import configparser import logging import os logger = logging.getLogger('WineHelpers') def read_registry(wine_pfx): reg = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes=(';', '#', '/', 'WINE'), allow_no_value=True, strict=False) reg.optionxform = str, 'user.reg')) return reg def get_shell_folders(registry, wine_pfx): folders = dict() for k, v in registry['Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Explorer\\\\Shell Folders'].items(): path_cleaned = v.strip('"').strip().replace('\\\\', '/').replace('C:/', '') folders[k.strip('"').strip()] = os.path.join(wine_pfx, 'drive_c', path_cleaned) return folders def case_insensitive_file_search(path: str) -> str: """ Similar to case_insensitive_path_search: Finds a file case-insensitively Note that this *does* work on Windows, although it's rather pointless """ path_parts = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.sep) # If path_parts[0] is empty, we're on Unix and thus start searching at / if not path_parts[0]: path_parts[0] = '/' computed_path = path_parts[0] for part in path_parts[1:]: # If the computed directory does not exist, add all remaining parts as-is to at least return a valid path # at the end if not os.path.exists(computed_path): computed_path = os.path.join(computed_path, part) continue # First try to find an exact match actual_file_or_dirname = part if os.path.exists(os.path.join(computed_path, part)) else None # If there is no case-sensitive match, find a case-insensitive one if not actual_file_or_dirname: actual_file_or_dirname = next(( x for x in os.listdir(computed_path) if x.lower() == part.lower() ), part) computed_path = os.path.join(computed_path, actual_file_or_dirname) return computed_path def case_insensitive_path_search(path): """ Attempts to find a path case-insensitively """ # Legendary's save path resolver always returns absolute paths, so this is not as horrible as it looks path_parts = path.replace('\\', '/').split('/') path_parts[0] = '/' # filter out empty parts path_parts = [i for i in path_parts if i] # attempt to find lowest level directory that exists case-sensitively longest_path = '' remaining_parts = [] for i in range(len(path_parts), 0, -1): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(*path_parts[:i])): longest_path = path_parts[:i] remaining_parts = path_parts[i:] break logger.debug(f'Longest valid path: {longest_path}') logger.debug(f'Remaining parts: {remaining_parts}') # Iterate over remaining parts, find matching directories case-insensitively still_remaining = [] for idx, part in enumerate(remaining_parts): for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(*longest_path)): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(*longest_path, item)): continue if item.lower() == part.lower(): longest_path.append(item) break else: # once we stop finding parts break still_remaining = remaining_parts[idx:] break logger.debug(f'New longest path: {longest_path}') logger.debug(f'Still unresolved: {still_remaining}') final_path = os.path.join(*longest_path, *still_remaining) logger.debug(f'Final path: {final_path}') return os.path.realpath(final_path)