import logging import os from datetime import datetime from fnmatch import fnmatch from hashlib import sha1 from io import BytesIO from tempfile import TemporaryFile from legendary.models.chunk import Chunk from legendary.models.manifest import \ Manifest, ManifestMeta, CDL, FML, CustomFields, FileManifest, ChunkPart, ChunkInfo def _filename_matches(filename, patterns): """ Helper to determine if a filename matches the filter patterns :param filename: name of the file :param patterns: list of patterns to match against :return: """ for pattern in patterns: if pattern.endswith('/'): # pat is a directory, check if path starts with it if filename.startswith(pattern): return True elif fnmatch(filename, pattern): return True return False class SaveGameHelper: def __init__(self): self.files = dict() self.log = logging.getLogger('SGH') def finalize_chunk(self, chunk: Chunk): ci = ChunkInfo() ci.guid = chunk.guid ci.hash = chunk.hash ci.sha_hash = chunk.sha_hash # use a temporary file for uploading _tmp_file = TemporaryFile() self.files[ci.path] = _tmp_file # write() returns file size and also sets the uncompressed size ci.file_size = chunk.write(_tmp_file) ci.window_size = chunk.uncompressed_size return ci def package_savegame(self, input_folder: str, app_name: str = '', epic_id: str = '', cloud_folder: str = '', include_filter: list = None, exclude_filter: list = None, manifest_dt: datetime = None): """ :param input_folder: Folder to be packaged into chunks/manifest :param app_name: App name for savegame being stored :param epic_id: Epic account ID :param cloud_folder: Folder the savegame resides in (based on game metadata) :param include_filter: list of patterns for files to include (excludes all others) :param exclude_filter: list of patterns for files to exclude (includes all others) :param manifest_dt: datetime for the manifest name (optional) :return: """ m = Manifest() m.meta = ManifestMeta() m.chunk_data_list = CDL() m.file_manifest_list = FML() m.custom_fields = CustomFields() # create metadata for savegame m.meta.app_name = f'{app_name}{epic_id}' if not manifest_dt: manifest_dt = datetime.utcnow() m.meta.build_version = manifest_dt.strftime('%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S') m.custom_fields['CloudSaveFolder'] = cloud_folder'Packing savegame for "{app_name}", input folder: {input_folder}') files = [] for _dir, _, _files in os.walk(input_folder): for _file in _files: _file_path = os.path.join(_dir, _file) _file_path_rel = os.path.relpath(_file_path, input_folder).replace('\\', '/') if include_filter and not _filename_matches(_file_path_rel, include_filter): self.log.debug(f'Excluding "{_file_path_rel}" (does not match include filter)') continue elif exclude_filter and _filename_matches(_file_path_rel, exclude_filter): self.log.debug(f'Excluding "{_file_path_rel}" (does match exclude filter)') continue files.append(_file_path) if not files: if exclude_filter or include_filter: self.log.warning('No save files matching the specified filters have been found.') return self.files chunk_num = 0 cur_chunk = None cur_buffer = None for _file in sorted(files, key=str.casefold): s = os.stat(_file) f = FileManifest() # get relative path for manifest f.filename = os.path.relpath(_file, input_folder).replace('\\', '/') self.log.debug(f'Processing file "{f.filename}"') f.file_size = s.st_size fhash = sha1() with open(_file, 'rb') as cf: while remaining := s.st_size - cf.tell(): if not cur_chunk: # create new chunk cur_chunk = Chunk() if cur_buffer: cur_buffer.close() cur_buffer = BytesIO() chunk_num += 1 # create chunk part and write it to chunk buffer cp = ChunkPart(guid=cur_chunk.guid, offset=cur_buffer.tell(), size=min(remaining, 1024 * 1024 - cur_buffer.tell())) _tmp = if not _tmp: self.log.warning(f'Got EOF for "{f.filename}" with {remaining} bytes remaining! ' f'File may have been corrupted/modified.') break cur_buffer.write(_tmp) fhash.update(_tmp) # update sha1 hash with new data f.chunk_parts.append(cp) if cur_buffer.tell() >= 1024 * 1024: = cur_buffer.getvalue() ci = self.finalize_chunk(cur_chunk)'Chunk #{chunk_num} "{ci.path}" created') # add chunk to CDL m.chunk_data_list.elements.append(ci) cur_chunk = None f.hash = fhash.digest() m.file_manifest_list.elements.append(f) # write remaining chunk if it exists if cur_chunk: = cur_buffer.getvalue() ci = self.finalize_chunk(cur_chunk)'Chunk #{chunk_num} "{ci.path}" created') m.chunk_data_list.elements.append(ci) cur_buffer.close() # Finally write/serialize manifest into another temporary file _m_filename = f'manifests/{m.meta.build_version}.manifest' _tmp_file = TemporaryFile() _m_size = m.write(_tmp_file)'Manifest "{_m_filename}" written ({_m_size} bytes)') self.files[_m_filename] = _tmp_file # return dict with created files for uploading/whatever return self.files