derrod 64639a5520 [core/cli/utils] Extremely WIP Steam Sync from 2022
Unfinished and might not even work anymore, left here as a reference for future work.
2023-11-16 02:22:18 +01:00

408 lines
16 KiB

import logging
import json
import os
import plistlib
from io import BytesIO
from random import randint
from sys import platform as sys_platform, argv as sys_argv
from zlib import crc32
from requests.models import CaseInsensitiveDict
from legendary.models.game import InstalledGame
if sys_platform == 'win32':
from legendary.lfs.windows_helpers import query_registry_value, HKEY_CURRENT_USER
query_registry_value = HKEY_CURRENT_USER = None
import vdf
except ImportError:
vdf = None
_script = '''#!/bin/bash
EPIC_PARAMS=$("{executable}" launch $1 --steam)
if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Legendary failed with $ret"
# hack to open URL in Deck UI browser (doesn't work from within legendary)
if [ -n "${EPIC_PARAMS}" ]; then
python3 -m webbrowser "${EPIC_PARAMS}"
# This is just here so the browser opens before we get thrown back to the deck UI.
read -s -t 5 -p "Waiting 5 seconds..."
exit $ret
eval "$2" $EPIC_PARAMS
class SteamHelper:
def __init__(self, steam_path=None, legendary_binary=None, legendary_config=None):
if not vdf:
raise RuntimeError('Steam support requires the vdf module to be installed.')
if not steam_path:
if sys_platform == 'win32':
search_paths = [os.path.expandvars(f'%programfiles(x86)%\\steam'),
'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam']
elif sys_platform == 'darwin':
search_paths = [os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/Steam')]
elif sys_platform == 'linux':
search_paths = [os.path.expanduser('~/.steam/Steam'),
raise NotImplementedError('Steam support is not implemented for this platform.')
for _path in search_paths:
if os.path.exists(_path) and os.path.isdir(_path):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(_path, 'userdata')):
steam_path = _path
if not steam_path:
raise FileNotFoundError('Unable to find Steam installation.')
# Legendary will be used as the executable in the shortcuts to run the games, in order for that to work,
# it must be either run from a PyInstaller binary or the wrapper script that setuptools creates.
if not legendary_binary or not os.path.exists(legendary_binary):
legendary_binary = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), sys_argv[0])
if legendary_binary.endswith('.py'):
raise RuntimeError('Legendary must not be run from a .py file for Steam shortcuts to work.')
if not os.path.exists(legendary_binary):
# on windows, try again with '.exe':
if sys_platform == 'win32':
legendary_binary += '.exe'
if not os.path.exists(legendary_binary):
raise RuntimeError('Could not automatically find a usable legendary binary!')
raise RuntimeError('Could not automatically find a usable legendary binary!')
self.log = logging.getLogger('SteamHelper')
self.steam_path = steam_path
self.lgd_binary = os.path.abspath(legendary_binary)
self.lgd_config_dir = legendary_config
self.launch_script = None
self.user_id = None
self.user_dir = None
self.grid_path = None
self.shortcuts = dict()
self.steam_config = dict()
def is_steam_running(self):
if sys_platform == 'win32':
pid = query_registry_value(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\\Valve\\Steam\\ActiveProcess', 'pid')
self.log.debug(f'Steam PID: {pid}')
return pid is not None and pid != 0
elif sys_platform == 'darwin' or sys_platform == 'linux':
if sys_platform == 'linux':
registry_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.steam_path, '..', 'registry.vdf'))
registry_path = os.path.join(self.steam_path, 'registry.vdf')
registry = vdf.load(open(registry_path), mapper=CaseInsensitiveDict)
pid = int(registry.get('Registry', {}).get('HKLM', {}).get('Software', {})
.get('Valve', {}).get('Steam', {}).get('SteamPID', '0'))
return pid is not None and pid != 0
raise NotImplementedError('Steam support is not implemented for this platform.')
def _userid_from_steam64(sid):
return sid & 0xFFFFFFFF
def get_user_dir(self, username=None):
if not username:
# attempt to get primary username from registry
if sys_platform == 'win32':
username = query_registry_value(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\\Valve\\Steam', 'AutoLoginUser')
elif sys_platform == 'darwin' or sys_platform == 'linux':
if sys_platform == 'linux':
registry_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.steam_path, '..', 'registry.vdf'))
registry_path = os.path.join(self.steam_path, 'registry.vdf')
registry = vdf.load(open(registry_path), mapper=CaseInsensitiveDict)
username = registry.get('Registry', {}).get('HKCU', {}).get('Software', {})\
.get('Valve', {}).get('Steam', {}).get('AutoLoginUser', '')
raise NotImplementedError('Getting username from Steam registry is not implemented on Linux.')
if not username:
raise ValueError('Unable to find username.')
self.log.info(f'Using Steam username: {username}')
# read config from steam path
login_users = vdf.load(open(os.path.join(self.steam_path, 'config', 'loginusers.vdf')),
for _steam_id, user_info in login_users.get('users', {}).items():
if user_info['AccountName'] == username:
steam_id = int(_steam_id)
raise ValueError('Unable to find user in Steam configuration.')
self.user_id = self._userid_from_steam64(steam_id)
self.user_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.steam_path, 'userdata', str(self.user_id)))
self.grid_path = os.path.join(self.user_dir, 'config', 'grid')
if not os.path.exists(self.grid_path):
return self.user_dir
def read_shortcuts(self):
if not self.user_dir:
raise ValueError('Steam user directory not set.')
# todo figure out case-insensitive dict
shortcuts_file = os.path.join(self.user_dir, 'config', 'shortcuts.vdf')
if os.path.exists(shortcuts_file):
self.shortcuts = vdf.binary_load(open(shortcuts_file, 'rb'), mapper=CaseInsensitiveDict)
self.shortcuts = dict(shortcuts=dict())
return self.shortcuts
def write_shortcuts(self, shortcuts):
if not self.user_dir:
raise ValueError('Steam user directory not set.')
vdf.binary_dump(shortcuts, open(os.path.join(self.user_dir, 'config', 'shortcuts.vdf'), 'wb'))
def read_config(self):
if not self.steam_path:
raise ValueError('Steam directory not set.')
config_file = os.path.join(self.steam_path, 'config', 'config.vdf')
if os.path.exists(config_file):
self.steam_config = vdf.load(open(config_file), mapper=CaseInsensitiveDict)
self.steam_config = dict(shortcuts=dict())
return self.steam_config
def write_config(self, config=None):
if not self.steam_path:
raise ValueError('Steam directory not set.')
if not config:
config = self.steam_config
vdf.dump(config, open(os.path.join(self.steam_path, 'config', 'config.vdf'), 'w'), pretty=True)
def create_shortcut_entry(self, igame: InstalledGame, app_id: int = 0):
if not app_id:
# check against existing and keep generating until unique
existing_ids = set(entry['appid'] + 2**32 for entry in self.shortcuts.get('shortcuts', {}).values())
while not app_id or app_id in existing_ids:
app_id = randint(2 ** 31, 2 ** 32 - 1)
if sys_platform == 'linux':
launch_options = f'{self.launch_script} {igame.app_name} "%command%"'
launch_dir = f'{igame.install_path}'
exe = os.path.join(igame.install_path, igame.executable)
launch_exe = f'\'{exe}\''
launch_options = f'launch {igame.app_name} --steam'
launch_dir = f'"{os.path.dirname(self.lgd_binary)}"'
launch_exe = f'"{self.lgd_binary}"'
entry = {
'AllowDesktopConfig': 1,
'AllowOverlay': 1,
'Devkit': 0,
'DevkitGameID': '',
'DevkitOverrideAppID': 0,
'IsHidden': 0,
'LastPlayTime': 0,
'LaunchOptions': launch_options,
'ShortcutPath': '',
'StartDir': launch_dir,
'appid': app_id - 2 ** 32, # appid is unsigned, but stored as signed, so hack it to be right
'appname': igame.title,
'exe': launch_exe,
'icon': os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.grid_path, f'{app_id}_icon.png')),
'openvr': 0,
'tags': {'0': 'Installed', '1': 'Unplayed', '2': 'Legendary'},
return entry
def set_compat_tool(self, app_id: int, compat_tool: str):
# todo ensure this section exists
str(app_id): {
'name': compat_tool,
'config': '',
'Priority': '250'
def make_header_image(banner, logo=None):
# Big Picture banner
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageOps
except ImportError:
return banner
bfp = BytesIO(banner)
banner_img = Image.open(bfp).convert(mode='RGBA')
banner_fit = ImageOps.fit(banner_img, (460, 215), Image.BILINEAR)
if logo:
lfp = BytesIO(logo)
logo_img = Image.open(lfp).convert(mode='RGBA')
logo_width = round(banner_fit.width * 0.50)
# use sharper algorithm for upscaling
method = Image.NEAREST if logo_img.width < logo_width else Image.BILINEAR
logo_fit = ImageOps.pad(logo_img, (logo_width, banner_fit.height), method)
x_pos = round(banner_fit.width * 0.25)
banner_fit.alpha_composite(logo_fit, (x_pos, 0))
outfp = BytesIO()
banner_fit.convert(mode='RGB').save(outfp, format='JPEG', quality=95)
return outfp.getvalue()
def make_banner_image(banner, logo=None):
# Steam Deck UI banners just use the game ID and PNG format and have a slightly different size
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageOps
except ImportError:
return banner
bfp = BytesIO(banner)
banner_img = Image.open(bfp).convert(mode='RGBA')
banner_fit = ImageOps.fit(banner_img, (616, 353), Image.BILINEAR)
if logo:
lfp = BytesIO(logo)
logo_img = Image.open(lfp).convert(mode='RGBA')
logo_width = round(banner_fit.width * 0.50)
# use sharper algorithm for upscaling
method = Image.NEAREST if logo_img.width < logo_width else Image.BILINEAR
logo_fit = ImageOps.pad(logo_img, (logo_width, banner_fit.height), method)
x_pos = round(banner_fit.width * 0.25)
banner_fit.alpha_composite(logo_fit, (x_pos, 0))
outfp = BytesIO()
banner_fit.convert(mode='RGB').save(outfp, format='PNG')
return outfp.getvalue()
def make_tall_box(tall, logo):
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageOps
except ImportError:
return tall
bfp = BytesIO(tall)
banner_img = Image.open(bfp).convert(mode='RGBA')
banner_fit = ImageOps.fit(banner_img, (600, 900), Image.BILINEAR)
lfp = BytesIO(logo)
logo_img = Image.open(lfp).convert(mode='RGBA')
logo_width = round(banner_fit.width * 0.8)
# use sharper algorithm for upscaling
method = Image.NEAREST if logo_img.width < logo_width else Image.BILINEAR
logo_fit = ImageOps.pad(logo_img, (logo_width, banner_fit.height), method)
x_pos = round(banner_fit.width * 0.1)
banner_fit.alpha_composite(logo_fit, (x_pos, 0))
outfp = BytesIO()
banner_fit.convert(mode='RGB').save(outfp, format='PNG')
return outfp.getvalue()
def make_icon(igame):
if igame.platform in ('Windows', 'Win32'):
from legendary.utils.pe import PEUtils
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError('Could not import PEUtils.')
game_exe = os.path.join(igame.install_path, igame.executable)
p = PEUtils(game_exe)
icon = p.get_icon()
return icon
elif igame.platform == 'Mac':
from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError('Could not import PIL.')
# Install path for app bundles points to ~/Applications (or similar), the easiest way to
# get to the info plist is to go to the executable first, and then check from there.
# If it's not an app bundle (e.g. Unreal Engine) then this will fail.
info_plist = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(igame.install_path, igame.executable, '..', 'Info.plist'))
if not os.path.exists(info_plist):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find Info.plist for {igame.title}.')
plist = plistlib.load(open(info_plist, 'rb'))
icon_file = plist.get('CFBundleIconFile', None)
if not icon_file:
return None
icon_path = os.path.join(igame.install_path, 'Contents', 'Resources', icon_file)
icon_img = Image.open(icon_path).convert(mode='RGBA')
out = BytesIO()
icon_img.save(out, format='PNG')
return out.getvalue()
raise NotImplementedError(f'Icon generation for {igame.platform} not implemented.')
def get_header_id(self, igame):
# taken from chimera
if sys_platform == 'linux':
exe = os.path.join(igame.install_path, igame.executable)
exe = self.lgd_binary
crc_input = ''.join([f'"{exe}"', igame.title])
high_32 = crc32(crc_input.encode('utf-8')) | 0x80000000
full_64 = (high_32 << 32) | 0x02000000
return full_64
def create_grid_json(self, app_id):
filename = os.path.join(self.grid_path, f'{app_id}.json')
if os.path.exists(filename):
# Always just center the logo
grid_json = {
"nVersion": 1,
"logoPosition": {
"pinnedPosition": "CenterCenter", "nWidthPct": 75, "nHeightPct": 75
json.dump(grid_json, open(filename, 'w'))
def ensure_launch_script(self):
if self.lgd_binary is None or self.lgd_config_dir is None:
raise RuntimeError('No LGD binary or config fir specified.')
self.launch_script = os.path.join(self.lgd_config_dir, 'steam_launch')
if os.path.exists(self.launch_script):
# todo make sure the launch script still points at the right binary
with open(self.launch_script, 'w') as fp:
fp.write(_script.replace('{executable}', self.lgd_binary))
st = os.stat(self.launch_script)
os.chmod(self.launch_script, st.st_mode | 0o0100)