# Legendary (Game Launcher) ### A free and open-source Epic Games Launcher replacement [![Discord](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/695233346627698689/widget.png?style=shield)](https://discord.gg/UJKBwPw) [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/legendary_gl?label=Follow%20us%20for%20updates%21&style=social)](https://twitter.com/legendary_gl) Legendary (named after the next highest tier [in item rarity](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Quality)) is an open-source game launcher that can download and install games from the Epic Games Store on Linux and Windows. Right now it is in an early public pre-release stage and still needs a lot of work to work. But it does work! **What works:** - Authenticate with Epic - Download and install games - Update installed games and their DLC - Launch games with online authentication **Planned:** - Better Linux and WINE support - Importing installed games from the EGS launcher - PyPI distribution - Miscellaneous optimizations - Simple GUI for managing/launching games - Lots and lots of bug fixes and refactoring... ## Requirements - python 3.8+ - requests ## How to install - Windows (standalone): Download the latest EXE from [GitHub](https://github.com/derrod/legendary/releases/latest) - Linux/Windows (requires setuptools to be installed): `python3.8 setup.py install` A PyPI package will follow once it has gotten more testing. The Windows .exe was created with PyInstaller and will run standalone without python being installed. ## Quickstart To log in: ```` $ legendary --auth ```` Authentication is a little finicky since we have to go through the Epic website. In the first step you will log in and in the second one you are required to copy an exchange code from a JSON site into the command line. On Windows you can add `--import` to attempt to import the session from the Epic Games Launcher, if it is installed and you're logged in. Listing your games ```` $ legendary --list-games ```` This will fetch a list of games available on your account, the first time may take a while depending on how many games you have. Installing a game ```` $ legendary --install Anemone ```` **Important:** the name used for these commands is the app name, *not* the game's name! The app name is included in the games list after the title. List installed games and check for updates ```` $ legendary --list-installed --check-updates ```` Launch (run) a game with online authentication ```` $ legendary --launch Anemone ```` ## Usage ```` usage: legendary [-h] (--auth | --download | --install | --update | --uninstall | --launch | --list-games | --list-installed) [-v] [--import] [--base-path ] [--max-shared-memory ] [--max-workers ] [--manifest ] [--base-url ] [--force] [--disable-patching] [--offline] [--skip-version-check] [--override-username ] [--dry-run] [--check-updates] Legendary (Game Launcher) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --auth Authenticate Legendary with your account --download Download a game's files --install Download and install a game --update Update a game (alias for --install) --uninstall Remove a game --launch Launch game --list-games List available games --list-installed List installed games -v Set loglevel to debug Authentication options: --import Import EGS authentication data Downloading options: --base-path Path for game installations (defaults to ~/legendary) --max-shared-memory Maximum amount of shared memory to use (in MiB), default: 1 GiB --max-workers Maximum amount of download workers, default: 2 * logical CPU --manifest Manifest URL or path to use instead of the CDN one (e.g. for downgrading) --base-url Base URL to download from (e.g. to test or switch to a different CDNs) --force Ignore existing files (overwrite) Installation options: --disable-patching Do not attempt to patch existing installations (download full game) Game launch options: Note: any additional arguments will be passed to the game. --offline Skip login and launch game without online authentication --skip-version-check Skip version check when launching game in online mode --override-username Override username used when launching the game (only works with some titles) --dry-run Print the command line that would have been used to launch the game and exit Listing options: --check-updates Check for updates when listing installed games ```` ## Config file Legendary supports some options as well as game specific configuration in `~/.config/legendary/config.ini`: ````ini [Legendary] log_level = debug ; maximum shared memory (in MiB) to use for installation max_memory = 1024 ; default install directory install_dir = /mnt/tank/games [AppName] ; launch game without online authentication by default offline = true ; Skip checking for updates when launching this game skip_update_check = true ; start parameters to use (in addition to the required ones) start_params = -windowed ; (linux) specify wine executable to use wine_executable = wine [AppName.env] ; environment variables to set for this game (mostly useful on linux) WINEPREFIX = /home/user/legendary/Game/.wine DXVK_CONFIG_FILE = /home/user/legendary/Game/dxvk.conf ````