derrod b857967dfa [cli/core] Add WebView killswitch to Legendary update data
In case epic breaks it, this at least lets us disable it remotely.
2021-10-07 05:20:08 +02:00

1430 lines
65 KiB

# coding: utf-8
import json
import logging
import os
import shlex
import shutil
from base64 import b64decode
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from locale import getdefaultlocale
from multiprocessing import Queue
from requests import session
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from typing import List, Dict
from uuid import uuid4
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from legendary import __version__
from legendary.api.egs import EPCAPI
from legendary.api.lgd import LGDAPI
from legendary.downloader.mp.manager import DLManager
from legendary.lfs.egl import EPCLFS
from legendary.lfs.lgndry import LGDLFS
from legendary.utils.lfs import clean_filename, delete_folder, delete_filelist, get_dir_size
from legendary.models.downloading import AnalysisResult, ConditionCheckResult
from legendary.models.egl import EGLManifest
from legendary.models.exceptions import *
from legendary.models.game import *
from legendary.models.json_manifest import JSONManifest
from legendary.models.manifest import Manifest, ManifestMeta
from legendary.models.chunk import Chunk
from legendary.utils.egl_crypt import decrypt_epic_data
from legendary.utils.env import is_windows_or_pyi
from legendary.utils.game_workarounds import is_opt_enabled, update_workarounds
from legendary.utils.savegame_helper import SaveGameHelper
from legendary.utils.selective_dl import games as sdl_games
from legendary.utils.manifests import combine_manifests
from legendary.utils.wine_helpers import read_registry, get_shell_folders
# ToDo: instead of true/false return values for success/failure actually raise an exception that the CLI/GUI
# can handle to give the user more details. (Not required yet since there's no GUI so log output is fine)
class LegendaryCore:
LegendaryCore handles most of the lower level interaction with
the downloader, lfs, and api components to make writing CLI/GUI
code easier and cleaner and avoid duplication.
_egl_version = '11.0.1-14907503+++Portal+Release-Live'
def __init__(self, override_config=None):
self.log = logging.getLogger('Core')
self.egs = EPCAPI()
self.lgd = LGDLFS(config_file=override_config)
self.egl = EPCLFS()
self.lgdapi = LGDAPI()
# on non-Windows load the programdata path from config
if os.name != 'nt':
self.egl.programdata_path = self.lgd.config.get('Legendary', 'egl_programdata', fallback=None)
if self.egl.programdata_path and not os.path.exists(self.egl.programdata_path):
self.log.error(f'Config EGL path ("{self.egl.programdata_path}") is invalid! Disabling sync...')
self.egl.programdata_path = None
self.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary', 'egl_programdata')
self.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary', 'egl_sync')
self.local_timezone = datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo
self.language_code, self.country_code = ('en', 'US')
if locale := self.lgd.config.get('Legendary', 'locale', fallback=getdefaultlocale()[0]):
self.language_code, self.country_code = locale.split('-' if '-' in locale else '_')
self.log.debug(f'Set locale to {self.language_code}-{self.country_code}')
# adjust egs api language as well
self.egs.language_code, self.egs.country_code = self.language_code, self.country_code
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Getting locale failed: {e!r}, falling back to using en-US.')
self.log.warning(f'Could not determine locale, falling back to en-US')
self.update_available = False
self.force_show_update = False
self.webview_killswitch = False
def auth(self, username, password):
Attempts direct non-web login, raises CaptchaError if manual login is required
:param username:
:param password:
raise NotImplementedError
def auth_sid(self, sid) -> str:
Handles getting an exchange code from a session id
:param sid: session id
:return: exchange code
s = session()
'X-Epic-Event-Action': 'login',
'X-Epic-Event-Category': 'login',
'X-Epic-Strategy-Flags': '',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) '
'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
f'EpicGamesLauncher/{self._egl_version} '
'UnrealEngine/4.23.0-14907503+++Portal+Release-Live '
'Chrome/84.0.4147.38 Safari/537.36'
s.cookies['EPIC_COUNTRY'] = self.country_code.upper()
# get first set of cookies (EPIC_BEARER_TOKEN etc.)
_ = s.get('https://www.epicgames.com/id/api/set-sid', params=dict(sid=sid))
_ = s.get('https://www.epicgames.com/id/api/csrf')
# finally, get the exchange code
r = s.post('https://www.epicgames.com/id/api/exchange/generate',
headers={'X-XSRF-TOKEN': s.cookies['XSRF-TOKEN']})
if r.status_code == 200:
return r.json()['code']
self.log.error(f'Getting exchange code failed: {r.json()}')
return ''
def auth_code(self, code) -> bool:
Handles authentication via exchange code (either retrieved manually or automatically)
self.lgd.userdata = self.egs.start_session(exchange_token=code)
return True
except Exception as e:
self.log.error(f'Logging in failed with {e!r}, please try again.')
return False
def auth_import(self) -> bool:
"""Import refresh token from EGL installation and use it for logging in"""
remember_me_data = self.egl.config.get('RememberMe', 'Data')
raw_data = b64decode(remember_me_data)
# data is encrypted
if raw_data[0] != '{':
for data_key in self.egl.data_keys:
decrypted_data = decrypt_epic_data(data_key, raw_data)
re_data = json.loads(decrypted_data)[0]
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug(f'Decryption with key {data_key} failed with {e!r}')
raise ValueError('Decryption of EPIC launcher user information failed.')
re_data = json.loads(raw_data)[0]
if 'Token' not in re_data:
raise ValueError('No login session in config')
refresh_token = re_data['Token']
self.lgd.userdata = self.egs.start_session(refresh_token=refresh_token)
return True
except Exception as e:
self.log.error(f'Logging in failed with {e!r}, please try again.')
return False
def login(self) -> bool:
Attempts logging in with existing credentials.
raises ValueError if no existing credentials or InvalidCredentialsError if the API return an error
if not self.lgd.userdata:
raise ValueError('No saved credentials')
# run update check
if self.update_check_enabled():
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Checking for Legendary updates failed: {e!r}')
if self.lgd.userdata['expires_at']:
dt_exp = datetime.fromisoformat(self.lgd.userdata['expires_at'][:-1])
dt_now = datetime.utcnow()
td = dt_now - dt_exp
# if session still has at least 10 minutes left we can re-use it.
if dt_exp > dt_now and abs(td.total_seconds()) > 600:
self.log.info('Trying to re-use existing login session...')
return True
except InvalidCredentialsError as e:
self.log.warning(f'Resuming failed due to invalid credentials: {e!r}')
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Resuming failed for unknown reason: {e!r}')
# If verify fails just continue the normal authentication process
self.log.info('Falling back to using refresh token...')
self.log.info('Logging in...')
userdata = self.egs.start_session(self.lgd.userdata['refresh_token'])
except InvalidCredentialsError:
self.log.error('Stored credentials are no longer valid! Please login again.')
return False
except HTTPError as e:
self.log.error(f'HTTP request for login failed: {e!r}, please try again later.')
return False
self.lgd.userdata = userdata
return True
def update_check_enabled(self):
return not self.lgd.config.getboolean('Legendary', 'disable_update_check', fallback=False)
def update_notice_enabled(self):
if self.force_show_update:
return True
return not self.lgd.config.getboolean('Legendary', 'disable_update_notice',
fallback=not is_windows_or_pyi())
def check_for_updates(self, force=False):
def version_tuple(v):
return tuple(map(int, (v.split('.'))))
cached = self.lgd.get_cached_version()
version_info = cached['data']
if force or not version_info or (datetime.now().timestamp() - cached['last_update']) > 24*3600:
version_info = self.lgdapi.get_version_information()
web_version = version_info['release_info']['version']
self.update_available = version_tuple(web_version) > version_tuple(__version__)
def apply_lgd_config(self, version_info=None):
"""Applies configuration options returned by update API"""
if not version_info:
version_info = self.lgd.get_cached_version()['data']
# if cached data is invalid
if not version_info:
self.log.debug('No cached legendary config to apply.')
if 'egl_config' in version_info:
self._egl_version = version_info['egl_config'].get('version', self._egl_version)
for data_key in version_info['egl_config'].get('data_keys', []):
if data_key not in self.egl.data_keys:
if game_overrides := version_info.get('game_overrides'):
if sdl_config := game_overrides.get('sdl_config'):
# add placeholder for games to fetch from API that aren't hardcoded
for app_name in sdl_config.keys():
if app_name not in sdl_games:
sdl_games[app_name] = None
if lgd_config := version_info.get('legendary_config'):
self.webview_killswitch = lgd_config.get('webview_killswitch', False)
def get_update_info(self):
return self.lgd.get_cached_version()['data'].get('release_info')
def get_sdl_data(self, app_name):
if app_name not in sdl_games:
return None
# load hardcoded data as fallback
sdl_data = sdl_games[app_name]
# get cached data
cached = self.lgd.get_cached_sdl_data(app_name)
# check if newer version is available and/or download if necessary
version_info = self.lgd.get_cached_version()['data']
latest = version_info.get('game_overrides', {}).get('sdl_config', {}).get(app_name)
if (not cached and latest) or (cached and latest and latest > cached['version']):
sdl_data = self.lgdapi.get_sdl_config(app_name)
self.log.debug(f'Downloaded SDL data for "{app_name}", version: {latest}')
self.lgd.set_cached_sdl_data(app_name, latest, sdl_data)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Downloading SDL data failed with {e!r}')
elif cached:
sdl_data = cached['data']
# return data if available
return sdl_data
def update_aliases(self, force=False):
_aliases_enabled = not self.lgd.config.getboolean('Legendary', 'disable_auto_aliasing', fallback=False)
if _aliases_enabled and (force or not self.lgd.aliases):
def get_assets(self, update_assets=False, platform_override=None) -> List[GameAsset]:
# do not save and always fetch list when platform is overridden
if platform_override:
return [GameAsset.from_egs_json(a) for a in
if not self.lgd.assets or update_assets:
# if not logged in, return empty list
if not self.egs.user:
return []
self.lgd.assets = [GameAsset.from_egs_json(a) for a in self.egs.get_game_assets()]
return self.lgd.assets
def get_asset(self, app_name, update=False) -> GameAsset:
if update:
return next(i for i in self.lgd.assets if i.app_name == app_name)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError
def asset_valid(self, app_name) -> bool:
return any(i.app_name == app_name for i in self.lgd.assets)
def get_game(self, app_name, update_meta=False) -> Game:
if update_meta:
return self.lgd.get_game_meta(app_name)
def get_game_list(self, update_assets=True) -> List[Game]:
return self.get_game_and_dlc_list(update_assets=update_assets)[0]
def get_game_and_dlc_list(self, update_assets=True, platform_override=None,
force_refresh=False, skip_ue=True) -> (List[Game], Dict[str, List[Game]]):
_ret = []
_dlc = defaultdict(list)
meta_updated = False
for ga in self.get_assets(update_assets=update_assets,
if ga.namespace == 'ue' and skip_ue:
game = self.lgd.get_game_meta(ga.app_name)
if update_assets and (not game or force_refresh or
(game and game.app_version != ga.build_version and not platform_override)):
if game and game.app_version != ga.build_version and not platform_override:
self.log.info(f'Updating meta for {game.app_name} due to build version mismatch')
eg_meta = self.egs.get_game_info(ga.namespace, ga.catalog_item_id)
game = Game(app_name=ga.app_name, app_version=ga.build_version,
app_title=eg_meta['title'], asset_info=ga, metadata=eg_meta)
if not platform_override:
meta_updated = True
self.lgd.set_game_meta(game.app_name, game)
# replace asset info with the platform specific one if override is used
if platform_override:
game.app_version = ga.build_version
game.asset_info = ga
if game.is_dlc:
elif not any(i['path'] == 'mods' for i in game.metadata.get('categories', [])):
if not platform_override:
return _ret, _dlc
def get_non_asset_library_items(self, force_refresh=False,
skip_ue=True) -> (List[Game], Dict[str, List[Game]]):
Gets a list of Games without assets for installation, for instance Games delivered via
third-party stores that do not have assets for installation
:param force_refresh: Force a metadata refresh
:param skip_ue: Ingore Unreal Marketplace entries
:return: List of Games and DLC that do not have assets
_ret = []
_dlc = defaultdict(list)
# get all the appnames we have to ignore
ignore = set(i.app_name for i in self.get_assets())
for libitem in self.egs.get_library_items():
if libitem['namespace'] == 'ue' and skip_ue:
if libitem['appName'] in ignore:
game = self.lgd.get_game_meta(libitem['appName'])
if not game or force_refresh:
eg_meta = self.egs.get_game_info(libitem['namespace'], libitem['catalogItemId'])
game = Game(app_name=libitem['appName'], app_version=None,
app_title=eg_meta['title'], asset_info=None, metadata=eg_meta)
self.lgd.set_game_meta(game.app_name, game)
if game.is_dlc:
elif not any(i['path'] == 'mods' for i in game.metadata.get('categories', [])):
# Force refresh to make sure these titles are included in aliasing
return _ret, _dlc
def get_dlc_for_game(self, app_name):
game = self.get_game(app_name)
if not game:
self.log.warning(f'Metadata for {app_name} is missing!')
return []
if game.is_dlc: # dlc shouldn't have DLC
return []
_, dlcs = self.get_game_and_dlc_list(update_assets=False)
return dlcs[game.asset_info.catalog_item_id]
def get_installed_list(self, include_dlc=False) -> List[InstalledGame]:
if self.egl_sync_enabled:
self.log.debug('Running EGL sync...')
return self._get_installed_list(include_dlc)
def _get_installed_list(self, include_dlc=False) -> List[InstalledGame]:
if include_dlc:
return self.lgd.get_installed_list()
return [g for g in self.lgd.get_installed_list() if not g.is_dlc]
def get_installed_dlc_list(self) -> List[InstalledGame]:
return [g for g in self.lgd.get_installed_list() if g.is_dlc]
def get_installed_game(self, app_name) -> InstalledGame:
igame = self._get_installed_game(app_name)
if igame and self.egl_sync_enabled and igame.egl_guid and not igame.is_dlc:
return self._get_installed_game(app_name)
return igame
def _get_installed_game(self, app_name) -> InstalledGame:
return self.lgd.get_installed_game(app_name)
def get_app_environment(self, app_name, wine_pfx=None) -> dict:
# get environment overrides from config
env = dict()
if 'default.env' in self.lgd.config:
env.update({k: v for k, v in self.lgd.config[f'default.env'].items() if v and not k.startswith(';')})
if f'{app_name}.env' in self.lgd.config:
env.update({k: v for k, v in self.lgd.config[f'{app_name}.env'].items() if v and not k.startswith(';')})
# override wine prefix if necessary
if wine_pfx:
env['WINEPREFIX'] = wine_pfx
elif 'WINEPREFIX' not in os.environ:
# only use config variable if not already set in environment
if wine_pfx := self.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'wine_prefix', fallback=None):
env['WINEPREFIX'] = wine_pfx
return env
def get_app_launch_command(self, app_name, wrapper=None, wine_binary=None, disable_wine=False):
_cmd = []
if wrapper or (wrapper := self.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'wrapper',
fallback=self.lgd.config.get('default', 'wrapper',
if os.name != 'nt' and not disable_wine:
if not wine_binary:
# check if there's a default override
wine_binary = self.lgd.config.get('default', 'wine_executable', fallback='wine')
# check if there's a game specific override
wine_binary = self.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'wine_executable', fallback=wine_binary)
if not self.lgd.config.getboolean(app_name, 'no_wine',
fallback=self.lgd.config.get('default', 'no_wine', fallback=False)):
return _cmd
def get_launch_parameters(self, app_name: str, offline: bool = False,
user: str = None, extra_args: list = None,
wine_bin: str = None, wine_pfx: str = None,
language: str = None, wrapper: str = None,
disable_wine: bool = False,
executable_override: str = None) -> LaunchParameters:
install = self.lgd.get_installed_game(app_name)
game = self.lgd.get_game_meta(app_name)
if executable_override or (executable_override := self.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'override_exe', fallback=None)):
game_exe = executable_override.replace('\\', '/')
exe_path = os.path.join(install.install_path, game_exe)
if not os.path.exists(exe_path):
raise ValueError(f'Executable path is invalid: {exe_path}')
game_exe = install.executable.replace('\\', '/').lstrip('/')
exe_path = os.path.join(install.install_path, game_exe)
working_dir = os.path.split(exe_path)[0]
params = LaunchParameters(
game_executable=game_exe, game_directory=install.install_path, working_directory=working_dir,
launch_command=self.get_app_launch_command(app_name, wrapper, wine_bin, disable_wine),
environment=self.get_app_environment(app_name, wine_pfx=wine_pfx)
if install.launch_parameters:
params.game_parameters.extend(shlex.split(install.launch_parameters, posix=False))
except ValueError as e:
self.log.warning(f'Parsing predefined launch parameters failed with: {e!r}, '
f'input: {install.launch_parameters}')
game_token = ''
if not offline:
self.log.info('Getting authentication token...')
game_token = self.egs.get_game_token()['code']
elif not install.can_run_offline:
self.log.warning('Game is not approved for offline use and may not work correctly.')
user_name = self.lgd.userdata['displayName']
account_id = self.lgd.userdata['account_id']
if user:
user_name = user
if install.requires_ot and not offline:
self.log.info('Getting ownership token.')
ovt = self.egs.get_ownership_token(game.asset_info.namespace,
ovt_path = os.path.join(self.lgd.get_tmp_path(),
with open(ovt_path, 'wb') as f:
language_code = self.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'language', fallback=language)
if not language_code: # fall back to system or config language
language_code = self.language_code
if extra_args:
if config_args := self.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'start_params', fallback=None):
return params
def get_origin_uri(self, app_name: str, offline: bool = False) -> str:
if offline:
token = '0'
token = self.egs.get_game_token()['code']
user_name = self.lgd.userdata['displayName']
account_id = self.lgd.userdata['account_id']
parameters = [
('AUTH_PASSWORD', token),
('AUTH_TYPE', 'exchangecode'),
('epicusername', user_name),
('epicuserid', account_id),
('epiclocale', self.language_code),
('theme', 'sws'),
('platform', 'epic'),
('Hotfix', 'go')
return f'link2ea://launchgame/{app_name}?{urlencode(parameters)}'
def get_save_games(self, app_name: str = ''):
savegames = self.egs.get_user_cloud_saves(app_name, manifests=not not app_name)
_saves = []
for fname, f in savegames['files'].items():
if '.manifest' not in fname:
f_parts = fname.split('/')
_saves.append(SaveGameFile(app_name=f_parts[2], filename=fname, manifest=f_parts[4],
return _saves
def get_save_path(self, app_name):
game = self.lgd.get_game_meta(app_name)
save_path = game.metadata['customAttributes'].get('CloudSaveFolder', {}).get('value')
if not save_path:
raise ValueError('Game does not support cloud saves')
igame = self.lgd.get_installed_game(app_name)
if not igame:
raise ValueError('Game is not installed!')
# the following variables are known:
path_vars = {
'{installdir}': igame.install_path,
'{epicid}': self.lgd.userdata['account_id']
if os.name == 'nt':
'{appdata}': os.path.expandvars('%APPDATA%'),
'{userdir}': os.path.expandvars('%userprofile%/documents'),
# '{userprofile}': os.path.expandvars('%userprofile%'), # possibly wrong
'{usersavedgames}': os.path.expandvars('%userprofile%/Saved Games')
# attempt to get WINE prefix from config
wine_pfx = self.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'wine_prefix', fallback=None)
if not wine_pfx:
wine_pfx = self.lgd.config.get(f'{app_name}.env', 'WINEPREFIX', fallback=None)
if not wine_pfx:
proton_pfx = self.lgd.config.get(f'{app_name}.env', 'STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH', fallback=None)
if proton_pfx:
wine_pfx = f'{proton_pfx}/pfx'
if not wine_pfx:
wine_pfx = os.path.expanduser('~/.wine')
# if we have a prefix, read the `user.reg` file and get the proper paths.
if os.path.isdir(wine_pfx):
wine_reg = read_registry(wine_pfx)
wine_folders = get_shell_folders(wine_reg, wine_pfx)
# path_vars['{userprofile}'] = user_path
path_vars['{appdata}'] = wine_folders['AppData']
# this maps to ~/Documents, but the name is locale-dependent so just resolve the symlink from WINE
path_vars['{userdir}'] = os.path.realpath(wine_folders['Personal'])
path_vars['{usersavedgames}'] = wine_folders['{4C5C32FF-BB9D-43B0-B5B4-2D72E54EAAA4}']
# replace backslashes
save_path = save_path.replace('\\', '/')
# these paths should always use a forward slash
new_save_path = [path_vars.get(p.lower(), p) for p in save_path.split('/')]
return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(*new_save_path))
def check_savegame_state(self, path: str, save: SaveGameFile) -> (SaveGameStatus, (datetime, datetime)):
latest = 0
for _dir, _, _files in os.walk(path):
for _file in _files:
s = os.stat(os.path.join(_dir, _file))
latest = max(latest, s.st_mtime)
if not latest and not save:
return SaveGameStatus.NO_SAVE, (None, None)
# timezones are fun!
dt_local = datetime.fromtimestamp(latest).replace(tzinfo=self.local_timezone).astimezone(timezone.utc)
if not save:
return SaveGameStatus.LOCAL_NEWER, (dt_local, None)
dt_remote = datetime.strptime(save.manifest_name, '%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S.manifest').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
if not latest:
return SaveGameStatus.REMOTE_NEWER, (None, dt_remote)
self.log.debug(f'Local save date: {str(dt_local)}, Remote save date: {str(dt_remote)}')
# Ideally we check the files themselves based on manifest,
# this is mostly a guess but should be accurate enough.
if abs((dt_local - dt_remote).total_seconds()) < 60:
return SaveGameStatus.SAME_AGE, (dt_local, dt_remote)
elif dt_local > dt_remote:
return SaveGameStatus.LOCAL_NEWER, (dt_local, dt_remote)
return SaveGameStatus.REMOTE_NEWER, (dt_local, dt_remote)
def upload_save(self, app_name, save_dir, local_dt: datetime = None,
disable_filtering: bool = False):
game = self.lgd.get_game_meta(app_name)
custom_attr = game.metadata['customAttributes']
save_path = custom_attr.get('CloudSaveFolder', {}).get('value')
include_f = exclude_f = None
if not disable_filtering:
# get file inclusion and exclusion filters if they exist
if (_include := custom_attr.get('CloudIncludeList', {}).get('value', None)) is not None:
include_f = _include.split(',')
if (_exclude := custom_attr.get('CloudExcludeList', {}).get('value', None)) is not None:
exclude_f = _exclude.split(',')
if not save_path:
raise ValueError('Game does not support cloud saves')
sgh = SaveGameHelper()
files = sgh.package_savegame(save_dir, app_name, self.egs.user.get('account_id'),
save_path, include_f, exclude_f, local_dt)
if not files:
self.log.info('No files to upload. If you believe this is incorrect run command with "--disable-filters"')
self.log.debug(f'Packed files: {str(files)}, creating cloud files...')
resp = self.egs.create_game_cloud_saves(app_name, list(files.keys()))
self.log.info('Starting upload...')
for remote_path, file_info in resp['files'].items():
self.log.debug(f'Uploading "{remote_path}"')
f = files.get(remote_path)
self.egs.unauth_session.put(file_info['writeLink'], data=f.read())
self.log.info('Finished uploading savegame.')
def download_saves(self, app_name='', manifest_name='', save_dir='', clean_dir=False):
save_path = os.path.join(self.get_default_install_dir(), '.saves')
if not os.path.exists(save_path):
_save_dir = save_dir
savegames = self.egs.get_user_cloud_saves(app_name=app_name)
files = savegames['files']
for fname, f in files.items():
if '.manifest' not in fname:
f_parts = fname.split('/')
if manifest_name and f_parts[4] != manifest_name:
if not save_dir:
_save_dir = os.path.join(save_path, f'{f_parts[2]}/{f_parts[4].rpartition(".")[0]}')
if not os.path.exists(_save_dir):
if clean_dir:
self.log.info('Deleting old save files...')
self.log.info(f'Downloading "{fname.split("/", 2)[2]}"...')
# download manifest
r = self.egs.unauth_session.get(f['readLink'])
if r.status_code != 200:
self.log.error(f'Download failed, status code: {r.status_code}')
if not r.content:
self.log.error('Manifest is empty! Skipping...')
m = self.load_manifest(r.content)
# download chunks required for extraction
chunks = dict()
for chunk in m.chunk_data_list.elements:
cpath_p = fname.split('/', 3)[:3]
cpath = '/'.join(cpath_p)
self.log.debug(f'Downloading chunk "{cpath}"')
r = self.egs.unauth_session.get(files[cpath]['readLink'])
if r.status_code != 200:
self.log.error(f'Download failed, status code: {r.status_code}')
c = Chunk.read_buffer(r.content)
chunks[c.guid_num] = c.data
for fm in m.file_manifest_list.elements:
dirs, fname = os.path.split(fm.filename)
fdir = os.path.join(_save_dir, dirs)
fpath = os.path.join(fdir, fname)
if not os.path.exists(fdir):
self.log.debug(f'Writing "{fpath}"...')
with open(fpath, 'wb') as fh:
for cp in fm.chunk_parts:
fh.write(chunks[cp.guid_num][cp.offset:cp.offset + cp.size])
# set modified time to savegame creation timestamp
m_date = datetime.strptime(f_parts[4], '%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S.manifest')
m_date = m_date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(self.local_timezone)
os.utime(fpath, (m_date.timestamp(), m_date.timestamp()))
self.log.info('Successfully completed savegame download.')
def is_offline_game(self, app_name: str) -> bool:
return self.lgd.config.getboolean(app_name, 'offline', fallback=False)
def is_noupdate_game(self, app_name: str) -> bool:
return self.lgd.config.getboolean(app_name, 'skip_update_check', fallback=False)
def is_latest(self, app_name: str) -> bool:
installed = self.lgd.get_installed_game(app_name)
for ass in self.get_assets(True):
if ass.app_name == app_name:
if ass.build_version != installed.version:
return False
return True
# if we get here something is very wrong
raise ValueError(f'Could not find {app_name} in asset list!')
def is_installed(self, app_name: str) -> bool:
return self.get_installed_game(app_name) is not None
def _is_installed(self, app_name: str) -> bool:
return self._get_installed_game(app_name) is not None
def is_dlc(self, app_name: str) -> bool:
meta = self.lgd.get_game_meta(app_name)
if not meta:
raise ValueError('Game unknown!')
return meta.is_dlc
def load_manifest(data: bytes) -> Manifest:
if data[0:1] == b'{':
return JSONManifest.read_all(data)
return Manifest.read_all(data)
def get_installed_manifest(self, app_name):
igame = self._get_installed_game(app_name)
old_bytes = self.lgd.load_manifest(app_name, igame.version)
return old_bytes, igame.base_urls
def get_cdn_urls(self, game, platform_override=''):
platform = 'Windows' if not platform_override else platform_override
m_api_r = self.egs.get_game_manifest(game.asset_info.namespace,
game.app_name, platform)
# never seen this outside the launcher itself, but if it happens: PANIC!
if len(m_api_r['elements']) > 1:
raise ValueError('Manifest response has more than one element!')
base_urls = []
manifest_urls = []
for manifest in m_api_r['elements'][0]['manifests']:
base_url = manifest['uri'].rpartition('/')[0]
if base_url not in base_urls:
if 'queryParams' in manifest:
params = '&'.join(f'{p["name"]}={p["value"]}' for p in manifest['queryParams'])
return manifest_urls, base_urls
def get_cdn_manifest(self, game, platform_override=''):
manifest_urls, base_urls = self.get_cdn_urls(game, platform_override)
self.log.debug(f'Downloading manifest from {manifest_urls[0]} ...')
r = self.egs.unauth_session.get(manifest_urls[0])
return r.content, base_urls
def get_uri_manifest(self, uri):
if uri.startswith('http'):
r = self.egs.unauth_session.get(uri)
new_manifest_data = r.content
base_urls = [r.url.rpartition('/')[0]]
base_urls = []
with open(uri, 'rb') as f:
new_manifest_data = f.read()
return new_manifest_data, base_urls
def get_delta_manifest(self, base_url, old_build_id, new_build_id):
"""Get optimized delta manifest (doesn't seem to exist for most games)"""
if old_build_id == new_build_id:
return None
r = self.egs.unauth_session.get(f'{base_url}/Deltas/{new_build_id}/{old_build_id}.delta')
if r.status_code == 200:
return r.content
return None
def prepare_download(self, game: Game, base_game: Game = None, base_path: str = '',
status_q: Queue = None, max_shm: int = 0, max_workers: int = 0,
force: bool = False, disable_patching: bool = False,
game_folder: str = '', override_manifest: str = '',
override_old_manifest: str = '', override_base_url: str = '',
platform_override: str = '', file_prefix_filter: list = None,
file_exclude_filter: list = None, file_install_tag: list = None,
dl_optimizations: bool = False, dl_timeout: int = 10,
repair: bool = False, repair_use_latest: bool = False,
disable_delta: bool = False, override_delta_manifest: str = '',
egl_guid: str = '', preferred_cdn: str = None,
disable_https: bool = False) -> (DLManager, AnalysisResult, ManifestMeta):
# load old manifest
old_manifest = None
# load old manifest if we have one
if override_old_manifest:
self.log.info(f'Overriding old manifest with "{override_old_manifest}"')
old_bytes, _ = self.get_uri_manifest(override_old_manifest)
old_manifest = self.load_manifest(old_bytes)
elif not disable_patching and not force and self.is_installed(game.app_name):
old_bytes, _base_urls = self.get_installed_manifest(game.app_name)
if _base_urls and not game.base_urls:
game.base_urls = _base_urls
if not old_bytes:
self.log.error(f'Could not load old manifest, patching will not work!')
old_manifest = self.load_manifest(old_bytes)
base_urls = game.base_urls
if override_manifest:
self.log.info(f'Overriding manifest with "{override_manifest}"')
new_manifest_data, _base_urls = self.get_uri_manifest(override_manifest)
# if override manifest has a base URL use that instead
if _base_urls:
base_urls = _base_urls
new_manifest_data, base_urls = self.get_cdn_manifest(game, platform_override)
# overwrite base urls in metadata with current ones to avoid using old/dead CDNs
game.base_urls = base_urls
# save base urls to game metadata
self.lgd.set_game_meta(game.app_name, game)
self.log.info('Parsing game manifest...')
new_manifest = self.load_manifest(new_manifest_data)
self.log.debug(f'Base urls: {base_urls}')
# save manifest with version name as well for testing/downgrading/etc.
self.lgd.save_manifest(game.app_name, new_manifest_data,
# check if we should use a delta manifest or not
disable_delta = disable_delta or ((override_old_manifest or override_manifest) and not override_delta_manifest)
if old_manifest and new_manifest:
disable_delta = disable_delta or (old_manifest.meta.build_id == new_manifest.meta.build_id)
if old_manifest and new_manifest and not disable_delta:
if override_delta_manifest:
self.log.info(f'Overriding delta manifest with "{override_delta_manifest}"')
delta_manifest_data, _ = self.get_uri_manifest(override_delta_manifest)
delta_manifest_data = self.get_delta_manifest(base_urls[0],
if delta_manifest_data:
delta_manifest = self.load_manifest(delta_manifest_data)
self.log.info(f'Using optimized delta manifest to upgrade from build '
f'"{old_manifest.meta.build_id}" to '
combine_manifests(new_manifest, delta_manifest)
self.log.debug(f'No Delta manifest received from CDN.')
# reuse existing installation's directory
if igame := self.get_installed_game(base_game.app_name if base_game else game.app_name):
install_path = igame.install_path
# make sure to re-use the epic guid we assigned on first install
if not game.is_dlc and igame.egl_guid:
egl_guid = igame.egl_guid
if not game_folder:
if game.is_dlc:
game_folder = base_game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}). \
get('FolderName', {}).get('value', base_game.app_name)
game_folder = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}). \
get('FolderName', {}).get('value', game.app_name)
if not base_path:
base_path = self.get_default_install_dir()
# make sure base directory actually exists (but do not create game dir)
if not os.path.exists(base_path):
self.log.info(f'"{base_path}" does not exist, creating...')
install_path = os.path.join(base_path, game_folder)
self.log.info(f'Install path: {install_path}')
if repair:
if not repair_use_latest:
# use installed manifest for repairs instead of updating
new_manifest = old_manifest
old_manifest = None
filename = clean_filename(f'{game.app_name}.repair')
resume_file = os.path.join(self.lgd.get_tmp_path(), filename)
force = False
elif not force:
filename = clean_filename(f'{game.app_name}.resume')
resume_file = os.path.join(self.lgd.get_tmp_path(), filename)
resume_file = None
# Match EGS' behaviour and just use the first available URL
base_url = base_urls[0]
if override_base_url:
self.log.info(f'Overriding base URL with "{override_base_url}"')
base_url = override_base_url
elif preferred_cdn or (preferred_cdn := self.lgd.config.get('Legendary', 'preferred_cdn', fallback=None)):
for url in base_urls:
if preferred_cdn in url:
base_url = url
self.log.warning(f'Preferred CDN "{preferred_cdn}" unavailable, using default selection.')
# The EGS client uses plaintext HTTP by default for the purposes of enabling simple DNS based
# CDN redirection to a (local) cache. In Legendary this will be a config option.
if disable_https or self.lgd.config.getboolean('Legendary', 'disable_https', fallback=False):
base_url = base_url.replace('https://', 'http://')
self.log.debug(f'Using base URL: {base_url}')
scheme, cdn_host = base_url.split('/')[0:3:2]
self.log.info(f'Selected CDN: {cdn_host} ({scheme.strip(":")})')
if not max_shm:
max_shm = self.lgd.config.getint('Legendary', 'max_memory', fallback=2048)
if dl_optimizations or is_opt_enabled(game.app_name, new_manifest.meta.build_version):
self.log.info('Download order optimizations are enabled.')
process_opt = True
process_opt = False
if not max_workers:
max_workers = self.lgd.config.getint('Legendary', 'max_workers', fallback=0)
dlm = DLManager(install_path, base_url, resume_file=resume_file, status_q=status_q,
max_shared_memory=max_shm * 1024 * 1024, max_workers=max_workers,
anlres = dlm.run_analysis(manifest=new_manifest, old_manifest=old_manifest,
patch=not disable_patching, resume=not force,
prereq = None
if new_manifest.meta.prereq_ids:
prereq = dict(ids=new_manifest.meta.prereq_ids, name=new_manifest.meta.prereq_name,
path=new_manifest.meta.prereq_path, args=new_manifest.meta.prereq_args)
offline = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('CanRunOffline', {}).get('value', 'true')
ot = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('OwnershipToken', {}).get('value', 'false')
igame = InstalledGame(app_name=game.app_name, title=game.app_title,
version=new_manifest.meta.build_version, prereq_info=prereq,
manifest_path=override_manifest, base_urls=base_urls,
install_path=install_path, executable=new_manifest.meta.launch_exe,
can_run_offline=offline == 'true', requires_ot=ot == 'true',
is_dlc=base_game is not None, install_size=anlres.install_size,
egl_guid=egl_guid, install_tags=file_install_tag)
return dlm, anlres, igame
def check_installation_conditions(analysis: AnalysisResult,
install: InstalledGame,
game: Game,
updating: bool = False,
ignore_space_req: bool = False) -> ConditionCheckResult:
results = ConditionCheckResult(failures=set(), warnings=set())
# if on linux, check for eac in the files
if os.name != 'nt':
for f in analysis.manifest_comparison.added:
flower = f.lower()
if 'easyanticheat' in flower:
results.warnings.add('(Linux) This game uses EasyAntiCheat and may not run on linux')
elif 'beclient' in flower:
results.warnings.add('(Linux) This game uses BattlEye and may not run on linux')
elif 'equ8.dll' in flower:
results.warnings.add('(Linux) This game is using EQU8 anticheat and may not run on linux')
elif flower == 'fna.dll' or flower == 'xna.dll':
results.warnings.add('(Linux) This game is using XNA/FNA and may not run in WINE')
if install.requires_ot:
results.warnings.add('This game requires an ownership verification token and likely uses Denuvo DRM.')
if not install.can_run_offline:
results.warnings.add('This game is not marked for offline use (may still work).')
# check if enough disk space is free (dl size is the approximate amount the installation will grow)
min_disk_space = analysis.install_size
if updating:
current_size = get_dir_size(install.install_path)
delta = max(0, analysis.install_size - current_size)
min_disk_space = delta + analysis.biggest_file_size
_, _, free = shutil.disk_usage(os.path.split(install.install_path)[0])
if free < min_disk_space:
free_mib = free / 1024 / 1024
required_mib = min_disk_space / 1024 / 1024
if ignore_space_req:
results.warnings.add(f'Potentially not enough available disk space! '
f'{free_mib:.02f} MiB < {required_mib:.02f} MiB')
results.failures.add(f'Not enough available disk space! '
f'{free_mib:.02f} MiB < {required_mib:.02f} MiB')
# check if the game actually ships the files or just a uplay installer + packed game files
executables = [f for f in analysis.manifest_comparison.added if
f.lower().endswith('.exe') and not f.startswith('Installer/')]
if not updating and not any('uplay' not in e.lower() for e in executables) and \
any('uplay' in e.lower() for e in executables):
results.failures.add('This game requires installation via Uplay and does not ship executable game files.')
# check if the game launches via uplay
if install.executable == 'UplayLaunch.exe':
results.warnings.add('This game requires launching via Uplay, it is recommended to install the game '
'via Uplay instead.')
# check if the game requires linking to an external account first
partner_link = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('partnerLinkType', {}).get('value', None)
if partner_link == 'ubisoft':
results.warnings.add('This game requires linking to and activating on a Ubisoft account first, '
'this is not currently supported.')
elif partner_link:
results.warnings.add(f'This game requires linking to "{partner_link}", '
f'this is currently unsupported and the game may not work.')
return results
def get_default_install_dir(self):
return os.path.expanduser(self.lgd.config.get('Legendary', 'install_dir', fallback='~/legendary'))
def install_game(self, installed_game: InstalledGame) -> dict:
if self.egl_sync_enabled and not installed_game.is_dlc:
if not installed_game.egl_guid:
installed_game.egl_guid = str(uuid4()).replace('-', '').upper()
prereq = self._install_game(installed_game)
return prereq
return self._install_game(installed_game)
def _install_game(self, installed_game: InstalledGame) -> dict:
"""Save game metadata and info to mark it "installed" and also show the user the prerequisites"""
self.lgd.set_installed_game(installed_game.app_name, installed_game)
if installed_game.prereq_info:
if not installed_game.prereq_info.get('installed', False):
return installed_game.prereq_info
return dict()
def uninstall_game(self, installed_game: InstalledGame, delete_files=True, delete_root_directory=False):
if installed_game.egl_guid:
self.egl_uninstall(installed_game, delete_files=delete_files)
if delete_files:
manifest = self.load_manifest(self.get_installed_manifest(installed_game.app_name)[0])
filelist = [fm.filename for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements]
if not delete_filelist(installed_game.install_path, filelist, delete_root_directory):
self.log.error(f'Deleting "{installed_game.install_path}" failed, please remove manually.')
except Exception as e:
self.log.error(f'Deleting failed with {e!r}, please remove {installed_game.install_path} manually.')
def uninstall_tag(self, installed_game: InstalledGame):
manifest = self.load_manifest(self.get_installed_manifest(installed_game.app_name)[0])
tags = installed_game.install_tags
if '' not in tags:
# Create list of files that are now no longer needed *and* actually exist on disk
filelist = [
fm.filename for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if
not any(((fit in fm.install_tags) or (not fit and not fm.install_tags)) for fit in tags)
and os.path.exists(os.path.join(installed_game.install_path, fm.filename))
if not delete_filelist(installed_game.install_path, filelist):
self.log.warning(f'Deleting some deselected files failed, please check/remove manually.')
def prereq_installed(self, app_name):
igame = self.lgd.get_installed_game(app_name)
igame.prereq_info['installed'] = True
self.lgd.set_installed_game(app_name, igame)
def import_game(self, game: Game, app_path: str, egl_guid='') -> (Manifest, InstalledGame):
needs_verify = True
manifest_data = None
# check if the game is from an EGL installation, load manifest if possible
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, '.egstore')):
mf = None
if not egl_guid:
for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(app_path, '.egstore')):
if not f.endswith('.mancpn'):
self.log.debug(f'Checking mancpn file "{f}"...')
mancpn = json.load(open(os.path.join(app_path, '.egstore', f), 'rb'))
if mancpn['AppName'] == game.app_name:
self.log.info('Found EGL install metadata, verifying...')
mf = f.replace('.mancpn', '.manifest')
mf = f'{egl_guid}.manifest'
if mf and os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, '.egstore', mf)):
manifest_data = open(os.path.join(app_path, '.egstore', mf), 'rb').read()
self.log.warning('.egstore folder exists but manifest file is missing, continuing as regular import...')
# If there's no in-progress installation assume the game doesn't need to be verified
if mf and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, '.egstore', 'bps')):
needs_verify = False
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, '.egstore', 'Pending')):
if os.listdir(os.path.join(app_path, '.egstore', 'Pending')):
needs_verify = True
if not needs_verify:
self.log.debug(f'No in-progress installation found, assuming complete...')
if not manifest_data:
self.log.info(f'Downloading latest manifest for "{game.app_name}"')
manifest_data, base_urls = self.get_cdn_manifest(game)
if not game.base_urls:
game.base_urls = base_urls
self.lgd.set_game_meta(game.app_name, game)
# base urls being empty isn't an issue, they'll be fetched when updating/repairing the game
base_urls = game.base_urls
# parse and save manifest to disk for verification step of import
new_manifest = self.load_manifest(manifest_data)
self.lgd.save_manifest(game.app_name, manifest_data,
install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in new_manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
prereq = None
if new_manifest.meta.prereq_ids:
prereq = dict(ids=new_manifest.meta.prereq_ids, name=new_manifest.meta.prereq_name,
path=new_manifest.meta.prereq_path, args=new_manifest.meta.prereq_args)
offline = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('CanRunOffline', {}).get('value', 'true')
ot = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('OwnershipToken', {}).get('value', 'false')
igame = InstalledGame(app_name=game.app_name, title=game.app_title, prereq_info=prereq, base_urls=base_urls,
install_path=app_path, version=new_manifest.meta.build_version, is_dlc=game.is_dlc,
executable=new_manifest.meta.launch_exe, can_run_offline=offline == 'true',
launch_parameters=new_manifest.meta.launch_command, requires_ot=ot == 'true',
needs_verification=needs_verify, install_size=install_size, egl_guid=egl_guid)
return new_manifest, igame
def egl_get_importable(self):
return [g for g in self.egl.get_manifests()
if not self.is_installed(g.app_name) and
g.main_game_appname == g.app_name and
def egl_get_exportable(self):
if not self.egl.manifests:
return [g for g in self.get_installed_list() if g.app_name not in self.egl.manifests]
def egl_import(self, app_name):
if not self.asset_valid(app_name):
raise ValueError(f'To-be-imported game {app_name} not in game asset database!')
self.log.debug(f'Importing "{app_name}" from EGL')
# load egl json file
egl_game = self.egl.get_manifest(app_name=app_name)
except ValueError:
self.log.fatal(f'EGL Manifest for {app_name} could not be loaded, not importing!')
# convert egl json file
lgd_igame = egl_game.to_lgd_igame()
# fix path on Linux if the game is installed to a Windows drive mapping
if os.name != 'nt' and not lgd_igame.install_path.startswith('/'):
drive_letter = lgd_igame.install_path[:2].lower()
drive_c_path = self.egl.programdata_path.partition('ProgramData')[0]
wine_pfx = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(drive_c_path, '..'))
mapped_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(wine_pfx, 'dosdevices', drive_letter))
if 'dosdevices' in mapped_path:
self.log.error(f'Unable to resolve path for mapped drive "{drive_letter}" '
f'for WINE prefix at "{wine_pfx}"')
game_path = lgd_igame.install_path[2:].replace('\\', '/').lstrip('/')
new_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(mapped_path, game_path))
self.log.info(f'Adjusted game install path from "{lgd_igame.install_path}" to "{new_path}"')
lgd_igame.install_path = new_path
# check if manifest exists
manifest_filename = os.path.join(lgd_igame.install_path, '.egstore', f'{lgd_igame.egl_guid}.manifest')
if not os.path.exists(manifest_filename):
self.log.warning(f'Game Manifest "{manifest_filename}" not found, cannot import!')
# load manifest file and copy it over
with open(manifest_filename, 'rb') as f:
manifest_data = f.read()
new_manifest = self.load_manifest(manifest_data)
self.lgd.save_manifest(lgd_igame.app_name, manifest_data,
# transfer install tag choices to config
if lgd_igame.install_tags:
self.lgd.config.set(app_name, 'install_tags', ','.join(lgd_igame.install_tags))
# mark game as installed
_ = self._install_game(lgd_igame)
def egl_export(self, app_name):
self.log.debug(f'Exporting "{app_name}" to EGL')
# load igame/game
lgd_game = self.get_game(app_name)
lgd_igame = self._get_installed_game(app_name)
manifest_data, _ = self.get_installed_manifest(app_name)
if not manifest_data:
self.log.error(f'Game Manifest for "{app_name}" not found, cannot export!')
# create guid if it's not set already
if not lgd_igame.egl_guid:
lgd_igame.egl_guid = str(uuid4()).replace('-', '').upper()
_ = self._install_game(lgd_igame)
# convert to egl manifest
egl_game = EGLManifest.from_lgd_game(lgd_game, lgd_igame)
# make sure .egstore folder exists
egstore_folder = os.path.join(lgd_igame.install_path, '.egstore')
if not os.path.exists(egstore_folder):
# copy manifest and create mancpn file in .egstore folder
with open(os.path.join(egstore_folder, f'{egl_game.installation_guid}.manifest', ), 'wb') as mf:
mancpn = dict(FormatVersion=0, AppName=app_name,
with open(os.path.join(egstore_folder, f'{egl_game.installation_guid}.mancpn', ), 'w') as mcpnf:
json.dump(mancpn, mcpnf, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
# And finally, write the file for EGL
def egl_uninstall(self, igame: InstalledGame, delete_files=True):
except ValueError as e:
self.log.warning(f'Deleting EGL manifest failed: {e!r}')
if delete_files:
delete_folder(os.path.join(igame.install_path, '.egstore'))
def egl_restore_or_uninstall(self, igame):
# check if game binary is still present, if not; uninstall
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(igame.install_path,
self.log.warning('Synced game\'s files no longer exists, assuming it has been uninstalled.')
igame.egl_guid = ''
return self.uninstall_game(igame, delete_files=False)
self.log.info('Game files exist, assuming game is still installed, re-exporting to EGL...')
return self.egl_export(igame.app_name)
def egl_sync(self, app_name=''):
Sync game installs between Legendary and the Epic Games Launcher
# read egl json files
if app_name:
lgd_igame = self._get_installed_game(app_name)
if not self.egl.manifests:
if app_name not in self.egl.manifests:
self.log.info(f'Synced app "{app_name}" is no longer in the EGL manifest list.')
return self.egl_restore_or_uninstall(lgd_igame)
egl_igame = self.egl.get_manifest(app_name)
if (egl_igame.app_version_string != lgd_igame.version) or \
(egl_igame.install_tags != lgd_igame.install_tags):
self.log.info(f'App "{egl_igame.app_name}" has been updated from EGL, syncing...')
return self.egl_import(egl_igame.app_name)
# check EGL -> Legendary sync
for egl_igame in self.egl.get_manifests():
if egl_igame.main_game_appname != egl_igame.app_name: # skip DLC
if not self.asset_valid(egl_igame.app_name): # skip non-owned games
if not self._is_installed(egl_igame.app_name):
lgd_igame = self._get_installed_game(egl_igame.app_name)
if (egl_igame.app_version_string != lgd_igame.version) or \
(egl_igame.install_tags != lgd_igame.install_tags):
self.log.info(f'App "{egl_igame.app_name}" has been updated from EGL, syncing...')
# Check for games that have been uninstalled
for lgd_igame in self._get_installed_list():
if not lgd_igame.egl_guid: # skip non-exported
if lgd_igame.app_name in self.egl.manifests:
self.log.info(f'Synced app "{lgd_igame.app_name}" is no longer in the EGL manifest list.')
def egl_sync_enabled(self):
return self.lgd.config.getboolean('Legendary', 'egl_sync', fallback=False)
def exit(self):
Do cleanup, config saving, and exit.