_grammar=False) - return self.qname == obj.qname - - diff --git a/libs/odf/elementtypes.py b/libs/odf/elementtypes.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7c19412..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/elementtypes.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,325 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2008 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import * - -# Inline element don't cause a box -# They are analogous to the HTML elements SPAN, B, I etc. -inline_elements = ( - (TEXTNS,u'a'), - (TEXTNS,u'author-initials'), - (TEXTNS,u'author-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography-mark'), - (TEXTNS,u'bookmark-ref'), - (TEXTNS,u'chapter'), - (TEXTNS,u'character-count'), - (TEXTNS,u'conditional-text'), - (TEXTNS,u'creation-date'), - (TEXTNS,u'creation-time'), - (TEXTNS,u'creator'), - (TEXTNS,u'database-display'), - (TEXTNS,u'database-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'database-next'), - (TEXTNS,u'database-row-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'database-row-select'), - (TEXTNS,u'date'), - (TEXTNS,u'dde-connection'), - (TEXTNS,u'description'), - (TEXTNS,u'editing-cycles'), - (TEXTNS,u'editing-duration'), - (TEXTNS,u'execute-macro'), - (TEXTNS,u'expression'), - (TEXTNS,u'file-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'hidden-paragraph'), - (TEXTNS,u'hidden-text'), - (TEXTNS,u'image-count'), - (TEXTNS,u'initial-creator'), - (TEXTNS,u'keywords'), - (TEXTNS,u'measure'), - (TEXTNS,u'modification-date'), - (TEXTNS,u'modification-time'), - (TEXTNS,u'note-ref'), - (TEXTNS,u'object-count'), - (TEXTNS,u'page-continuation'), - (TEXTNS,u'page-count'), - (TEXTNS,u'page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'page-variable-get'), - (TEXTNS,u'page-variable-set'), - (TEXTNS,u'paragraph-count'), - (TEXTNS,u'placeholder'), - (TEXTNS,u'print-date'), - (TEXTNS,u'printed-by'), - (TEXTNS,u'print-time'), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-ref'), - (TEXTNS,u'ruby'), - (TEXTNS,u'ruby-base'), - (TEXTNS,u'ruby-text'), - (TEXTNS,u'script'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-city'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-company'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-country'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-email'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-fax'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-firstname'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-initials'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-lastname'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-phone-private'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-phone-work'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-position'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-postal-code'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-state-or-province'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-street'), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-title'), - (TEXTNS,u'sequence'), - (TEXTNS,u'sequence-ref'), - (TEXTNS,u'sheet-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'span'), - (TEXTNS,u'subject'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-count'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-formula'), - (TEXTNS,u'template-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'text-input'), - (TEXTNS,u'time'), - (TEXTNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-defined'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-get'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-input'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-get'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-input'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-set'), - (TEXTNS,u'word-count'), -) - - -# It is almost impossible to determine what elements are block elements. -# There are so many that don't fit the form -block_elements = ( - (TEXTNS,u'h'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'list-item'), - (TEXTNS,u'section'), -) - -declarative_elements = ( - (OFFICENS,u'font-face-decls'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'date-time-decl'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'footer-decl'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'header-decl'), - (TABLENS,u'table-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-entry-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-source'), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography-entry-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography-source'), - (TEXTNS,u'dde-connection-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'illustration-index-entry-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'illustration-index-source'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-source-styles'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-title-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'note-continuation-notice-backward'), - (TEXTNS,u'note-continuation-notice-forward'), - (TEXTNS,u'notes-configuration'), - (TEXTNS,u'object-index-entry-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'object-index-source'), - (TEXTNS,u'sequence-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-index-entry-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-index-source'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-of-content-entry-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-of-content-source'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-entry-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-source'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-decls'), -) - -empty_elements = ( - (ANIMNS,u'animate'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateColor'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateMotion'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateTransform'), - (ANIMNS,u'audio'), - (ANIMNS,u'param'), - (ANIMNS,u'set'), - (ANIMNS,u'transitionFilter'), - (CHARTNS,u'categories'), - (CHARTNS,u'data-point'), - (CHARTNS,u'domain'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-indicator'), - (CHARTNS,u'floor'), - (CHARTNS,u'grid'), - (CHARTNS,u'legend'), - (CHARTNS,u'mean-value'), - (CHARTNS,u'regression-curve'), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-gain-marker'), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-loss-marker'), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-range-line'), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-image'), - (CHARTNS,u'wall'), - (DR3DNS,u'cube'), - (DR3DNS,u'extrude'), - (DR3DNS,u'light'), - (DR3DNS,u'rotate'), - (DR3DNS,u'sphere'), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-path'), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-polygon'), - (DRAWNS,u'equation'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image'), - (DRAWNS,u'floating-frame'), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (DRAWNS,u'gradient'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle'), - (DRAWNS,u'hatch'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'marker'), - (DRAWNS,u'opacity'), - (DRAWNS,u'page-thumbnail'), - (DRAWNS,u'param'), - (DRAWNS,u'stroke-dash'), - (FORMNS,u'connection-resource'), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'), - (FORMNS,u'property'), - (MANIFESTNS,u'algorithm'), - (MANIFESTNS,u'key-derivation'), - (METANS,u'auto-reload'), - (METANS,u'document-statistic'), - (METANS,u'hyperlink-behaviour'), - (METANS,u'template'), - (NUMBERNS,u'am-pm'), - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean'), - (NUMBERNS,u'day'), - (NUMBERNS,u'day-of-week'), - (NUMBERNS,u'era'), - (NUMBERNS,u'fraction'), - (NUMBERNS,u'hours'), - (NUMBERNS,u'minutes'), - (NUMBERNS,u'month'), - (NUMBERNS,u'quarter'), - (NUMBERNS,u'scientific-number'), - (NUMBERNS,u'seconds'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-content'), - (NUMBERNS,u'week-of-year'), - (NUMBERNS,u'year'), - (OFFICENS,u'dde-source'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'date-time'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'footer'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'header'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'placeholder'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'play'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'sound'), - (SCRIPTNS,u'event-listener'), - (STYLENS,u'column'), - (STYLENS,u'column-sep'), - (STYLENS,u'drop-cap'), - (STYLENS,u'footnote-sep'), - (STYLENS,u'list-level-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'map'), - (STYLENS,u'ruby-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'table-column-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'tab-stop'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - (SVGNS,u'definition-src'), - (SVGNS,u'font-face-format'), - (SVGNS,u'font-face-name'), - (SVGNS,u'stop'), - (TABLENS,u'body'), - (TABLENS,u'cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'cell-range-source'), - (TABLENS,u'change-deletion'), - (TABLENS,u'consolidation'), - (TABLENS,u'database-source-query'), - (TABLENS,u'database-source-sql'), - (TABLENS,u'database-source-table'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-display-info'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-field-reference'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-group-member'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-layout-info'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-member'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-sort-info'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-subtotal'), - (TABLENS,u'dependency'), - (TABLENS,u'error-macro'), - (TABLENS,u'even-columns'), - (TABLENS,u'even-rows'), - (TABLENS,u'filter-condition'), - (TABLENS,u'first-column'), - (TABLENS,u'first-row'), - (TABLENS,u'highlighted-range'), - (TABLENS,u'insertion-cut-off'), - (TABLENS,u'iteration'), - (TABLENS,u'label-range'), - (TABLENS,u'last-column'), - (TABLENS,u'last-row'), - (TABLENS,u'movement-cut-off'), - (TABLENS,u'named-expression'), - (TABLENS,u'named-range'), - (TABLENS,u'null-date'), - (TABLENS,u'odd-columns'), - (TABLENS,u'odd-rows'), - (TABLENS,u'operation'), - (TABLENS,u'scenario'), - (TABLENS,u'sort-by'), - (TABLENS,u'sort-groups'), - (TABLENS,u'source-range-address'), - (TABLENS,u'source-service'), - (TABLENS,u'subtotal-field'), - (TABLENS,u'table-column'), - (TABLENS,u'table-source'), - (TABLENS,u'target-range-address'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-mark'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-mark-end'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-mark-start'), - (TEXTNS,u'bookmark'), - (TEXTNS,u'bookmark-end'), - (TEXTNS,u'bookmark-start'), - (TEXTNS,u'change'), - (TEXTNS,u'change-end'), - (TEXTNS,u'change-start'), - (TEXTNS,u'dde-connection-decl'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-bibliography'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-chapter'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-link-end'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-link-start'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-tab-stop'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-text'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-source-style'), - (TEXTNS,u'line-break'), - (TEXTNS,u'page'), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-mark'), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-mark-end'), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-mark-start'), - (TEXTNS,u's'), - (TEXTNS,u'section-source'), - (TEXTNS,u'sequence-decl'), - (TEXTNS,u'soft-page-break'), - (TEXTNS,u'sort-key'), - (TEXTNS,u'tab'), - (TEXTNS,u'toc-mark'), - (TEXTNS,u'toc-mark-end'), - (TEXTNS,u'toc-mark-start'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-decl'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark-end'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark-start'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-decl') -) diff --git a/libs/odf/form.py b/libs/odf/form.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7969b84..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/form.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import FORMNS -from element import Element - - -# Autogenerated -def Button(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'button'), **args) - -def Checkbox(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'checkbox'), **args) - -def Column(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'column'), **args) - -def Combobox(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'combobox'), **args) - -def ConnectionResource(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'connection-resource'), **args) - -def Date(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'date'), **args) - -def File(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'file'), **args) - -def FixedText(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'fixed-text'), **args) - -def Form(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'form'), **args) - -def FormattedText(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'formatted-text'), **args) - -def Frame(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'frame'), **args) - -def GenericControl(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'generic-control'), **args) - -def Grid(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'grid'), **args) - -def Hidden(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'hidden'), **args) - -def Image(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'image'), **args) - -def ImageFrame(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'image-frame'), **args) - -def Item(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'item'), **args) - -def ListProperty(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'list-property'), **args) - -def ListValue(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'list-value'), **args) - -def Listbox(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'listbox'), **args) - -def Number(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'number'), **args) - -def Option(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'option'), **args) - -def Password(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'password'), **args) - -def Properties(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'properties'), **args) - -def Property(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'property'), **args) - -def Radio(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'radio'), **args) - -def Text(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'text'), **args) - -def Textarea(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'textarea'), **args) - -def Time(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'time'), **args) - -def ValueRange(**args): - return Element(qname = (FORMNS,'value-range'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/grammar.py b/libs/odf/grammar.py deleted file mode 100644 index dca6519..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/grammar.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9194 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -__doc__=""" In principle the OpenDocument schema converted to python structures. -Currently it contains the legal child elements of a given element. -To be used for validation check in the API -""" -import sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) -from namespaces import * - -# The following code is generated from the RelaxNG schema with this notice: - -# Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2 -# OASIS Standard, 29 September 2011 -# Relax-NG Schema -# Source: http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/ -# Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved. - -# All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them -# in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The -# full Policy may be found at the OASIS website. - -# This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and -# derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its -# implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or -# in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright -# notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works. -# However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by -# removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the -# purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS -# Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set -# forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it -# into languages other than English. - -# The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by -# OASIS or its successors or assigns. - -# This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" -# basis and OASIS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT -# INFRINGE ANY OWNERSHIP RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR -# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - -allowed_children = { - (DCNS,u'creator') : ( - ), - (DCNS,u'date') : ( - ), - (DCNS,u'description') : ( - ), - (DCNS,u'language') : ( - ), - (DCNS,u'subject') : ( - ), - (DCNS,u'title') : ( - ), -# Completes Dublin Core start -# (DCNS,'contributor') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'coverage') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'format') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'identifier') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'publisher') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'relation') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'rights') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'source') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'type') : ( -# ), -# Completes Dublin Core end - (MATHNS,u'math') : None, - - (XFORMSNS,u'model') : None, - - (ANIMNS,u'animate') : ( - ), - (ANIMNS,u'animateColor') : ( - ), - (ANIMNS,u'animateMotion') : ( - ), - (ANIMNS,u'animateTransform') : ( - ), - (ANIMNS,u'audio') : ( - ), - (ANIMNS,u'command') : ( - (ANIMNS,u'param'), - ), -# allowed_children - (ANIMNS,u'iterate') : ( - (ANIMNS,u'animate'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateColor'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateMotion'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateTransform'), - (ANIMNS,u'audio'), - (ANIMNS,u'command'), - (ANIMNS,u'iterate'), - (ANIMNS,u'par'), - (ANIMNS,u'seq'), - (ANIMNS,u'set'), - (ANIMNS,u'transitionFilter'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'par') : ( - (ANIMNS,u'animate'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateColor'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateMotion'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateTransform'), - (ANIMNS,u'audio'), - (ANIMNS,u'command'), - (ANIMNS,u'iterate'), - (ANIMNS,u'par'), - (ANIMNS,u'seq'), - (ANIMNS,u'set'), - (ANIMNS,u'transitionFilter'), - ), -# allowed_children - (ANIMNS,u'param') : ( - ), - (ANIMNS,u'seq') : ( - (ANIMNS,u'animate'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateColor'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateMotion'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateTransform'), - (ANIMNS,u'audio'), - (ANIMNS,u'command'), - (ANIMNS,u'iterate'), - (ANIMNS,u'par'), - (ANIMNS,u'seq'), - (ANIMNS,u'set'), - (ANIMNS,u'transitionFilter'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'set') : ( - ), - (ANIMNS,u'transitionFilter') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'axis') : ( - (CHARTNS,u'categories'), - (CHARTNS,u'grid'), - (CHARTNS,u'title'), - ), -# allowed_children - (CHARTNS,u'categories') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'chart') : ( - (CHARTNS,u'footer'), - (CHARTNS,u'legend'), - (CHARTNS,u'plot-area'), - (CHARTNS,u'subtitle'), - (CHARTNS,u'title'), - (TABLENS,u'table'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'data-label') : ( - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'data-point') : ( - (CHARTNS,u'data-label'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'domain') : ( - ), -# allowed_children - (CHARTNS,u'equation') : ( - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'error-indicator') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'floor') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'footer') : ( - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'grid') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'label-separator') : ( - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'legend') : ( - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), -# allowed_children - (CHARTNS,u'mean-value') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'plot-area') : ( - (CHARTNS,u'axis'), - (CHARTNS,u'floor'), - (CHARTNS,u'series'), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-gain-marker'), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-loss-marker'), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-range-line'), - (CHARTNS,u'wall'), - (DR3DNS,u'light'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'regression-curve') : ( - (CHARTNS,u'equation'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'series') : ( - (CHARTNS,u'data-label'), - (CHARTNS,u'data-point'), - (CHARTNS,u'domain'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-indicator'), - (CHARTNS,u'mean-value'), - (CHARTNS,u'regression-curve'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-gain-marker') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-loss-marker') : ( - ), -# allowed_children - (CHARTNS,u'stock-range-line') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'subtitle') : ( - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-image') : ( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'title') : ( - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'wall') : ( - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item') : ( - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-entry') : ( - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item'), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-indexed'), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-named'), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-set'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-indexed') : ( - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-entry'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-named') : ( - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-entry'), - ), -# allowed_children - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-set') : ( - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item'), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-indexed'), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-named'), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-set'), - ), - (MANIFESTNS,u'algorithm') : ( - ), - (MANIFESTNS,u'encryption-data') : ( - (MANIFESTNS,u'algorithm'), - (MANIFESTNS,u'key-derivation'), - ), - (MANIFESTNS,u'file-entry') : ( - (MANIFESTNS,u'encryption-data'), - ), - (MANIFESTNS,u'key-derivation') : ( - ), - (MANIFESTNS,u'manifest') : ( - (MANIFESTNS,u'file-entry'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'am-pm') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean') : ( - ), -# allowed_children - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean-style') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text'), - (STYLENS,u'map'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'currency-style') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'currency-symbol'), - (NUMBERNS,u'number'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text'), - (STYLENS,u'map'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'currency-symbol') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'date-style') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'am-pm'), - (NUMBERNS,u'day'), - (NUMBERNS,u'day-of-week'), - (NUMBERNS,u'era'), - (NUMBERNS,u'hours'), - (NUMBERNS,u'minutes'), - (NUMBERNS,u'month'), - (NUMBERNS,u'quarter'), - (NUMBERNS,u'seconds'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text'), - (NUMBERNS,u'week-of-year'), - (NUMBERNS,u'year'), - (STYLENS,u'map'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - ), -# allowed_children - (NUMBERNS,u'day') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'day-of-week') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'embedded-text') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'era') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'fraction') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'hours') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'minutes') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'month') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'number') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'embedded-text'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'number-style') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'fraction'), - (NUMBERNS,u'number'), - (NUMBERNS,u'scientific-number'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text'), - (STYLENS,u'map'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - ), -# allowed_children - (NUMBERNS,u'percentage-style') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'number'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text'), - (STYLENS,u'map'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'quarter') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'scientific-number') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'seconds') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'text') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-content') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-style') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'text'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-content'), - (STYLENS,u'map'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - ), -# allowed_children - (NUMBERNS,u'time-style') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'am-pm'), - (NUMBERNS,u'hours'), - (NUMBERNS,u'minutes'), - (NUMBERNS,u'seconds'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text'), - (STYLENS,u'map'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - ), -# allowed_children - (NUMBERNS,u'week-of-year') : ( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'year') : ( - ), - (DR3DNS,u'cube') : ( - ), - (DR3DNS,u'extrude') : ( - ), - (DR3DNS,u'light') : ( - ), - (DR3DNS,u'rotate') : ( - ), - (DR3DNS,u'scene') : ( - (DR3DNS,u'cube'), - (DR3DNS,u'extrude'), - (DR3DNS,u'light'), - (DR3DNS,u'rotate'), - (DR3DNS,u'scene'), - (DR3DNS,u'sphere'), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - ), - (DR3DNS,u'sphere') : ( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'a') : ( - (DR3DNS,u'scene'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption'), - (DRAWNS,u'circle'), - (DRAWNS,u'connector'), - (DRAWNS,u'control'), - (DRAWNS,u'custom-shape'), - (DRAWNS,u'ellipse'), - (DRAWNS,u'frame'), - (DRAWNS,u'g'), - (DRAWNS,u'line'), - (DRAWNS,u'measure'), - (DRAWNS,u'page-thumbnail'), - (DRAWNS,u'path'), - (DRAWNS,u'polygon'), - (DRAWNS,u'polyline'), - (DRAWNS,u'rect'), - (DRAWNS,u'regular-polygon'), - ), -# allowed_children - (DRAWNS,u'applet') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'param'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'area-circle') : ( - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'area-polygon') : ( - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'area-rectangle') : ( - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'caption') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'circle') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), -# allowed_children - (DRAWNS,u'connector') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-path') : ( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-polygon') : ( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'control') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'custom-shape') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'enhanced-geometry'), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), -# allowed_children - (DRAWNS,u'ellipse') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'enhanced-geometry') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'equation'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'equation') : ( - ), -# allowed_children - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image') : ( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'floating-frame') : ( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'frame') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'applet'), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-path'), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-polygon'), - (DRAWNS,u'floating-frame'), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (DRAWNS,u'image'), - (DRAWNS,u'image-map'), - (DRAWNS,u'object'), - (DRAWNS,u'object-ole'), - (DRAWNS,u'plugin'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-box'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TABLENS,u'table'), - ), -# allowed_children - (DRAWNS,u'g') : ( - (DR3DNS,u'scene'), - (DRAWNS,u'a'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption'), - (DRAWNS,u'circle'), - (DRAWNS,u'connector'), - (DRAWNS,u'control'), - (DRAWNS,u'custom-shape'), - (DRAWNS,u'ellipse'), - (DRAWNS,u'frame'), - (DRAWNS,u'g'), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (DRAWNS,u'line'), - (DRAWNS,u'measure'), - 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(TEXTNS,u'p'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'object') : ( - (MATHNS,u'math'), - (OFFICENS,u'document'), - ), -# allowed_children - (DRAWNS,u'object-ole') : ( - (OFFICENS,u'binary-data'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'opacity') : ( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'page') : ( - (ANIMNS,u'animate'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateColor'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateMotion'), - (ANIMNS,u'animateTransform'), - (ANIMNS,u'audio'), - (ANIMNS,u'command'), - (ANIMNS,u'iterate'), - (ANIMNS,u'par'), - (ANIMNS,u'seq'), - (ANIMNS,u'set'), - (ANIMNS,u'transitionFilter'), - (DR3DNS,u'scene'), - (DRAWNS,u'a'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption'), - (DRAWNS,u'circle'), - (DRAWNS,u'connector'), - (DRAWNS,u'control'), - (DRAWNS,u'custom-shape'), - (DRAWNS,u'ellipse'), - (DRAWNS,u'frame'), - (DRAWNS,u'g'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer-set'), - (DRAWNS,u'line'), - (DRAWNS,u'measure'), - (DRAWNS,u'page-thumbnail'), - (DRAWNS,u'path'), - (DRAWNS,u'polygon'), - (DRAWNS,u'polyline'), - (DRAWNS,u'rect'), - (DRAWNS,u'regular-polygon'), - (OFFICENS,u'forms'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'animations'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'notes'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - ), -# allowed_children - (DRAWNS,u'page-thumbnail') : ( - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'param') : ( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'path') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'plugin') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'param'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'polygon') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'polyline') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), -# allowed_children - (DRAWNS,u'rect') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'regular-polygon') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (SVGNS,u'desc'), - (SVGNS,u'title'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'stroke-dash') : ( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'text-box') : ( - (DR3DNS,u'scene'), - (DRAWNS,u'a'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption'), - (DRAWNS,u'circle'), - (DRAWNS,u'connector'), - (DRAWNS,u'control'), - (DRAWNS,u'custom-shape'), - (DRAWNS,u'ellipse'), - (DRAWNS,u'frame'), - (DRAWNS,u'g'), - (DRAWNS,u'line'), - (DRAWNS,u'measure'), - (DRAWNS,u'page-thumbnail'), - (DRAWNS,u'path'), - (DRAWNS,u'polygon'), - (DRAWNS,u'polyline'), - (DRAWNS,u'rect'), - (DRAWNS,u'regular-polygon'), - (TABLENS,u'table'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index'), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography'), - (TEXTNS,u'change'), - (TEXTNS,u'change-end'), - (TEXTNS,u'change-start'), - (TEXTNS,u'h'), - (TEXTNS,u'illustration-index'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'numbered-paragraph'), - (TEXTNS,u'object-index'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - (TEXTNS,u'section'), - (TEXTNS,u'soft-page-break'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-index'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-of-content'), - 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(FORMNS,u'connection-resource'), - (FORMNS,u'date'), - (FORMNS,u'file'), - (FORMNS,u'fixed-text'), - (FORMNS,u'form'), - (FORMNS,u'formatted-text'), - (FORMNS,u'frame'), - (FORMNS,u'generic-control'), - (FORMNS,u'grid'), - (FORMNS,u'hidden'), - (FORMNS,u'image'), - (FORMNS,u'image-frame'), - (FORMNS,u'listbox'), - (FORMNS,u'number'), - (FORMNS,u'password'), - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (FORMNS,u'radio'), - (FORMNS,u'text'), - (FORMNS,u'textarea'), - (FORMNS,u'time'), - (FORMNS,u'value-range'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'formatted-text') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'frame') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'generic-control') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'grid') : ( - (FORMNS,u'column'), - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'hidden') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'image') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), -# allowed_children - (FORMNS,u'image-frame') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'item') : ( - ), - (FORMNS,u'list-property') : ( - (FORMNS,u'list-value'), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'list-value') : ( - ), - (FORMNS,u'listbox') : ( - (FORMNS,u'option'), - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), -# allowed_children - (FORMNS,u'number') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'option') : ( - ), - (FORMNS,u'password') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'properties') : ( - (FORMNS,u'list-property'), - (FORMNS,u'property'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'property') : ( - ), - (FORMNS,u'radio') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'text') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'textarea') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), -# allowed_children - (FORMNS,u'time') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'value-range') : ( - (FORMNS,u'properties'), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - ), - (METANS,u'auto-reload') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'creation-date') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'date-string') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'document-statistic') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'editing-cycles') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'editing-duration') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'generator') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'hyperlink-behaviour') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'initial-creator') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'keyword') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'print-date') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'printed-by') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'template') : ( - ), - (METANS,u'user-defined') : ( - ), -# allowed_children - (OFFICENS,u'annotation') : ( - (DCNS,u'creator'), - (DCNS,u'date'), - (METANS,u'date-string'), - (TEXTNS,u'list'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), -# allowed_children - (OFFICENS,u'annotation-end') : ( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'automatic-styles') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'currency-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'date-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'number-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'percentage-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'time-style'), - (STYLENS,u'page-layout'), - (STYLENS,u'style'), - (TEXTNS,u'list-style'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'binary-data') : ( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'body') : ( - (OFFICENS,u'chart'), - (OFFICENS,u'drawing'), - (OFFICENS,u'image'), - (OFFICENS,u'presentation'), - (OFFICENS,u'spreadsheet'), - (OFFICENS,u'text'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'change-info') : ( - (DCNS,u'creator'), - (DCNS,u'date'), - (TEXTNS,u'p'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'chart') : ( - (CHARTNS,u'chart'), - (TABLENS,u'calculation-settings'), - (TABLENS,u'consolidation'), - (TABLENS,u'content-validations'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-tables'), - (TABLENS,u'database-ranges'), - (TABLENS,u'dde-links'), - 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(DCNS,u'subject'), - (DCNS,u'title'), -# Completes Dublin Core start -# (DCNS,'contributor'), -# (DCNS,'coverage'), -# (DCNS,'format'), -# (DCNS,'identifier'), -# (DCNS,'publisher'), -# (DCNS,'relation'), -# (DCNS,'rights'), -# (DCNS,'source'), -# (DCNS,'type'), -# Completes Dublin Core end - (METANS,u'auto-reload'), - (METANS,u'creation-date'), - (METANS,u'document-statistic'), - (METANS,u'editing-cycles'), - (METANS,u'editing-duration'), - (METANS,u'generator'), - (METANS,u'hyperlink-behaviour'), - (METANS,u'initial-creator'), - (METANS,u'keyword'), - (METANS,u'print-date'), - (METANS,u'printed-by'), - (METANS,u'template'), - (METANS,u'user-defined'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'presentation') : ( - (DRAWNS,u'page'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'date-time-decl'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'footer-decl'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'header-decl'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'settings'), - (TABLENS,u'calculation-settings'), - (TABLENS,u'consolidation'), - (TABLENS,u'content-validations'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-tables'), - (TABLENS,u'database-ranges'), - (TABLENS,u'dde-links'), - (TABLENS,u'label-ranges'), - (TABLENS,u'named-expressions'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file'), - (TEXTNS,u'dde-connection-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'sequence-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-decls'), - ), -# allowed_children - (OFFICENS,u'script') : None, - - (OFFICENS,u'scripts') : ( - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'), - (OFFICENS,u'script'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'settings') : ( - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-set'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'spreadsheet') : ( - (TABLENS,u'calculation-settings'), - (TABLENS,u'consolidation'), - (TABLENS,u'content-validations'), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-tables'), - (TABLENS,u'database-ranges'), - (TABLENS,u'dde-links'), - (TABLENS,u'label-ranges'), - (TABLENS,u'named-expressions'), - (TABLENS,u'table'), - (TABLENS,u'tracked-changes'), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file'), - (TEXTNS,u'dde-connection-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'sequence-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-decls'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-decls'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'styles') : ( - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'currency-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'date-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'number-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'percentage-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'time-style'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image'), - (DRAWNS,u'gradient'), - (DRAWNS,u'hatch'), - (DRAWNS,u'marker'), - (DRAWNS,u'opacity'), - (DRAWNS,u'stroke-dash'), - (STYLENS,u'default-page-layout'), - (STYLENS,u'default-style'), - (STYLENS,u'presentation-page-layout'), - (STYLENS,u'style'), - (SVGNS,u'linearGradient'), - (SVGNS,u'radialGradient'), - (TABLENS,u'table-template'), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography-configuration'), - (TEXTNS,u'linenumbering-configuration'), - (TEXTNS,u'list-style'), - (TEXTNS,u'notes-configuration'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-style'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'text') : ( - (DR3DNS,u'scene'), - (DRAWNS,u'a'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption'), - (DRAWNS,u'circle'), - (DRAWNS,u'connector'), - (DRAWNS,u'control'), - (DRAWNS,u'custom-shape'), - (DRAWNS,u'ellipse'), - (DRAWNS,u'frame'), - 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(PRESENTATIONNS,u'sound') : ( - ), - (SCRIPTNS,u'event-listener') : ( - ), - (STYLENS,u'background-image') : ( - (OFFICENS,u'binary-data'), - ), -# allowed_children - (STYLENS,u'chart-properties') : ( - (CHARTNS,u'label-separator'), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-image'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'column') : ( - ), - (STYLENS,u'column-sep') : ( - ), - (STYLENS,u'columns') : ( - (STYLENS,u'column'), - (STYLENS,u'column-sep'), - ), -# allowed_children - (STYLENS,u'default-page-layout') : ( - (STYLENS,u'page-layout-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'header-style'), - (STYLENS,u'footer-style'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'default-style') : ( - (STYLENS,u'chart-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'drawing-page-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'graphic-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'paragraph-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'ruby-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'section-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'table-cell-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'table-column-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'table-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'table-row-properties'), - (STYLENS,u'text-properties'), - 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(TEXTNS,u'user-field-get'), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-input'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-get'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-input'), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-set'), - (TEXTNS,u'word-count'), -) - -# Only the elements with at least one required attribute is listed - -required_attributes = { - (ANIMNS,u'animate'): ( - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'animateColor'): ( - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'animateMotion'): ( - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'animateTransform'): ( - (SVGNS,u'type'), - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'command'): ( - (ANIMNS,u'command'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'param'): ( - (ANIMNS,u'name'), - (ANIMNS,u'value'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'set'): ( - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - ), -# required_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'transitionFilter'): ( - (SMILNS,u'type'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'axis'): ( - (CHARTNS,u'dimension'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'chart'): ( - (CHARTNS,u'class'), - ), -# required_attributes - (CHARTNS,u'error-indicator'): ( - (CHARTNS,u'dimension'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-image'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item'): ( - (CONFIGNS,u'type'), - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-indexed'): ( - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-named'): ( - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-set'): ( - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), -# required_attributes - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean-style'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'currency-style'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'date-style'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'embedded-text'): ( - (NUMBERNS,u'position'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'number-style'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'percentage-style'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-style'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'time-style'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (DR3DNS,u'extrude'): ( - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), - (DR3DNS,u'light'): ( - (DR3DNS,u'direction'), - ), - (DR3DNS,u'rotate'): ( - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (SVGNS,u'd'), - ), -# required_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'a'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'area-circle'): ( - (SVGNS,u'cy'), - (SVGNS,u'cx'), - (SVGNS,u'r'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'area-polygon'): ( - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'points'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'area-rectangle'): ( - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - ), -# required_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'connector'): ( - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-path'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'recreate-on-edit'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (SVGNS,u'd'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-polygon'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'points'), - (DRAWNS,u'recreate-on-edit'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'control'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'control'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'floating-frame'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'): ( - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'escape-direction'), - ), -# required_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'gradient'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'style'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'handle'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'handle-position'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'hatch'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'style'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'line'): ( - (SVGNS,u'y1'), - (SVGNS,u'x2'), - (SVGNS,u'x1'), - (SVGNS,u'y2'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'marker'): ( - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'measure'): ( - (SVGNS,u'y1'), - (SVGNS,u'x2'), - (SVGNS,u'x1'), - (SVGNS,u'y2'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'opacity'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'style'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'page'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'master-page-name'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'path'): ( - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'plugin'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'polygon'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'points'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), -# required_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'polyline'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'points'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'regular-polygon'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'corners'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'stroke-dash'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'button'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'checkbox'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'combobox'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# required_attributes - (FORMNS,u'connection-resource'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'date'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'file'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'fixed-text'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'formatted-text'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'frame'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'generic-control'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'grid'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'hidden'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# required_attributes - (FORMNS,u'image'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'image-frame'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'list-property'): ( - (FORMNS,u'property-name'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'string-value'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'listbox'): ( - 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), -# required_attributes - (OFFICENS,u'annotation-end'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'name'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'dde-source'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'dde-topic'), - (OFFICENS,u'dde-application'), - (OFFICENS,u'dde-item'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'document'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'mimetype'), - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - ), -# required_attributes - (OFFICENS,u'document-content'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - ), -# required_attributes - (OFFICENS,u'document-meta'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - ), -# required_attributes - (OFFICENS,u'document-settings'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - ), -# required_attributes - (OFFICENS,u'document-styles'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'script'): ( - (SCRIPTNS,u'language'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'date-time-decl'): ( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'source'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'name'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'dim'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'color'), - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), -# required_attributes - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'event-listener'): ( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'action'), - (SCRIPTNS,u'event-name'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'footer-decl'): ( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'name'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'header-decl'): ( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'name'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'hide-shape'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'hide-text'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'placeholder'): ( - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'object'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'play'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show'): ( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'pages'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show-shape'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show-text'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'sound'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (SCRIPTNS,u'event-listener'): ( - (SCRIPTNS,u'language'), - (SCRIPTNS,u'event-name'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'column'): ( - (STYLENS,u'rel-width'), - ), -# required_attributes - (STYLENS,u'column-sep'): ( - (STYLENS,u'width'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'columns'): ( - (FONS,u'column-count'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'font-face'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'handout-master'): ( - (STYLENS,u'page-layout-name'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'map'): ( - (STYLENS,u'apply-style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'condition'), - ), -# required_attributes - (STYLENS,u'list-level-label-alignment'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'label-followed-by'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'master-page'): ( - (STYLENS,u'page-layout-name'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'page-layout'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'presentation-page-layout'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'style'): ( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'tab-stop'): ( - (STYLENS,u'position'), - ), - (SVGNS,u'definition-src'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (SVGNS,u'font-face-uri'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (SVGNS,u'linearGradient'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - ), - (SVGNS,u'radialGradient'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - ), - (SVGNS,u'stop'): ( - (SVGNS,u'offset'), - 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(TABLENS,u'type'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-group'): ( - (TABLENS,u'name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-group-member'): ( - (TABLENS,u'name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-groups'): ( - (TABLENS,u'source-field-name'), - (TABLENS,u'step'), - (TABLENS,u'grouped-by'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-layout-info'): ( - (TABLENS,u'add-empty-lines'), - (TABLENS,u'layout-mode'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-member'): ( - (TABLENS,u'name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-sort-info'): ( - (TABLENS,u'order'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-subtotal'): ( - (TABLENS,u'function'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'data-pilot-table'): ( - (TABLENS,u'target-range-address'), - (TABLENS,u'name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'database-range'): ( - (TABLENS,u'target-range-address'), - ), -# required_attributes - (TABLENS,u'database-source-query'): ( - (TABLENS,u'query-name'), - (TABLENS,u'database-name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'database-source-sql'): ( - (TABLENS,u'database-name'), - (TABLENS,u'sql-statement'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'database-source-table'): ( - 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(TABLENS,u'orientation'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'last-column'): ( - (TABLENS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'last-row'): ( - (TABLENS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'movement'): ( - (TABLENS,u'id'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'named-expression'): ( - (TABLENS,u'expression'), - (TABLENS,u'name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'named-range'): ( - (TABLENS,u'name'), - (TABLENS,u'cell-range-address'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'odd-columns'): ( - (TABLENS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'odd-rows'): ( - (TABLENS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'operation'): ( - (TABLENS,u'index'), - (TABLENS,u'name'), - ), -# required_attributes - (TABLENS,u'scenario'): ( - (TABLENS,u'is-active'), - (TABLENS,u'scenario-ranges'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'sort-by'): ( - (TABLENS,u'field-number'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'source-cell-range'): ( - (TABLENS,u'cell-range-address'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'source-service'): ( - (TABLENS,u'source-name'), - (TABLENS,u'object-name'), - (TABLENS,u'name'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'subtotal-field'): ( - (TABLENS,u'function'), - (TABLENS,u'field-number'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'subtotal-rule'): ( - (TABLENS,u'group-by-field-number'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'table-source'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (TABLENS,u'table-template'): ( -# (TABLENS,u'last-row-end-column'), # Deprecated -# (TABLENS,u'first-row-end-column'), # Deprecated - (TABLENS,u'name'), -# (TABLENS,u'last-row-start-column'), # Deprecated -# (TABLENS,u'first-row-start-column'), # Deprecated - ), - (TEXTNS,u'a'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), -# required_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file'): ( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-entry-template'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-mark'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'string-value'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-mark-end'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'alphabetical-index-mark-start'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography-entry-template'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography-type'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography-mark'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'bibliography-type'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'bookmark'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), -# required_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'bookmark-end'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'bookmark-start'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'change'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'change-id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'change-end'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'change-id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'change-start'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'change-id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'changed-region'): ( - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'chapter'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'conditional-text'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'string-value-if-true'), - (TEXTNS,u'string-value-if-false'), - (TEXTNS,u'condition'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'database-display'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'column-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'table-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'database-name'): ( - 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), - (TEXTNS,u'toc-mark-end'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'toc-mark-start'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-defined'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-decl'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-get'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-input'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-entry-template'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), -# required_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'index-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'string-value'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark-end'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark-start'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'index-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-source'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'index-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-decl'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-get'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-input'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-set'): ( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), -} - -# Empty list means the element has no allowed attributes -# None means anything goes - -allowed_attributes = { - (DCNS,u'creator'):( - ), - (DCNS,u'date'):( - ), - (DCNS,u'description'):( - ), - (DCNS,u'language'):( - ), - (DCNS,u'subject'):( - ), - (DCNS,u'title'):( - ), -# Completes Dublin Core start -# (DCNS,'contributor') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'coverage') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'format') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'identifier') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'publisher') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'relation') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'rights') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'source') : ( -# ), -# (DCNS,'type') : ( -# ), -# Completes Dublin Core end - (MATHNS,u'math'): None, - (XFORMSNS,u'model'): None, -# allowed_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'animate'):( - (ANIMNS,u'formula'), - (ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'accumulate'), - (SMILNS,u'additive'), - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'by'), - (SMILNS,u'calcMode'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'from'), - (SMILNS,u'keySplines'), - (SMILNS,u'keyTimes'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'targetElement'), - (SMILNS,u'to'), - (SMILNS,u'values'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'animateColor'):( - (ANIMNS,u'color-interpolation'), - (ANIMNS,u'color-interpolation-direction'), - (ANIMNS,u'formula'), - (ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'accumulate'), - (SMILNS,u'additive'), - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'by'), - (SMILNS,u'calcMode'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'from'), - (SMILNS,u'keySplines'), - (SMILNS,u'keyTimes'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'targetElement'), - (SMILNS,u'to'), - (SMILNS,u'values'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'animateMotion'):( - (ANIMNS,u'formula'), - (ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'accumulate'), - (SMILNS,u'additive'), - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'by'), - (SMILNS,u'calcMode'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'from'), - (SMILNS,u'keySplines'), - (SMILNS,u'keyTimes'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'targetElement'), - (SMILNS,u'to'), - (SMILNS,u'values'), - (SVGNS,u'origin'), - (SVGNS,u'path'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'animateTransform'):( - (ANIMNS,u'formula'), - (ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'accumulate'), - (SMILNS,u'additive'), - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'by'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'from'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'targetElement'), - (SMILNS,u'to'), - (SMILNS,u'values'), - (SVGNS,u'type'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'audio'):( - (ANIMNS,u'audio-level'), - (ANIMNS,u'id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'group-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'master-element'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'node-type'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-class'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-sub-type'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'command'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'node-type'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'group-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-class'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-id'), - (ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), - (ANIMNS,u'command'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-sub-type'), - (SMILNS,u'targetElement'), - (ANIMNS,u'id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'master-element'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'iterate'):( - (ANIMNS,u'id'), - (ANIMNS,u'iterate-interval'), - (ANIMNS,u'iterate-type'), - (ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'group-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'master-element'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'node-type'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-class'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-sub-type'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'endsync'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'targetElement'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'par'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'node-type'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'group-id'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-class'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-sub-type'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'endsync'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (ANIMNS,u'id'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'master-element'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'param'):( - (ANIMNS,u'name'), - (ANIMNS,u'value'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'seq'):( - (ANIMNS,u'id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'group-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'master-element'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'node-type'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-class'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'preset-sub-type'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'endsync'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (ANIMNS,u'set'):( - (ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'accumulate'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (SMILNS,u'additive'), - (SMILNS,u'attributeName'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'targetElement'), - (SMILNS,u'to'), - - ), -# allowed_attributes - (ANIMNS,u'transitionFilter'):( - (ANIMNS,u'formula'), - (ANIMNS,u'sub-item'), - (SMILNS,u'accelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'accumulate'), - (SMILNS,u'additive'), - (SMILNS,u'autoReverse'), - (SMILNS,u'begin'), - (SMILNS,u'by'), - (SMILNS,u'calcMode'), - (SMILNS,u'decelerate'), - (SMILNS,u'direction'), - (SMILNS,u'dur'), - (SMILNS,u'end'), - (SMILNS,u'fadeColor'), - (SMILNS,u'fill'), - (SMILNS,u'fillDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'from'), - (SMILNS,u'mode'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatCount'), - (SMILNS,u'repeatDur'), - (SMILNS,u'restart'), - (SMILNS,u'restartDefault'), - (SMILNS,u'subtype'), - (SMILNS,u'targetElement'), - (SMILNS,u'to'), - (SMILNS,u'type'), - (SMILNS,u'values'), - - ), -# allowed_attributes - (CHARTNS,u'axis'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (CHARTNS,u'dimension'), - (CHARTNS,u'name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'categories'):( - (TABLENS,u'cell-range-address'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'chart'):( - (CHARTNS,u'class'), - (CHARTNS,u'column-mapping'), - (CHARTNS,u'row-mapping'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'data-label'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'data-point'):( - (CHARTNS,u'repeated'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'domain'):( - (TABLENS,u'cell-range-address'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (CHARTNS,u'equation'):( - (CHARTNS,u'automatic-content'), - (CHARTNS,u'display-equation'), - (CHARTNS,u'display-r-square'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'error-indicator'):( - (CHARTNS,u'dimension'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'floor'):( - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (CHARTNS,u'footer'):( - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'cell-range'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'grid'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (CHARTNS,u'class'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (CHARTNS,u'label-separator'):( - ), - (CHARTNS,u'legend'):( - (CHARTNS,u'legend-align'), - (STYLENS,u'legend-expansion-aspect-ratio'), - (STYLENS,u'legend-expansion'), - (CHARTNS,u'legend-position'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'mean-value'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'plot-area'):( - (CHARTNS,u'data-source-has-labels'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (DR3DNS,u'ambient-color'), - (DR3DNS,u'distance'), - (DR3DNS,u'focal-length'), - (DR3DNS,u'lighting-mode'), - (DR3DNS,u'projection'), - (DR3DNS,u'shade-mode'), - (DR3DNS,u'shadow-slant'), - (DR3DNS,u'transform'), - (DR3DNS,u'vpn'), - (DR3DNS,u'vrp'), - (DR3DNS,u'vup'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (TABLENS,u'cell-range-address'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'regression-curve'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'series'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (CHARTNS,u'attached-axis'), - (CHARTNS,u'values-cell-range-address'), - (CHARTNS,u'label-cell-address'), - (CHARTNS,u'class'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-gain-marker'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (CHARTNS,u'stock-loss-marker'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'stock-range-line'):( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'subtitle'):( - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'cell-range'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-image'):( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'title'):( - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'cell-range'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CHARTNS,u'wall'):( - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item'):( - (CONFIGNS,u'type'), - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-entry'):( - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-indexed'):( - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-map-named'):( - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), - (CONFIGNS,u'config-item-set'):( - (CONFIGNS,u'name'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (NUMBERNS,u'am-pm'):( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean'):( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'boolean-style'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - (NUMBERNS,u'title'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-format'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-style'), - (STYLENS,u'display-name'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - (STYLENS,u'volatile'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'currency-style'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - (NUMBERNS,u'automatic-order'), - (NUMBERNS,u'country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - (NUMBERNS,u'title'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-format'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-style'), - (STYLENS,u'display-name'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - (STYLENS,u'volatile'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'currency-symbol'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (NUMBERNS,u'date-style'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'automatic-order'), - (NUMBERNS,u'country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'format-source'), - (NUMBERNS,u'language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - (NUMBERNS,u'title'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-format'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-style'), - (STYLENS,u'display-name'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - (STYLENS,u'volatile'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'day'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'calendar'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'day-of-week'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'calendar'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'embedded-text'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'position'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'era'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'calendar'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'fraction'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'grouping'), - (NUMBERNS,u'min-denominator-digits'), - (NUMBERNS,u'min-numerator-digits'), - (NUMBERNS,u'min-integer-digits'), - (NUMBERNS,u'denominator-value'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'hours'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (NUMBERNS,u'minutes'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'month'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'calendar'), - (NUMBERNS,u'possessive-form'), - (NUMBERNS,u'textual'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'number'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'display-factor'), - (NUMBERNS,u'decimal-places'), - (NUMBERNS,u'decimal-replacement'), - (NUMBERNS,u'min-integer-digits'), - (NUMBERNS,u'grouping'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'number-style'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-language'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - (STYLENS,u'display-name'), - (NUMBERNS,u'language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'title'), - (NUMBERNS,u'country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-format'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-style'), - (STYLENS,u'volatile'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-country'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (NUMBERNS,u'percentage-style'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - (NUMBERNS,u'title'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-format'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-style'), - (STYLENS,u'display-name'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - (STYLENS,u'volatile'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'quarter'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'calendar'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'scientific-number'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'min-exponent-digits'), - (NUMBERNS,u'decimal-places'), - (NUMBERNS,u'min-integer-digits'), - (NUMBERNS,u'grouping'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'seconds'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'decimal-places'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'text'):( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-content'):( - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'text-style'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - (NUMBERNS,u'title'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-format'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-style'), - (STYLENS,u'display-name'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - (STYLENS,u'volatile'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'time-style'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'format-source'), - (NUMBERNS,u'language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'rfc-language-tag'), - (NUMBERNS,u'script'), - (NUMBERNS,u'title'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-country'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-format'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-language'), - (NUMBERNS,u'transliteration-style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'truncate-on-overflow'), - (STYLENS,u'display-name'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - (STYLENS,u'volatile'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'week-of-year'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'calendar'), - ), - (NUMBERNS,u'year'):( - (NUMBERNS,u'style'), - (NUMBERNS,u'calendar'), - ), - (DR3DNS,u'cube'):( - (DR3DNS,u'min-edge'), - (DR3DNS,u'max-edge'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DR3DNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DR3DNS,u'extrude'):( - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (DR3DNS,u'transform'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DR3DNS,u'light'):( - (DR3DNS,u'diffuse-color'), - (DR3DNS,u'direction'), - (DR3DNS,u'specular'), - (DR3DNS,u'enabled'), - ), - (DR3DNS,u'rotate'):( - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (DR3DNS,u'transform'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DR3DNS,u'scene'):( - (DR3DNS,u'ambient-color'), - (DR3DNS,u'distance'), - (DR3DNS,u'focal-length'), - (DR3DNS,u'lighting-mode'), - (DR3DNS,u'projection'), - (DR3DNS,u'shade-mode'), - (DR3DNS,u'shadow-slant'), - (DR3DNS,u'transform'), - (DR3DNS,u'vpn'), - (DR3DNS,u'vrp'), - (DR3DNS,u'vup'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DR3DNS,u'sphere'):( - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DR3DNS,u'center'), - (DR3DNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DR3DNS,u'size'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'a'):( - (OFFICENS,u'name'), - (OFFICENS,u'server-map'), - (OFFICENS,u'target-frame-name'), - (OFFICENS,u'title'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'applet'):( - (DRAWNS,u'code'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (DRAWNS,u'object'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (DRAWNS,u'archive'), - (DRAWNS,u'may-script'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'area-circle'):( - (OFFICENS,u'name'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (SVGNS,u'cx'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (DRAWNS,u'nohref'), - (SVGNS,u'cy'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (SVGNS,u'r'), - (OFFICENS,u'target-frame-name'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'area-polygon'):( - (OFFICENS,u'name'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (DRAWNS,u'nohref'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (OFFICENS,u'target-frame-name'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (DRAWNS,u'points'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'area-rectangle'):( - (OFFICENS,u'name'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (DRAWNS,u'nohref'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (OFFICENS,u'target-frame-name'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'caption'):( - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-point-y'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-point-x'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (DRAWNS,u'corner-radius'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'circle'):( - (DRAWNS,u'end-angle'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'kind'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'start-angle'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'cx'), - (SVGNS,u'cy'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'r'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'connector'):( - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'end-glue-point'), - (DRAWNS,u'end-shape'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'line-skew'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'start-glue-point'), - (DRAWNS,u'start-shape'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'type'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (SVGNS,u'x1'), - (SVGNS,u'x2'), - (SVGNS,u'y1'), - (SVGNS,u'y2'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'contour-path'):( - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'recreate-on-edit'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'contour-polygon'):( - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'points'), - (DRAWNS,u'recreate-on-edit'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'control'):( - (DRAWNS,u'control'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'custom-shape'):( - (DRAWNS,u'engine'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (DRAWNS,u'data'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'ellipse'):( - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'start-angle'), - (SVGNS,u'cy'), - (SVGNS,u'cx'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (SVGNS,u'rx'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'end-angle'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (SVGNS,u'ry'), - (DRAWNS,u'kind'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'enhanced-geometry'):( - (DR3DNS,u'projection'), - (DR3DNS,u'shade-mode'), - (DRAWNS,u'concentric-gradient-fill-allowed'), - (DRAWNS,u'enhanced-path'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-allowed'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-brightness'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-color'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-depth'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-diffusion'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-first-light-direction'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-first-light-harsh'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-first-light-level'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-light-face'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-metal'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-number-of-line-segments'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-origin'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-rotation-angle'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-rotation-center'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-second-light-direction'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-second-light-harsh'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-second-light-level'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-shininess'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-skew'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-specularity'), - (DRAWNS,u'extrusion-viewpoint'), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point-leaving-directions'), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-points'), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point-type'), - (DRAWNS,u'mirror-horizontal'), - (DRAWNS,u'mirror-vertical'), - (DRAWNS,u'modifiers'), - (DRAWNS,u'path-stretchpoint-x'), - (DRAWNS,u'path-stretchpoint-y'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-areas'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-path'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-path-allowed'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-path-mode'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-path-same-letter-heights'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-path-scale'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-rotate-angle'), - (DRAWNS,u'type'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'equation'):( - (DRAWNS,u'formula'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image'):( - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (DRAWNS,u'display-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'floating-frame'):( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (DRAWNS,u'frame-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'frame'):( - (DRAWNS,u'copy-of'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'placeholder'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'user-transformed'), - (STYLENS,u'rel-height'), - (STYLENS,u'rel-width'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'g'):( - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'glue-point'):( - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (DRAWNS,u'align'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'escape-direction'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'gradient'):( - (DRAWNS,u'style'), - (DRAWNS,u'angle'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'end-color'), - (DRAWNS,u'start-color'), - (DRAWNS,u'cy'), - (DRAWNS,u'cx'), - (DRAWNS,u'display-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'border'), - (DRAWNS,u'end-intensity'), - (DRAWNS,u'start-intensity'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'handle'):( - (DRAWNS,u'handle-radius-range-minimum'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-switched'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-range-y-maximum'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-mirror-horizontal'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-range-x-maximum'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-mirror-vertical'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-range-y-minimum'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-radius-range-maximum'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-range-x-minimum'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-position'), - (DRAWNS,u'handle-polar'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'hatch'):( - (DRAWNS,u'distance'), - (DRAWNS,u'style'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'color'), - (DRAWNS,u'display-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'rotation'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'image'):( - (DRAWNS,u'filter-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'image-map'):( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'):( - (DRAWNS,u'protected'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'display'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'layer-set'):( - ), - (DRAWNS,u'line'):( - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'x1'), - (SVGNS,u'x2'), - (SVGNS,u'y1'), - (SVGNS,u'y2'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'marker'):( - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (DRAWNS,u'display-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'measure'):( - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (SVGNS,u'y2'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (SVGNS,u'x2'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'y1'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (SVGNS,u'x1'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'object'):( - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (DRAWNS,u'notify-on-update-of-ranges'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'object-ole'):( - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-id'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'opacity'):( - (DRAWNS,u'style'), - (DRAWNS,u'angle'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'start'), - (DRAWNS,u'cy'), - (DRAWNS,u'cx'), - (DRAWNS,u'end'), - (DRAWNS,u'display-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'border'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'page'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'presentation-page-layout-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'nav-order'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'use-footer-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'use-header-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'master-page-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'use-date-time-name'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'page-thumbnail'):( - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'user-transformed'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'placeholder'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'param'):( - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'value'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'path'):( - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'd'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'plugin'):( - (DRAWNS,u'mime-type'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'polygon'):( - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'points'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'polyline'):( - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'points'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (SVGNS,u'viewBox'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'rect'):( - (DRAWNS,u'corner-radius'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (SVGNS,u'rx'), - (SVGNS,u'ry'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (DRAWNS,u'regular-polygon'):( - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-id'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (DRAWNS,u'concave'), - (DRAWNS,u'sharpness'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (DRAWNS,u'corners'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'stroke-dash'):( - (DRAWNS,u'distance'), - (DRAWNS,u'dots1-length'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'dots2-length'), - (DRAWNS,u'style'), - (DRAWNS,u'dots1'), - (DRAWNS,u'display-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'dots2'), - ), - (DRAWNS,u'text-box'):( - (FONS,u'min-width'), - (DRAWNS,u'corner-radius'), - (FONS,u'max-height'), - (FONS,u'min-height'), - (DRAWNS,u'chain-next-name'), - (FONS,u'max-width'), - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (FORMNS,u'button'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'focus-on-click'), - (FORMNS,u'image-align'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'button-type'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'default-button'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'label'), - (FORMNS,u'delay-for-repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'image-data'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (FORMNS,u'toggle'), - (FORMNS,u'xforms-submission'), - (OFFICENS,u'target-frame'), - (FORMNS,u'image-position'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'checkbox'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'image-align'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'is-tristate'), - (FORMNS,u'current-state'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'label'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'state'), - (FORMNS,u'visual-effect'), - (FORMNS,u'image-position'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'column'):( - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (FORMNS,u'text-style-name'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'label'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (FORMNS,u'combobox'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'auto-complete'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (FORMNS,u'convert-empty-to-null'), - (FORMNS,u'current-value'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'dropdown'), - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'list-source'), - (FORMNS,u'list-source-type'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'size'), - (FORMNS,u'source-cell-range'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (FORMNS,u'connection-resource'):( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'date'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (FORMNS,u'convert-empty-to-null'), - (FORMNS,u'current-value'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'delay-for-repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'max-value'), - (FORMNS,u'min-value'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'spin-button'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'file'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'current-value'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'fixed-text'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'for'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'multi-line'), - (FORMNS,u'label'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (FORMNS,u'form'):( - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (FORMNS,u'allow-deletes'), - (FORMNS,u'command-type'), - (FORMNS,u'apply-filter'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (FORMNS,u'method'), - (OFFICENS,u'target-frame'), - (FORMNS,u'navigation-mode'), - (FORMNS,u'detail-fields'), - (FORMNS,u'master-fields'), - (FORMNS,u'allow-updates'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-cycle'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (FORMNS,u'escape-processing'), - (FORMNS,u'filter'), - (FORMNS,u'command'), - (FORMNS,u'datasource'), - (FORMNS,u'enctype'), - (FORMNS,u'allow-inserts'), - (FORMNS,u'ignore-result'), - (FORMNS,u'order'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (FORMNS,u'formatted-text'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (FORMNS,u'convert-empty-to-null'), - (FORMNS,u'current-value'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'delay-for-repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'max-value'), - (FORMNS,u'min-value'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'spin-button'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'validation'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'frame'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'for'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'label'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (FORMNS,u'generic-control'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'grid'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'hidden'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'image'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'button-type'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (OFFICENS,u'target-frame'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'image-data'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'image-frame'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'image-data'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'item'):( - (FORMNS,u'label'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'list-property'):( - (FORMNS,u'property-name'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'list-value'):( - (OFFICENS,u'string-value'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (FORMNS,u'listbox'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'bound-column'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'dropdown'), - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'list-linkage-type'), - (FORMNS,u'list-source'), - (FORMNS,u'list-source-type'), - (FORMNS,u'multiple'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'size'), - (FORMNS,u'source-cell-range'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'xforms-list-source'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'number'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (FORMNS,u'convert-empty-to-null'), - (FORMNS,u'current-value'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'delay-for-repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'max-value'), - (FORMNS,u'min-value'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'spin-button'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'option'):( - (FORMNS,u'current-selected'), - (FORMNS,u'selected'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'label'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'password'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'convert-empty-to-null'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'echo-char'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'properties'):( - ), - (FORMNS,u'property'):( - (OFFICENS,u'string-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'value'), - (OFFICENS,u'boolean-value'), - (FORMNS,u'property-name'), - (OFFICENS,u'currency'), - (OFFICENS,u'date-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - (OFFICENS,u'time-value'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'radio'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'selected'), - (FORMNS,u'image-align'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'current-selected'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'label'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'visual-effect'), - (FORMNS,u'image-position'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'text'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'convert-empty-to-null'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'current-value'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'textarea'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'convert-empty-to-null'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'current-value'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'time'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (FORMNS,u'convert-empty-to-null'), - (FORMNS,u'current-value'), - (FORMNS,u'data-field'), - (FORMNS,u'delay-for-repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'max-length'), - (FORMNS,u'max-value'), - (FORMNS,u'min-value'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'readonly'), - (FORMNS,u'repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'spin-button'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - ), - (FORMNS,u'value-range'):( - (XMLNS,u'id'), # First choice - (FORMNS,u'id'), - (FORMNS,u'linked-cell'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-stop'), - (FORMNS,u'max-value'), - (FORMNS,u'name'), - (FORMNS,u'tab-index'), - (FORMNS,u'control-implementation'), - (XFORMSNS,u'bind'), - (FORMNS,u'title'), - (FORMNS,u'value'), - (FORMNS,u'disabled'), - (FORMNS,u'printable'), - (FORMNS,u'orientation'), - (FORMNS,u'page-step-size'), - (FORMNS,u'delay-for-repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'repeat'), - (FORMNS,u'min-value'), - (FORMNS,u'step-size'), - ), - (MANIFESTNS,'algorithm') : ( - (MANIFESTNS,'algorithm-name'), - (MANIFESTNS,'initialisation-vector'), - ), - (MANIFESTNS,'encryption-data') : ( - (MANIFESTNS,'checksum-type'), - (MANIFESTNS,'checksum'), - ), - (MANIFESTNS,'file-entry') : ( - (MANIFESTNS,'full-path'), - (MANIFESTNS,'media-type'), - (MANIFESTNS,'preferred-view-mode'), - (MANIFESTNS,'size'), - (MANIFESTNS,'version'), - ), - (MANIFESTNS,'key-derivation') : ( - (MANIFESTNS,'key-derivation-name'), - (MANIFESTNS,'salt'), - (MANIFESTNS,'iteration-count'), - ), - (MANIFESTNS,u'manifest'):( - ), -# allowed_attributes - (METANS,u'auto-reload'):( - (METANS,u'delay'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - ), - (METANS,u'creation-date'):( - ), - (METANS,u'date-string'):( - ), - (METANS,u'document-statistic'):( - (METANS,u'non-whitespace-character-count'), - (METANS,u'ole-object-count'), - (METANS,u'table-count'), - (METANS,u'row-count'), - (METANS,u'character-count'), - (METANS,u'sentence-count'), - (METANS,u'draw-count'), - (METANS,u'paragraph-count'), - (METANS,u'word-count'), - (METANS,u'object-count'), - (METANS,u'syllable-count'), - (METANS,u'image-count'), - (METANS,u'page-count'), - (METANS,u'frame-count'), - (METANS,u'cell-count'), - ), - (METANS,u'editing-cycles'):( - ), - (METANS,u'editing-duration'):( - ), - (METANS,u'generator'):( - ), -# allowed_attributes - (METANS,u'hyperlink-behaviour'):( - (OFFICENS,u'target-frame-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - ), - (METANS,u'initial-creator'):( - ), - (METANS,u'keyword'):( - ), - (METANS,u'print-date'):( - ), - (METANS,u'printed-by'):( - ), - (METANS,u'template'):( - (METANS,u'date'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XLINKNS,u'title'), - ), - (METANS,u'user-defined'):( - (METANS,u'name'), - (METANS,u'value-type'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (OFFICENS,u'annotation'):( - (DRAWNS,u'caption-point-x'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-point-y'), - (DRAWNS,u'class-names'), - (DRAWNS,u'corner-radius'), - (DRAWNS,u'id'), - (DRAWNS,u'layer'), - (DRAWNS,u'name'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'transform'), - (DRAWNS,u'z-index'), - (OFFICENS,u'display'), - (OFFICENS,u'name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'class-names'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (TABLENS,u'end-cell-address'), - (TABLENS,u'end-x'), - (TABLENS,u'end-y'), - (TABLENS,u'table-background'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-page-number'), - (TEXTNS,u'anchor-type'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'annotation-end'): ( - (OFFICENS,u'name'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'automatic-styles'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'binary-data'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'body'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'change-info'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'chart'):( - ), -# allowed_attributes - (OFFICENS,u'dde-source'):( - (OFFICENS,u'dde-application'), - (OFFICENS,u'automatic-update'), - (OFFICENS,u'conversion-mode'), - (OFFICENS,u'dde-item'), - (OFFICENS,u'dde-topic'), - (OFFICENS,u'name'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'document'):( - (OFFICENS,u'mimetype'), - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - (GRDDLNS,u'transformation'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'document-content'):( - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - (GRDDLNS,u'transformation'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'document-meta'):( - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - (GRDDLNS,u'transformation'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'document-settings'):( - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - (GRDDLNS,u'transformation'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'document-styles'):( - (OFFICENS,u'version'), - (GRDDLNS,u'transformation'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'drawing'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'event-listeners'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'font-face-decls'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'forms'):( - (FORMNS,u'automatic-focus'), - (FORMNS,u'apply-design-mode'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'image'):( - ), -# allowed_attributes - (OFFICENS,u'master-styles'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'meta'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'presentation'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'script'):( - (SCRIPTNS,u'language'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'scripts'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'settings'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'spreadsheet'):( - (TABLENS,u'structure-protected'), - (TABLENS,u'protection-key'), - (TABLENS,u'protection-key-digest-algorithm'), - ), - (OFFICENS,u'styles'):( - ), - (OFFICENS,u'text'):( - (TEXTNS,u'global'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-soft-page-breaks'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'animation-group'):( - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'animations'):( - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'date-time'):( - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'date-time-decl'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'source'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'name'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'dim'):( - (DRAWNS,u'color'), - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'event-listener'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'direction'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'effect'), - (SCRIPTNS,u'event-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'start-scale'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'verb'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'action'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'speed'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'footer'):( - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'footer-decl'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'name'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'header'):( - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'header-decl'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'name'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'hide-shape'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'direction'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'effect'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'delay'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'start-scale'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'path-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'speed'), - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'hide-text'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'direction'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'effect'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'delay'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'start-scale'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'path-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'speed'), - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'notes'):( - (STYLENS,u'page-layout-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'use-header-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'use-date-time-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'use-footer-name'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'placeholder'):( - (SVGNS,u'y'), - (SVGNS,u'x'), - (SVGNS,u'height'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'object'), - (SVGNS,u'width'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'play'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'speed'), - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'settings'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'animations'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'endless'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'force-manual'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'full-screen'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'mouse-as-pen'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'mouse-visible'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'pause'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show-end-of-presentation-slide'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show-logo'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'start-page'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'start-with-navigator'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'stay-on-top'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'transition-on-click'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'pages'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show-shape'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'direction'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'effect'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'delay'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'start-scale'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'path-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'speed'), - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'show-text'):( - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'direction'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'effect'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'delay'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'start-scale'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'path-id'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'speed'), - (DRAWNS,u'shape-id'), - ), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'sound'):( - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'play-full'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (SCRIPTNS,u'event-listener'):( - (SCRIPTNS,u'language'), - (SCRIPTNS,u'macro-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (SCRIPTNS,u'event-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'background-image'):( - (DRAWNS,u'opacity'), - (STYLENS,u'repeat'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - (XLINKNS,u'actuate'), - (STYLENS,u'filter-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (STYLENS,u'position'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (STYLENS,u'chart-properties'): ( - (CHARTNS,u'angle-offset'), - (CHARTNS,u'auto-position'), - (CHARTNS,u'auto-size'), - (CHARTNS,u'axis-label-position'), - (CHARTNS,u'axis-position'), - (CHARTNS,u'connect-bars'), - (CHARTNS,u'data-label-number'), - (CHARTNS,u'data-label-symbol'), - (CHARTNS,u'data-label-text'), - (CHARTNS,u'deep'), - (CHARTNS,u'display-label'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-category'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-lower-indicator'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-lower-limit'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-lower-range'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-margin'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-percentage'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-upper-indicator'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-upper-limit'), - (CHARTNS,u'error-upper-range'), - (CHARTNS,u'gap-width'), - (CHARTNS,u'group-bars-per-axis'), - (CHARTNS,u'hole-size'), - (CHARTNS,u'include-hidden-cells'), - (CHARTNS,u'interpolation'), - (CHARTNS,u'interval-major'), - (CHARTNS,u'interval-minor-divisor'), - (CHARTNS,u'japanese-candle-stick'), - (CHARTNS,u'label-arrangement'), - (CHARTNS,u'label-position'), - (CHARTNS,u'label-position-negative'), - (CHARTNS,u'lines'), - (CHARTNS,u'link-data-style-to-source'), - (CHARTNS,u'logarithmic'), - (CHARTNS,u'maximum'), - (CHARTNS,u'mean-value'), - (CHARTNS,u'minimum'), - (CHARTNS,u'origin'), - (CHARTNS,u'overlap'), - (CHARTNS,u'percentage'), - (CHARTNS,u'pie-offset'), - (CHARTNS,u'regression-type'), - (CHARTNS,u'reverse-direction'), - (CHARTNS,u'right-angled-axes'), - (CHARTNS,u'scale-text'), - (CHARTNS,u'series-source'), - (CHARTNS,u'solid-type'), - (CHARTNS,u'sort-by-x-values'), - (CHARTNS,u'spline-order'), - (CHARTNS,u'spline-resolution'), - (CHARTNS,u'stacked'), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-height'), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-name'), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-type'), - (CHARTNS,u'symbol-width'), - (CHARTNS,u'text-overlap'), - (CHARTNS,u'three-dimensional'), - (CHARTNS,u'tick-mark-position'), - (CHARTNS,u'tick-marks-major-inner'), - (CHARTNS,u'tick-marks-major-outer'), - (CHARTNS,u'tick-marks-minor-inner'), - (CHARTNS,u'tick-marks-minor-outer'), - (CHARTNS,u'treat-empty-cells'), - (CHARTNS,u'vertical'), - (CHARTNS,u'visible'), - (STYLENS,u'direction'), - (STYLENS,u'rotation-angle'), - (TEXTNS,u'line-break'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'column'):( - (FONS,u'end-indent'), - (FONS,u'space-before'), - (FONS,u'start-indent'), - (FONS,u'space-after'), - (STYLENS,u'rel-width'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'column-sep'):( - (STYLENS,u'color'), - (STYLENS,u'width'), - (STYLENS,u'style'), - (STYLENS,u'vertical-align'), - (STYLENS,u'height'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'columns'):( - (FONS,u'column-count'), - (FONS,u'column-gap'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (STYLENS,u'default-page-layout'):( - ), - (STYLENS,u'default-style'):( - (STYLENS,u'family'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (STYLENS,u'drawing-page-properties'): ( - (DRAWNS,u'fill'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-color'), - (DRAWNS,u'secondary-fill-color'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-gradient-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'gradient-step-count'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-hatch-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-hatch-solid'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image-name'), - (STYLENS,u'repeat'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image-width'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image-height'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image-ref-point-x'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image-ref-point-y'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image-ref-point'), - (DRAWNS,u'tile-repeat-offset'), - (DRAWNS,u'opacity'), - (DRAWNS,u'opacity-name'), - (SVGNS,u'fill-rule'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'transition-type'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'transition-style'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'transition-speed'), - (SMILNS,u'type'), - (SMILNS,u'subtype'), - (SMILNS,u'direction'), - (SMILNS,u'fadeColor'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'duration'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'visibility'), - (DRAWNS,u'background-size'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'background-objects-visible'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'background-visible'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'display-header'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'display-footer'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'display-page-number'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'display-date-time'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'drop-cap'):( - (STYLENS,u'distance'), - (STYLENS,u'length'), - (STYLENS,u'style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'lines'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (STYLENS,u'font-face'):( - (STYLENS,u'font-adornments'), - (STYLENS,u'font-charset'), - (STYLENS,u'font-family-generic'), - (STYLENS,u'font-pitch'), - (STYLENS,u'name'), - (SVGNS,u'accent-height'), - (SVGNS,u'alphabetic'), - (SVGNS,u'ascent'), - (SVGNS,u'bbox'), - (SVGNS,u'cap-height'), - (SVGNS,u'descent'), - (SVGNS,u'font-family'), - (SVGNS,u'font-size'), - (SVGNS,u'font-stretch'), - (SVGNS,u'font-style'), - (SVGNS,u'font-variant'), - (SVGNS,u'font-weight'), - (SVGNS,u'hanging'), - (SVGNS,u'ideographic'), - (SVGNS,u'mathematical'), - (SVGNS,u'overline-position'), - (SVGNS,u'overline-thickness'), - (SVGNS,u'panose-1'), - (SVGNS,u'slope'), - (SVGNS,u'stemh'), - (SVGNS,u'stemv'), - (SVGNS,u'strikethrough-position'), - (SVGNS,u'strikethrough-thickness'), - (SVGNS,u'underline-position'), - (SVGNS,u'underline-thickness'), - (SVGNS,u'unicode-range'), - (SVGNS,u'units-per-em'), - (SVGNS,u'v-alphabetic'), - (SVGNS,u'v-hanging'), - (SVGNS,u'v-ideographic'), - (SVGNS,u'v-mathematical'), - (SVGNS,u'widths'), - (SVGNS,u'x-height'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'footer'):( - (STYLENS,u'display'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'footer-left'):( - (STYLENS,u'display'), - ), - (STYLENS,u'footer-style'):( - ), - (STYLENS,u'footnote-sep'):( - (STYLENS,u'distance-after-sep'), - (STYLENS,u'color'), - (STYLENS,u'rel-width'), - (STYLENS,u'width'), - (STYLENS,u'distance-before-sep'), - (STYLENS,u'line-style'), - (STYLENS,u'adjustment'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (STYLENS,u'graphic-properties'): ( - (DR3DNS,u'ambient-color'), - (DR3DNS,u'back-scale'), - (DR3DNS,u'backface-culling'), - (DR3DNS,u'close-back'), - (DR3DNS,u'close-front'), - (DR3DNS,u'depth'), - (DR3DNS,u'diffuse-color'), - (DR3DNS,u'edge-rounding'), - (DR3DNS,u'edge-rounding-mode'), - (DR3DNS,u'emissive-color'), - (DR3DNS,u'end-angle'), - (DR3DNS,u'horizontal-segments'), - (DR3DNS,u'lighting-mode'), - (DR3DNS,u'normals-direction'), - (DR3DNS,u'normals-kind'), - (DR3DNS,u'shadow'), - (DR3DNS,u'shininess'), - (DR3DNS,u'specular-color'), - (DR3DNS,u'texture-filter'), - (DR3DNS,u'texture-generation-mode-x'), - (DR3DNS,u'texture-generation-mode-y'), - (DR3DNS,u'texture-kind'), - (DR3DNS,u'texture-mode'), - (DR3DNS,u'vertical-segments'), - (DRAWNS,u'auto-grow-height'), - (DRAWNS,u'auto-grow-width'), - (DRAWNS,u'blue'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-angle'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-angle-type'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-escape'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-escape-direction'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-fit-line-length'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-gap'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-line-length'), - (DRAWNS,u'caption-type'), - (DRAWNS,u'color-inversion'), - (DRAWNS,u'color-mode'), - (DRAWNS,u'contrast'), - (DRAWNS,u'decimal-places'), - (DRAWNS,u'draw-aspect'), - (DRAWNS,u'end-guide'), - (DRAWNS,u'end-line-spacing-horizontal'), - (DRAWNS,u'end-line-spacing-vertical'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-color'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-gradient-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-hatch-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-hatch-solid'), - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image-height'), - 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(STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'execute-macro'):( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'expression'):( - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - (OFFICENS,u'string-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'value'), - (OFFICENS,u'boolean-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'currency'), - (OFFICENS,u'date-value'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - (TEXTNS,u'formula'), - (OFFICENS,u'time-value'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'file-name'):( - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'format-change'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'h'):( - (TEXTNS,u'restart-numbering'), - (TEXTNS,u'cond-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'is-list-header'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'class-names'), - (TEXTNS,u'start-value'), - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - (XHTMLNS,u'about'), - (XHTMLNS,u'content'), - (XHTMLNS,u'datatype'), - (XHTMLNS,u'property'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'hidden-paragraph'):( - (TEXTNS,u'is-hidden'), - (TEXTNS,u'condition'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'hidden-text'):( - 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), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-page-number'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-span'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-tab-stop'):( - (STYLENS,u'position'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'type'), - (STYLENS,u'leader-char'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'index-entry-text'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'index-source-style'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'index-source-styles'):( - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'index-title'):( - (TEXTNS,u'protected'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key-digest-algorithm'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'index-title-template'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'initial-creator'):( - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'insertion'):( - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'keywords'):( - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'line-break'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'linenumbering-configuration'):( - (TEXTNS,u'number-position'), - 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), - (TEXTNS,u'note-body'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'note-citation'):( - (TEXTNS,u'label'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'note-continuation-notice-backward'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'note-continuation-notice-forward'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'note-ref'):( - (TEXTNS,u'ref-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'note-class'), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-format'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'notes-configuration'):( - (TEXTNS,u'citation-body-style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'num-format'), - (TEXTNS,u'default-style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'num-suffix'), - (TEXTNS,u'start-numbering-at'), - (STYLENS,u'num-prefix'), - (STYLENS,u'num-letter-sync'), - (TEXTNS,u'citation-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'footnotes-position'), - (TEXTNS,u'master-page-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'start-value'), - (TEXTNS,u'note-class'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'number'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'numbered-paragraph'):( - (TEXTNS,u'continue-numbering'), - (TEXTNS,u'level'), - (TEXTNS,u'list-id'), - (TEXTNS,u'start-value'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'object-count'):( - (STYLENS,u'num-format'), - (STYLENS,u'num-letter-sync'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'object-index'):( - (TEXTNS,u'protected'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key-digest-algorithm'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'object-index-entry-template'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'object-index-source'):( - (TEXTNS,u'use-draw-objects'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-math-objects'), - (TEXTNS,u'relative-tab-stop-position'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-chart-objects'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-scope'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-spreadsheet-objects'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-other-objects'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level-style'):( - (TEXTNS,u'level'), - (TEXTNS,u'display-levels'), - (STYLENS,u'num-format'), - (STYLENS,u'num-suffix'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'num-prefix'), - (STYLENS,u'num-letter-sync'), - (TEXTNS,u'start-value'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-style'):( - (STYLENS,u'name'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'p'):( - (TEXTNS,u'class-names'), - (TEXTNS,u'cond-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (XHTMLNS,u'about'), - (XHTMLNS,u'content'), - (XHTMLNS,u'datatype'), - (XHTMLNS,u'property'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'page'):( - (TEXTNS,u'master-page-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'page-continuation'):( - (TEXTNS,u'string-value'), - (TEXTNS,u'select-page'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'page-number'):( - (TEXTNS,u'page-adjust'), - (STYLENS,u'num-format'), - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - (STYLENS,u'num-letter-sync'), - (TEXTNS,u'select-page'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'page-sequence'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'page-variable-get'):( - (STYLENS,u'num-format'), - (STYLENS,u'num-letter-sync'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'page-variable-set'):( - (TEXTNS,u'active'), - (TEXTNS,u'page-adjust'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'placeholder'):( - (TEXTNS,u'placeholder-type'), - (TEXTNS,u'description'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'print-date'):( - (TEXTNS,u'date-value'), - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'print-time'):( - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - (TEXTNS,u'time-value'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'printed-by'):( - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-mark'):( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-mark-end'):( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-mark-start'):( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'ruby'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'ruby-base'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'ruby-text'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u's'):( - (TEXTNS,u'c'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'script'):( - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (SCRIPTNS,u'language'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'section'):( - (TEXTNS,u'condition'), - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'protected'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key-digest-algorithm'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'section-source'):( - (TEXTNS,u'filter-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'href'), - (XLINKNS,u'type'), - (TEXTNS,u'section-name'), - (XLINKNS,u'show'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-city'):( - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'sender-company'):( - 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(TEXTNS,u'display-outline-level'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'sequence-decls'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'sequence-ref'):( - (TEXTNS,u'ref-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'reference-format'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'sheet-name'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'soft-page-break'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'sort-key'):( - (TEXTNS,u'sort-ascending'), - (TEXTNS,u'key'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'span'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'class-names'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'subject'):( - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'tab'):( - (TEXTNS,u'tab-ref'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'table-formula'):( - (TEXTNS,u'formula'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'table-index'):( - (TEXTNS,u'protected'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key-digest-algorithm'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'table-index-entry-template'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'table-index-source'):( - (TEXTNS,u'index-scope'), - (TEXTNS,u'caption-sequence-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-caption'), - (TEXTNS,u'caption-sequence-format'), - (TEXTNS,u'relative-tab-stop-position'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'table-of-content'):( - (TEXTNS,u'protected'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key-digest-algorithm'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'table-of-content-entry-template'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'table-of-content-source'):( - (TEXTNS,u'index-scope'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - (TEXTNS,u'relative-tab-stop-position'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-index-marks'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-outline-level'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-index-source-styles'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'template-name'):( - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'text-input'):( - (TEXTNS,u'description'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'time'):( - (TEXTNS,u'time-adjust'), - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - (TEXTNS,u'time-value'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'title'):( - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'toc-mark'):( - (TEXTNS,u'string-value'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'toc-mark-end'):( - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'toc-mark-start'):( - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'tracked-changes'):( - (TEXTNS,u'track-changes'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-defined'):( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (OFFICENS,u'string-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'value'), - (OFFICENS,u'boolean-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'date-value'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'fixed'), - (OFFICENS,u'time-value'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-decl'):( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (OFFICENS,u'string-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'value'), - (OFFICENS,u'boolean-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'currency'), - (OFFICENS,u'date-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - (TEXTNS,u'formula'), - (OFFICENS,u'time-value'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-decls'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-get'):( - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'user-field-input'):( - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'description'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index'):( - (TEXTNS,u'protected'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key'), - (TEXTNS,u'protection-key-digest-algorithm'), - (XMLNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-entry-template'):( - (TEXTNS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark'):( - (TEXTNS,u'index-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'string-value'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark-end'):( - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-mark-start'):( - (TEXTNS,u'index-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'id'), - (TEXTNS,u'outline-level'), - ), -# allowed_attributes - (TEXTNS,u'user-index-source'):( - (TEXTNS,u'copy-outline-levels'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'index-scope'), - (TEXTNS,u'relative-tab-stop-position'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-floating-frames'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-graphics'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-index-marks'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-index-source-styles'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-objects'), - (TEXTNS,u'use-tables'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-decl'):( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-decls'):( - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-get'):( - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-input'):( - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - (TEXTNS,u'description'), - ), - (TEXTNS,u'variable-set'):( - (TEXTNS,u'name'), - (TEXTNS,u'display'), - (OFFICENS,u'string-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'value'), - (OFFICENS,u'boolean-value'), - (OFFICENS,u'currency'), - (OFFICENS,u'date-value'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (OFFICENS,u'value-type'), - (TEXTNS,u'formula'), - (OFFICENS,u'time-value'), - ), -# allowed_attributes -} diff --git a/libs/odf/load.py b/libs/odf/load.py deleted file mode 100644 index 35bdb82..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/load.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -# This script is to be embedded in opendocument.py later -# The purpose is to read an ODT/ODP/ODS file and create the datastructure -# in memory. The user should then be able to make operations and then save -# the structure again. - -from xml.sax import make_parser,handler -from xml.sax.xmlreader import InputSource -import xml.sax.saxutils -from element import Element -from namespaces import OFFICENS -try: - from cStringIO import StringIO -except ImportError: - from io import StringIO - -# -# Parse the XML files -# -class LoadParser(handler.ContentHandler): - """ Extract headings from content.xml of an ODT file """ - triggers = ( - (OFFICENS, 'automatic-styles'), (OFFICENS, 'body'), - (OFFICENS, 'font-face-decls'), (OFFICENS, 'master-styles'), - (OFFICENS, 'meta'), (OFFICENS, 'scripts'), - (OFFICENS, 'settings'), (OFFICENS, 'styles') ) - - def __init__(self, document): - self.doc = document - self.data = [] - self.level = 0 - self.parse = False - - def characters(self, data): - if self.parse == False: - return - self.data.append(data) - - def startElementNS(self, tag, qname, attrs): - if tag in self.triggers: - self.parse = True - if self.doc._parsing != "styles.xml" and tag == (OFFICENS, 'font-face-decls'): - self.parse = False - if self.parse == False: - return - - self.level = self.level + 1 - # Add any accumulated text content - content = ''.join(self.data) - if len(content.strip()) > 0: - self.parent.addText(content, check_grammar=False) - self.data = [] - # Create the element - attrdict = {} - for (att,value) in attrs.items(): - attrdict[att] = value - try: - e = Element(qname = tag, qattributes=attrdict, check_grammar=False) - self.curr = e - except AttributeError as v: - print ("Error: %s" % v) - - if tag == (OFFICENS, 'automatic-styles'): - e = self.doc.automaticstyles - elif tag == (OFFICENS, 'body'): - e = self.doc.body - elif tag == (OFFICENS, 'master-styles'): - e = self.doc.masterstyles - elif tag == (OFFICENS, 'meta'): - e = self.doc.meta - elif tag == (OFFICENS,'scripts'): - e = self.doc.scripts - elif tag == (OFFICENS,'settings'): - e = self.doc.settings - elif tag == (OFFICENS,'styles'): - e = self.doc.styles - elif self.doc._parsing == "styles.xml" and tag == (OFFICENS, 'font-face-decls'): - e = self.doc.fontfacedecls - elif hasattr(self,'parent'): - self.parent.addElement(e, check_grammar=False) - self.parent = e - - - def endElementNS(self, tag, qname): - if self.parse == False: - return - self.level = self.level - 1 - str = ''.join(self.data) - if len(str.strip()) > 0: - self.curr.addText(str, check_grammar=False) - self.data = [] - self.curr = self.curr.parentNode - self.parent = self.curr - if tag in self.triggers: - self.parse = False diff --git a/libs/odf/manifest.py b/libs/odf/manifest.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1d5524f..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/manifest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# -# - -import sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) - -from namespaces import MANIFESTNS -from element import Element - -# Autogenerated -def Manifest(**args): - return Element(qname = (MANIFESTNS,'manifest'), **args) - -def FileEntry(**args): - return Element(qname = (MANIFESTNS,'file-entry'), **args) - -def EncryptionData(**args): - return Element(qname = (MANIFESTNS,'encryption-data'), **args) - -def Algorithm(**args): - return Element(qname = (MANIFESTNS,'algorithm'), **args) - -def KeyDerivation(**args): - return Element(qname = (MANIFESTNS,'key-derivation'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/math.py b/libs/odf/math.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5dc38df..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/math.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import MATHNS -from element import Element - -# ODF 1.0 section 12.5 -# Mathematical content is represented by MathML 2.0 - -# Autogenerated -def Math(**args): - return Element(qname = (MATHNS,'math'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/meta.py b/libs/odf/meta.py deleted file mode 100644 index 68b1d19..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/meta.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import METANS -from element import Element - -# Autogenerated -def AutoReload(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'auto-reload'), **args) - -def CreationDate(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'creation-date'), **args) - -def DateString(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'date-string'), **args) - -def DocumentStatistic(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'document-statistic'), **args) - -def EditingCycles(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'editing-cycles'), **args) - -def EditingDuration(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'editing-duration'), **args) - -def Generator(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'generator'), **args) - -def HyperlinkBehaviour(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'hyperlink-behaviour'), **args) - -def InitialCreator(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'initial-creator'), **args) - -def Keyword(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'keyword'), **args) - -def PrintDate(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'print-date'), **args) - -def PrintedBy(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'printed-by'), **args) - -def Template(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (METANS,'template'), **args) - -def UserDefined(**args): - return Element(qname = (METANS,'user-defined'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/namespaces.py b/libs/odf/namespaces.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9568e98..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/namespaces.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# -TOOLSVERSION = u"ODFPY/1.3.1dev" - -ANIMNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0" -CHARTNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0" -CHARTOOONS = u"http://openoffice.org/2010/chart" -CONFIGNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0" -CSS3TNS = u"http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-text/" -#DBNS = u"http://openoffice.org/2004/database" -DBNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:database:1.0" -DCNS = u"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" -DOMNS = u"http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" -DR3DNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0" -DRAWNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0" -FIELDNS = u"urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooo-ms-interop:xmlns:field:1.0" -FONS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" -FORMNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0" -FORMXNS = u"urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooxml-odf-interop:xmlns:form:1.0" -GRDDLNS = u"http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view#" -KOFFICENS = u"http://www.koffice.org/2005/" -MANIFESTNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0" -MATHNS = u"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" -METANS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" -NUMBERNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" -OFFICENS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" -OFNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:of:1.2" -OOOCNS = u"http://openoffice.org/2004/calc" -OOONS = u"http://openoffice.org/2004/office" -OOOWNS = u"http://openoffice.org/2004/writer" -PRESENTATIONNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0" -RDFANS = u"http://docs.oasis-open.org/opendocument/meta/rdfa#" -RPTNS = u"http://openoffice.org/2005/report" -SCRIPTNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0" -SMILNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:smil-compatible:1.0" -STYLENS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" -SVGNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0" -TABLENS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0" -TABLEOOONS = u"http://openoffice.org/2009/table" -TEXTNS = u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0" -XFORMSNS = u"http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" -XHTMLNS = u"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" -XLINKNS = u"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" -XMLNS = u"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" -XSDNS = u"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" -XSINS = u"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" - -nsdict = { - ANIMNS: u'anim', - CHARTNS: u'chart', - CHARTOOONS: u'chartooo', - CONFIGNS: u'config', - CSS3TNS: u'css3t', - DBNS: u'db', - DCNS: u'dc', - DOMNS: u'dom', - DR3DNS: u'dr3d', - DRAWNS: u'draw', - FIELDNS: u'field', - FONS: u'fo', - FORMNS: u'form', - FORMXNS: u'formx', - GRDDLNS: u'grddl', - KOFFICENS: u'koffice', - MANIFESTNS: u'manifest', - MATHNS: u'math', - METANS: u'meta', - NUMBERNS: u'number', - OFFICENS: u'office', - OFNS: u'of', - OOONS: u'ooo', - OOOWNS: u'ooow', - OOOCNS: u'oooc', - PRESENTATIONNS: u'presentation', - RDFANS: u'rdfa', - RPTNS: u'rpt', - SCRIPTNS: u'script', - SMILNS: u'smil', - STYLENS: u'style', - SVGNS: u'svg', - TABLENS: u'table', - TABLEOOONS: u'tableooo', - TEXTNS: u'text', - XFORMSNS: u'xforms', - XLINKNS: u'xlink', - XHTMLNS: u'xhtml', - XMLNS: u'xml', - XSDNS: u'xsd', - XSINS: u'xsi', -} diff --git a/libs/odf/number.py b/libs/odf/number.py deleted file mode 100644 index 12d81cb..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/number.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import NUMBERNS -from element import Element -from style import StyleElement - - -# Autogenerated -def AmPm(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'am-pm'), **args) - -def Boolean(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'boolean'), **args) - -def BooleanStyle(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (NUMBERNS,'boolean-style'), **args) - -def CurrencyStyle(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (NUMBERNS,'currency-style'), **args) - -def CurrencySymbol(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'currency-symbol'), **args) - -def DateStyle(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (NUMBERNS,'date-style'), **args) - -def Day(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'day'), **args) - -def DayOfWeek(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'day-of-week'), **args) - -def EmbeddedText(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'embedded-text'), **args) - -def Era(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'era'), **args) - -def Fraction(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'fraction'), **args) - -def Hours(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'hours'), **args) - -def Minutes(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'minutes'), **args) - -def Month(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'month'), **args) - -def Number(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'number'), **args) - -def NumberStyle(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (NUMBERNS,'number-style'), **args) - -def PercentageStyle(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (NUMBERNS,'percentage-style'), **args) - -def Quarter(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'quarter'), **args) - -def ScientificNumber(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'scientific-number'), **args) - -def Seconds(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'seconds'), **args) - -def Text(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'text'), **args) - -def TextContent(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'text-content'), **args) - -def TextStyle(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (NUMBERNS,'text-style'), **args) - -def TimeStyle(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (NUMBERNS,'time-style'), **args) - -def WeekOfYear(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'week-of-year'), **args) - -def Year(**args): - return Element(qname = (NUMBERNS,'year'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/odf2moinmoin.py b/libs/odf/odf2moinmoin.py deleted file mode 100644 index 167fcda..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/odf2moinmoin.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,579 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# See http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiFormatting -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -import sys, zipfile, xml.dom.minidom -from namespaces import nsdict -from elementtypes import * - -IGNORED_TAGS = [ - 'draw:a' - 'draw:g', - 'draw:line', - 'draw:object-ole', - 'office:annotation', - 'presentation:notes', - 'svg:desc', -] + [ nsdict[item[0]]+":"+item[1] for item in empty_elements] - -INLINE_TAGS = [ nsdict[item[0]]+":"+item[1] for item in inline_elements] - - -class TextProps: - """ Holds properties for a text style. """ - - def __init__(self): - - self.italic = False - self.bold = False - self.fixed = False - self.underlined = False - self.strikethrough = False - self.superscript = False - self.subscript = False - - def setItalic(self, value): - if value == "italic": - self.italic = True - elif value == "normal": - self.italic = False - - def setBold(self, value): - if value == "bold": - self.bold = True - elif value == "normal": - self.bold = False - - def setFixed(self, value): - self.fixed = value - - def setUnderlined(self, value): - if value and value != "none": - self.underlined = True - - def setStrikethrough(self, value): - if value and value != "none": - self.strikethrough = True - - def setPosition(self, value): - if value is None or value == '': - return - posisize = value.split(' ') - textpos = posisize[0] - if textpos.find('%') == -1: - if textpos == "sub": - self.superscript = False - self.subscript = True - elif textpos == "super": - self.superscript = True - self.subscript = False - else: - itextpos = int(textpos[:textpos.find('%')]) - if itextpos > 10: - self.superscript = False - self.subscript = True - elif itextpos < -10: - self.superscript = True - self.subscript = False - - def __str__(self): - - return "[italic=%s, bold=i%s, fixed=%s]" % (str(self.italic), - str(self.bold), - str(self.fixed)) - -class ParagraphProps: - """ Holds properties of a paragraph style. """ - - def __init__(self): - - self.blockquote = False - self.headingLevel = 0 - self.code = False - self.title = False - self.indented = 0 - - def setIndented(self, value): - self.indented = value - - def setHeading(self, level): - self.headingLevel = level - - def setTitle(self, value): - self.title = value - - def setCode(self, value): - self.code = value - - - def __str__(self): - - return "[bq=%s, h=%d, code=%s]" % (str(self.blockquote), - self.headingLevel, - str(self.code)) - - -class ListProperties: - """ Holds properties for a list style. """ - - def __init__(self): - self.ordered = False - - def setOrdered(self, value): - self.ordered = value - - - -class ODF2MoinMoin(object): - - - def __init__(self, filepath): - self.footnotes = [] - self.footnoteCounter = 0 - self.textStyles = {"Standard": TextProps()} - self.paragraphStyles = {"Standard": ParagraphProps()} - self.listStyles = {} - self.fixedFonts = [] - self.hasTitle = 0 - self.lastsegment = None - - # Tags - self.elements = { - 'draw:page': self.textToString, - 'draw:frame': self.textToString, - 'draw:image': self.draw_image, - 'draw:text-box': self.textToString, - 'text:a': self.text_a, - 'text:note': self.text_note, - } - for tag in IGNORED_TAGS: - self.elements[tag] = self.do_nothing - - for tag in INLINE_TAGS: - self.elements[tag] = self.inline_markup - self.elements['text:line-break'] = self.text_line_break - self.elements['text:s'] = self.text_s - self.elements['text:tab'] = self.text_tab - - self.load(filepath) - - def processFontDeclarations(self, fontDecl): - """ Extracts necessary font information from a font-declaration - element. - """ - for fontFace in fontDecl.getElementsByTagName("style:font-face"): - if fontFace.getAttribute("style:font-pitch") == "fixed": - self.fixedFonts.append(fontFace.getAttribute("style:name")) - - - - def extractTextProperties(self, style, parent=None): - """ Extracts text properties from a style element. """ - - textProps = TextProps() - - if parent: - parentProp = self.textStyles.get(parent, None) - if parentProp: - textProp = parentProp - - textPropEl = style.getElementsByTagName("style:text-properties") - if not textPropEl: return textProps - - textPropEl = textPropEl[0] - - textProps.setItalic(textPropEl.getAttribute("fo:font-style")) - textProps.setBold(textPropEl.getAttribute("fo:font-weight")) - textProps.setUnderlined(textPropEl.getAttribute("style:text-underline-style")) - textProps.setStrikethrough(textPropEl.getAttribute("style:text-line-through-style")) - textProps.setPosition(textPropEl.getAttribute("style:text-position")) - - if textPropEl.getAttribute("style:font-name") in self.fixedFonts: - textProps.setFixed(True) - - return textProps - - def extractParagraphProperties(self, style, parent=None): - """ Extracts paragraph properties from a style element. """ - - paraProps = ParagraphProps() - - name = style.getAttribute("style:name") - - if name.startswith("Heading_20_"): - level = name[11:] - try: - level = int(level) - paraProps.setHeading(level) - except: - level = 0 - - if name == "Title": - paraProps.setTitle(True) - - paraPropEl = style.getElementsByTagName("style:paragraph-properties") - if paraPropEl: - paraPropEl = paraPropEl[0] - leftMargin = paraPropEl.getAttribute("fo:margin-left") - if leftMargin: - try: - leftMargin = float(leftMargin[:-2]) - if leftMargin > 0.01: - paraProps.setIndented(True) - except: - pass - - textProps = self.extractTextProperties(style) - if textProps.fixed: - paraProps.setCode(True) - - return paraProps - - - def processStyles(self, styleElements): - """ Runs through "style" elements extracting necessary information. - """ - - for style in styleElements: - - name = style.getAttribute("style:name") - - if name == "Standard": continue - - family = style.getAttribute("style:family") - parent = style.getAttribute("style:parent-style-name") - - if family == "text": - self.textStyles[name] = self.extractTextProperties(style, parent) - - elif family == "paragraph": - self.paragraphStyles[name] = \ - self.extractParagraphProperties(style, parent) - self.textStyles[name] = self.extractTextProperties(style, parent) - - def processListStyles(self, listStyleElements): - - for style in listStyleElements: - name = style.getAttribute("style:name") - - prop = ListProperties() - if style.hasChildNodes(): - subitems = [el for el in style.childNodes - if el.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE - and el.tagName == "text:list-level-style-number"] - if len(subitems) > 0: - prop.setOrdered(True) - - self.listStyles[name] = prop - - - def load(self, filepath): - """ Loads an ODT file. """ - - zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath) - - styles_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(zip.read("styles.xml")) - fontfacedecls = styles_doc.getElementsByTagName("office:font-face-decls") - if fontfacedecls: - self.processFontDeclarations(fontfacedecls[0]) - self.processStyles(styles_doc.getElementsByTagName("style:style")) - self.processListStyles(styles_doc.getElementsByTagName("text:list-style")) - - self.content = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(zip.read("content.xml")) - fontfacedecls = self.content.getElementsByTagName("office:font-face-decls") - if fontfacedecls: - self.processFontDeclarations(fontfacedecls[0]) - - self.processStyles(self.content.getElementsByTagName("style:style")) - self.processListStyles(self.content.getElementsByTagName("text:list-style")) - - def compressCodeBlocks(self, text): - """ Removes extra blank lines from code blocks. """ - - return text - lines = text.split("\n") - buffer = [] - numLines = len(lines) - for i in range(numLines): - - if (lines[i].strip() or i == numLines-1 or i == 0 or - not ( lines[i-1].startswith(" ") - and lines[i+1].startswith(" ") ) ): - buffer.append("\n" + lines[i]) - - return ''.join(buffer) - -#----------------------------------- - def do_nothing(self, node): - return '' - - def draw_image(self, node): - """ - """ - - link = node.getAttribute("xlink:href") - if link and link[:2] == './': # Indicates a sub-object, which isn't supported - return "%s\n" % link - if link and link[:9] == 'Pictures/': - link = link[9:] - return "[[Image(%s)]]\n" % link - - def text_a(self, node): - text = self.textToString(node) - link = node.getAttribute("xlink:href") - if link.strip() == text.strip(): - return "[%s] " % link.strip() - else: - return "[%s %s] " % (link.strip(), text.strip()) - - - def text_line_break(self, node): - return "[[BR]]" - - def text_note(self, node): - cite = (node.getElementsByTagName("text:note-citation")[0] - .childNodes[0].nodeValue) - body = (node.getElementsByTagName("text:note-body")[0] - .childNodes[0]) - self.footnotes.append((cite, self.textToString(body))) - return "^%s^" % cite - - def text_s(self, node): - try: - num = int(node.getAttribute("text:c")) - return " "*num - except: - return " " - - def text_tab(self, node): - return " " - - def inline_markup(self, node): - text = self.textToString(node) - - if not text.strip(): - return '' # don't apply styles to white space - - styleName = node.getAttribute("text:style-name") - style = self.textStyles.get(styleName, TextProps()) - - if style.fixed: - return "`" + text + "`" - - mark = [] - if style: - if style.italic: - mark.append("''") - if style.bold: - mark.append("'''") - if style.underlined: - mark.append("__") - if style.strikethrough: - mark.append("~~") - if style.superscript: - mark.append("^") - if style.subscript: - mark.append(",,") - revmark = mark[:] - revmark.reverse() - return "%s%s%s" % (''.join(mark), text, ''.join(revmark)) - -#----------------------------------- - def listToString(self, listElement, indent = 0): - - self.lastsegment = listElement.tagName - buffer = [] - - styleName = listElement.getAttribute("text:style-name") - props = self.listStyles.get(styleName, ListProperties()) - - i = 0 - for item in listElement.childNodes: - buffer.append(" "*indent) - i += 1 - if props.ordered: - number = str(i) - number = " " + number + ". " - buffer.append(" 1. ") - else: - buffer.append(" * ") - subitems = [el for el in item.childNodes - if el.tagName in ["text:p", "text:h", "text:list"]] - for subitem in subitems: - if subitem.tagName == "text:list": - buffer.append("\n") - buffer.append(self.listToString(subitem, indent+3)) - else: - buffer.append(self.paragraphToString(subitem, indent+3)) - self.lastsegment = subitem.tagName - self.lastsegment = item.tagName - buffer.append("\n") - - return ''.join(buffer) - - def tableToString(self, tableElement): - """ MoinMoin uses || to delimit table cells - """ - - self.lastsegment = tableElement.tagName - buffer = [] - - for item in tableElement.childNodes: - self.lastsegment = item.tagName - if item.tagName == "table:table-header-rows": - buffer.append(self.tableToString(item)) - if item.tagName == "table:table-row": - buffer.append("\n||") - for cell in item.childNodes: - buffer.append(self.inline_markup(cell)) - buffer.append("||") - self.lastsegment = cell.tagName - return ''.join(buffer) - - - def toString(self): - """ Converts the document to a string. - FIXME: Result from second call differs from first call - """ - body = self.content.getElementsByTagName("office:body")[0] - text = body.childNodes[0] - - buffer = [] - - paragraphs = [el for el in text.childNodes - if el.tagName in ["draw:page", "text:p", "text:h","text:section", - "text:list", "table:table"]] - - for paragraph in paragraphs: - if paragraph.tagName == "text:list": - text = self.listToString(paragraph) - elif paragraph.tagName == "text:section": - text = self.textToString(paragraph) - elif paragraph.tagName == "table:table": - text = self.tableToString(paragraph) - else: - text = self.paragraphToString(paragraph) - if text: - buffer.append(text) - - if self.footnotes: - - buffer.append("----") - for cite, body in self.footnotes: - buffer.append("%s: %s" % (cite, body)) - - - buffer.append("") - return self.compressCodeBlocks('\n'.join(buffer)) - - - def textToString(self, element): - - buffer = [] - - for node in element.childNodes: - - if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE: - buffer.append(node.nodeValue) - - elif node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: - tag = node.tagName - - if tag in ("draw:text-box", "draw:frame"): - buffer.append(self.textToString(node)) - - elif tag in ("text:p", "text:h"): - text = self.paragraphToString(node) - if text: - buffer.append(text) - elif tag == "text:list": - buffer.append(self.listToString(node)) - else: - method = self.elements.get(tag) - if method: - buffer.append(method(node)) - else: - buffer.append(" {" + tag + "} ") - - return ''.join(buffer) - - def paragraphToString(self, paragraph, indent = 0): - - dummyParaProps = ParagraphProps() - - style_name = paragraph.getAttribute("text:style-name") - paraProps = self.paragraphStyles.get(style_name, dummyParaProps) - text = self.inline_markup(paragraph) - - if paraProps and not paraProps.code: - text = text.strip() - - if paragraph.tagName == "text:p" and self.lastsegment == "text:p": - text = "\n" + text - - self.lastsegment = paragraph.tagName - - if paraProps.title: - self.hasTitle = 1 - return "= " + text + " =\n" - - outlinelevel = paragraph.getAttribute("text:outline-level") - if outlinelevel: - - level = int(outlinelevel) - if self.hasTitle: level += 1 - - if level >= 1: - return "=" * level + " " + text + " " + "=" * level + "\n" - - elif paraProps.code: - return "{{{\n" + text + "\n}}}\n" - - if paraProps.indented: - return self.wrapParagraph(text, indent = indent, blockquote = True) - - else: - return self.wrapParagraph(text, indent = indent) - - - def wrapParagraph(self, text, indent = 0, blockquote=False): - - counter = 0 - buffer = [] - LIMIT = 50 - - if blockquote: - buffer.append(" ") - - return ''.join(buffer) + text - # Unused from here - for token in text.split(): - - if counter > LIMIT - indent: - buffer.append("\n" + " "*indent) - if blockquote: - buffer.append(" ") - counter = 0 - - buffer.append(token + " ") - counter += len(token) - - return ''.join(buffer) diff --git a/libs/odf/odf2xhtml.py b/libs/odf/odf2xhtml.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8c5fbb2..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/odf2xhtml.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1617 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# -#import pdb -#pdb.set_trace() - -import sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) -from xml.sax import handler -from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr -from xml.dom import Node - -from opendocument import load - -from namespaces import ANIMNS, CHARTNS, CONFIGNS, DCNS, DR3DNS, DRAWNS, FONS, \ - FORMNS, MATHNS, METANS, NUMBERNS, OFFICENS, PRESENTATIONNS, SCRIPTNS, \ - SMILNS, STYLENS, SVGNS, TABLENS, TEXTNS, XLINKNS - -# Handling of styles -# -# First there are font face declarations. These set up a font style that will be -# referenced from a text-property. The declaration describes the font making -# it possible for the application to find a similar font should the system not -# have that particular one. The StyleToCSS stores these attributes to be used -# for the CSS2 font declaration. -# -# Then there are default-styles. These set defaults for various style types: -# "text", "paragraph", "section", "ruby", "table", "table-column", "table-row", -# "table-cell", "graphic", "presentation", "drawing-page", "chart". -# Since CSS2 can't refer to another style, ODF2XHTML add these to all -# styles unless overridden. -# -# The real styles are declared in the element. They have a -# family referring to the default-styles, and may have a parent style. -# -# Styles have scope. The same name can be used for both paragraph and -# character etc. styles Since CSS2 has no scope we use a prefix. (Not elegant) -# In ODF a style can have a parent, these parents can be chained. - -class StyleToCSS: - """ The purpose of the StyleToCSS class is to contain the rules to convert - ODF styles to CSS2. Since it needs the generic fonts, it would probably - make sense to also contain the Styles in a dict as well.. - """ - - def __init__(self): - # Font declarations - self.fontdict = {} - - # Fill-images from presentations for backgrounds - self.fillimages = {} - - self.ruleconversions = { - (DRAWNS,u'fill-image-name'): self.c_drawfillimage, - (FONS,u"background-color"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"border"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"border-bottom"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"border-left"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"border-right"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"border-top"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"color"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"font-family"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"font-size"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"font-style"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"font-variant"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"font-weight"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"line-height"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"margin"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"margin-bottom"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"margin-left"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"margin-right"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"margin-top"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"min-height"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"padding"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"padding-bottom"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"padding-left"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"padding-right"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"padding-top"): self.c_fo, - (FONS,u"page-width"): self.c_page_width, - (FONS,u"page-height"): self.c_page_height, - (FONS,u"text-align"): self.c_text_align, - (FONS,u"text-indent") :self.c_fo, - (TABLENS,u'border-model') :self.c_border_model, - (STYLENS,u'column-width') : self.c_width, - (STYLENS,u"font-name"): self.c_fn, - (STYLENS,u'horizontal-pos'): self.c_hp, - (STYLENS,u'text-position'): self.c_text_position, - (STYLENS,u'text-line-through-style'): self.c_text_line_through_style, - (STYLENS,u'text-underline-style'): self.c_text_underline_style, - (STYLENS,u'width') : self.c_width, - # FIXME Should do style:vertical-pos here - } - - def save_font(self, name, family, generic): - """ It is possible that the HTML browser doesn't know how to - show a particular font. Fortunately ODF provides generic fallbacks. - Unfortunately they are not the same as CSS2. - CSS2: serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace - ODF: roman, swiss, modern, decorative, script, system - This method put the font and fallback into a dictionary - """ - htmlgeneric = "sans-serif" - if generic == "roman": htmlgeneric = "serif" - elif generic == "swiss": htmlgeneric = "sans-serif" - elif generic == "modern": htmlgeneric = "monospace" - elif generic == "decorative": htmlgeneric = "sans-serif" - elif generic == "script": htmlgeneric = "monospace" - elif generic == "system": htmlgeneric = "serif" - self.fontdict[name] = (family, htmlgeneric) - - def c_drawfillimage(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, val): - """ Fill a figure with an image. Since CSS doesn't let you resize images - this should really be implemented as an absolutely position - with a width and a height - """ - sdict['background-image'] = "url('%s')" % self.fillimages[val] - - def c_fo(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, val): - """ XSL formatting attributes """ - selector = rule[1] - sdict[selector] = val - - def c_border_model(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, val): - """ Convert to CSS2 border model """ - if val == 'collapsing': - sdict['border-collapse'] ='collapse' - else: - sdict['border-collapse'] ='separate' - - def c_width(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, val): - """ Set width of box """ - sdict['width'] = val - - def c_text_align(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, align): - """ Text align """ - if align == "start": align = "left" - if align == "end": align = "right" - sdict['text-align'] = align - - def c_fn(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, fontstyle): - """ Generate the CSS font family - A generic font can be found in two ways. In a - element or as a font-family-generic attribute in text-properties. - """ - generic = ruleset.get((STYLENS,'font-family-generic') ) - if generic is not None: - self.save_font(fontstyle, fontstyle, generic) - family, htmlgeneric = self.fontdict.get(fontstyle, (fontstyle, 'serif')) - sdict['font-family'] = '%s, %s' % (family, htmlgeneric) - - def c_text_position(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, tp): - """ Text position. This is used e.g. to make superscript and subscript - This attribute can have one or two values. - - The first value must be present and specifies the vertical - text position as a percentage that relates to the current font - height or it takes one of the values sub or super. Negative - percentages or the sub value place the text below the - baseline. Positive percentages or the super value place - the text above the baseline. If sub or super is specified, - the application can choose an appropriate text position. - - The second value is optional and specifies the font height - as a percentage that relates to the current font-height. If - this value is not specified, an appropriate font height is - used. Although this value may change the font height that - is displayed, it never changes the current font height that - is used for additional calculations. - """ - textpos = tp.split(' ') - if len(textpos) == 2 and textpos[0] != "0%": - # Bug in OpenOffice. If vertical-align is 0% - ignore the text size. - sdict['font-size'] = textpos[1] - if textpos[0] == "super": - sdict['vertical-align'] = "33%" - elif textpos[0] == "sub": - sdict['vertical-align'] = "-33%" - else: - sdict['vertical-align'] = textpos[0] - - def c_hp(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, hpos): - #FIXME: Frames wrap-style defaults to 'parallel', graphics to 'none'. - # It is properly set in the parent-styles, but the program doesn't - # collect the information. - wrap = ruleset.get((STYLENS,'wrap'),'parallel') - # Can have: from-left, left, center, right, from-inside, inside, outside - if hpos == "center": - sdict['margin-left'] = "auto" - sdict['margin-right'] = "auto" -# else: -# # force it to be *something* then delete it -# sdict['margin-left'] = sdict['margin-right'] = '' -# del sdict['margin-left'], sdict['margin-right'] - - if hpos in ("right","outside"): - if wrap in ( "left", "parallel","dynamic"): - sdict['float'] = "right" - elif wrap == "run-through": - sdict['position'] = "absolute" # Simulate run-through - sdict['top'] = "0" - sdict['right'] = "0"; - else: # No wrapping - sdict['margin-left'] = "auto" - sdict['margin-right'] = "0cm" - elif hpos in ("left", "inside"): - if wrap in ( "right", "parallel","dynamic"): - sdict['float'] = "left" - elif wrap == "run-through": - sdict['position'] = "absolute" # Simulate run-through - sdict['top'] = "0" - sdict['left'] = "0" - else: # No wrapping - sdict['margin-left'] = "0cm" - sdict['margin-right'] = "auto" - elif hpos in ("from-left", "from-inside"): - if wrap in ( "right", "parallel"): - sdict['float'] = "left" - else: - sdict['position'] = "relative" # No wrapping - if (SVGNS,'x') in ruleset: - sdict['left'] = ruleset[(SVGNS,'x')] - - def c_page_width(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, val): - """ Set width of box - HTML doesn't really have a page-width. It is always 100% of the browser width - """ - sdict['width'] = val - - def c_text_underline_style(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, val): - """ Set underline decoration - HTML doesn't really have a page-width. It is always 100% of the browser width - """ - if val and val != "none": - sdict['text-decoration'] = "underline" - - def c_text_line_through_style(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, val): - """ Set underline decoration - HTML doesn't really have a page-width. It is always 100% of the browser width - """ - if val and val != "none": - sdict['text-decoration'] = "line-through" - - def c_page_height(self, ruleset, sdict, rule, val): - """ Set height of box """ - sdict['height'] = val - - def convert_styles(self, ruleset): - """ Rule is a tuple of (namespace, name). If the namespace is '' then - it is already CSS2 - """ - sdict = {} - procedures=[] - for rule,val in ruleset.items(): - if rule[0] == '': - sdict[rule[1]] = val - continue - method = self.ruleconversions.get(rule, None ) - if method: - procedures.append([method, ruleset, sdict, rule, val]) - # this ensures that the procedures for horizontal position - # are run last! It is important since Python3 makes the order - # of dictionaries unpredictable - for p in filter(lambda x: x[0] != self.c_hp, procedures): - method, ruleset, sdict, rule, val = p - method(ruleset, sdict, rule, val) - for p in filter(lambda x: x[0] == self.c_hp, procedures): - method, ruleset, sdict, rule, val = p - method(ruleset, sdict, rule, val) - - return sdict - - -class TagStack: - def __init__(self): - self.stack = [] - - def push(self, tag, attrs): - self.stack.append( (tag, attrs) ) - - def pop(self): - item = self.stack.pop() - return item - - def stackparent(self): - item = self.stack[-1] - return item[1] - - def rfindattr(self, attr): - """ Find a tag with the given attribute """ - for tag, attrs in self.stack: - if attr in attrs: - return attrs[attr] - return None - def count_tags(self, tag): - c = 0 - for ttag, tattrs in self.stack: - if ttag == tag: c = c + 1 - return c - -special_styles = { - 'S-Emphasis':'em', - 'S-Citation':'cite', - 'S-Strong_20_Emphasis':'strong', - 'S-Variable':'var', - 'S-Definition':'dfn', - 'S-Teletype':'tt', - 'P-Heading_20_1':'h1', - 'P-Heading_20_2':'h2', - 'P-Heading_20_3':'h3', - 'P-Heading_20_4':'h4', - 'P-Heading_20_5':'h5', - 'P-Heading_20_6':'h6', -# 'P-Caption':'caption', - 'P-Addressee':'address', -# 'P-List_20_Heading':'dt', -# 'P-List_20_Contents':'dd', - 'P-Preformatted_20_Text':'pre', -# 'P-Table_20_Heading':'th', -# 'P-Table_20_Contents':'td', -# 'P-Text_20_body':'p' -} - -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# -# ODFCONTENTHANDLER -# -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -class ODF2XHTML(handler.ContentHandler): - """ The ODF2XHTML parses an ODF file and produces XHTML""" - - def __init__(self, generate_css=True, embedable=False): - # Tags - self.generate_css = generate_css - self.elements = { - (DCNS, 'title'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_title), - (DCNS, 'language'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_contentlanguage), - (DCNS, 'creator'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_creator), - (DCNS, 'description'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), - (DCNS, 'date'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), - (DRAWNS, 'custom-shape'): (self.s_custom_shape, self.e_custom_shape), - (DRAWNS, 'frame'): (self.s_draw_frame, self.e_draw_frame), - (DRAWNS, 'image'): (self.s_draw_image, None), - (DRAWNS, 'fill-image'): (self.s_draw_fill_image, None), - (DRAWNS, "layer-set"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (DRAWNS, 'object'): (self.s_draw_object, None), - (DRAWNS, 'object-ole'): (self.s_draw_object_ole, None), - (DRAWNS, 'page'): (self.s_draw_page, self.e_draw_page), - (DRAWNS, 'text-box'): (self.s_draw_textbox, self.e_draw_textbox), - (METANS, 'creation-date'):(self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), - (METANS, 'generator'):(self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), - (METANS, 'initial-creator'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), - (METANS, 'keyword'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), - (NUMBERNS, "boolean-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (NUMBERNS, "currency-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (NUMBERNS, "date-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (NUMBERNS, "number-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (NUMBERNS, "text-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (OFFICENS, "annotation"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (OFFICENS, "automatic-styles"):(self.s_office_automatic_styles, None), - (OFFICENS, "document"):(self.s_office_document_content, self.e_office_document_content), - (OFFICENS, "document-content"):(self.s_office_document_content, self.e_office_document_content), - (OFFICENS, "forms"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (OFFICENS, "master-styles"):(self.s_office_master_styles, None), - (OFFICENS, "meta"):(self.s_ignorecont, None), - (OFFICENS, "presentation"):(self.s_office_presentation, self.e_office_presentation), - (OFFICENS, "spreadsheet"):(self.s_office_spreadsheet, self.e_office_spreadsheet), - (OFFICENS, "styles"):(self.s_office_styles, None), - (OFFICENS, "text"):(self.s_office_text, self.e_office_text), - (OFFICENS, "scripts"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (OFFICENS, "settings"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (PRESENTATIONNS, "notes"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), -# (STYLENS, "default-page-layout"):(self.s_style_default_page_layout, self.e_style_page_layout), - (STYLENS, "default-page-layout"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (STYLENS, "default-style"):(self.s_style_default_style, self.e_style_default_style), - (STYLENS, "drawing-page-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (STYLENS, "font-face"):(self.s_style_font_face, None), -# (STYLENS, "footer"):(self.s_style_footer, self.e_style_footer), -# (STYLENS, "footer-style"):(self.s_style_footer_style, None), - (STYLENS, "graphic-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (STYLENS, "handout-master"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), -# (STYLENS, "header"):(self.s_style_header, self.e_style_header), -# (STYLENS, "header-footer-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -# (STYLENS, "header-style"):(self.s_style_header_style, None), - (STYLENS, "master-page"):(self.s_style_master_page, None), - (STYLENS, "page-layout-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (STYLENS, "page-layout"):(self.s_style_page_layout, self.e_style_page_layout), -# (STYLENS, "page-layout"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (STYLENS, "paragraph-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (STYLENS, "style"):(self.s_style_style, self.e_style_style), - (STYLENS, "table-cell-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (STYLENS, "table-column-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (STYLENS, "table-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (STYLENS, "text-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (SVGNS, 'desc'): (self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TABLENS, 'covered-table-cell'): (self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TABLENS, 'table-cell'): (self.s_table_table_cell, self.e_table_table_cell), - (TABLENS, 'table-column'): (self.s_table_table_column, None), - (TABLENS, 'table-row'): (self.s_table_table_row, self.e_table_table_row), - (TABLENS, 'table'): (self.s_table_table, self.e_table_table), - (TEXTNS, 'a'): (self.s_text_a, self.e_text_a), - (TEXTNS, "alphabetical-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, "bibliography-configuration"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TEXTNS, "bibliography-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, 'bookmark'): (self.s_text_bookmark, None), - (TEXTNS, 'bookmark-start'): (self.s_text_bookmark, None), - (TEXTNS, 'bookmark-ref'): (self.s_text_bookmark_ref, self.e_text_a), - (TEXTNS, 'bookmark-ref-start'): (self.s_text_bookmark_ref, None), - (TEXTNS, 'h'): (self.s_text_h, self.e_text_h), - (TEXTNS, "illustration-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, 'line-break'):(self.s_text_line_break, None), - (TEXTNS, "linenumbering-configuration"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TEXTNS, "list"):(self.s_text_list, self.e_text_list), - (TEXTNS, "list-item"):(self.s_text_list_item, self.e_text_list_item), - (TEXTNS, "list-level-style-bullet"):(self.s_text_list_level_style_bullet, self.e_text_list_level_style_bullet), - (TEXTNS, "list-level-style-number"):(self.s_text_list_level_style_number, self.e_text_list_level_style_number), - (TEXTNS, "list-style"):(None, None), - (TEXTNS, "note"):(self.s_text_note, None), - (TEXTNS, "note-body"):(self.s_text_note_body, self.e_text_note_body), - (TEXTNS, "note-citation"):(None, self.e_text_note_citation), - (TEXTNS, "notes-configuration"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TEXTNS, "object-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, 'p'): (self.s_text_p, self.e_text_p), - (TEXTNS, 's'): (self.s_text_s, None), - (TEXTNS, 'span'): (self.s_text_span, self.e_text_span), - (TEXTNS, 'tab'): (self.s_text_tab, None), - (TEXTNS, "table-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, "table-of-content-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, "user-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - } - if embedable: - self.set_embedable() - self._resetobject() - - def set_plain(self): - """ Tell the parser to not generate CSS """ - self.generate_css = False - - def set_embedable(self): - """ Tells the converter to only output the parts inside the """ - self.elements[(OFFICENS, u"text")] = (None,None) - self.elements[(OFFICENS, u"spreadsheet")] = (None,None) - self.elements[(OFFICENS, u"presentation")] = (None,None) - self.elements[(OFFICENS, u"document-content")] = (None,None) - - - def add_style_file(self, stylefilename, media=None): - """ Add a link to an external style file. - Also turns of the embedding of styles in the HTML - """ - self.use_internal_css = False - self.stylefilename = stylefilename - if media: - self.metatags.append('\n' % (stylefilename,media)) - else: - self.metatags.append('\n' % (stylefilename)) - - def _resetfootnotes(self): - # Footnotes and endnotes - self.notedict = {} - self.currentnote = 0 - self.notebody = '' - - def _resetobject(self): - self.lines = [] - self._wfunc = self._wlines - self.xmlfile = '' - self.title = '' - self.language = '' - self.creator = '' - self.data = [] - self.tagstack = TagStack() - self.htmlstack = [] - self.pstack = [] - self.processelem = True - self.processcont = True - self.listtypes = {} - self.headinglevels = [0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0] # level 0 to 10 - self.use_internal_css = True - self.cs = StyleToCSS() - self.anchors = {} - - # Style declarations - self.stylestack = [] - self.styledict = {} - self.currentstyle = None - - self._resetfootnotes() - - # Tags from meta.xml - self.metatags = [] - - - def writeout(self, s): - if s != '': - self._wfunc(s) - - def writedata(self): - d = ''.join(self.data) - if d != '': - self.writeout(escape(d)) - - def opentag(self, tag, attrs={}, block=False): - """ Create an open HTML tag """ - self.htmlstack.append((tag,attrs,block)) - a = [] - for key,val in attrs.items(): - a.append('''%s=%s''' % (key, quoteattr(val))) - if len(a) == 0: - self.writeout("<%s>" % tag) - else: - self.writeout("<%s %s>" % (tag, " ".join(a))) - if block == True: - self.writeout("\n") - - def closetag(self, tag, block=True): - """ Close an open HTML tag """ - self.htmlstack.pop() - self.writeout("" % tag) - if block == True: - self.writeout("\n") - - def emptytag(self, tag, attrs={}): - a = [] - for key,val in attrs.items(): - a.append('''%s=%s''' % (key, quoteattr(val))) - self.writeout("<%s %s/>\n" % (tag, " ".join(a))) - -#-------------------------------------------------- -# Interface to parser -#-------------------------------------------------- - def characters(self, data): - if self.processelem and self.processcont: - self.data.append(data) - - def startElementNS(self, tag, qname, attrs): - self.pstack.append( (self.processelem, self.processcont) ) - if self.processelem: - method = self.elements.get(tag, (None, None) )[0] - if method: - self.handle_starttag(tag, method, attrs) - else: - self.unknown_starttag(tag,attrs) - self.tagstack.push( tag, attrs ) - - def endElementNS(self, tag, qname): - stag, attrs = self.tagstack.pop() - if self.processelem: - method = self.elements.get(tag, (None, None) )[1] - if method: - self.handle_endtag(tag, attrs, method) - else: - self.unknown_endtag(tag, attrs) - self.processelem, self.processcont = self.pstack.pop() - -#-------------------------------------------------- - def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs): - method(tag,attrs) - - def handle_endtag(self, tag, attrs, method): - method(tag, attrs) - - def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): - pass - - def unknown_endtag(self, tag, attrs): - pass - - def s_ignorexml(self, tag, attrs): - """ Ignore this xml element and all children of it - It will automatically stop ignoring - """ - self.processelem = False - - def s_ignorecont(self, tag, attrs): - """ Stop processing the text nodes """ - self.processcont = False - - def s_processcont(self, tag, attrs): - """ Start processing the text nodes """ - self.processcont = True - - def classname(self, attrs): - """ Generate a class name from a style name """ - c = attrs.get((TEXTNS,'style-name'),'') - c = c.replace(".","_") - return c - - def get_anchor(self, name): - """ Create a unique anchor id for a href name """ - if name not in self.anchors: - self.anchors[name] = "anchor%03d" % (len(self.anchors) + 1) - return self.anchors.get(name) - - -#-------------------------------------------------- - - def purgedata(self): - self.data = [] - -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# -# Handle meta data -# -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - def e_dc_title(self, tag, attrs): - """ Get the title from the meta data and create a HTML - """ - self.title = ''.join(self.data) - #self.metatags.append('<title>%s\n' % escape(self.title)) - self.data = [] - - def e_dc_metatag(self, tag, attrs): - """ Any other meta data is added as a element - """ - self.metatags.append('\n' % (tag[1], quoteattr(''.join(self.data)))) - self.data = [] - - def e_dc_contentlanguage(self, tag, attrs): - """ Set the content language. Identifies the targeted audience - """ - self.language = ''.join(self.data) - self.metatags.append('\n' % escape(self.language)) - self.data = [] - - def e_dc_creator(self, tag, attrs): - """ Set the content creator. Identifies the targeted audience - """ - self.creator = ''.join(self.data) - self.metatags.append('\n' % escape(self.creator)) - self.data = [] - - def s_custom_shape(self, tag, attrs): - """ A is made into a
in HTML which is then styled - """ - anchor_type = attrs.get((TEXTNS,'anchor-type'),'notfound') - htmltag = 'div' - name = "G-" + attrs.get( (DRAWNS,'style-name'), "") - if name == 'G-': - name = "PR-" + attrs.get( (PRESENTATIONNS,'style-name'), "") - name = name.replace(".","_") - if anchor_type == "paragraph": - style = 'position:absolute;' - elif anchor_type == 'char': - style = "position:absolute;" - elif anchor_type == 'as-char': - htmltag = 'div' - style = '' - else: - style = "position: absolute;" - if (SVGNS,"width")in attrs: - style = style + "width:" + attrs[(SVGNS,"width")] + ";" - if (SVGNS,"height") in attrs: - style = style + "height:" + attrs[(SVGNS,"height")] + ";" - if (SVGNS,"x") in attrs: - style = style + "left:" + attrs[(SVGNS,"x")] + ";" - if (SVGNS,"y") in attrs: - style = style + "top:" + attrs[(SVGNS,"y")] + ";" - if self.generate_css: - self.opentag(htmltag, {'class': name, 'style': style}) - else: - self.opentag(htmltag) - - def e_custom_shape(self, tag, attrs): - """ End the - """ - self.closetag('div') - - def s_draw_frame(self, tag, attrs): - """ A is made into a
in HTML which is then styled - """ - anchor_type = attrs.get((TEXTNS,'anchor-type'),'notfound') - htmltag = 'div' - name = "G-" + attrs.get( (DRAWNS,'style-name'), "") - if name == 'G-': - name = "PR-" + attrs.get( (PRESENTATIONNS,'style-name'), "") - name = name.replace(".","_") - if anchor_type == "paragraph": - style = 'position:relative;' - elif anchor_type == 'char': - style = "position:relative;" - elif anchor_type == 'as-char': - htmltag = 'div' - style = '' - else: - style = "position:absolute;" - if (SVGNS,"width") in attrs: - style = style + "width:" + attrs[(SVGNS,"width")] + ";" - if (SVGNS,"height") in attrs: - style = style + "height:" + attrs[(SVGNS,"height")] + ";" - if (SVGNS,"x") in attrs: - style = style + "left:" + attrs[(SVGNS,"x")] + ";" - if (SVGNS,"y") in attrs: - style = style + "top:" + attrs[(SVGNS,"y")] + ";" - if self.generate_css: - self.opentag(htmltag, {'class': name, 'style': style}) - else: - self.opentag(htmltag) - - def e_draw_frame(self, tag, attrs): - """ End the - """ - self.closetag('div') - - def s_draw_fill_image(self, tag, attrs): - name = attrs.get( (DRAWNS,'name'), "NoName") - imghref = attrs[(XLINKNS,"href")] - imghref = self.rewritelink(imghref) - self.cs.fillimages[name] = imghref - - def rewritelink(self, imghref): - """ Intended to be overloaded if you don't store your pictures - in a Pictures subfolder - """ - return imghref - - def s_draw_image(self, tag, attrs): - """ A becomes an element - """ - parent = self.tagstack.stackparent() - anchor_type = parent.get((TEXTNS,'anchor-type')) - imghref = attrs[(XLINKNS,"href")] - imghref = self.rewritelink(imghref) - htmlattrs = {'alt':"", 'src':imghref } - if self.generate_css: - if anchor_type != "char": - htmlattrs['style'] = "display: block;" - self.emptytag('img', htmlattrs) - - def s_draw_object(self, tag, attrs): - """ A is embedded object in the document (e.g. spreadsheet in presentation). - """ - objhref = attrs[(XLINKNS,"href")] - # Remove leading "./": from "./Object 1" to "Object 1" -# objhref = objhref [2:] - - # Not using os.path.join since it fails to find the file on Windows. -# objcontentpath = '/'.join([objhref, 'content.xml']) - - for c in self.document.childnodes: - if c.folder == objhref: - self._walknode(c.topnode) - - def s_draw_object_ole(self, tag, attrs): - """ A is embedded OLE object in the document (e.g. MS Graph). - """ - class_id = attrs[(DRAWNS,"class-id")] - if class_id and class_id.lower() == "00020803-0000-0000-c000-000000000046": ## Microsoft Graph 97 Chart - tagattrs = { 'name':'object_ole_graph', 'class':'ole-graph' } - self.opentag('a', tagattrs) - self.closetag('a', tagattrs) - - def s_draw_page(self, tag, attrs): - """ A is a slide in a presentation. We use a
element in HTML. - Therefore if you convert a ODP file, you get a series of
s. - Override this for your own purpose. - """ - name = attrs.get( (DRAWNS,'name'), "NoName") - stylename = attrs.get( (DRAWNS,'style-name'), "") - stylename = stylename.replace(".","_") - masterpage = attrs.get( (DRAWNS,'master-page-name'),"") - masterpage = masterpage.replace(".","_") - if self.generate_css: - self.opentag('fieldset', {'class':"DP-%s MP-%s" % (stylename, masterpage) }) - else: - self.opentag('fieldset') - self.opentag('legend') - self.writeout(escape(name)) - self.closetag('legend') - - def e_draw_page(self, tag, attrs): - self.closetag('fieldset') - - def s_draw_textbox(self, tag, attrs): - style = '' - if (FONS,"min-height") in attrs: - style = style + "min-height:" + attrs[(FONS,"min-height")] + ";" - self.opentag('div') -# self.opentag('div', {'style': style}) - - def e_draw_textbox(self, tag, attrs): - """ End the - """ - self.closetag('div') - - def html_body(self, tag, attrs): - self.writedata() - if self.generate_css and self.use_internal_css: - self.opentag('style', {'type':"text/css"}, True) - self.writeout('/**/\n') - self.closetag('style') - self.purgedata() - self.closetag('head') - self.opentag('body', block=True) - - default_styles = """ -img { width: 100%; height: 100%; } -* { padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color:white; } -body { margin: 0 1em; } -ol, ul { padding-left: 2em; } -""" - - def generate_stylesheet(self): - for name in self.stylestack: - styles = self.styledict.get(name) - # Preload with the family's default style - if '__style-family'in styles and styles['__style-family'] in self.styledict: - familystyle = self.styledict[styles['__style-family']].copy() - del styles['__style-family'] - for style, val in styles.items(): - familystyle[style] = val - styles = familystyle - # Resolve the remaining parent styles - while '__parent-style-name' in styles and styles['__parent-style-name'] in self.styledict: - parentstyle = self.styledict[styles['__parent-style-name']].copy() - del styles['__parent-style-name'] - for style, val in styles.items(): - parentstyle[style] = val - styles = parentstyle - self.styledict[name] = styles - # Write the styles to HTML - self.writeout(self.default_styles) - for name in self.stylestack: - styles = self.styledict.get(name) - css2 = self.cs.convert_styles(styles) - self.writeout("%s {\n" % name) - for style, val in css2.items(): - self.writeout("\t%s: %s;\n" % (style, val) ) - self.writeout("}\n") - - def generate_footnotes(self): - if self.currentnote == 0: - return - if self.generate_css: - self.opentag('ol', {'style':'border-top: 1px solid black'}, True) - else: - self.opentag('ol') - for key in range(1,self.currentnote+1): - note = self.notedict[key] -# for key,note in self.notedict.items(): - self.opentag('li', { 'id':"footnote-%d" % key }) -# self.opentag('sup') -# self.writeout(escape(note['citation'])) -# self.closetag('sup', False) - self.writeout(note['body']) - self.closetag('li') - self.closetag('ol') - - def s_office_automatic_styles(self, tag, attrs): - if self.xmlfile == 'styles.xml': - self.autoprefix = "A" - else: - self.autoprefix = "" - - def s_office_document_content(self, tag, attrs): - """ First tag in the content.xml file""" - self.writeout('\n') - self.opentag('html', {'xmlns':"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"}, True) - self.opentag('head', block=True) - self.emptytag('meta', { 'http-equiv':"Content-Type", 'content':"text/html;charset=UTF-8"}) - for metaline in self.metatags: - self.writeout(metaline) - self.writeout('%s\n' % escape(self.title)) - - def e_office_document_content(self, tag, attrs): - """ Last tag """ - self.closetag('html') - - def s_office_master_styles(self, tag, attrs): - """ """ - - def s_office_presentation(self, tag, attrs): - """ For some odd reason, OpenOffice Impress doesn't define a default-style - for the 'paragraph'. We therefore force a standard when we see - it is a presentation - """ - self.styledict['p'] = {(FONS,u'font-size'): u"24pt" } - self.styledict['presentation'] = {(FONS,u'font-size'): u"24pt" } - self.html_body(tag, attrs) - - def e_office_presentation(self, tag, attrs): - self.generate_footnotes() - self.closetag('body') - - def s_office_spreadsheet(self, tag, attrs): - self.html_body(tag, attrs) - - def e_office_spreadsheet(self, tag, attrs): - self.generate_footnotes() - self.closetag('body') - - def s_office_styles(self, tag, attrs): - self.autoprefix = "" - - def s_office_text(self, tag, attrs): - """ OpenDocument text """ - self.styledict['frame'] = { (STYLENS,'wrap'): u'parallel'} - self.html_body(tag, attrs) - - def e_office_text(self, tag, attrs): - self.generate_footnotes() - self.closetag('body') - - def s_style_handle_properties(self, tag, attrs): - """ Copy all attributes to a struct. - We will later convert them to CSS2 - """ - for key,attr in attrs.items(): - self.styledict[self.currentstyle][key] = attr - - - familymap = {'frame':'frame', 'paragraph':'p', 'presentation':'presentation', - 'text':'span','section':'div', - 'table':'table','table-cell':'td','table-column':'col', - 'table-row':'tr','graphic':'graphic' } - - def s_style_default_style(self, tag, attrs): - """ A default style is like a style on an HTML tag - """ - family = attrs[(STYLENS,'family')] - htmlfamily = self.familymap.get(family,'unknown') - self.currentstyle = htmlfamily -# self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {} - - def e_style_default_style(self, tag, attrs): - self.currentstyle = None - - def s_style_font_face(self, tag, attrs): - """ It is possible that the HTML browser doesn't know how to - show a particular font. Luckily ODF provides generic fallbacks - Unfortunately they are not the same as CSS2. - CSS2: serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace - ODF: roman, swiss, modern, decorative, script, system - """ - name = attrs[(STYLENS,"name")] - family = attrs[(SVGNS,"font-family")] - generic = attrs.get( (STYLENS,'font-family-generic'),"" ) - self.cs.save_font(name, family, generic) - - def s_style_footer(self, tag, attrs): - self.opentag('div', { 'id':"footer" }) - self.purgedata() - - def e_style_footer(self, tag, attrs): - self.writedata() - self.closetag('div') - self.purgedata() - - def s_style_footer_style(self, tag, attrs): - self.currentstyle = "@print #footer" - self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {} - - def s_style_header(self, tag, attrs): - self.opentag('div', { 'id':"header" }) - self.purgedata() - - def e_style_header(self, tag, attrs): - self.writedata() - self.closetag('div') - self.purgedata() - - def s_style_header_style(self, tag, attrs): - self.currentstyle = "@print #header" - self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {} - - def s_style_default_page_layout(self, tag, attrs): - """ Collect the formatting for the default page layout style. - """ - self.currentstyle = "@page" - self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {} - - def s_style_page_layout(self, tag, attrs): - """ Collect the formatting for the page layout style. - This won't work in CSS 2.1, as page identifiers are not allowed. - It is legal in CSS3, but the rest of the application doesn't specify when to use what page layout - """ - name = attrs[(STYLENS,'name')] - name = name.replace(".","_") - self.currentstyle = ".PL-" + name - self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {} - - def e_style_page_layout(self, tag, attrs): - """ End this style - """ - self.currentstyle = None - - def s_style_master_page(self, tag, attrs): - """ Collect the formatting for the page layout style. - """ - name = attrs[(STYLENS,'name')] - name = name.replace(".","_") - - self.currentstyle = ".MP-" + name - self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {('','position'):'relative'} - # Then load the pagelayout style if we find it - pagelayout = attrs.get( (STYLENS,'page-layout-name'), None) - if pagelayout: - pagelayout = ".PL-" + pagelayout - if pagelayout in self.styledict: - styles = self.styledict[pagelayout] - for style, val in styles.items(): - self.styledict[self.currentstyle][style] = val - else: - self.styledict[self.currentstyle]['__parent-style-name'] = pagelayout - self.s_ignorexml(tag, attrs) - - # Short prefixes for class selectors - _familyshort = {'drawing-page':'DP', 'paragraph':'P', 'presentation':'PR', - 'text':'S', 'section':'D', - 'table':'T', 'table-cell':'TD', 'table-column':'TC', - 'table-row':'TR', 'graphic':'G' } - - def s_style_style(self, tag, attrs): - """ Collect the formatting for the style. - Styles have scope. The same name can be used for both paragraph and - character styles Since CSS has no scope we use a prefix. (Not elegant) - In ODF a style can have a parent, these parents can be chained. - We may not have encountered the parent yet, but if we have, we resolve it. - """ - name = attrs[(STYLENS,'name')] - name = name.replace(".","_") - family = attrs[(STYLENS,'family')] - htmlfamily = self.familymap.get(family,'unknown') - sfamily = self._familyshort.get(family,'X') - name = "%s%s-%s" % (self.autoprefix, sfamily, name) - parent = attrs.get( (STYLENS,'parent-style-name') ) - self.currentstyle = special_styles.get(name,"."+name) - self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - if self.currentstyle not in self.styledict: - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {} - - self.styledict[self.currentstyle]['__style-family'] = htmlfamily - - # Then load the parent style if we find it - if parent: - parent = "%s-%s" % (sfamily, parent) - parent = special_styles.get(parent, "."+parent) - if parent in self.styledict: - styles = self.styledict[parent] - for style, val in styles.items(): - self.styledict[self.currentstyle][style] = val - else: - self.styledict[self.currentstyle]['__parent-style-name'] = parent - - def e_style_style(self, tag, attrs): - """ End this style - """ - self.currentstyle = None - - def s_table_table(self, tag, attrs): - """ Start a table - """ - c = attrs.get( (TABLENS,'style-name'), None) - if c and self.generate_css: - c = c.replace(".","_") - self.opentag('table',{ 'class': "T-%s" % c }) - else: - self.opentag('table') - self.purgedata() - - def e_table_table(self, tag, attrs): - """ End a table - """ - self.writedata() - self.closetag('table') - self.purgedata() - - def s_table_table_cell(self, tag, attrs): - """ Start a table cell """ - #FIXME: number-columns-repeated § 8.1.3 - #repeated = int(attrs.get( (TABLENS,'number-columns-repeated'), 1)) - htmlattrs = {} - rowspan = attrs.get( (TABLENS,'number-rows-spanned') ) - if rowspan: - htmlattrs['rowspan'] = rowspan - colspan = attrs.get( (TABLENS,'number-columns-spanned') ) - if colspan: - htmlattrs['colspan'] = colspan - - c = attrs.get( (TABLENS,'style-name') ) - if c: - htmlattrs['class'] = 'TD-%s' % c.replace(".","_") - self.opentag('td', htmlattrs) - self.purgedata() - - def e_table_table_cell(self, tag, attrs): - """ End a table cell """ - self.writedata() - self.closetag('td') - self.purgedata() - - def s_table_table_column(self, tag, attrs): - """ Start a table column """ - c = attrs.get( (TABLENS,'style-name'), None) - repeated = int(attrs.get( (TABLENS,'number-columns-repeated'), 1)) - htmlattrs = {} - if c: - htmlattrs['class'] = "TC-%s" % c.replace(".","_") - for x in range(repeated): - self.emptytag('col', htmlattrs) - self.purgedata() - - def s_table_table_row(self, tag, attrs): - """ Start a table row """ - #FIXME: table:number-rows-repeated - c = attrs.get( (TABLENS,'style-name'), None) - htmlattrs = {} - if c: - htmlattrs['class'] = "TR-%s" % c.replace(".","_") - self.opentag('tr', htmlattrs) - self.purgedata() - - def e_table_table_row(self, tag, attrs): - """ End a table row """ - self.writedata() - self.closetag('tr') - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_a(self, tag, attrs): - """ Anchors start """ - self.writedata() - href = attrs[(XLINKNS,"href")].split("|")[0] - if href[0] == "#": - href = "#" + self.get_anchor(href[1:]) - self.opentag('a', {'href':href}) - self.purgedata() - - def e_text_a(self, tag, attrs): - """ End an anchor or bookmark reference """ - self.writedata() - self.closetag('a', False) - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_bookmark(self, tag, attrs): - """ Bookmark definition """ - name = attrs[(TEXTNS,'name')] - html_id = self.get_anchor(name) - self.writedata() - self.opentag('span', {'id':html_id}) - self.closetag('span', False) - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_bookmark_ref(self, tag, attrs): - """ Bookmark reference """ - name = attrs[(TEXTNS,'ref-name')] - html_id = "#" + self.get_anchor(name) - self.writedata() - self.opentag('a', {'href':html_id}) - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_h(self, tag, attrs): - """ Headings start """ - level = int(attrs[(TEXTNS,'outline-level')]) - if level > 6: level = 6 # Heading levels go only to 6 in XHTML - if level < 1: level = 1 - self.headinglevels[level] = self.headinglevels[level] + 1 - name = self.classname(attrs) - for x in range(level + 1,10): - self.headinglevels[x] = 0 - special = special_styles.get("P-"+name) - if special or not self.generate_css: - self.opentag('h%s' % level) - else: - self.opentag('h%s' % level, {'class':"P-%s" % name }) - self.purgedata() - - def e_text_h(self, tag, attrs): - """ Headings end - Side-effect: If there is no title in the metadata, then it is taken - from the first heading of any level. - """ - self.writedata() - level = int(attrs[(TEXTNS,'outline-level')]) - if level > 6: level = 6 # Heading levels go only to 6 in XHTML - if level < 1: level = 1 - lev = self.headinglevels[1:level+1] - outline = '.'.join(map(str,lev) ) - heading = ''.join(self.data) - if self.title == '': self.title = heading - anchor = self.get_anchor("%s.%s" % ( outline, heading)) - self.opentag('a', {'id': anchor} ) - self.closetag('a', False) - self.closetag('h%s' % level) - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_line_break(self, tag, attrs): - """ Force a line break (
) """ - self.writedata() - self.emptytag('br') - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_list(self, tag, attrs): - """ Start a list (
      ) - To know which level we're at, we have to count the number - of elements on the tagstack. - """ - name = attrs.get( (TEXTNS,'style-name') ) - level = self.tagstack.count_tags(tag) + 1 - if name: - name = name.replace(".","_") - else: - # FIXME: If a list is contained in a table cell or text box, - # the list level must return to 1, even though the table or - # textbox itself may be nested within another list. - name = self.tagstack.rfindattr( (TEXTNS,'style-name') ) - list_class = "%s_%d" % (name, level) - if self.generate_css: - self.opentag('%s' % self.listtypes.get(list_class,'ul'), {'class': list_class }) - else: - self.opentag('%s' % self.listtypes.get(list_class,'ul')) - self.purgedata() - - def e_text_list(self, tag, attrs): - """ End a list """ - self.writedata() - name = attrs.get( (TEXTNS,'style-name') ) - level = self.tagstack.count_tags(tag) + 1 - if name: - name = name.replace(".","_") - else: - # FIXME: If a list is contained in a table cell or text box, - # the list level must return to 1, even though the table or - # textbox itself may be nested within another list. - name = self.tagstack.rfindattr( (TEXTNS,'style-name') ) - list_class = "%s_%d" % (name, level) - self.closetag(self.listtypes.get(list_class,'ul')) - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_list_item(self, tag, attrs): - """ Start list item """ - self.opentag('li') - self.purgedata() - - def e_text_list_item(self, tag, attrs): - """ End list item """ - self.writedata() - self.closetag('li') - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_list_level_style_bullet(self, tag, attrs): - """ CSS doesn't have the ability to set the glyph - to a particular character, so we just go through - the available glyphs - """ - name = self.tagstack.rfindattr( (STYLENS,'name') ) - level = attrs[(TEXTNS,'level')] - self.prevstyle = self.currentstyle - list_class = "%s_%s" % (name, level) - self.listtypes[list_class] = 'ul' - self.currentstyle = ".%s_%s" % ( name.replace(".","_"), level) - self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {} - - level = int(level) - listtype = ("square", "disc", "circle")[level % 3] - self.styledict[self.currentstyle][('','list-style-type')] = listtype - - def e_text_list_level_style_bullet(self, tag, attrs): - self.currentstyle = self.prevstyle - del self.prevstyle - - def s_text_list_level_style_number(self, tag, attrs): - name = self.tagstack.stackparent()[(STYLENS,'name')] - level = attrs[(TEXTNS,'level')] - num_format = attrs.get( (STYLENS,'name'),"1") - list_class = "%s_%s" % (name, level) - self.prevstyle = self.currentstyle - self.currentstyle = ".%s_%s" % ( name.replace(".","_"), level) - self.listtypes[list_class] = 'ol' - self.stylestack.append(self.currentstyle) - self.styledict[self.currentstyle] = {} - if num_format == "1": listtype = "decimal" - elif num_format == "I": listtype = "upper-roman" - elif num_format == "i": listtype = "lower-roman" - elif num_format == "A": listtype = "upper-alpha" - elif num_format == "a": listtype = "lower-alpha" - else: listtype = "decimal" - self.styledict[self.currentstyle][('','list-style-type')] = listtype - - def e_text_list_level_style_number(self, tag, attrs): - self.currentstyle = self.prevstyle - del self.prevstyle - - def s_text_note(self, tag, attrs): - self.writedata() - self.purgedata() - self.currentnote = self.currentnote + 1 - self.notedict[self.currentnote] = {} - self.notebody = [] - - def e_text_note(self, tag, attrs): - pass - - def collectnote(self,s): - if s != '': - self.notebody.append(s) - - def s_text_note_body(self, tag, attrs): - self._orgwfunc = self._wfunc - self._wfunc = self.collectnote - - def e_text_note_body(self, tag, attrs): - self._wfunc = self._orgwfunc - self.notedict[self.currentnote]['body'] = ''.join(self.notebody) - self.notebody = '' - del self._orgwfunc - - def e_text_note_citation(self, tag, attrs): - mark = ''.join(self.data) - self.notedict[self.currentnote]['citation'] = mark - self.opentag('a',{ 'href': "#footnote-%s" % self.currentnote }) - self.opentag('sup') -# self.writeout( escape(mark) ) - # Since HTML only knows about endnotes, there is too much risk that the - # marker is reused in the source. Therefore we force numeric markers - if sys.version_info[0]==3: - self.writeout(self.currentnote) - else: - self.writeout(unicode(self.currentnote)) - self.closetag('sup') - self.closetag('a') - - def s_text_p(self, tag, attrs): - """ Paragraph - """ - htmlattrs = {} - specialtag = "p" - c = attrs.get( (TEXTNS,'style-name'), None) - if c: - c = c.replace(".","_") - specialtag = special_styles.get("P-"+c) - if specialtag is None: - specialtag = 'p' - if self.generate_css: - htmlattrs['class'] = "P-%s" % c - self.opentag(specialtag, htmlattrs) - self.purgedata() - - def e_text_p(self, tag, attrs): - """ End Paragraph - """ - specialtag = "p" - c = attrs.get( (TEXTNS,'style-name'), None) - if c: - c = c.replace(".","_") - specialtag = special_styles.get("P-"+c) - if specialtag is None: - specialtag = 'p' - self.writedata() - self.closetag(specialtag) - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_s(self, tag, attrs): - """ Generate a number of spaces. ODF has an element; HTML uses   - We use   so we can send the output through an XML parser if we desire to - """ - c = attrs.get( (TEXTNS,'c'),"1") - for x in range(int(c)): - self.writeout(' ') - - def s_text_span(self, tag, attrs): - """ The element matches the element in HTML. It is - typically used to properties of the text. - """ - self.writedata() - c = attrs.get( (TEXTNS,'style-name'), None) - htmlattrs = {} - if c: - c = c.replace(".","_") - special = special_styles.get("S-"+c) - if special is None and self.generate_css: - htmlattrs['class'] = "S-%s" % c - self.opentag('span', htmlattrs) - self.purgedata() - - def e_text_span(self, tag, attrs): - """ End the """ - self.writedata() - self.closetag('span', False) - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_tab(self, tag, attrs): - """ Move to the next tabstop. We ignore this in HTML - """ - self.writedata() - self.writeout(' ') - self.purgedata() - - def s_text_x_source(self, tag, attrs): - """ Various indexes and tables of contents. We ignore those. - """ - self.writedata() - self.purgedata() - self.s_ignorexml(tag, attrs) - - def e_text_x_source(self, tag, attrs): - """ Various indexes and tables of contents. We ignore those. - """ - self.writedata() - self.purgedata() - - -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# -# Reading the file -# -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - def load(self, odffile): - """ - Loads a document into the parser and parses it. - The argument can either be a filename or a document in memory. - @param odffile if the type is unicode string: name of a file; else - it must be an open file type - """ - assert(type(odffile)==type(u"") or 'rb' in repr(odffile) or 'BufferedReader' in repr(odffile) or 'BytesIO' in repr(odffile)) - - self.lines = [] - self._wfunc = self._wlines - if type(odffile)==type(u""): - self.document = load(odffile) - else: - self.document = odffile - self._walknode(self.document.topnode) - - def _walknode(self, node): - if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: - self.startElementNS(node.qname, node.tagName, node.attributes) - for c in node.childNodes: - self._walknode(c) - self.endElementNS(node.qname, node.tagName) - if node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE or node.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: - if sys.version_info[0]==3: - self.characters(str(node)) - else: - self.characters(unicode(node)) - - - def odf2xhtml(self, odffile): - """ - Load a file and return the XHTML - @param odffile if the type is unicode string: name of a file; else - it must be an open file type - @return XHTML code as a a unicode string - """ - assert(type(odffile)==type(u"") or 'rb' in repr(odffile) or 'BufferedReader' in repr(odffile) or 'BytesIO' in repr(odffile)) - - - self.load(odffile) - - result=self.xhtml() - assert(type(result)==type(u"")) - return result - - def _wlines(self,s): - if s != '': self.lines.append(s) - - def xhtml(self): - """ Returns the xhtml - """ - return ''.join(self.lines) - - def _writecss(self, s): - if s != '': self._csslines.append(s) - - def _writenothing(self, s): - pass - - def css(self): - """ Returns the CSS content """ - self._csslines = [] - self._wfunc = self._writecss - self.generate_stylesheet() - res = ''.join(self._csslines) - self._wfunc = self._wlines - del self._csslines - return res - - def save(self, outputfile, addsuffix=False): - """ Save the HTML under the filename. - If the filename is '-' then save to stdout - We have the last style filename in self.stylefilename - """ - if outputfile == '-': - outputfp = sys.stdout - else: - if addsuffix: - outputfile = outputfile + ".html" - outputfp = file(outputfile, "w") - outputfp.write(self.xhtml().encode('us-ascii','xmlcharrefreplace')) - outputfp.close() - - -class ODF2XHTMLembedded(ODF2XHTML): - """ The ODF2XHTML parses an ODF file and produces XHTML""" - - def __init__(self, lines, generate_css=True, embedable=False): - self._resetobject() - self.lines = lines - - # Tags - self.generate_css = generate_css - self.elements = { -# (DCNS, 'title'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_title), -# (DCNS, 'language'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_contentlanguage), -# (DCNS, 'creator'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), -# (DCNS, 'description'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), -# (DCNS, 'date'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), - (DRAWNS, 'frame'): (self.s_draw_frame, self.e_draw_frame), - (DRAWNS, 'image'): (self.s_draw_image, None), - (DRAWNS, 'fill-image'): (self.s_draw_fill_image, None), - (DRAWNS, "layer-set"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (DRAWNS, 'page'): (self.s_draw_page, self.e_draw_page), - (DRAWNS, 'object'): (self.s_draw_object, None), - (DRAWNS, 'object-ole'): (self.s_draw_object_ole, None), - (DRAWNS, 'text-box'): (self.s_draw_textbox, self.e_draw_textbox), -# (METANS, 'creation-date'):(self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), -# (METANS, 'generator'):(self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), -# (METANS, 'initial-creator'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), -# (METANS, 'keyword'): (self.s_processcont, self.e_dc_metatag), - (NUMBERNS, "boolean-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (NUMBERNS, "currency-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (NUMBERNS, "date-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (NUMBERNS, "number-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (NUMBERNS, "text-style"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), -# (OFFICENS, "automatic-styles"):(self.s_office_automatic_styles, None), -# (OFFICENS, "document-content"):(self.s_office_document_content, self.e_office_document_content), - (OFFICENS, "forms"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), -# (OFFICENS, "master-styles"):(self.s_office_master_styles, None), - (OFFICENS, "meta"):(self.s_ignorecont, None), -# (OFFICENS, "presentation"):(self.s_office_presentation, self.e_office_presentation), -# (OFFICENS, "spreadsheet"):(self.s_office_spreadsheet, self.e_office_spreadsheet), -# (OFFICENS, "styles"):(self.s_office_styles, None), -# (OFFICENS, "text"):(self.s_office_text, self.e_office_text), - (OFFICENS, "scripts"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (PRESENTATIONNS, "notes"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), -## (STYLENS, "default-page-layout"):(self.s_style_default_page_layout, self.e_style_page_layout), -# (STYLENS, "default-page-layout"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), -# (STYLENS, "default-style"):(self.s_style_default_style, self.e_style_default_style), -# (STYLENS, "drawing-page-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -# (STYLENS, "font-face"):(self.s_style_font_face, None), -## (STYLENS, "footer"):(self.s_style_footer, self.e_style_footer), -## (STYLENS, "footer-style"):(self.s_style_footer_style, None), -# (STYLENS, "graphic-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -# (STYLENS, "handout-master"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), -## (STYLENS, "header"):(self.s_style_header, self.e_style_header), -## (STYLENS, "header-footer-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -## (STYLENS, "header-style"):(self.s_style_header_style, None), -# (STYLENS, "master-page"):(self.s_style_master_page, None), -# (STYLENS, "page-layout-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -## (STYLENS, "page-layout"):(self.s_style_page_layout, self.e_style_page_layout), -# (STYLENS, "page-layout"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), -# (STYLENS, "paragraph-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -# (STYLENS, "style"):(self.s_style_style, self.e_style_style), -# (STYLENS, "table-cell-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -# (STYLENS, "table-column-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -# (STYLENS, "table-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), -# (STYLENS, "text-properties"):(self.s_style_handle_properties, None), - (SVGNS, 'desc'): (self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TABLENS, 'covered-table-cell'): (self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TABLENS, 'table-cell'): (self.s_table_table_cell, self.e_table_table_cell), - (TABLENS, 'table-column'): (self.s_table_table_column, None), - (TABLENS, 'table-row'): (self.s_table_table_row, self.e_table_table_row), - (TABLENS, 'table'): (self.s_table_table, self.e_table_table), - (TEXTNS, 'a'): (self.s_text_a, self.e_text_a), - (TEXTNS, "alphabetical-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, "bibliography-configuration"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TEXTNS, "bibliography-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, 'h'): (self.s_text_h, self.e_text_h), - (TEXTNS, "illustration-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, 'line-break'):(self.s_text_line_break, None), - (TEXTNS, "linenumbering-configuration"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TEXTNS, "list"):(self.s_text_list, self.e_text_list), - (TEXTNS, "list-item"):(self.s_text_list_item, self.e_text_list_item), - (TEXTNS, "list-level-style-bullet"):(self.s_text_list_level_style_bullet, self.e_text_list_level_style_bullet), - (TEXTNS, "list-level-style-number"):(self.s_text_list_level_style_number, self.e_text_list_level_style_number), - (TEXTNS, "list-style"):(None, None), - (TEXTNS, "note"):(self.s_text_note, None), - (TEXTNS, "note-body"):(self.s_text_note_body, self.e_text_note_body), - (TEXTNS, "note-citation"):(None, self.e_text_note_citation), - (TEXTNS, "notes-configuration"):(self.s_ignorexml, None), - (TEXTNS, "object-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, 'p'): (self.s_text_p, self.e_text_p), - (TEXTNS, 's'): (self.s_text_s, None), - (TEXTNS, 'span'): (self.s_text_span, self.e_text_span), - (TEXTNS, 'tab'): (self.s_text_tab, None), - (TEXTNS, "table-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, "table-of-content-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, "user-index-source"):(self.s_text_x_source, self.e_text_x_source), - (TEXTNS, "page-number"):(None, None), - } - diff --git a/libs/odf/odfmanifest.py b/libs/odf/odfmanifest.py deleted file mode 100644 index 70649ca..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/odfmanifest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# -from __future__ import print_function -# This script lists the content of the manifest.xml file -import zipfile -from xml.sax import make_parser,handler -from xml.sax.xmlreader import InputSource -import xml.sax.saxutils -try: - from cStringIO import StringIO -except ImportError: - from io import StringIO - -MANIFESTNS="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0" - -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# -# ODFMANIFESTHANDLER -# -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -class ODFManifestHandler(handler.ContentHandler): - """ The ODFManifestHandler parses a manifest file and produces a list of - content """ - - def __init__(self): - self.manifest = {} - - # Tags - # FIXME: Also handle encryption data - self.elements = { - (MANIFESTNS, 'file-entry'): (self.s_file_entry, self.donothing), - } - - def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs): - method(tag,attrs) - - def handle_endtag(self, tag, method): - method(tag) - - def startElementNS(self, tag, qname, attrs): - method = self.elements.get(tag, (None, None))[0] - if method: - self.handle_starttag(tag, method, attrs) - else: - self.unknown_starttag(tag,attrs) - - def endElementNS(self, tag, qname): - method = self.elements.get(tag, (None, None))[1] - if method: - self.handle_endtag(tag, method) - else: - self.unknown_endtag(tag) - - def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): - pass - - def unknown_endtag(self, tag): - pass - - def donothing(self, tag, attrs=None): - pass - - def s_file_entry(self, tag, attrs): - m = attrs.get((MANIFESTNS, 'media-type'),"application/octet-stream") - p = attrs.get((MANIFESTNS, 'full-path')) - self.manifest[p] = { 'media-type':m, 'full-path':p } - - -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# -# Reading the file -# -#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -def manifestlist(manifestxml): - odhandler = ODFManifestHandler() - parser = make_parser() - parser.setFeature(handler.feature_namespaces, 1) - parser.setContentHandler(odhandler) - parser.setErrorHandler(handler.ErrorHandler()) - - inpsrc = InputSource() - if not isinstance(manifestxml, str): - manifestxml=manifestxml.decode("utf-8") - inpsrc.setByteStream(StringIO(manifestxml)) - parser.parse(inpsrc) - - return odhandler.manifest - -def odfmanifest(odtfile): - z = zipfile.ZipFile(odtfile) - manifest = z.read('META-INF/manifest.xml') - z.close() - return manifestlist(manifest) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - import sys - result = odfmanifest(sys.argv[1]) - for file in result.values(): - print ("%-40s %-40s" % (file['media-type'], file['full-path'])) - diff --git a/libs/odf/office.py b/libs/odf/office.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2d6b752..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/office.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import OFFICENS -from element import Element -from draw import StyleRefElement - -# Autogenerated -def Annotation(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (OFFICENS,'annotation'), **args) - -def AnnotationEnd(**args): - return StyleRefElement(qname = (OFFICENS,'annotation-end'), **args) - -def AutomaticStyles(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'automatic-styles'), **args) - -def BinaryData(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'binary-data'), **args) - -def Body(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'body'), **args) - -def ChangeInfo(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'change-info'), **args) - -def Chart(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'chart'), **args) - -def DdeSource(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'dde-source'), **args) - -def Document(version="1.2", **args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'document'), version=version, **args) - -def DocumentContent(version="1.2", **args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'document-content'), version=version, **args) - -def DocumentMeta(version="1.2", **args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'document-meta'), version=version, **args) - -def DocumentSettings(version="1.2", **args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'document-settings'), version=version, **args) - -def DocumentStyles(version="1.2", **args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'document-styles'), version=version, **args) - -def Drawing(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'drawing'), **args) - -def EventListeners(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'event-listeners'), **args) - -def FontFaceDecls(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'font-face-decls'), **args) - -def Forms(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'forms'), **args) - -def Image(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'image'), **args) - -def MasterStyles(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'master-styles'), **args) - -def Meta(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'meta'), **args) - -def Presentation(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS,'presentation'), **args) - -def Script(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'script'), **args) - -def Scripts(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'scripts'), **args) - -def Settings(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'settings'), **args) - -def Spreadsheet(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'spreadsheet'), **args) - -def Styles(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'styles'), **args) - -def Text(**args): - return Element(qname = (OFFICENS, 'text'), **args) - -# Autogenerated end diff --git a/libs/odf/opendocument.py b/libs/odf/opendocument.py deleted file mode 100644 index e8736cf..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/opendocument.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1011 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# -# Copyright (C) 2014 Georges Khaznadar -# migration to Python3, JavaDOC comments and automatic -# build of documentation -# - -__doc__="""Use OpenDocument to generate your documents.""" - -import zipfile, time, sys, mimetypes, copy, os.path - -# to allow Python3 to access modules in the same path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) - -# using BytesIO provides a cleaner interface than StringIO -# with both Python2 and Python3: the programmer must care to -# convert strings or unicode to bytes, which is valid for Python 2 and 3. -from io import StringIO, BytesIO - -from namespaces import * -import manifest -import meta -from office import * -import element -from attrconverters import make_NCName -from xml.sax.xmlreader import InputSource -from odfmanifest import manifestlist - -if sys.version_info[0] == 3: - unicode=str # unicode function does not exist - -__version__= TOOLSVERSION - -_XMLPROLOGUE = u"\n" - -##### -# file permission as an integer value. -# The following syntax would be invalid for Python3: -# UNIXPERMS = 0100644 << 16L # -rw-r--r-- -# -# So it has been precomputed: -# 2175008768 is the same value as 0100644 << 16L == -rw-r--r-- -#### -UNIXPERMS = 2175008768 - -IS_FILENAME = 0 -IS_IMAGE = 1 -# We need at least Python 2.2 -assert sys.version_info[0]>=2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 2 - -#sys.setrecursionlimit(100) -#The recursion limit is set conservative so mistakes like -# s=content() s.addElement(s) won't eat up too much processor time. - -############### -# mime-types => file extensions -############### -odmimetypes = { - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text': u'.odt', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template': u'.ott', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics': u'.odg', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template': u'.otg', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation': u'.odp', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template': u'.otp', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet': u'.ods', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template': u'.ots', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart': u'.odc', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart-template': u'.otc', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image': u'.odi', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image-template': u'.oti', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula': u'.odf', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template': u'.otf', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master': u'.odm', - u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web': u'.oth', -} - -class OpaqueObject: - """ - just a record to bear a filename, a mediatype and a bytes content - """ - def __init__(self, filename, mediatype, content=None): - """ - the constructor - @param filename a unicode string - @param mediatype a unicode string - @param content a byte string or None - """ - assert(type(filename)==type(u"")) - assert(type(mediatype)==type(u"")) - assert(type(content)==type(b"") or content == None) - - self.mediatype = mediatype - self.filename = filename - self.content = content - -class OpenDocument: - """ - A class to hold the content of an OpenDocument document - Use the xml method to write the XML - source to the screen or to a file. - Example of use: d = OpenDocument(mimetype); fd.write(d.xml()) - """ - thumbnail = None - - def __init__(self, mimetype, add_generator=True): - """ - the constructor - @param mimetype a unicode string - @param add_generator a boolean - """ - assert(type(mimetype)==type(u"")) - assert(isinstance(add_generator,True.__class__)) - - self.mimetype = mimetype - self.childobjects = [] - self._extra = [] - self.folder = u"" # Always empty for toplevel documents - self.topnode = Document(mimetype=self.mimetype) - self.topnode.ownerDocument = self - - self.clear_caches() - - self.Pictures = {} - self.meta = Meta() - self.topnode.addElement(self.meta) - if add_generator: - self.meta.addElement(meta.Generator(text=TOOLSVERSION)) - self.scripts = Scripts() - self.topnode.addElement(self.scripts) - self.fontfacedecls = FontFaceDecls() - self.topnode.addElement(self.fontfacedecls) - self.settings = Settings() - self.topnode.addElement(self.settings) - self.styles = Styles() - self.topnode.addElement(self.styles) - self.automaticstyles = AutomaticStyles() - self.topnode.addElement(self.automaticstyles) - self.masterstyles = MasterStyles() - self.topnode.addElement(self.masterstyles) - self.body = Body() - self.topnode.addElement(self.body) - - def rebuild_caches(self, node=None): - if node is None: node = self.topnode - self.build_caches(node) - for e in node.childNodes: - if e.nodeType == element.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: - self.rebuild_caches(e) - - def clear_caches(self): - """ - Clears internal caches - """ - self.element_dict = {} - self._styles_dict = {} - self._styles_ooo_fix = {} - - def build_caches(self, elt): - """ - Builds internal caches; called from element.py - @param elt an element.Element instance - """ - # assert(isinstance(elt, element.Element)) - # why do I need this more intricated assertion? - # with Python3, the type of elt pops out as odf.element.Element - # in one test ??? - import odf.element - assert(isinstance(elt, element.Element) or isinstance(elt, odf.element.Element) ) - - if elt.qname not in self.element_dict: - self.element_dict[elt.qname] = [] - self.element_dict[elt.qname].append(elt) - if elt.qname == (STYLENS, u'style'): - self.__register_stylename(elt) # Add to style dictionary - styleref = elt.getAttrNS(TEXTNS,u'style-name') - if styleref is not None and styleref in self._styles_ooo_fix: - elt.setAttrNS(TEXTNS,u'style-name', self._styles_ooo_fix[styleref]) - - def __register_stylename(self, elt): - ''' - Register a style. But there are three style dictionaries: - office:styles, office:automatic-styles and office:master-styles - Chapter 14. - @param elt an element.Element instance - ''' - assert(isinstance(elt, element.Element)) - - name = elt.getAttrNS(STYLENS, u'name') - if name is None: - return - if elt.parentNode.qname in ((OFFICENS,u'styles'), (OFFICENS,u'automatic-styles')): - if name in self._styles_dict: - newname = u'M'+name # Rename style - self._styles_ooo_fix[name] = newname - # From here on all references to the old name will refer to the new one - name = newname - elt.setAttrNS(STYLENS, u'name', name) - self._styles_dict[name] = elt - - def toXml(self, filename=u''): - """ - converts the document to a valid Xml format. - @param filename unicode string: the name of a file, defaults to - an empty string. - @return if filename is not empty, the XML code will be written into it - and the method returns None; otherwise the method returns a StringIO - containing valid XML. - Then a ".getvalue()" should return a unicode string. - """ - assert(type(filename)==type(u"")) - - result=None - xml=StringIO() - if sys.version_info[0]==2: - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - else: - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - self.body.toXml(0, xml) - if not filename: - result=xml.getvalue() - else: - f=codecs.open(filename,'w', encoding='utf-8') - f.write(xml.getvalue()) - f.close() - return result - - def xml(self): - """ - Generates the full document as an XML "file" - @return a bytestream in UTF-8 encoding - """ - self.__replaceGenerator() - xml=StringIO() - if sys.version_info[0]==2: - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - else: - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - self.topnode.toXml(0, xml) - return xml.getvalue().encode("utf-8") - - - def contentxml(self): - """ - Generates the content.xml file - @return a bytestream in UTF-8 encoding - """ - xml=StringIO() - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - x = DocumentContent() - x.write_open_tag(0, xml) - if self.scripts.hasChildNodes(): - self.scripts.toXml(1, xml) - if self.fontfacedecls.hasChildNodes(): - self.fontfacedecls.toXml(1, xml) - a = AutomaticStyles() - stylelist = self._used_auto_styles([self.styles, self.automaticstyles, self.body]) - if len(stylelist) > 0: - a.write_open_tag(1, xml) - for s in stylelist: - s.toXml(2, xml) - a.write_close_tag(1, xml) - else: - a.toXml(1, xml) - self.body.toXml(1, xml) - x.write_close_tag(0, xml) - return xml.getvalue().encode("utf-8") - - def __manifestxml(self): - """ - Generates the manifest.xml file; - The self.manifest isn't avaible unless the document is being saved - @return a unicode string - """ - xml=StringIO() - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - self.manifest.toXml(0,xml) - result=xml.getvalue() - assert(type(result)==type(u"")) - return result - - def metaxml(self): - """ - Generates the meta.xml file - @return a unicode string - """ - self.__replaceGenerator() - x = DocumentMeta() - x.addElement(self.meta) - xml=StringIO() - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - x.toXml(0,xml) - result=xml.getvalue() - assert(type(result)==type(u"")) - return result - - def settingsxml(self): - """ - Generates the settings.xml file - @return a unicode string - """ - x = DocumentSettings() - x.addElement(self.settings) - xml=StringIO() - if sys.version_info[0]==2: - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - else: - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - x.toXml(0,xml) - result=xml.getvalue() - assert(type(result)==type(u"")) - return result - - def _parseoneelement(self, top, stylenamelist): - """ - Finds references to style objects in master-styles - and add the style name to the style list if not already there. - Recursive - @return the list of style names as unicode strings - """ - for e in top.childNodes: - if e.nodeType == element.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: - for styleref in ( - (CHARTNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'style-name'), - (DRAWNS,u'text-style-name'), - (PRESENTATIONNS,u'style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'data-style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'list-style-name'), - (STYLENS,u'page-layout-name'), - (STYLENS,u'style-name'), - (TABLENS,u'default-cell-style-name'), - (TABLENS,u'style-name'), - (TEXTNS,u'style-name') ): - if e.getAttrNS(styleref[0],styleref[1]): - stylename = e.getAttrNS(styleref[0],styleref[1]) - if stylename not in stylenamelist: - # due to the polymorphism of e.getAttrNS(), - # a unicode type is enforced for elements - stylenamelist.append(unicode(stylename)) - stylenamelist = self._parseoneelement(e, stylenamelist) - return stylenamelist - - def _used_auto_styles(self, segments): - """ - Loop through the masterstyles elements, and find the automatic - styles that are used. These will be added to the automatic-styles - element in styles.xml - @return a list of element.Element instances - """ - stylenamelist = [] - for top in segments: - stylenamelist = self._parseoneelement(top, stylenamelist) - stylelist = [] - for e in self.automaticstyles.childNodes: - if e.getAttrNS(STYLENS,u'name') in stylenamelist: - stylelist.append(e) - - # check the type of the returned data - ok=True - for e in stylelist: ok = ok and isinstance(e, element.Element) - assert(ok) - - return stylelist - - def stylesxml(self): - """ - Generates the styles.xml file - @return valid XML code as a unicode string - """ - xml=StringIO() - xml.write(_XMLPROLOGUE) - x = DocumentStyles() - x.write_open_tag(0, xml) - if self.fontfacedecls.hasChildNodes(): - self.fontfacedecls.toXml(1, xml) - self.styles.toXml(1, xml) - a = AutomaticStyles() - a.write_open_tag(1, xml) - for s in self._used_auto_styles([self.masterstyles]): - s.toXml(2, xml) - a.write_close_tag(1, xml) - if self.masterstyles.hasChildNodes(): - self.masterstyles.toXml(1, xml) - x.write_close_tag(0, xml) - result = xml.getvalue() - - assert(type(result)==type(u"")) - - return result - - def addPicture(self, filename, mediatype=None, content=None): - """ - Add a picture - It uses the same convention as OOo, in that it saves the picture in - the zipfile in the subdirectory 'Pictures' - If passed a file ptr, mediatype must be set - @param filename unicode string: name of a file for Pictures - @param mediatype unicode string: name of a media, None by default - @param content bytes: content of media, None by default - @return a unicode string: the file name of the media, eventually - created on the fly - """ - if content is None: - if mediatype is None: - mediatype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) - if mediatype is None: - mediatype = u'' - try: ext = filename[filename.rindex(u'.'):] - except: ext=u'' - else: - ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(mediatype) - manifestfn = u"Pictures/%0.0f%s" % ((time.time()*10000000000), ext) - self.Pictures[manifestfn] = (IS_FILENAME, filename, mediatype) - content=b"" # this value is only use by the assert further - filename=u"" # this value is only use by the assert further - else: - manifestfn = filename - self.Pictures[manifestfn] = (IS_IMAGE, content, mediatype) - - assert(type(filename)==type(u"")) - assert(type(mediatype)==type(u"")) - assert(type(content) == type(b"")) - - return manifestfn - - def addPictureFromFile(self, filename, mediatype=None): - """ - Add a picture - It uses the same convention as OOo, in that it saves the picture in - the zipfile in the subdirectory 'Pictures'. - If mediatype is not given, it will be guessed from the filename - extension. - @param filesname unicode string: name of an image file - @param mediatype unicode string: type of media, dfaults to None - @return a unicode string, the name of the created file - """ - if mediatype is None: - mediatype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) - if mediatype is None: - mediatype = u'' - try: ext = filename[filename.rindex(u'.'):] - except ValueError: ext=u'' - else: - ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(mediatype) - manifestfn = u"Pictures/%0.0f%s" % ((time.time()*10000000000), ext) - self.Pictures[manifestfn] = (IS_FILENAME, filename, mediatype) - - assert(type(filename)==type(u"")) - assert(type(mediatype)==type(u"")) - - return manifestfn - - def addPictureFromString(self, content, mediatype): - """ - Add a picture from contents given as a Byte string. - It uses the same convention as OOo, in that it saves the picture in - the zipfile in the subdirectory 'Pictures'. The content variable - is a string that contains the binary image data. The mediatype - indicates the image format. - @param content bytes: content of media - @param mediatype unicode string: name of a media - @return a unicode string, the name of the created file - """ - assert(type(content)==type(b"")) - assert(type(mediatype)==type(u"")) - - ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(mediatype) - manifestfn = u"Pictures/%0.0f%s" % ((time.time()*10000000000), ext) - self.Pictures[manifestfn] = (IS_IMAGE, content, mediatype) - return manifestfn - - def addThumbnail(self, filecontent=None): - """ - Add a fixed thumbnail - The thumbnail in the library is big, so this is pretty useless. - @param filecontent bytes: the content of a file; defaults to None - """ - assert(type(filecontent)==type(b"")) - - if filecontent is None: - import thumbnail - self.thumbnail = thumbnail.thumbnail() - else: - self.thumbnail = filecontent - - def addObject(self, document, objectname=None): - """ - Adds an object (subdocument). The object must be an OpenDocument class - @param document OpenDocument instance - @param objectname unicode string: the name of an object to add - @return a unicode string: the folder name in the zipfile the object is - stored in. - """ - assert(isinstance(document, OpenDocument)) - assert(type(objectname)==type(u"") or objectname == None) - - self.childobjects.append(document) - if objectname is None: - document.folder = u"%s/Object %d" % (self.folder, len(self.childobjects)) - else: - document.folder = objectname - return u".%s" % document.folder - - def _savePictures(self, anObject, folder): - """ - saves pictures contained in an object - @param anObject instance of OpenDocument containing pictures - @param folder unicode string: place to save pictures - """ - assert(isinstance(anObject, OpenDocument)) - assert(type(folder)==type(u"")) - - hasPictures = False - for arcname, picturerec in anObject.Pictures.items(): - what_it_is, fileobj, mediatype = picturerec - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=u"%s%s" % ( folder ,arcname), mediatype=mediatype)) - hasPictures = True - if what_it_is == IS_FILENAME: - self._z.write(fileobj, arcname, zipfile.ZIP_STORED) - else: - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(str(arcname), self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_STORED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - self._z.writestr(zi, fileobj) - # According to section 17.7.3 in ODF 1.1, the pictures folder should not have a manifest entry -# if hasPictures: -# self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath="%sPictures/" % folder, mediatype="")) - # Look in subobjects - subobjectnum = 1 - for subobject in anObject.childobjects: - self._savePictures(subobject, u'%sObject %d/' % (folder, subobjectnum)) - subobjectnum += 1 - - def __replaceGenerator(self): - """ - Removes a previous 'generator' stance and declares TOOLSVERSION - as the new generator. - Section 3.1.1: The application MUST NOT export the original identifier - belonging to the application that created the document. - """ - for m in self.meta.childNodes[:]: - if m.qname == (METANS, u'generator'): - self.meta.removeChild(m) - self.meta.addElement(meta.Generator(text=TOOLSVERSION)) - - def save(self, outputfile, addsuffix=False): - """ - Save the document under the filename. - If the filename is '-' then save to stdout - @param outputfile unicode string: the special name '-' is for stdout; - as an alternative, it can be an io.ByteIO instance which contains - the ZIP content. - @param addsuffix boolean: whether to add a suffix or not; defaults to False - """ - assert(type(outputfile)==type(u"") or 'wb' in repr(outputfile) or 'BufferedWriter' in repr(outputfile) or 'BytesIO' in repr(outputfile)) - assert(type(addsuffix)==type(True)) - - if outputfile == u'-': - outputfp = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.stdout,"w") - else: - if addsuffix: - outputfile = outputfile + odmimetypes.get(self.mimetype,u'.xxx') - outputfp = zipfile.ZipFile(outputfile, "w") - self.__zipwrite(outputfp) - outputfp.close() - - def write(self, outputfp): - """ - User API to write the ODF file to an open file descriptor - Writes the ZIP format - @param outputfp open file descriptor - """ - assert('wb' in repr(outputfp) or 'BufferedWriter' in repr(outputfp) or 'BytesIO' in repr(outputfp)) - - zipoutputfp = zipfile.ZipFile(outputfp,"w") - self.__zipwrite(zipoutputfp) - - def __zipwrite(self, outputfp): - """ - Write the document to an open file pointer - This is where the real work is done - @param outputfp instance of zipfile.ZipFile - """ - assert(isinstance(outputfp, zipfile.ZipFile)) - - self._z = outputfp - self._now = time.localtime()[:6] - self.manifest = manifest.Manifest() - - # Write mimetype - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo('mimetype', self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_STORED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - self._z.writestr(zi, self.mimetype.encode("utf-8")) - - self._saveXmlObjects(self,u"") - - # Write pictures - self._savePictures(self,u"") - - # Write the thumbnail - if self.thumbnail is not None: - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=u"Thumbnails/", mediatype=u'')) - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=u"Thumbnails/thumbnail.png", mediatype=u'')) - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(u"Thumbnails/thumbnail.png", self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - self._z.writestr(zi, self.thumbnail) - - # Write any extra files - for op in self._extra: - if op.filename == u"META-INF/documentsignatures.xml": continue # Don't save signatures - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=op.filename, mediatype=op.mediatype)) - if sys.version_info[0]==3: - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(op.filename, self._now) - else: - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(op.filename.encode('utf-8'), self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - if op.content is not None: - self._z.writestr(zi, op.content) - # Write manifest - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(u"META-INF/manifest.xml", self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - self._z.writestr(zi, self.__manifestxml() ) - del self._z - del self._now - del self.manifest - - - def _saveXmlObjects(self, anObject, folder): - """ - save xml objects of an opendocument to some folder - @param anObject instance of OpenDocument - @param folder unicode string place to save xml objects - """ - assert(isinstance(anObject, OpenDocument)) - assert(type(folder)==type(u"")) - - if self == anObject: - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=u"/", mediatype=anObject.mimetype)) - else: - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=folder, mediatype=anObject.mimetype)) - # Write styles - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=u"%sstyles.xml" % folder, mediatype=u"text/xml")) - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(u"%sstyles.xml" % folder, self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - self._z.writestr(zi, anObject.stylesxml().encode("utf-8") ) - - # Write content - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=u"%scontent.xml" % folder, mediatype=u"text/xml")) - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(u"%scontent.xml" % folder, self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - self._z.writestr(zi, anObject.contentxml() ) - - # Write settings - if anObject.settings.hasChildNodes(): - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=u"%ssettings.xml" % folder, mediatype=u"text/xml")) - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(u"%ssettings.xml" % folder, self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - self._z.writestr(zi, anObject.settingsxml() ) - - # Write meta - if self == anObject: - self.manifest.addElement(manifest.FileEntry(fullpath=u"meta.xml", mediatype=u"text/xml")) - zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(u"meta.xml", self._now) - zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED - zi.external_attr = UNIXPERMS - self._z.writestr(zi, anObject.metaxml() ) - - # Write subobjects - subobjectnum = 1 - for subobject in anObject.childobjects: - self._saveXmlObjects(subobject, u'%sObject %d/' % (folder, subobjectnum)) - subobjectnum += 1 - -# Document's DOM methods - def createElement(self, elt): - """ - Inconvenient interface to create an element, but follows XML-DOM. - Does not allow attributes as argument, therefore can't check grammar. - @param elt element.Element instance - @return an element.Element instance whose grammar is not checked - """ - assert(isinstance(elt, element.Element)) - - # this old code is ambiguous: is 'element' the module or is it the - # local variable? To disambiguate this, the local variable has been - # renamed to 'elt' - #return element(check_grammar=False) - return elt(check_grammar=False) - - def createTextNode(self, data): - """ - Method to create a text node - @param data unicode string to include in the Text element - @return an instance of element.Text - """ - assert(type(data)==type(u"")) - - return element.Text(data) - - def createCDATASection(self, data): - """ - Method to create a CDATA section - @param data unicode string to include in the CDATA element - @return an instance of element.CDATASection - """ - assert(type(data)==type(u"")) - - return element.CDATASection(cdata) - - def getMediaType(self): - """ - Returns the media type - @result a unicode string - """ - assert (type(self.mimetype)==type(u"")) - - return self.mimetype - - def getStyleByName(self, name): - """ - Finds a style object based on the name - @param name unicode string the name of style to search - @return a syle as an element.Element instance - """ - assert(type(name)==type(u"")) - - ncname = make_NCName(name) - if self._styles_dict == {}: - self.rebuild_caches() - result=self._styles_dict.get(ncname, None) - - assert(isinstance(result, element.Element)) - return result - - def getElementsByType(self, elt): - """ - Gets elements based on the type, which is function from - text.py, draw.py etc. - @param elt instance of a function which returns an element.Element - @return a list of istances of element.Element - """ - import types - assert(isinstance (elt, types.FunctionType)) - - obj = elt(check_grammar=False) - assert (isinstance(obj, element.Element)) - - if self.element_dict == {}: - self.rebuild_caches() - - # This previous code was ambiguous - # was "element" the module name or the local variable? - # the local variable is renamed to "elt" to disambiguate the code - #return self.element_dict.get(obj.qname, []) - - result=self.element_dict.get(obj.qname, []) - - ok=True - for e in result: ok = ok and isinstance(e, element.Element) - assert(ok) - - return result - -# Convenience functions -def OpenDocumentChart(): - """ - Creates a chart document - @return an OpenDocument instance with chart mimetype - """ - doc = OpenDocument(u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart') - doc.chart = Chart() - doc.body.addElement(doc.chart) - return doc - -def OpenDocumentDrawing(): - """ - Creates a drawing document - @return an OpenDocument instance with drawing mimetype - """ - doc = OpenDocument(u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics') - doc.drawing = Drawing() - doc.body.addElement(doc.drawing) - return doc - -def OpenDocumentImage(): - """ - Creates an image document - @return an OpenDocument instance with image mimetype - """ - doc = OpenDocument(u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image') - doc.image = Image() - doc.body.addElement(doc.image) - return doc - -def OpenDocumentPresentation(): - """ - Creates a presentation document - @return an OpenDocument instance with presentation mimetype - """ - doc = OpenDocument(u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation') - doc.presentation = Presentation() - doc.body.addElement(doc.presentation) - return doc - -def OpenDocumentSpreadsheet(): - """ - Creates a spreadsheet document - @return an OpenDocument instance with spreadsheet mimetype - """ - doc = OpenDocument(u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet') - doc.spreadsheet = Spreadsheet() - doc.body.addElement(doc.spreadsheet) - return doc - -def OpenDocumentText(): - """ - Creates a text document - @return an OpenDocument instance with text mimetype - """ - doc = OpenDocument(u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text') - doc.text = Text() - doc.body.addElement(doc.text) - return doc - -def OpenDocumentTextMaster(): - """ - Creates a text master document - @return an OpenDocument instance with master mimetype - """ - doc = OpenDocument(u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master') - doc.text = Text() - doc.body.addElement(doc.text) - return doc - -def __loadxmlparts(z, manifest, doc, objectpath): - """ - Parses a document from its zipfile - @param z an instance of zipfile.ZipFile - @param manifest Manifest data structured in a dictionary - @param doc instance of OpenDocument to feed in - @param objectpath unicode string: path to an object - """ - assert(isinstance(z, zipfile.ZipFile)) - assert(type(manifest)==type(dict())) - assert(isinstance(doc, OpenDocument)) - assert(type(objectpath)==type(u"")) - - from load import LoadParser - from xml.sax import make_parser, handler - - for xmlfile in (objectpath+u'settings.xml', objectpath+u'meta.xml', objectpath+u'content.xml', objectpath+u'styles.xml'): - if xmlfile not in manifest: - continue - ########################################################## - # this one is added to debug the bad behavior with Python2 - # which raises exceptions of type SAXParseException - from xml.sax._exceptions import SAXParseException - ########################################################## - try: - xmlpart = z.read(xmlfile).decode("utf-8") - doc._parsing = xmlfile - - parser = make_parser() - parser.setFeature(handler.feature_namespaces, 1) - parser.setContentHandler(LoadParser(doc)) - parser.setErrorHandler(handler.ErrorHandler()) - - inpsrc = InputSource() - ################# - # There may be a SAXParseException triggered because of - # a missing xmlns prefix like meta, config, etc. - # So i add such declarations when needed (GK, 2014/10/21). - # Is there any option to prevent xmlns checks by SAX? - xmlpart=__fixXmlPart(xmlpart) - - inpsrc.setByteStream(BytesIO(xmlpart.encode("utf-8"))) - parser.parse(inpsrc) - del doc._parsing - except KeyError as v: pass - except SAXParseException: - print (u"====== SAX FAILED TO PARSE ==========\n", xmlpart) - -def __fixXmlPart(xmlpart): - """ - fixes an xml code when it does not contain a set of requested - "xmlns:whatever" declarations. - added by G.K. on 2014/10/21 - @param xmlpart unicode string: some XML code - @return fixed XML code - """ - result=xmlpart - requestedPrefixes = (u'meta', u'config', u'dc', u'style', - u'svg', u'fo',u'draw', u'table',u'form') - for prefix in requestedPrefixes: - if u' xmlns:{prefix}'.format(prefix=prefix) not in xmlpart: - pos=result.index(u" xmlns:") - toInsert=u' xmlns:{prefix}="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:{prefix}:1.0"'.format(prefix=prefix) - result=result[:pos]+toInsert+result[pos:] - return result - - -def __detectmimetype(zipfd, odffile): - """ - detects the mime-type of an ODF file - @param zipfd an open zipfile.ZipFile instance - @param odffile this parameter is not used - @return a mime-type as a unicode string - """ - assert(isinstance(zipfd, zipfile.ZipFile)) - assert(type(odffile)==type(u"") or 'rb' in repr(odffile) \ - or 'BufferedReader' in repr(odffile) or 'BytesIO' in repr(odffile)) - - try: - mimetype = zipfd.read('mimetype').decode("utf-8") - return mimetype - except: - pass - # Fall-through to next mechanism - manifestpart = zipfd.read('META-INF/manifest.xml') - manifest = manifestlist(manifestpart) - for mentry,mvalue in manifest.items(): - if mentry == "/": - assert(type(mvalue['media-type'])==type(u"")) - return mvalue['media-type'] - - # Fall-through to last mechanism - return u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' - -def load(odffile): - """ - Load an ODF file into memory - @param odffile unicode string: name of a file, or as an alternative, - an open readable stream - @return a reference to the structure (an OpenDocument instance) - """ - assert(type(odffile)==type(u"") or 'rb' in repr(odffile) \ - or 'BufferedReader' in repr(odffile) or 'BytesIO' in repr(odffile)) - - z = zipfile.ZipFile(odffile) - mimetype = __detectmimetype(z, odffile) - doc = OpenDocument(mimetype, add_generator=False) - - # Look in the manifest file to see if which of the four files there are - manifestpart = z.read('META-INF/manifest.xml') - manifest = manifestlist(manifestpart) - __loadxmlparts(z, manifest, doc, u'') - for mentry,mvalue in manifest.items(): - if mentry[:9] == u"Pictures/" and len(mentry) > 9: - doc.addPicture(mvalue['full-path'], mvalue['media-type'], z.read(mentry)) - elif mentry == u"Thumbnails/thumbnail.png": - doc.addThumbnail(z.read(mentry)) - elif mentry in (u'settings.xml', u'meta.xml', u'content.xml', u'styles.xml'): - pass - # Load subobjects into structure - elif mentry[:7] == u"Object " and len(mentry) < 11 and mentry[-1] == u"/": - subdoc = OpenDocument(mvalue['media-type'], add_generator=False) - doc.addObject(subdoc, u"/" + mentry[:-1]) - __loadxmlparts(z, manifest, subdoc, mentry) - elif mentry[:7] == u"Object ": - pass # Don't load subobjects as opaque objects - else: - if mvalue['full-path'][-1] == u'/': - doc._extra.append(OpaqueObject(mvalue['full-path'], mvalue['media-type'], None)) - else: - doc._extra.append(OpaqueObject(mvalue['full-path'], mvalue['media-type'], z.read(mentry))) - # Add the SUN junk here to the struct somewhere - # It is cached data, so it can be out-of-date - z.close() - b = doc.getElementsByType(Body) - if mimetype[:39] == u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text': - doc.text = b[0].firstChild - elif mimetype[:43] == u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics': - doc.graphics = b[0].firstChild - elif mimetype[:47] == u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation': - doc.presentation = b[0].firstChild - elif mimetype[:46] == u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet': - doc.spreadsheet = b[0].firstChild - elif mimetype[:40] == u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart': - doc.chart = b[0].firstChild - elif mimetype[:40] == u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image': - doc.image = b[0].firstChild - elif mimetype[:42] == u'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula': - doc.formula = b[0].firstChild - - return doc - -# vim: set expandtab sw=4 : diff --git a/libs/odf/presentation.py b/libs/odf/presentation.py deleted file mode 100644 index 04e2b76..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/presentation.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import PRESENTATIONNS -from element import Element - -# ODF 1.0 section 9.6 and 9.7 -# Autogenerated -def AnimationGroup(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'animation-group'), **args) - -def Animations(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'animations'), **args) - -def DateTime(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'date-time'), **args) - -def DateTimeDecl(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'date-time-decl'), **args) - -def Dim(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'dim'), **args) - -def EventListener(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'event-listener'), **args) - -def Footer(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'footer'), **args) - -def FooterDecl(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'footer-decl'), **args) - -def Header(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'header'), **args) - -def HeaderDecl(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'header-decl'), **args) - -def HideShape(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'hide-shape'), **args) - -def HideText(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'hide-text'), **args) - -def Notes(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'notes'), **args) - -def Placeholder(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'placeholder'), **args) - -def Play(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'play'), **args) - -def Settings(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'settings'), **args) - -def Show(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'show'), **args) - -def ShowShape(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'show-shape'), **args) - -def ShowText(**args): - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'show-text'), **args) - -def Sound(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (PRESENTATIONNS,'sound'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/script.py b/libs/odf/script.py deleted file mode 100644 index adbc73f..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/script.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import SCRIPTNS -from element import Element - -# ODF 1.0 section 12.4.1 -# The element binds an event to a macro. - -# Autogenerated -def EventListener(**args): - return Element(qname = (SCRIPTNS,'event-listener'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/style.py b/libs/odf/style.py deleted file mode 100644 index b9f00f9..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/style.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import STYLENS -from element import Element - -def StyleElement(**args): - e = Element(**args) - if args.get('check_grammar', True) == True: - if 'displayname' not in args: - e.setAttrNS(STYLENS,'display-name', args.get('name')) - return e - -# Autogenerated -def BackgroundImage(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'background-image'), **args) - -def ChartProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'chart-properties'), **args) - -def Column(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'column'), **args) - -def ColumnSep(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'column-sep'), **args) - -def Columns(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'columns'), **args) - -def DefaultPageLayout(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'default-page-layout'), **args) - -def DefaultStyle(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'default-style'), **args) - -def DrawingPageProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'drawing-page-properties'), **args) - -def DropCap(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'drop-cap'), **args) - -def FontFace(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'font-face'), **args) - -def Footer(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'footer'), **args) - -def FooterLeft(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'footer-left'), **args) - -def FooterStyle(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'footer-style'), **args) - -def FootnoteSep(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'footnote-sep'), **args) - -def GraphicProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'graphic-properties'), **args) - -def HandoutMaster(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'handout-master'), **args) - -def Header(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'header'), **args) - -def HeaderFooterProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'header-footer-properties'), **args) - -def HeaderLeft(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'header-left'), **args) - -def HeaderStyle(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'header-style'), **args) - -def ListLevelLabelAlignment(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'list-level-label-alignment'), **args) - -def ListLevelProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'list-level-properties'), **args) - -def Map(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'map'), **args) - -def MasterPage(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (STYLENS,'master-page'), **args) - -def PageLayout(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'page-layout'), **args) - -def PageLayoutProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'page-layout-properties'), **args) - -def ParagraphProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'paragraph-properties'), **args) - -def PresentationPageLayout(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (STYLENS,'presentation-page-layout'), **args) - -def RegionCenter(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'region-center'), **args) - -def RegionLeft(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'region-left'), **args) - -def RegionRight(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'region-right'), **args) - -def RubyProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'ruby-properties'), **args) - -def SectionProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'section-properties'), **args) - -def Style(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (STYLENS,'style'), **args) - -def TabStop(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'tab-stop'), **args) - -def TabStops(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'tab-stops'), **args) - -def TableCellProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'table-cell-properties'), **args) - -def TableColumnProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'table-column-properties'), **args) - -def TableProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'table-properties'), **args) - -def TableRowProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'table-row-properties'), **args) - -def TextProperties(**args): - return Element(qname = (STYLENS,'text-properties'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/svg.py b/libs/odf/svg.py deleted file mode 100644 index 79629b9..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/svg.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import SVGNS -from element import Element -from draw import DrawElement - -# Autogenerated -def DefinitionSrc(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (SVGNS,'definition-src'), **args) - -def Desc(**args): - return Element(qname = (SVGNS,'desc'), **args) - -def FontFaceFormat(**args): - return Element(qname = (SVGNS,'font-face-format'), **args) - -def FontFaceName(**args): - return Element(qname = (SVGNS,'font-face-name'), **args) - -def FontFaceSrc(**args): - return Element(qname = (SVGNS,'font-face-src'), **args) - -def FontFaceUri(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (SVGNS,'font-face-uri'), **args) - -def Lineargradient(**args): - return DrawElement(qname = (SVGNS,'linearGradient'), **args) - -def Radialgradient(**args): - return DrawElement(qname = (SVGNS,'radialGradient'), **args) - -def Stop(**args): - return Element(qname = (SVGNS,'stop'), **args) - -def Title(**args): - return Element(qname = (SVGNS,'title'), **args) diff --git a/libs/odf/table.py b/libs/odf/table.py deleted file mode 100644 index 904f2a7..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/table.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,321 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import TABLENS -from element import Element - - -# Autogenerated -def Background(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'background'), **args) - -def Body(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'body'), **args) - -def CalculationSettings(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'calculation-settings'), **args) - -def CellAddress(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'cell-address'), **args) - -def CellContentChange(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'cell-content-change'), **args) - -def CellContentDeletion(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'cell-content-deletion'), **args) - -def CellRangeSource(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'cell-range-source'), **args) - -def ChangeDeletion(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'change-deletion'), **args) - -def ChangeTrackTableCell(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'change-track-table-cell'), **args) - -def Consolidation(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'consolidation'), **args) - -def ContentValidation(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'content-validation'), **args) - -def ContentValidations(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'content-validations'), **args) - -def CoveredTableCell(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'covered-table-cell'), **args) - -def CutOffs(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'cut-offs'), **args) - -def DataPilotDisplayInfo(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-display-info'), **args) - -def DataPilotField(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-field'), **args) - -def DataPilotFieldReference(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-field-reference'), **args) - -def DataPilotGroup(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-group'), **args) - -def DataPilotGroupMember(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-group-member'), **args) - -def DataPilotGroups(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-groups'), **args) - -def DataPilotLayoutInfo(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-layout-info'), **args) - -def DataPilotLevel(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-level'), **args) - -def DataPilotMember(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-member'), **args) - -def DataPilotMembers(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-members'), **args) - -def DataPilotSortInfo(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-sort-info'), **args) - -def DataPilotSubtotal(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-subtotal'), **args) - -def DataPilotSubtotals(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-subtotals'), **args) - -def DataPilotTable(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-table'), **args) - -def DataPilotTables(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'data-pilot-tables'), **args) - -def DatabaseRange(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'database-range'), **args) - -def DatabaseRanges(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'database-ranges'), **args) - -def DatabaseSourceQuery(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'database-source-query'), **args) - -def DatabaseSourceSql(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'database-source-sql'), **args) - -def DatabaseSourceTable(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'database-source-table'), **args) - -def DdeLink(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'dde-link'), **args) - -def DdeLinks(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'dde-links'), **args) - -def Deletion(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'deletion'), **args) - -def Deletions(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'deletions'), **args) - -def Dependencies(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'dependencies'), **args) - -def Dependency(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'dependency'), **args) - -def Desc(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'desc'), **args) - -def Detective(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'detective'), **args) - -def ErrorMacro(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'error-macro'), **args) - -def ErrorMessage(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'error-message'), **args) - -def EvenColumns(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'even-columns'), **args) - -def EvenRows(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'even-rows'), **args) - -def Filter(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'filter'), **args) - -def FilterAnd(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'filter-and'), **args) - -def FilterCondition(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'filter-condition'), **args) - -def FilterOr(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'filter-or'), **args) - -def FilterSetItem(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'filter-set-item'), **args) - -def FirstColumn(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'first-column'), **args) - -def FirstRow(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'first-row'), **args) - -def HelpMessage(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'help-message'), **args) - -def HighlightedRange(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'highlighted-range'), **args) - -def Insertion(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'insertion'), **args) - -def InsertionCutOff(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'insertion-cut-off'), **args) - -def Iteration(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'iteration'), **args) - -def LabelRange(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'label-range'), **args) - -def LabelRanges(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'label-ranges'), **args) - -def LastColumn(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'last-column'), **args) - -def LastRow(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'last-row'), **args) - -def Movement(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'movement'), **args) - -def MovementCutOff(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'movement-cut-off'), **args) - -def NamedExpression(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'named-expression'), **args) - -def NamedExpressions(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'named-expressions'), **args) - -def NamedRange(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'named-range'), **args) - -def NullDate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'null-date'), **args) - -def OddColumns(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'odd-columns'), **args) - -def OddRows(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'odd-rows'), **args) - -def Operation(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'operation'), **args) - -def Previous(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'previous'), **args) - -def Scenario(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'scenario'), **args) - -def Shapes(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'shapes'), **args) - -def Sort(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'sort'), **args) - -def SortBy(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'sort-by'), **args) - -def SortGroups(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'sort-groups'), **args) - -def SourceCellRange(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'source-cell-range'), **args) - -def SourceRangeAddress(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'source-range-address'), **args) - -def SourceService(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'source-service'), **args) - -def SubtotalField(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'subtotal-field'), **args) - -def SubtotalRule(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'subtotal-rule'), **args) - -def SubtotalRules(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'subtotal-rules'), **args) - -def Table(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table'), **args) - -def TableCell(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-cell'), **args) - -def TableColumn(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-column'), **args) - -def TableColumnGroup(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-column-group'), **args) - -def TableColumns(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-columns'), **args) - -def TableHeaderColumns(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-header-columns'), **args) - -def TableHeaderRows(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-header-rows'), **args) - -def TableRow(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-row'), **args) - -def TableRowGroup(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-row-group'), **args) - -def TableRows(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-rows'), **args) - -def TableSource(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-source'), **args) - -def TableTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'table-template'), **args) - -def TargetRangeAddress(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'target-range-address'), **args) - -def Title(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'title'), **args) - -def TrackedChanges(**args): - return Element(qname = (TABLENS,'tracked-changes'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/teletype.py b/libs/odf/teletype.py deleted file mode 100644 index 53b58fd..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/teletype.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# -# Create and extract text from ODF, handling whitespace correctly. -# Copyright (C) 2008 J. David Eisenberg -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -# (at your option) any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - - -""" -Class for handling whitespace properly in OpenDocument. - -While it is possible to use getTextContent() and setTextContent() -to extract or create ODF content, these won't extract or create -the appropriate , , or -elements. This module takes care of that problem. -""" - -from odf.element import Node -import odf.opendocument -from odf.text import S,LineBreak,Tab - -class WhitespaceText(object): - - def __init__(self): - self.textBuffer = [] - self.spaceCount = 0 - - def addTextToElement(self, odfElement, s): - """ Process an input string, inserting - elements for '\t', - elements for '\n', and - elements for runs of more than one blank. - These will be added to the given element. - """ - i = 0 - ch = ' ' - - # When we encounter a tab or newline, we can immediately - # dump any accumulated text and then emit the appropriate - # ODF element. - # - # When we encounter a space, we add it to the text buffer, - # and then collect more spaces. If there are more spaces - # after the first one, we dump the text buffer and then - # then emit the appropriate element. - - while i < len(s): - ch = s[i] - if ch == '\t': - self._emitTextBuffer(odfElement) - odfElement.addElement(Tab()) - i += 1 - elif ch == '\n': - self._emitTextBuffer(odfElement); - odfElement.addElement(LineBreak()) - i += 1 - elif ch == ' ': - self.textBuffer.append(' ') - i += 1 - self.spaceCount = 0 - while i < len(s) and (s[i] == ' '): - self.spaceCount += 1 - i += 1 - if self.spaceCount > 0: - self._emitTextBuffer(odfElement) - self._emitSpaces(odfElement) - else: - self.textBuffer.append(ch) - i += 1 - - self._emitTextBuffer(odfElement) - - def _emitTextBuffer(self, odfElement): - """ Creates a Text Node whose contents are the current textBuffer. - Side effect: clears the text buffer. - """ - if len(self.textBuffer) > 0: - odfElement.addText(''.join(self.textBuffer)) - self.textBuffer = [] - - - def _emitSpaces(self, odfElement): - """ Creates a element for the current spaceCount. - Side effect: sets spaceCount back to zero - """ - if self.spaceCount > 0: - spaceElement = S(c=self.spaceCount) - odfElement.addElement(spaceElement) - self.spaceCount = 0 - -def addTextToElement(odfElement, s): - wst = WhitespaceText() - wst.addTextToElement(odfElement, s) - -def extractText(odfElement): - """ Extract text content from an Element, with whitespace represented - properly. Returns the text, with tabs, spaces, and newlines - correctly evaluated. This method recursively descends through the - children of the given element, accumulating text and "unwrapping" - , , and elements along the way. - """ - result = []; - - if len(odfElement.childNodes) != 0: - for child in odfElement.childNodes: - if child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: - result.append(child.data) - elif child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: - subElement = child - tagName = subElement.qname; - if tagName == (u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", u"line-break"): - result.append("\n") - elif tagName == (u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", u"tab"): - result.append("\t") - elif tagName == (u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", u"s"): - c = subElement.getAttribute('c') - if c: - spaceCount = int(c) - else: - spaceCount = 1 - - result.append(" " * spaceCount) - else: - result.append(extractText(subElement)) - return ''.join(result) diff --git a/libs/odf/text.py b/libs/odf/text.py deleted file mode 100644 index 75d166c..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/text.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,573 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# -import re, sys, os.path -sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) - - -from namespaces import TEXTNS -from element import Element -from style import StyleElement - -# Autogenerated -def A(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'a'), **args) - -def AlphabeticalIndex(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'alphabetical-index'), **args) - -def AlphabeticalIndexAutoMarkFile(**args): - args.setdefault('type', 'simple') - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file'), **args) - -def AlphabeticalIndexEntryTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'alphabetical-index-entry-template'), **args) - -def AlphabeticalIndexMark(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'alphabetical-index-mark'), **args) - -def AlphabeticalIndexMarkEnd(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'alphabetical-index-mark-end'), **args) - -def AlphabeticalIndexMarkStart(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'alphabetical-index-mark-start'), **args) - -def AlphabeticalIndexSource(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'alphabetical-index-source'), **args) - -def AuthorInitials(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'author-initials'), **args) - -def AuthorName(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'author-name'), **args) - -def Bibliography(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bibliography'), **args) - -def BibliographyConfiguration(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bibliography-configuration'), **args) - -def BibliographyEntryTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bibliography-entry-template'), **args) - -def BibliographyMark(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bibliography-mark'), **args) - -def BibliographySource(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bibliography-source'), **args) - -def Bookmark(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bookmark'), **args) - -def BookmarkEnd(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bookmark-end'), **args) - -def BookmarkRef(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bookmark-ref'), **args) - -def BookmarkStart(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'bookmark-start'), **args) - -def Change(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'change'), **args) - -def ChangeEnd(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'change-end'), **args) - -def ChangeStart(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'change-start'), **args) - -def ChangedRegion(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'changed-region'), **args) - -def Chapter(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'chapter'), **args) - -def CharacterCount(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'character-count'), **args) - -def ConditionalText(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'conditional-text'), **args) - -def CreationDate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'creation-date'), **args) - -def CreationTime(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'creation-time'), **args) - -def Creator(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'creator'), **args) - -def DatabaseDisplay(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'database-display'), **args) - -def DatabaseName(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'database-name'), **args) - -def DatabaseNext(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'database-next'), **args) - -def DatabaseRowNumber(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'database-row-number'), **args) - -def DatabaseRowSelect(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'database-row-select'), **args) - -def Date(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'date'), **args) - -def DdeConnection(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'dde-connection'), **args) - -def DdeConnectionDecl(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'dde-connection-decl'), **args) - -def DdeConnectionDecls(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'dde-connection-decls'), **args) - -def Deletion(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'deletion'), **args) - -def Description(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'description'), **args) - -def EditingCycles(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'editing-cycles'), **args) - -def EditingDuration(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'editing-duration'), **args) - -def ExecuteMacro(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'execute-macro'), **args) - -def Expression(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'expression'), **args) - -def FileName(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'file-name'), **args) - -def FormatChange(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'format-change'), **args) - -def H(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS, 'h'), **args) - -def HiddenParagraph(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'hidden-paragraph'), **args) - -def HiddenText(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'hidden-text'), **args) - -def IllustrationIndex(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'illustration-index'), **args) - -def IllustrationIndexEntryTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'illustration-index-entry-template'), **args) - -def IllustrationIndexSource(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'illustration-index-source'), **args) - -def ImageCount(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'image-count'), **args) - -def IndexBody(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-body'), **args) - -def IndexEntryBibliography(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-entry-bibliography'), **args) - -def IndexEntryChapter(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-entry-chapter'), **args) - -def IndexEntryLinkEnd(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-entry-link-end'), **args) - -def IndexEntryLinkStart(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-entry-link-start'), **args) - -def IndexEntryPageNumber(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-entry-page-number'), **args) - -def IndexEntrySpan(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-entry-span'), **args) - -def IndexEntryTabStop(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-entry-tab-stop'), **args) - -def IndexEntryText(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-entry-text'), **args) - -def IndexSourceStyle(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-source-style'), **args) - -def IndexSourceStyles(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-source-styles'), **args) - -def IndexTitle(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-title'), **args) - -def IndexTitleTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'index-title-template'), **args) - -def InitialCreator(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'initial-creator'), **args) - -def Insertion(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'insertion'), **args) - -def Keywords(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'keywords'), **args) - -def LineBreak(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'line-break'), **args) - -def LinenumberingConfiguration(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'linenumbering-configuration'), **args) - -def LinenumberingSeparator(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'linenumbering-separator'), **args) - -def List(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'list'), **args) - -def ListHeader(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'list-header'), **args) - -def ListItem(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'list-item'), **args) - -def ListLevelStyleBullet(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'list-level-style-bullet'), **args) - -def ListLevelStyleImage(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'list-level-style-image'), **args) - -def ListLevelStyleNumber(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'list-level-style-number'), **args) - -def ListStyle(**args): - return StyleElement(qname = (TEXTNS,'list-style'), **args) - -def Measure(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'measure'), **args) - -def Meta(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'meta'), **args) - -def MetaField(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'meta-field'), **args) - -def ModificationDate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'modification-date'), **args) - -def ModificationTime(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'modification-time'), **args) - -def Note(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'note'), **args) - -def NoteBody(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'note-body'), **args) - -def NoteCitation(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'note-citation'), **args) - -def NoteContinuationNoticeBackward(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'note-continuation-notice-backward'), **args) - -def NoteContinuationNoticeForward(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'note-continuation-notice-forward'), **args) - -def NoteRef(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'note-ref'), **args) - -def NotesConfiguration(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'notes-configuration'), **args) - -def Number(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'number'), **args) - -def NumberedParagraph(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'numbered-paragraph'), **args) - -def ObjectCount(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'object-count'), **args) - -def ObjectIndex(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'object-index'), **args) - -def ObjectIndexEntryTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'object-index-entry-template'), **args) - -def ObjectIndexSource(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'object-index-source'), **args) - -def OutlineLevelStyle(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'outline-level-style'), **args) - -def OutlineStyle(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'outline-style'), **args) - -def P(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS, 'p'), **args) - -def Page(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'page'), **args) - -def PageContinuation(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'page-continuation'), **args) - -def PageCount(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'page-count'), **args) - -def PageNumber(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'page-number'), **args) - -def PageSequence(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'page-sequence'), **args) - -def PageVariableGet(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'page-variable-get'), **args) - -def PageVariableSet(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'page-variable-set'), **args) - -def ParagraphCount(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'paragraph-count'), **args) - -def Placeholder(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'placeholder'), **args) - -def PrintDate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'print-date'), **args) - -def PrintTime(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'print-time'), **args) - -def PrintedBy(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'printed-by'), **args) - -def ReferenceMark(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'reference-mark'), **args) - -def ReferenceMarkEnd(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'reference-mark-end'), **args) - -def ReferenceMarkStart(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'reference-mark-start'), **args) - -def ReferenceRef(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'reference-ref'), **args) - -def Ruby(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'ruby'), **args) - -def RubyBase(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'ruby-base'), **args) - -def RubyText(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'ruby-text'), **args) - -def S(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'s'), **args) - -def Script(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'script'), **args) - -def Section(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'section'), **args) - -def SectionSource(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'section-source'), **args) - -def SenderCity(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-city'), **args) - -def SenderCompany(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-company'), **args) - -def SenderCountry(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-country'), **args) - -def SenderEmail(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-email'), **args) - -def SenderFax(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-fax'), **args) - -def SenderFirstname(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-firstname'), **args) - -def SenderInitials(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-initials'), **args) - -def SenderLastname(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-lastname'), **args) - -def SenderPhonePrivate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-phone-private'), **args) - -def SenderPhoneWork(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-phone-work'), **args) - -def SenderPosition(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-position'), **args) - -def SenderPostalCode(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-postal-code'), **args) - -def SenderStateOrProvince(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-state-or-province'), **args) - -def SenderStreet(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-street'), **args) - -def SenderTitle(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sender-title'), **args) - -def Sequence(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sequence'), **args) - -def SequenceDecl(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sequence-decl'), **args) - -def SequenceDecls(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sequence-decls'), **args) - -def SequenceRef(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sequence-ref'), **args) - -def SheetName(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sheet-name'), **args) - -def SoftPageBreak(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'soft-page-break'), **args) - -def SortKey(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'sort-key'), **args) - -def Span(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'span'), **args) - -def Subject(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'subject'), **args) - -def Tab(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'tab'), **args) - -def TableCount(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'table-count'), **args) - -def TableFormula(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'table-formula'), **args) - -def TableIndex(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'table-index'), **args) - -def TableIndexEntryTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'table-index-entry-template'), **args) - -def TableIndexSource(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'table-index-source'), **args) - -def TableOfContent(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'table-of-content'), **args) - -def TableOfContentEntryTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'table-of-content-entry-template'), **args) - -def TableOfContentSource(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'table-of-content-source'), **args) - -def TemplateName(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'template-name'), **args) - -def TextInput(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'text-input'), **args) - -def Time(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'time'), **args) - -def Title(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'title'), **args) - -def TocMark(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'toc-mark'), **args) - -def TocMarkEnd(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'toc-mark-end'), **args) - -def TocMarkStart(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'toc-mark-start'), **args) - -def TrackedChanges(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'tracked-changes'), **args) - -def UserDefined(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-defined'), **args) - -def UserFieldDecl(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-field-decl'), **args) - -def UserFieldDecls(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-field-decls'), **args) - -def UserFieldGet(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-field-get'), **args) - -def UserFieldInput(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-field-input'), **args) - -def UserIndex(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-index'), **args) - -def UserIndexEntryTemplate(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-index-entry-template'), **args) - -def UserIndexMark(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-index-mark'), **args) - -def UserIndexMarkEnd(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-index-mark-end'), **args) - -def UserIndexMarkStart(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-index-mark-start'), **args) - -def UserIndexSource(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'user-index-source'), **args) - -def VariableDecl(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'variable-decl'), **args) - -def VariableDecls(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'variable-decls'), **args) - -def VariableGet(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'variable-get'), **args) - -def VariableInput(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'variable-input'), **args) - -def VariableSet(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'variable-set'), **args) - -def WordCount(**args): - return Element(qname = (TEXTNS,'word-count'), **args) - diff --git a/libs/odf/thumbnail.py b/libs/odf/thumbnail.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3781145..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/thumbnail.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# This contains a 104x128 px thumbnail in PNG format -# Downloaded from http://da.libreoffice.org/assets/Uploads/Da-Projekt_Billeder/IconLibreOffice.png -# Copyright information: Unless otherwise specified, all text and images on the -# http://da.libreoffice.org website are licensed under the Creative Commons -# Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. (As of 2013-01-09) - -# Alternative download: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LibreOffice_icon_3.3.1_48_px.svg -import base64 - -iconstr = """\ -iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAGgAAACACAYAAADnCyxOAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz -AAAG7AAABuwBHnU4NQAAABl0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuPBoAAAwBSURB -VHic7Z1bbFTHHca/2UsxYDs4IRiv7Y0xUNRUCCmAFBXiCwaiRhFIxjdsjG18g8YvlfoQqepDH/yA -hKI+EUIIKqVxwiVAuapUlh+qqi+8VH2hfUgDUpuHVnhjs17vnsv0oZ3lnNkzs2fXu2eX3flJR7ue -nbN7znz7/ec/M+esCaUUk5OTtQDOAOgAUAdnqKBc9lqm5bl8Lwrg7wD+BODWJ5988lDymY6cPHmy -F8AIpfRHAL6X6f5ZQAE8JYQ80DTtF5999tkiGR8fXw/gLwBCHhxAITkD4MPz588bbipPTEx8H8Bf -4Y0wKRBC/qbr+m4fgGmUvjgA8DMADyYmJta4qUwI6UCBxAEASuk2v9//Sx+Adwt1EAXgAIC7bkSi -lM5TSlHg7VCAUvqG9cCmp6dBqayLeLmYm5vD7OystagdwN3x8fH3P/300yXRfpWVlb9bWFh4Qgh5 -Q1THAzb7+BJKKUzTLJmtra0N+/bt40+TiSR00kcffRQzTXPCNE0tx42eET7eVgxN0xCNRrG0tISl -pSXEYjHEYjEsLy9jeXkZ8Xgc8XgciUQCiUQCmqbZNl3Xoes6DMOAYRjJBuM/J99QStHe3o729nY+ -fLRTSu+OjY0JRbp48eJD0zR7NU3TChXmyOjoqK21pqenYZomotEompqa8t6A+cAwDEQiEZimmSwj -hGB2dhZzc3N89TkA71+4cEEY7oaGhjoBfBkMBoN5OWAJthDHf7MJIS/lFggEUFNTA5/PZzu3jo4O -tLW18W3QDkDqpEuXLt0wTbM/Ho977qSUEOcU7l5G/H4/ampqQAhJno9pmujo6EBLS4tjuBsdHRWK -dPny5euGYRyLx+Oe9kkpDioVgYAXIvFOOnDgAFpbW/nq7QCkIs3MzFyllB6PxWJ6fo44FWGSUCqw -cMc7af/+/di7d6+Tk+6dOHFCKNLnn3/+pWEYQ9FoVPckxPEHUIpiBQIBvPrqqykiHTx4EHv27OHP -tQ2AVKQrV67MGIYxEo1G8+6kkg5xVmQivf322xmLdO3atd/quj76/PlzV3N72SJMEkqRYDCI1157 -DYQQW/l7772HXbt22cZplNI2Sum9kZERoUhfffXVbzRNG1tYWDA8C3GMUhZp/fr1AOwR49ChQ9i5 -c6dt7IT/O0km0s2bN39tGMbEwsJCXpxkc1AhRvqFgDmJP/fDhw9jx44dMAwjxUnDw8MykS4ahnEy -Eonk3EllkSQ4sWrVKrz++uu286SUoqurC9u3b3d0kkykW7duXdB1/Sfz8/OmqE42CGcS+DhdijCR -rI4xTRM9PT148803YRi2qNUG4P7w8PBa0fvduXPnPKX0g2fPnuVMJGGSwH2DSpaKigps2LAhRaTe -3l5s27YNuq5b26WVUnpvaGhIKNLt27fPUUqnnj17ZuY8xDEHWR/LYauoqEBtbS3f96C/vx9bt27l -ndQKQCrSnTt3PqaUTkUikRV/y8veQQyrSFYGBwfR3NwMTdNSnHT8+PF0In3w3XffrchJwjS7HPog -ntWrV2Pjxo28GBgaGsKmTZug67aJg1YAUpFu3759zjTNqcXFxay/7cKZhHJzEGP16tWoq6tDIpGw -tcfIyAjC4XA2In0MYOr58+dZNWhZzSS4Zc2aNQiFQkgkErbysbGxZDkf7gYHB4Ui3bx5MylSTpIE -BbB27VqEQiHE43Fbg01OTqKurg6aZlsWagUgFenGjRsfA/ggFotl1MgqSZBQWVmJUCiE5eVlW9uc -OnUKtbW1Tk66f+zYMZlI50zTnIrFYjTrJEGFOTtVVVWor69HLBZLESkUCvFOagGQTqSzAKbi8bir -BhYmCYoXVFdXo7GxEbFYLFlGCMHk5CTq6+v5xCGtSNevXz8LYCqRSKRt6JJfUc0V1dXVCIfDNicB -wPj4OOrr6/nUvIVSen9gYEAo0rVr185SSqcSiYQ03EkX7NRm36qqqtDY2Gjrk4D/ZXcNDQ2OTkon -EoApXddFzoiU7FU9+YKFu3g8bisfGxtDY2MjP3fXQim939/fLxTp6tWrZymlU4ZhODnpYdkt2OUC -Fu747O7EiRMIh8P8dFELADciHTJN84ml+F8AfqWyuCypqqpCOBxOGScNDw+jqamJH6akFenKlSt3 -5+fnf0gp3U8pfd/n8/1gZmbmz6Svry+pRDQaxenTp2EYBqLRKN566608nmJpsLi4iCdPnoC/Kvjy -5cv45ptvbNfkAfgjgB9/8cUXUbfvrxy0QpiTuAQBg4OD2LRpE++kdwA8OHr0qNBJPMI+SOEeljjw -s+ADAwNobm7mv+xMpEo37y28aEQ5KDNY4sBlcTh69Ciam5v5tn2HUnq/r68vrUiODlICZQcTiZ/H -7Ovrw5YtW5yclFYk4UyCEig7qqur0dDQkBKNuru7kyLxTurt7RWKVDaX/nrJK6+8gsbGxpTrDLu6 -urB161a++jsAhCIJszj+G6C2zGZcWLizvk4IwZEjR0QiPXASSU315ABR+7G5O75Njxw54hTu9lJK -H/T09NhEEq6oKoFyA0vBAbuQnZ2d2LJlC199LwCbSMpBHuAkEgB0dnYmx0m8k7q7uysBNZPgGUwk -6+VshBB0dXVh8+bNfPW9AM4Bae7yVuQWlt0BSOmTmpub+eoD3d3dPSrEeYxMpKamJl6DU9I0W5Ef -1q1bh3A4nBLuuru7+apNAT5zUw7yhnXr1oFSiqdPn8I0zeQPcHDt3qDS7AJSU1PjOE6yEAjwJcpF -3lJTU4Ovv/4aPp8v2ebW0KdCXJHBt7tKs4sAmTGEDlJZnHewJMFJJDWTUATIkjO1HlQEyH6fIiXE -OT1X5Be+a7FeqiW8JkHhHVb3ZJQklLJQxXSTtJMGjICoYqlTTOcq6/vVZGkRkFGSoLI477G2Nd+1 -qHFQESBr84ASovDIkjPloCJA1gcJBVJ4h2yCQIW4IkB2PYhwwY49V+SfrJYblDjeYU0MpMsN1jUJ -hXeIxAHULZBFQUbjIOUg71HjoCJH1tYqzS4CnG6WY6iBahEgTbPT7aBYOZksDqadSVDC5J507el6 -HKQoDK7TbDWTUBhcp9miqxsV+UXW1upfAxQBst9IEiYJykHekdVygxLJO1wv2ClhCoermQTV7xQG -mTHUVE+RwNqdN4kaBxUZrkOcCnfeYTWFclCRIrpYR6XZecZNJJLVsQmkpnpyj5t2zCjE8Tuqvii/ -8MsMGa+oKiflDydxpA6y7mjdQTkp91jFsbat6wU7/iJG5aTcIQtrvBGkl13xOyuRVo6TONa/eaTL -Dfw9+yrcrQwncZzuBXY1DgKQ/E9ShBDbpkTKHFFYY23sykF8Bd5BDCVSZojEYQ6SdSVpB6qifkeJ -5A6ZOE7TbDzSJIHFR5U4ZIcbcfg+yPVMAiEkaT/mFieUk5xxI47MBAzpZKn1g5RI7nErjlO9tDMJ -TvZTIrknU3H4EJeRg6yqKpHSk61zrM9THCT7QOtlqEokOdmKw/dBPGlnEtgPnvKDVP55OQ9mV9Ln -ZDQO4ne2jnIZykl2ViIOAP7/fqcgDHGsgdlsghIplZWK43RfUEYXjRiGoUQSkCtx+Lk4aRbHrwGx -Psjn8ymRLORKHNa+MqQO0nU96SImDnu0JgRs30wTh5dRsFyLw9rXdZJgxTAMm8IiJwF2l7h1kqhe -seJWHKc6QKo4pmlC13VbfZ60d3nzFsy1SC8L+RDHKcXOeKpHiZRfcdg40/pZrkOcNQ0sV5Hy7RzZ -7Y9AmhVV1gexVdVyE8kLcZwGqhk5iIlSbiJ5IY51Kk1EyjjICp+nl4tIXoqT0YoqXzEYDCISicDn -88Hn88Hv9yefE0Lg9/uTZX6/P1lGCEnWYY/sOYDkexTjJV1ODc83plMfYp0ZYI8shFlnZFgZex4M -BlOSBCvSEPf48eO8nby1EZyeW8tkr1nLGOyErQNpUVk2r3uJ9PfiNE3z8FAK1wg8IuG9/GxGioP8 -fj8qKio8OyDFC/x+f0oZ2b179z8BhLw6CFG4Svfotq4oJGXzWOjwBuDfAUrp7wGMePmpxRLKMqUA -IW/WB+BDAN96/cmKtHwL4KeEUopdu3bVAjgD4CCADYU9rrLnHwD+AODnjx49+s9/AexyD6bH7vMJ -AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC\ -""" - -def thumbnail(): - icon = base64.decodestring(iconstr) - return icon - -if __name__ == "__main__": - icon = thumbnail() - f = file("thumbnail.png","wb") - f.write(icon) - f.close() diff --git a/libs/odf/userfield.py b/libs/odf/userfield.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1b34788..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/userfield.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This is free software. You may redistribute it under the terms -# of the Apache license and the GNU General Public License Version -# 2 or at your option any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): Michael Howitz, gocept gmbh & co. kg -# -# $Id: userfield.py 447 2008-07-10 20:01:30Z roug $ - -"""Class to show and manipulate user fields in odf documents.""" - -import sys -import zipfile - -from odf.text import UserFieldDecl -from odf.namespaces import OFFICENS -from odf.opendocument import load -import io, sys - -if sys.version_info[0]==3: - unicode=str - -OUTENCODING = "utf-8" - - -# OpenDocument v.1.0 section 6.7.1 -VALUE_TYPES = { - u'float': (OFFICENS, u'value'), - u'percentage': (OFFICENS, u'value'), - u'currency': (OFFICENS, u'value'), - u'date': (OFFICENS, u'date-value'), - u'time': (OFFICENS, u'time-value'), - u'boolean': (OFFICENS, u'boolean-value'), - u'string': (OFFICENS, u'string-value'), - } - - -class UserFields(object): - """List, view and manipulate user fields.""" - - # these attributes can be a filename or a file like object - src_file = None - dest_file = None - - def __init__(self, src=None, dest=None): - """Constructor - - @param src open file in binary mode: source document, - or filename as a unicode string, or None for stdin. - @param dest opendile in binary mode: destination document, - or filename as a unicode string, or None for stdout. - """ - assert(src==None or 'rb' in repr(src) or 'BufferedReader' in repr(src) or 'BytesIO' in repr(src) or type(src)==type(u"")) - assert(dest==None or 'wb' in repr(dest) or 'BufferedWriter' in repr(dest) or 'BytesIO' in repr(dest) or type(dest)==type(u"")) - self.src_file = src - self.dest_file = dest - self.document = None - - def loaddoc(self): - if (sys.version_info[0]==3 and (isinstance(self.src_file, str) or (isinstance(self.src_file, io.IOBase)))) or (sys.version_info[0]==2 and isinstance(self.src_file, basestring)): - # src_file is a filename, check if it is a zip-file - if not zipfile.is_zipfile(self.src_file): - raise TypeError(u"%s is no odt file." % self.src_file) - elif self.src_file is None: - # use stdin if no file given - self.src_file = sys.stdin - - self.document = load(self.src_file) - - def savedoc(self): - # write output - if self.dest_file is None: - # use stdout if no filename given - self.document.save(u'-') - else: - self.document.save(self.dest_file) - - def list_fields(self): - """List (extract) all known user-fields. - - @return list of user-field names as unicode strings. - """ - return [x[0] for x in self.list_fields_and_values()] - - def list_fields_and_values(self, field_names=None): - """List (extract) user-fields with type and value. - - @param field_names list of field names as unicode strings - to show, or None for all. - - @return list of tuples (, , ) - as type (unicode string, stringified type, unicode string). - - """ - self.loaddoc() - found_fields = [] - all_fields = self.document.getElementsByType(UserFieldDecl) - for f in all_fields: - value_type = f.getAttribute(u'valuetype') - if value_type == u'string': - value = f.getAttribute(u'stringvalue') - else: - value = f.getAttribute(u'value') - field_name = f.getAttribute(u'name') - - if field_names is None or field_name in field_names: - found_fields.append((field_name, - value_type, - value)) - return found_fields - - def list_values(self, field_names): - """Extract the contents of given field names from the file. - - @param field_names list of field names as unicode strings - - @return list of field values as unicode strings. - - """ - return [x[2] for x in self.list_fields_and_values(field_names)] - - def get(self, field_name): - """Extract the contents of this field from the file. - @param field_name unicode string: name of a field - @return field value as a unicode string or None if field does not exist. - - """ - assert(type(field_name)==type(u"")) - values = self.list_values([field_name]) - if not values: - return None - return values[0] - - def get_type_and_value(self, field_name): - """Extract the type and contents of this field from the file. - @param field_name unicode string: name of a field - @return tuple (, ) as a pair of unicode strings - or None if field does not exist. - - """ - assert(type(field_name)==type(u"")) - fields = self.list_fields_and_values([field_name]) - if not fields: - return None - field_name, value_type, value = fields[0] - return value_type, value - - def update(self, data): - """Set the value of user fields. The field types will be the same. - - data ... dict, with field name as key, field value as value - - Returns None - - """ - self.loaddoc() - all_fields = self.document.getElementsByType(UserFieldDecl) - for f in all_fields: - field_name = f.getAttribute(u'name') - if field_name in data: - value_type = f.getAttribute(u'valuetype') - value = data.get(field_name) - if value_type == u'string': - f.setAttribute(u'stringvalue', value) - else: - f.setAttribute(u'value', value) - self.savedoc() - diff --git a/libs/odf/xforms.py b/libs/odf/xforms.py deleted file mode 100644 index f28b96e..0000000 --- a/libs/odf/xforms.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Søren Roug, European Environment Agency -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -# -# Contributor(s): -# - -from namespaces import XFORMSNS -from element import Element - -# ODF 1.0 section 11.2 -# XForms is designed to be embedded in another XML format. -# Autogenerated -def Model(**args): - return Element(qname = (XFORMSNS,'model'), **args) - -def Instance(**args): - return Element(qname = (XFORMSNS,'instance'), **args) - -def Bind(**args): - return Element(qname = (XFORMSNS,'bind'), **args) diff --git a/libs/txt2tags b/libs/txt2tags deleted file mode 100644 index 3f19d22..0000000 --- a/libs/txt2tags +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5987 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# txt2tags - generic text conversion tool ---> READY TO PYTHON 3! -# http://txt2tags.org -# -# Copyright 2001-2010 Aurelio Jargas -# -# License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt -# Subversion: http://svn.txt2tags.org -# Bug tracker: http://bugs.txt2tags.org -# -######################################################################## -# -# BORING CODE EXPLANATION AHEAD -# -# Just read it if you wish to understand how the txt2tags code works. -# -######################################################################## -# -# The code that [1] parses the marked text is separated from the -# code that [2] insert the target tags. -# -# [1] made by: def convert() -# [2] made by: class BlockMaster -# -# The structures of the marked text are identified and its contents are -# extracted into a data holder (Python lists and dictionaries). -# -# When parsing the source file, the blocks (para, lists, quote, table) -# are opened with BlockMaster, right when found. Then its contents, -# which spans on several lines, are feeded into a special holder on the -# BlockMaster instance. Just when the block is closed, the target tags -# are inserted for the full block as a whole, in one pass. This way, we -# have a better control on blocks. Much better than the previous line by -# line approach. -# -# In other words, whenever inside a block, the parser *holds* the tag -# insertion process, waiting until the full block is read. That was -# needed primary to close paragraphs for the XHTML target, but -# proved to be a very good adding, improving many other processing. -# -# ------------------------------------------------------------------- -# -# These important classes are all documented: -# CommandLine, SourceDocument, ConfigMaster, ConfigLines. -# -# There is a RAW Config format and all kind of configuration is first -# converted to this format. Then a generic method parses it. -# -# These functions get information about the input file(s) and take -# care of the init processing: -# get_infiles_config(), process_source_file() and convert_this_files() -# -######################################################################## - -#XXX Python coding warning -# Avoid common mistakes: -# - do NOT use newlist=list instead newlist=list[:] -# - do NOT use newdic=dic instead newdic=dic.copy() -# - do NOT use dic[key] instead dic.get(key) -# - do NOT use del dic[key] without has_key() before - -#XXX Smart Image Align don't work if the image is a link -# Can't fix that because the image is expanded together with the -# link, at the linkbank filling moment. Only the image is passed -# to parse_images(), not the full line, so it is always 'middle'. - -#XXX Paragraph separation not valid inside Quote -# Quote will not have

      inside, instead will close and open -# again the
      . This really sux in CSS, when defining a -# different background color. Still don't know how to fix it. - -#XXX TODO (maybe) -# New mark or macro which expands to an anchor full title. -# It is necessary to parse the full document in this order: -# DONE 1st scan: HEAD: get all settings, including %!includeconf -# DONE 2nd scan: BODY: expand includes & apply %!preproc -# 3rd scan: BODY: read titles and compose TOC info -# 4th scan: BODY: full parsing, expanding [#anchor] 1st -# Steps 2 and 3 can be made together, with no tag adding. -# Two complete body scans will be *slow*, don't know if it worths. -# One solution may be add the titles as postproc rules - - -############################################################################## - -# User config (1=ON, 0=OFF) - -USE_I18N = 1 # use gettext for i18ned messages? (default is 1) -COLOR_DEBUG = 1 # show debug messages in colors? (default is 1) -BG_LIGHT = 0 # your terminal background color is light (default is 0) -HTML_LOWER = 0 # use lowercased HTML tags instead upper? (default is 0) - -############################################################################## - - -# These are all the core Python modules used by txt2tags (KISS!) -import re, os, sys, time, getopt - -# The CSV module is new in Python version 2.3 -try: - import csv -except ImportError: - csv = None - -# Program information -my_url = 'http://txt2tags.org' -my_name = 'txt2tags' -my_email = 'verde@aurelio.net' -my_version = '2.6' - -# i18n - just use if available -if USE_I18N: - try: - import gettext - # If your locale dir is different, change it here - cat = gettext.Catalog('txt2tags',localedir='/usr/share/locale/') - _ = cat.gettext - except: - _ = lambda x:x -else: - _ = lambda x:x - -# FLAGS : the conversion related flags , may be used in %!options -# OPTIONS : the conversion related options, may be used in %!options -# ACTIONS : the other behavior modifiers, valid on command line only -# MACROS : the valid macros with their default values for formatting -# SETTINGS: global miscellaneous settings, valid on RC file only -# NO_TARGET: actions that don't require a target specification -# NO_MULTI_INPUT: actions that don't accept more than one input file -# CONFIG_KEYWORDS: the valid %!key:val keywords -# -# FLAGS and OPTIONS are configs that affect the converted document. -# They usually have also a --no-