#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import argparse import csv import json import logging import os import shlex import subprocess import time import webbrowser from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from logging.handlers import QueueListener from multiprocessing import freeze_support, Queue as MPQueue from platform import platform from sys import exit, stdout, platform as sys_platform from legendary import __version__, __codename__ from legendary.core import LegendaryCore from legendary.models.exceptions import InvalidCredentialsError from legendary.models.game import SaveGameStatus, VerifyResult, Game from legendary.utils.cli import get_boolean_choice, get_int_choice, sdl_prompt, strtobool from legendary.lfs.crossover import * from legendary.utils.custom_parser import HiddenAliasSubparsersAction from legendary.utils.env import is_windows_mac_or_pyi from legendary.lfs.eos import add_registry_entries, query_registry_entries, remove_registry_entries from legendary.lfs.utils import validate_files, clean_filename from legendary.utils.selective_dl import get_sdl_appname from legendary.lfs.wine_helpers import read_registry, get_shell_folders # todo custom formatter for cli logger (clean info, highlighted error/warning) logging.basicConfig( format='[%(name)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger('cli') class LegendaryCLI: def __init__(self, override_config=None, api_timeout=None): self.core = LegendaryCore(override_config, timeout=api_timeout) self.logger = logging.getLogger('cli') self.logging_queue = None def setup_threaded_logging(self): self.logging_queue = MPQueue(-1) shandler = logging.StreamHandler() sformatter = logging.Formatter('[%(name)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s') shandler.setFormatter(sformatter) ql = QueueListener(self.logging_queue, shandler) ql.start() return ql def _resolve_aliases(self, name): # make sure aliases exist if not yet created self.core.update_aliases(force=False) name = name.strip() # resolve alias (if any) to real app name return self.core.lgd.config.get( section='Legendary.aliases', option=name, fallback=self.core.lgd.aliases.get(name.lower(), name) ) @staticmethod def _print_json(data, pretty=False): if pretty: print(json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) else: print(json.dumps(data)) def auth(self, args): if args.auth_delete: self.core.lgd.invalidate_userdata() logger.info('User data deleted.') return try: logger.info('Testing existing login data if present...') if self.core.login(): logger.info('Stored credentials are still valid, if you wish to switch to a different ' 'account, run "legendary auth --delete" and try again.') return except ValueError: pass except InvalidCredentialsError: logger.error('Stored credentials were found but were no longer valid. Continuing with login...') self.core.lgd.invalidate_userdata() # Force an update check and notice in case there are API changes self.core.check_for_updates(force=True) self.core.force_show_update = True if args.import_egs_auth: # get appdata path on Linux if not self.core.egl.appdata_path: egl_wine_pfx = None lutris_wine_pfx = os.path.expanduser('~/Games/epic-games-store') if os.path.exists(lutris_wine_pfx): logger.info(f'Found Lutris EGL WINE prefix at "{lutris_wine_pfx}"') if args.yes or get_boolean_choice('Do you want to use the Lutris install?'): egl_wine_pfx = lutris_wine_pfx if not egl_wine_pfx: logger.info('Please enter the path to the Wine prefix that has EGL installed') wine_pfx = input('Path [empty input to quit]: ').strip() if not wine_pfx: print('Empty input, quitting...') exit(0) if not os.path.exists(wine_pfx) and os.path.isdir(wine_pfx): print('Path is invalid (does not exist)!') exit(1) try: wine_folders = get_shell_folders(read_registry(egl_wine_pfx), egl_wine_pfx) egl_appdata = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(wine_folders['Local AppData'], 'EpicGamesLauncher', 'Saved', 'Config', 'Windows')) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Got exception when trying to read WINE registry: {e!r}') logger.error('Make sure you are specifying a valid wine prefix.') exit(1) if not os.path.exists(egl_appdata): logger.error(f'Wine prefix does not have EGL appdata path at "{egl_appdata}"') exit(0) else: logger.info(f'Using EGL appdata path at "{egl_appdata}"') self.core.egl.appdata_path = egl_appdata logger.info('Importing login session from the Epic Launcher...') try: if self.core.auth_import(): logger.info('Successfully imported login session from EGS!') logger.info(f'Now logged in as user "{self.core.lgd.userdata["displayName"]}"') return else: logger.warning('Login session from EGS seems to no longer be valid.') exit(1) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'No EGS login session found, please login manually. (Exception: {e!r})') exit(1) exchange_token = '' auth_code = '' if not args.auth_code and not args.session_id: # only import here since pywebview import is slow from legendary.utils.webview_login import webview_available, do_webview_login if not webview_available or args.no_webview or self.core.webview_killswitch: # unfortunately the captcha stuff makes a complete CLI login flow kinda impossible right now... print('Please login via the epic web login!') url = 'https://legendary.gl/epiclogin' webbrowser.open(url) print(f'If the web page did not open automatically, please manually open the following URL: {url}') auth_code = input('Please enter the "authorizationCode" value from the JSON response: ') auth_code = auth_code.strip() if auth_code[0] == '{': tmp = json.loads(auth_code) auth_code = tmp['authorizationCode'] else: auth_code = auth_code.strip('"') else: if do_webview_login(callback_code=self.core.auth_ex_token): logger.info(f'Successfully logged in as "{self.core.lgd.userdata["displayName"]}" via WebView') else: logger.error('WebView login attempt failed, please see log for details.') return elif args.session_id: exchange_token = self.core.auth_sid(args.session_id) elif args.auth_code: auth_code = args.auth_code elif args.ex_token: exchange_token = args.ex_token if not exchange_token and not auth_code: logger.fatal('No exchange token/authorization code, cannot login.') return if exchange_token and self.core.auth_ex_token(exchange_token): logger.info(f'Successfully logged in as "{self.core.lgd.userdata["displayName"]}"') elif auth_code and self.core.auth_code(auth_code): logger.info(f'Successfully logged in as "{self.core.lgd.userdata["displayName"]}"') else: logger.error('Login attempt failed, please see log for details.') def list_games(self, args): logger.info('Logging in...') if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed, cannot continue!') exit(1) if args.force_refresh: logger.info('Refreshing game list, this may take a while...') else: logger.info('Getting game list... (this may take a while)') games, dlc_list = self.core.get_game_and_dlc_list( platform=args.platform, skip_ue=not args.include_ue, force_refresh=args.force_refresh ) # Get information for games that cannot be installed through legendary (yet), such # as games that have to be activated on and launched through Origin. if args.include_noasset: na_games, na_dlcs = self.core.get_non_asset_library_items(skip_ue=not args.include_ue) games.extend(na_games) else: na_dlcs = [] # sort games and dlc by name games = sorted(games, key=lambda x: x.app_title.lower()) for citem_id in dlc_list.keys(): if citem_id in na_dlcs: dlc_list[citem_id].extend(na_dlcs[citem_id]) dlc_list[citem_id] = sorted(dlc_list[citem_id], key=lambda d: d.app_title.lower()) if args.csv or args.tsv: writer = csv.writer(stdout, dialect='excel-tab' if args.tsv else 'excel', lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow(['App name', 'App title', 'Version', 'Is DLC']) for game in games: writer.writerow((game.app_name, game.app_title, game.app_version(args.platform), False)) for dlc in dlc_list[game.catalog_item_id]: writer.writerow((dlc.app_name, dlc.app_title, dlc.app_version(args.platform), True)) return if args.json: _out = [] for game in games: _j = vars(game) _j['dlcs'] = [vars(dlc) for dlc in dlc_list[game.catalog_item_id]] _out.append(_j) return self._print_json(_out, args.pretty_json) print('\nAvailable games:') for game in games: version = game.app_version(args.platform) print(f' * {game.app_title.strip()} (App name: {game.app_name} | Version: {version})') # Games that "require" launching through EGL/Legendary, but have to be installed and managed through # a third-party application (such as Origin). if not version: _store = game.third_party_store if _store == 'Origin': print(f' - This game has to be activated, installed, and launched via Origin, use ' f'"legendary launch --origin {game.app_name}" to activate and/or run the game.') elif _store: print(f' ! This game has to be installed through a third-party store ({_store}, not supported)') else: print(f' ! No version information (unknown cause)') # Games that have assets, but only require a one-time activation before they can be independently installed # via a third-party platform (e.g. Uplay) if game.partner_link_type: _type = game.partner_link_type if _type == 'ubisoft': print(' - This game can be activated directly on your Ubisoft account and does not require ' 'legendary to install/run. Use "legendary activate --uplay" and follow the instructions.') else: print(f' ! This app requires linking to a third-party account (name: "{_type}", not supported)') for dlc in dlc_list[game.catalog_item_id]: print(f' + {dlc.app_title} (App name: {dlc.app_name} | Version: {dlc.app_version(args.platform)})') if not dlc.app_version(args.platform): print(f' ! This DLC is either included in the base game, or not available for {args.platform}') print(f'\nTotal: {len(games)}') def list_installed(self, args): if args.check_updates: logger.info('Logging in to check for updates...') if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed! Not checking for updates.') else: # Update assets for all platforms currently installed for app_platform in self.core.get_installed_platforms(): self.core.get_assets(True, platform=app_platform) games = sorted(self.core.get_installed_list(include_dlc=True), key=lambda x: x.title.lower()) versions = dict() for game in games: try: versions[game.app_name] = self.core.get_asset(game.app_name, platform=game.platform).build_version except ValueError: logger.warning(f'Metadata for "{game.app_name}" is missing, the game may have been removed from ' f'your account or not be in legendary\'s database yet, try rerunning the command ' f'with "--check-updates".') if args.csv or args.tsv: writer = csv.writer(stdout, dialect='excel-tab' if args.tsv else 'excel', lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow(['App name', 'App title', 'Installed version', 'Available version', 'Update available', 'Install size', 'Install path', 'Platform']) writer.writerows((game.app_name, game.title, game.version, versions[game.app_name], versions[game.app_name] != game.version, game.install_size, game.install_path, game.platform) for game in games if game.app_name in versions) return if args.json: return self._print_json([vars(g) for g in games], args.pretty_json) installed_dlcs = defaultdict(list) for game in games.copy(): if not game.is_dlc: continue games.remove(game) dlc = self.core.get_game(game.app_name) if not dlc or not dlc.metadata: logger.warning(f'DLC "{game.app_name}" is missing metadata for some reason. ' f'Running "legendary list-games" may fix this.') continue main_app_name = dlc.metadata['mainGameItem']['releaseInfo'][0]['appId'] installed_dlcs[main_app_name].append(game) print('\nInstalled games:') for game in games: if game.install_size == 0: logger.debug(f'Updating missing size for {game.app_name}') m = self.core.load_manifest(self.core.get_installed_manifest(game.app_name)[0]) game.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in m.file_manifest_list.elements) self.core.install_game(game) print(f' * {game.title} (App name: {game.app_name} | Version: {game.version} | ' f'Platform: {game.platform} | {game.install_size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024):.02f} GiB)') if args.include_dir: print(f' + Location: {game.install_path}') if not os.path.exists(game.install_path): print(f' ! Game does no longer appear to be installed (directory "{game.install_path}" missing)!') elif game.app_name in versions and versions[game.app_name] != game.version: print(f' -> Update available! Installed: {game.version}, Latest: {versions[game.app_name]}') for dlc in installed_dlcs[game.app_name]: print(f' + {dlc.title} (App name: {dlc.app_name} | Version: {dlc.version}) | ' f'{dlc.install_size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024):.02f} GiB)') if dlc.app_name in versions and versions[dlc.app_name] != dlc.version: print(f' -> Update available! Installed: {dlc.version}, Latest: {versions[dlc.app_name]}') print(f'\nTotal: {len(games)}') def list_files(self, args): if args.platform: args.force_download = True if not args.override_manifest and not args.app_name: print('You must provide either a manifest url/path or app name!') return elif args.app_name: args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) # check if we even need to log in if args.override_manifest: logger.info(f'Loading manifest from "{args.override_manifest}"') manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_uri_manifest(args.override_manifest) elif self.core.is_installed(args.app_name) and not args.force_download: logger.info(f'Loading installed manifest for "{args.app_name}"') manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_installed_manifest(args.app_name) else: logger.info(f'Logging in and downloading manifest for {args.app_name}') if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed! Cannot continue with download process.') exit(1) game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, update_meta=True) if not game: logger.fatal(f'Could not fetch metadata for "{args.app_name}" (check spelling/account ownership)') exit(1) manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_cdn_manifest(game, platform=args.platform) manifest = self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data) files = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements, key=lambda a: a.filename.lower()) if args.install_tag: files = [fm for fm in files if args.install_tag in fm.install_tags] if args.hashlist: for fm in files: print(f'{fm.hash.hex()} *{fm.filename}') elif args.csv or args.tsv: writer = csv.writer(stdout, dialect='excel-tab' if args.tsv else 'excel', lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow(['path', 'hash', 'size', 'install_tags']) writer.writerows((fm.filename, fm.hash.hex(), fm.file_size, '|'.join(fm.install_tags)) for fm in files) elif args.json: _files = [] for fm in files: _files.append(dict( filename=fm.filename, sha_hash=fm.hash.hex(), install_tags=fm.install_tags, file_size=fm.file_size, flags=fm.flags, )) return self._print_json(_files, args.pretty_json) else: install_tags = set() for fm in files: print(fm.filename) for t in fm.install_tags: install_tags.add(t) if install_tags: # use the log output so this isn't included when piping file list into file logger.info(f'Install tags: {", ".join(sorted(install_tags))}') def list_saves(self, args): if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed! Cannot continue with download process.') exit(1) # update game metadata logger.debug('Refreshing games list...') _ = self.core.get_game_and_dlc_list(update_assets=True) # then get the saves logger.info('Getting list of saves...') saves = self.core.get_save_games(self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name)) last_app = '' print('Save games:') for save in sorted(saves, key=lambda a: a.app_name + a.manifest_name): if save.app_name != last_app: game_title = self.core.get_game(save.app_name).app_title last_app = save.app_name print(f'- {game_title} ("{save.app_name}")') print(' +', save.manifest_name) def download_saves(self, args): if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed! Cannot continue with download process.') exit(1) logger.info(f'Downloading saves to "{self.core.get_default_install_dir()}"') self.core.download_saves(self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name)) def clean_saves(self, args): if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed! Cannot continue with download process.') exit(1) logger.info(f'Cleaning saves...') self.core.clean_saves(self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name), args.delete_incomplete) def sync_saves(self, args): if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed! Cannot continue with download process.') exit(1) igames = self.core.get_installed_list() if args.app_name: args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) if not igame: logger.fatal(f'Game not installed: {args.app_name}') exit(1) igames = [igame] # check available saves saves = self.core.get_save_games() latest_save = dict() for save in sorted(saves, key=lambda a: a.datetime): latest_save[save.app_name] = save logger.info(f'Got {len(latest_save)} remote save game(s)') # evaluate current save state for each game. for igame in igames: game = self.core.get_game(igame.app_name) if not game or not (game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves): if igame.app_name in latest_save: # this should never happen unless cloud save support was removed from a game logger.warning(f'{igame.app_name} has remote save(s) but does not support cloud saves?!') continue logger.info(f'Checking "{igame.title}" ({igame.app_name})') # override save path only if app name is specified if args.app_name and args.save_path: logger.info(f'Overriding save path with "{args.save_path}"...') igame.save_path = args.save_path self.core.lgd.set_installed_game(igame.app_name, igame) # if there is no saved save path, try to get one if not igame.save_path: if args.yes: logger.info(f'Save path for this title has not been set, skipping due to --yes') continue save_path = self.core.get_save_path(igame.app_name, platform=igame.platform) # ask user if path is correct if computing for the first time logger.info(f'Computed save path: "{save_path}"') if '%' in save_path or '{' in save_path: logger.warning('Path contains unprocessed variables, please enter the correct path manually.') yn = False else: yn = get_boolean_choice('Is this correct?') if not yn: save_path = input('Please enter the correct path (leave empty to skip): ') if not save_path: logger.info('Empty input, skipping...') continue if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) igame.save_path = save_path self.core.lgd.set_installed_game(igame.app_name, igame) res, (dt_l, dt_r) = self.core.check_savegame_state(igame.save_path, latest_save.get(igame.app_name)) if res == SaveGameStatus.NO_SAVE: logger.info('No cloud or local savegame found.') continue if res == SaveGameStatus.SAME_AGE and not (args.force_upload or args.force_download): logger.info(f'Save game for "{igame.title}" is up to date, skipping...') continue if (res == SaveGameStatus.REMOTE_NEWER and not args.force_upload) or args.force_download: if res == SaveGameStatus.REMOTE_NEWER: # only print this info if not forced logger.info(f'Cloud save for "{igame.title}" is newer:') logger.info(f'- Cloud save date: {dt_r.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}') if dt_l: logger.info(f'- Local save date: {dt_l.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}') else: logger.info('- Local save date: N/A') if args.upload_only: logger.info('Save game downloading is disabled, skipping...') continue if not args.yes and not args.force_download: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Download cloud save?'): logger.info('Not downloading...') continue logger.info('Downloading remote savegame...') self.core.download_saves(igame.app_name, save_dir=igame.save_path, clean_dir=True, manifest_name=latest_save[igame.app_name].manifest_name) elif res == SaveGameStatus.LOCAL_NEWER or args.force_upload: if res == SaveGameStatus.LOCAL_NEWER: logger.info(f'Local save for "{igame.title}" is newer') if dt_r: logger.info(f'- Cloud save date: {dt_r.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}') else: logger.info('- Cloud save date: N/A') logger.info(f'- Local save date: {dt_l.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}') if args.download_only: logger.info('Save game uploading is disabled, skipping...') continue if not args.yes and not args.force_upload: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Upload local save?'): logger.info('Not uploading...') continue logger.info('Uploading local savegame...') self.core.upload_save(igame.app_name, igame.save_path, dt_l, args.disable_filters) def launch_game(self, args, extra): app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) # Interactive CrossOver setup if args.crossover and sys_platform == 'darwin': args.reset = args.download = args.disable_version_check = False self.crossover_setup(args) if args.origin: return self._launch_origin(args) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(app_name) if not igame: logger.error(f'Game {app_name} is not currently installed!') exit(1) if igame.is_dlc: logger.error(f'{app_name} is DLC; please launch the base game instead!') exit(1) if not os.path.exists(igame.install_path): logger.fatal(f'Install directory "{igame.install_path}" appears to be deleted, cannot launch {app_name}!') exit(1) if args.reset_defaults: logger.info(f'Removing configuration section for "{app_name}"...') self.core.lgd.config.remove_section(app_name) return # override with config value args.offline = self.core.is_offline_game(app_name) or args.offline if not args.offline: logger.info('Logging in...') if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed, cannot continue!') exit(1) if not args.skip_version_check and not self.core.is_noupdate_game(app_name): logger.info('Checking for updates...') try: latest = self.core.get_asset(app_name, update=True, platform=igame.platform) except ValueError: logger.fatal(f'Metadata for "{app_name}" does not exist, cannot launch!') exit(1) if latest.build_version != igame.version: logger.error('Game is out of date, please update or launch with update check skipping!') exit(1) params = self.core.get_launch_parameters(app_name=app_name, offline=args.offline, extra_args=extra, user=args.user_name_override, wine_bin=args.wine_bin, wine_pfx=args.wine_pfx, language=args.language, wrapper=args.wrapper, disable_wine=args.no_wine, executable_override=args.executable_override, crossover_app=args.crossover_app, crossover_bottle=args.crossover_bottle) if args.set_defaults: self.core.lgd.config[app_name] = dict() # we have to do this if-cacophony here because an empty value is still # valid and could cause issues when relying on config.get()'s fallback if args.offline: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['offline'] = 'true' if args.skip_version_check: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['skip_update_check'] = 'true' if extra: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['start_params'] = shlex.join(extra) if args.wine_bin: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['wine_executable'] = args.wine_bin if args.wine_pfx: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['wine_prefix'] = args.wine_pfx if args.no_wine: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['no_wine'] = 'true' if args.language: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['language'] = args.language if args.wrapper: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['wrapper'] = args.wrapper if sys_platform == 'darwin': if args.crossover_app: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['crossover_app'] = args.crossover_app if args.crossover_bottle: self.core.lgd.config[app_name]['crossover_bottle'] = args.crossover_bottle if args.json: return self._print_json(vars(params), args.pretty_json) full_params = list() full_params.extend(params.launch_command) full_params.append(os.path.join(params.game_directory, params.game_executable)) full_params.extend(params.game_parameters) full_params.extend(params.user_parameters) full_params.extend(params.egl_parameters) # Copying existing env vars is required on Windows, probably a good idea on Linux full_env = os.environ.copy() full_env.update(params.environment) if 'CX_BOTTLE' in full_env and any('SharedSupport/CrossOver' in p for p in params.launch_command): # if using crossover, unset WINEPREFIX full_env.pop('WINEPREFIX', None) # check that bottle is valid, show error otherwise bottle_name = full_env["CX_BOTTLE"].strip() if not mac_is_valid_bottle(bottle_name): if bottle_name == 'Legendary': logger.error('Attempted to use default CrossOver bottle ("Legendary"), but it does not exist, ' 'see https://legendary.gl/crossover-setup for setup instructions.') else: logger.error(f'Specified CrossOver bottle {bottle_name} does not exist, cannot launch.') exit(1) else: logger.info(f'Using CrossOver Bottle "{bottle_name}"') if args.dry_run: logger.info(f'Not Launching {app_name} (dry run)') if params.pre_launch_command: logger.info(f'Pre-Launch Command: {params.pre_launch_command}') logger.info(f'Launch parameters: {shlex.join(full_params)}') logger.info(f'Working directory: {params.working_directory}') if params.environment: logger.info('Environment overrides: {}'.format(', '.join( f'{k}={v}' for k, v in params.environment.items()))) else: logger.info(f'Launching {app_name}...') if params.pre_launch_command: try: logger.debug(f'Running pre-launch command: {params.pre_launch_command}') p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(params.pre_launch_command), env=full_env) if params.pre_launch_wait: logger.debug('Waiting for pre-launch command to finish...') p.wait() except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Pre-launch command failed: {e!r}') logger.debug(f'Launch parameters: {shlex.join(full_params)}') logger.debug(f'Working directory: {params.working_directory}') if params.environment: logger.debug('Environment overrides: {}'.format(', '.join( f'{k}={v}' for k, v in params.environment.items()))) subprocess.Popen(full_params, cwd=params.working_directory, env=full_env) def _launch_origin(self, args): game = self.core.get_game(app_name=args.app_name) if not game: logger.error(f'Unknown game "{args.app_name}", run "legendary list-games --third-party" ' f'to fetch data for Origin titles before using this command.') return if not game.third_party_store or game.third_party_store != 'Origin': logger.error(f'The specified game is not an Origin title.') return # login is not required to launch the game, but linking does require it. if not args.offline: logger.info('Logging in...') if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed, cannot continue!') exit(1) origin_uri = self.core.get_origin_uri(args.app_name, args.offline) if args.json: return self._print_json(dict(uri=origin_uri), args.pretty_json) if os.name == 'nt': cmd, wait_for_exit = self.core.get_pre_launch_command(args.app_name) if args.dry_run: if cmd: logger.info(f'Pre-launch command: {cmd}') logger.info(f'Origin URI: {origin_uri}') else: if cmd: try: logger.debug(f'Running pre-launch command: {cmd}') p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd)) if wait_for_exit: logger.debug('Waiting for pre-launch command to finish...') p.wait() except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Pre-launch command failed: {e!r}') logger.debug(f'Opening Origin URI: {origin_uri}') webbrowser.open(origin_uri) return # on linux, require users to specify at least the wine binary and prefix in config or command line command = self.core.get_app_launch_command(args.app_name, wrapper=args.wrapper, wine_binary=args.wine_bin, disable_wine=args.no_wine, crossover_app=args.crossover_app) env = self.core.get_app_environment(args.app_name, wine_pfx=args.wine_pfx, cx_bottle=args.crossover_bottle) cmd, wait_for_exit = self.core.get_pre_launch_command(args.app_name) full_env = os.environ.copy() full_env.update(env) if 'CX_BOTTLE' in full_env and any('SharedSupport/CrossOver' in p for p in command): # if using crossover, unset WINEPREFIX full_env.pop('WINEPREFIX', None) # check that bottle is valid, show error otherwise bottle_name = full_env["CX_BOTTLE"].strip() if not mac_is_valid_bottle(bottle_name): if bottle_name == 'Legendary': logger.error('Attempted to use default CrossOver bottle ("Legendary"), but it does not exist, ' 'see https://legendary.gl/crossover-setup for setup instructions.') else: logger.error(f'Specified CrossOver bottle {bottle_name} does not exist, cannot launch.') exit(1) else: logger.info(f'Using CrossOver Bottle "{bottle_name}"') if not command: logger.error(f'In order to launch Origin correctly you must specify a prefix and wine binary or ' f'wrapper in the configuration file or command line. See the README for details.') return command.append(origin_uri) if args.dry_run: if cmd: logger.info(f'Pre-launch command: {cmd}') logger.info(f'Origin launch command: {shlex.join(command)}') else: if cmd: try: logger.debug(f'Running pre-launch command: {cmd}') p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), env=full_env) if wait_for_exit: logger.debug('Waiting for pre-launch command to finish...') p.wait() except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Pre-launch command failed: {e!r}') logger.debug(f'Opening Origin URI with command: {shlex.join(command)}') subprocess.Popen(command, env=full_env) def install_game(self, args): args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) args.platform = igame.platform if igame.needs_verification and not args.repair_mode: logger.info('Game needs to be verified before updating, switching to repair mode...') args.repair_mode = True repair_file = None if args.subparser_name == 'download': logger.info('Setting --no-install flag since "download" command was used') args.no_install = True elif args.subparser_name == 'repair' or args.repair_mode: args.repair_mode = True args.no_install = args.repair_and_update is False repair_file = os.path.join(self.core.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{args.app_name}.repair') if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed! Cannot continue with download process.') exit(1) if args.file_prefix or args.file_exclude_prefix: args.no_install = True if args.update_only: if not self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): logger.error(f'Update requested for "{args.app_name}", but app not installed!') exit(1) game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, update_meta=True, platform=args.platform) if not game: logger.error(f'Could not find "{args.app_name}" in list of available games, ' f'did you type the name correctly?') exit(1) if store := game.third_party_store: logger.error(f'The selected title has to be installed via a third-party store: {store}') if store == 'Origin': logger.info(f'For Origin games use "legendary launch --origin {args.app_name}" to ' f'activate and/or run the game.') exit(0) if args.platform not in game.asset_infos: if not args.no_install: if self.core.lgd.config.getboolean('Legendary', 'install_platform_fallback', fallback=True): logger.warning(f'App has no asset for platform "{args.platform}", falling back to "Windows".') args.platform = 'Windows' else: logger.error(f'No app asset found for platform "{args.platform}", run ' f'"legendary info --platform {args.platform}" and make ' f'sure the app is available for the specified platform.') exit(1) else: logger.warning(f'No asset found for platform "{args.platform}", ' f'trying anyway since --no-install is set.') if game.is_dlc: logger.info('Install candidate is DLC') app_name = game.metadata['mainGameItem']['releaseInfo'][0]['appId'] base_game = self.core.get_game(app_name) # check if base_game is actually installed if not self.core.is_installed(app_name): # download mode doesn't care about whether something's installed if not args.no_install: logger.fatal(f'Base game "{app_name}" is not installed!') exit(1) else: base_game = None if args.repair_mode: if not self.core.is_installed(game.app_name): logger.error(f'Game "{game.app_title}" ({game.app_name}) is not installed!') exit(0) if not os.path.exists(repair_file): logger.info('Game has not been verified yet.') if not args.yes: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Verify "{game.app_name}" now ("no" will abort repair)?'): print('Aborting...') exit(0) try: self.verify_game(args, print_command=False, repair_mode=True, repair_online=args.repair_and_update) except ValueError: logger.error('To repair a game with a missing manifest you must run the command with ' '"--repair-and-update". However this will redownload any file that does ' 'not match the current hash in its entirety.') return else: logger.info(f'Using existing repair file: {repair_file}') # check if SDL should be disabled sdl_enabled = not args.install_tag and not game.is_dlc config_tags = self.core.lgd.config.get(game.app_name, 'install_tags', fallback=None) config_disable_sdl = self.core.lgd.config.getboolean(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl', fallback=False) # remove config flag if SDL is reset if config_disable_sdl and args.reset_sdl and not args.disable_sdl: self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl') # if config flag is not yet set, set it and remove previous install tags elif not config_disable_sdl and args.disable_sdl: logger.info('Clearing install tags from config and disabling SDL for title.') if config_tags: self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'install_tags') config_tags = None self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl', True) sdl_enabled = False # just disable SDL, but keep config tags that have been manually specified elif config_disable_sdl or args.disable_sdl: sdl_enabled = False if sdl_enabled and ((sdl_name := get_sdl_appname(game.app_name)) is not None): if not self.core.is_installed(game.app_name) or config_tags is None or args.reset_sdl: sdl_data = self.core.get_sdl_data(sdl_name, platform=args.platform) if sdl_data: if args.skip_sdl: args.install_tag = [''] if '__required' in sdl_data: args.install_tag.extend(sdl_data['__required']['tags']) else: args.install_tag = sdl_prompt(sdl_data, game.app_title) self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', ','.join(args.install_tag)) else: logger.error(f'Unable to get SDL data for {sdl_name}') else: args.install_tag = config_tags.split(',') elif args.install_tag and not game.is_dlc and not args.no_install: config_tags = ','.join(args.install_tag) logger.info(f'Saving install tags for "{game.app_name}" to config: {config_tags}') self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', config_tags) elif not game.is_dlc: if config_tags and args.reset_sdl: logger.info('Clearing install tags from config.') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'install_tags') elif config_tags: logger.info(f'Using install tags from config: {config_tags}') args.install_tag = config_tags.split(',') logger.info(f'Preparing download for "{game.app_title}" ({game.app_name})...') # todo use status queue to print progress from CLI # This has become a little ridiculous hasn't it? dlm, analysis, igame = self.core.prepare_download(game=game, base_game=base_game, base_path=args.base_path, force=args.force, max_shm=args.shared_memory, max_workers=args.max_workers, game_folder=args.game_folder, disable_patching=args.disable_patching, override_manifest=args.override_manifest, override_old_manifest=args.override_old_manifest, override_base_url=args.override_base_url, platform=args.platform, file_prefix_filter=args.file_prefix, file_exclude_filter=args.file_exclude_prefix, file_install_tag=args.install_tag, dl_optimizations=args.order_opt, dl_timeout=args.dl_timeout, repair=args.repair_mode, repair_use_latest=args.repair_and_update, disable_delta=args.disable_delta, override_delta_manifest=args.override_delta_manifest, preferred_cdn=args.preferred_cdn, disable_https=args.disable_https) # game is either up-to-date or hasn't changed, so we have nothing to do if not analysis.dl_size: old_igame = self.core.get_installed_game(game.app_name) logger.info('Download size is 0, the game is either already up to date or has not changed. Exiting...') if old_igame and args.repair_mode and os.path.exists(repair_file): if old_igame.needs_verification: old_igame.needs_verification = False self.core.install_game(old_igame) logger.debug('Removing repair file.') os.remove(repair_file) # check if install tags have changed, if they did; try deleting files that are no longer required. if old_igame and old_igame.install_tags != igame.install_tags: old_igame.install_tags = igame.install_tags self.logger.info('Deleting now untagged files.') self.core.uninstall_tag(old_igame) self.core.install_game(old_igame) exit(0) logger.info(f'Install size: {analysis.install_size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB') compression = (1 - (analysis.dl_size / analysis.uncompressed_dl_size)) * 100 logger.info(f'Download size: {analysis.dl_size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB ' f'(Compression savings: {compression:.01f}%)') logger.info(f'Reusable size: {analysis.reuse_size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB (chunks) / ' f'{analysis.unchanged / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB (unchanged / skipped)') logger.info('Downloads are resumable, you can interrupt the download with ' 'CTRL-C and resume it using the same command later on.') res = self.core.check_installation_conditions(analysis=analysis, install=igame, game=game, updating=self.core.is_installed(args.app_name), ignore_space_req=args.ignore_space) if res.warnings or res.failures: print('\nInstallation requirements check returned the following results:') if res.warnings: for warn in sorted(res.warnings): print(' - Warning:', warn) if not res.failures: print() if res.failures: for msg in sorted(res.failures): print(' ! Failure:', msg) print() logger.fatal('Installation cannot proceed, exiting.') exit(1) if tip_url := self.core.get_game_tip(igame.app_name): print(f'\nThis game may have compatibility issues or require additional setup, see: {tip_url}\n') if not args.yes: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Do you wish to install "{igame.title}"?'): print('Aborting...') exit(0) start_t = time.time() try: # set up logging stuff (should be moved somewhere else later) dlm.logging_queue = self.logging_queue dlm.proc_debug = args.dlm_debug dlm.start() dlm.join() except Exception as e: end_t = time.time() logger.info(f'Installation failed after {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.') logger.warning(f'The following exception occurred while waiting for the downloader to finish: {e!r}. ' f'Try restarting the process, the resume file will be used to start where it failed. ' f'If it continues to fail please open an issue on GitHub.') else: end_t = time.time() if not args.no_install: # Allow setting savegame directory at install time so sync-saves will work immediately if (game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves) and args.save_path: igame.save_path = args.save_path postinstall = self.core.install_game(igame) if postinstall: self._handle_postinstall(postinstall, igame, skip_prereqs=args.yes) dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(game.app_name) if dlcs and not args.skip_dlcs: print('\nThe following DLCs are available for this game:') for dlc in dlcs: print(f' - {dlc.app_title} (App name: {dlc.app_name}, version: ' f'{dlc.app_version(args.platform)})') print('\nYou can manually install these later by running this command with the DLC\'s app name.') install_dlcs = not args.skip_dlcs if not args.yes and not args.with_dlcs and not args.skip_dlcs: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Do you wish to automatically install DLCs?'): install_dlcs = False if install_dlcs: _yes, _app_name = args.yes, args.app_name args.yes = True for dlc in dlcs: args.app_name = dlc.app_name self.install_game(args) args.yes, args.app_name = _yes, _app_name else: print('') if (game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves) and not game.is_dlc: # todo option to automatically download saves after the installation # args does not have the required attributes for sync_saves in here, # not sure how to solve that elegantly. logger.info(f'This game supports cloud saves, syncing is handled by the "sync-saves" command. ' f'To download saves for this game run "legendary sync-saves {args.app_name}"') # show tip again after installation finishes so users hopefully actually see it if tip_url := self.core.get_game_tip(igame.app_name): print(f'\nThis game may require additional setup, see: {tip_url}\n') old_igame = self.core.get_installed_game(game.app_name) if old_igame and args.repair_mode and os.path.exists(repair_file): if old_igame.needs_verification: old_igame.needs_verification = False self.core.install_game(old_igame) logger.debug('Removing repair file.') os.remove(repair_file) # check if install tags have changed, if they did; try deleting files that are no longer required. if old_igame and old_igame.install_tags != igame.install_tags: old_igame.install_tags = igame.install_tags self.logger.info('Deleting now untagged files.') self.core.uninstall_tag(old_igame) self.core.install_game(old_igame) logger.info(f'Finished installation process in {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.') def _handle_postinstall(self, postinstall, igame, skip_prereqs=False): print('\nThis game lists the following prerequisites to be installed:') print(f'- {postinstall["name"]}: {" ".join((postinstall["path"], postinstall["args"]))}') print('') if os.name == 'nt': if skip_prereqs: c = 'n' # we don't want to launch anything, just silent install. else: choice = input('Do you wish to install the prerequisites? ([y]es, [n]o, [i]gnore): ') c = choice.lower()[0] print('') if c == 'i': # just set it to installed logger.info('Marking prerequisites as installed...') self.core.prereq_installed(igame.app_name) elif c == 'y': # set to installed and launch installation logger.info('Launching prerequisite executable..') self.core.prereq_installed(igame.app_name) req_path, req_exec = os.path.split(postinstall['path']) work_dir = os.path.join(igame.install_path, req_path) fullpath = os.path.join(work_dir, req_exec) try: p = subprocess.Popen([fullpath, postinstall['args']], cwd=work_dir, shell=True) p.wait() except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to run prereq executable with: {e!r}') else: logger.info('Automatic installation not available on Linux.') def uninstall_game(self, args): args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) if not igame: logger.error(f'Game {args.app_name} not installed, cannot uninstall!') exit(0) if not args.yes: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Do you wish to uninstall "{igame.title}"?', default=False): print('Aborting...') exit(0) try: if not igame.is_dlc: # Remove DLC first so directory is empty when game uninstall runs dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(igame.app_name) for dlc in dlcs: if (idlc := self.core.get_installed_game(dlc.app_name)) is not None: logger.info(f'Uninstalling DLC "{dlc.app_name}"...') self.core.uninstall_game(idlc, delete_files=not args.keep_files) logger.info(f'Removing "{igame.title}" from "{igame.install_path}"...') self.core.uninstall_game(igame, delete_files=not args.keep_files, delete_root_directory=not igame.is_dlc) logger.info('Game has been uninstalled.') except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Removing game failed: {e!r}, please remove {igame.install_path} manually.') def verify_game(self, args, print_command=True, repair_mode=False, repair_online=False): args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if not self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): logger.error(f'Game "{args.app_name}" is not installed') return logger.info(f'Loading installed manifest for "{args.app_name}"') igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) if not os.path.exists(igame.install_path): logger.error(f'Install path "{igame.install_path}" does not exist, make sure all necessary mounts ' f'are available. If you previously deleted the game folder without uninstalling, run ' f'"legendary uninstall -y {igame.app_name}" and reinstall from scratch.') return manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_installed_manifest(args.app_name) if manifest_data is None: if repair_mode: if not repair_online: logger.critical('No manifest could be loaded, the manifest file may be missing!') raise ValueError('Local manifest is missing') logger.warning('No manifest could be loaded, the file may be missing. Downloading the latest manifest.') game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, platform=igame.platform) manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_cdn_manifest(game, igame.platform) else: logger.critical(f'Manifest appears to be missing! To repair, run "legendary repair ' f'{args.app_name} --repair-and-update", this will however redownload all files ' f'that do not match the latest manifest in their entirety.') return manifest = self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data) files = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements, key=lambda a: a.filename.lower()) # build list of hashes if config_tags := self.core.lgd.config.get(args.app_name, 'install_tags', fallback=None): install_tags = set(i.strip() for i in config_tags.split(',')) file_list = [ (f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files if any(it in install_tags for it in f.install_tags) or not f.install_tags ] else: file_list = [(f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files] total = len(file_list) total_size = sum(manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(fm[0]).file_size for fm in file_list) num = processed = last_processed = 0 speed = 0.0 percentage = 0.0 failed = [] missing = [] last_update = time.time() logger.info(f'Verifying "{igame.title}" version "{manifest.meta.build_version}"') repair_file = [] for result, path, result_hash, bytes_read in validate_files(igame.install_path, file_list): processed += bytes_read percentage = (processed / total_size) * 100.0 num += 1 if (delta := ((current_time := time.time()) - last_update)) > 1: last_update = current_time speed = (processed - last_processed) / 1024 / 1024 / delta last_processed = processed stdout.write(f'Verification progress: {num}/{total} ({percentage:.01f}%) [{speed:.1f} MiB/s]\t\r') stdout.flush() if result == VerifyResult.HASH_MATCH: repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') continue elif result == VerifyResult.HASH_MISMATCH: logger.error(f'File does not match hash: "{path}"') repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') failed.append(path) elif result == VerifyResult.FILE_MISSING: logger.error(f'File is missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) else: logger.error(f'Other failure (see log), treating file as missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) stdout.write(f'Verification progress: {num}/{total} ({percentage:.01f}%) [{speed:.1f} MiB/s]\t\n') # always write repair file, even if all match if repair_file: repair_filename = os.path.join(self.core.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{args.app_name}.repair') with open(repair_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(repair_file)) logger.debug(f'Written repair file to "{repair_filename}"') if not missing and not failed: logger.info('Verification finished successfully.') else: logger.error(f'Verification failed, {len(failed)} file(s) corrupted, {len(missing)} file(s) are missing.') if print_command: logger.info(f'Run "legendary repair {args.app_name}" to repair your game installation.') def import_game(self, args): # make sure path is absolute args.app_path = os.path.abspath(args.app_path) args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if not os.path.exists(args.app_path): logger.error(f'Specified path "{args.app_path}" does not exist!') return if self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): logger.error('Game is already installed!') return if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Log in failed!') return # do some basic checks game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, update_meta=True, platform=args.platform) if not game: logger.fatal(f'Did not find game "{args.app_name}" on account.') return if game.is_dlc: release_info = game.metadata.get('mainGameItem', {}).get('releaseInfo') if release_info: main_game_appname = release_info[0]['appId'] main_game_title = game.metadata['mainGameItem']['title'] if not self.core.is_installed(main_game_appname): logger.error(f'Import candidate is DLC but base game "{main_game_title}" ' f'(App name: "{main_game_appname}") is not installed!') return else: logger.fatal(f'Unable to get base game information for DLC, cannot continue.') return # get everything needed for import from core, then run additional checks. manifest, igame = self.core.import_game(game, args.app_path, platform=args.platform) exe_path = os.path.join(args.app_path, manifest.meta.launch_exe.lstrip('/')) # check if most files at least exist or if user might have specified the wrong directory total = len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) found = sum(os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.app_path, f.filename)) for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) ratio = found / total if not found: logger.error(f'No files belonging to {"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} "{game.app_title}" ' f'({game.app_name}) found in the specified location, please verify that the path is correct.') if not game.is_dlc: # check if game folder is in path, suggest alternative folder = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('FolderName', {}).get('value', game.app_name) if folder and folder not in args.app_path: new_path = os.path.join(args.app_path, folder) logger.info(f'Did you mean "{new_path}"?') return if not game.is_dlc and not os.path.exists(exe_path) and not args.disable_check: logger.error(f'Game executable could not be found at "{exe_path}", ' f'please verify that the specified path is correct.') return if ratio < 0.95: logger.warning('Some files are missing from the game installation, install may not ' 'match latest Epic Games Store version or might be corrupted.') else: logger.info(f'{"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} install appears to be complete.') self.core.install_game(igame) if igame.needs_verification: logger.info(f'NOTE: The {"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} installation will have to be ' f'verified before it can be updated with legendary.') logger.info(f'Run "legendary repair {args.app_name}" to do so.') else: logger.info(f'Installation had Epic Games Launcher metadata for version "{igame.version}", ' f'verification will not be required.') # check for importable DLC if not args.skip_dlcs: dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(game.app_name) if dlcs: logger.info(f'Found {len(dlcs)} items of DLC that could be imported.') import_dlc = True if not args.yes and not args.with_dlcs: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Do you wish to automatically attempt to import all DLCs?'): import_dlc = False if import_dlc: for dlc in dlcs: args.app_name = dlc.app_name self.import_game(args) logger.info(f'{"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} "{game.app_title}" has been imported.') def egs_sync(self, args): if args.unlink: logger.info('Unlinking and resetting EGS and LGD sync...') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary', 'egl_programdata') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary', 'egl_sync') # remove EGL GUIDs from all games, DO NOT remove .egstore folders because that would fuck things up. for igame in self.core.get_installed_list(): if not igame.egl_guid: continue igame.egl_guid = '' self.core.install_game(igame) # todo track which games were imported, remove those from LGD and exported ones from EGL logger.info('NOTE: All games are still available in Legendary and EGL, but future changes ' 'will not be synced. This may cause issues when trying to update/uninstall games.') return elif args.disable_sync: logger.info('Disabling EGS/LGD sync...') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary', 'egl_sync') return if not self.core.lgd.assets: logger.error('Legendary is missing game metadata, please login (if not already) and use the ' '"status" command to fetch necessary information to set-up syncing.') return if args.migrate: logger.info('Migration enabled, this will remove the games from EGL, but not uninstall them.') args.import_only = args.one_shot = True if not self.core.egl.programdata_path: if not args.egl_manifest_path and not args.egl_wine_prefix: # search default Lutris install path lutris_data_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Games/epic-games-store/drive_c/ProgramData' '/Epic/EpicGamesLauncher/Data') egl_path = None if os.path.exists(lutris_data_path): logger.info(f'Found Lutris EGL install at "{lutris_data_path}"') if args.yes or get_boolean_choice('Do you want to use the Lutris install?'): egl_path = os.path.join(lutris_data_path, 'Manifests') if not os.path.exists(egl_path): print('EGL Data path exists but Manifests directory is missing, creating...') os.makedirs(egl_path) if not egl_path: print('EGL path not found, please manually provide the path to the WINE prefix it is installed in') egl_path = input('Path [empty input to quit]: ').strip() if not egl_path: print('Empty input, quitting...') exit(0) if not os.path.exists(egl_path): print('Path is invalid (does not exist)!') exit(1) egl_data_path = os.path.join(egl_path, 'drive_c/ProgramData/Epic/EpicGamesLauncher/Data') egl_path = os.path.join(egl_data_path, 'Manifests') if not os.path.exists(egl_path): if not os.path.exists(egl_data_path): print('Invalid path (wrong directory, WINE prefix, or EGL not installed/launched)') exit(1) print('EGL Data path exists but Manifests directory is missing, creating...') os.makedirs(egl_path) if not os.listdir(egl_path): logger.warning('Folder is empty, this may be fine if nothing has been installed yet.') self.core.egl.programdata_path = egl_path self.core.lgd.config.set('Legendary', 'egl_programdata', egl_path) elif args.egl_wine_prefix: egl_data_path = os.path.join(args.egl_wine_prefix, 'drive_c/ProgramData/Epic/EpicGamesLauncher/Data') egl_path = os.path.join(egl_data_path, 'Manifests') if not os.path.exists(egl_path): if not os.path.exists(egl_data_path): print('Invalid path (wrong directory, WINE prefix, or EGL not installed/launched)') exit(1) print('EGL Data path exists but Manifests directory is missing, creating...') os.makedirs(egl_path) if not os.listdir(egl_path): logger.warning('Folder is empty, this may be fine if nothing has been installed yet.') self.core.egl.programdata_path = egl_path self.core.lgd.config.set('Legendary', 'egl_programdata', egl_path) else: if not os.path.exists(args.egl_manifest_path): logger.fatal('Path specified via --egl-manifest-path does not exist') exit(1) self.core.egl.programdata_path = args.egl_manifest_path self.core.lgd.config.set('Legendary', 'egl_programdata', args.egl_manifest_path) logger.debug(f'Using EGL ProgramData path "{self.core.egl.programdata_path}"...') logger.info('Reading EGL game manifests...') if not args.export_only: print('\nChecking for importable games...') importable = self.core.egl_get_importable() if importable: print('The following games are importable (EGL -> Legendary):') for egl_game in importable: print(' *', egl_game.app_name, '-', egl_game.display_name) print('\nNote: Only games that are also in Legendary\'s database are listed, ' 'if anything is missing run "list-games" first to update it.') if args.yes or get_boolean_choice('Do you want to import the games from EGL?'): for egl_game in importable: logger.info(f'Importing "{egl_game.display_name}"...') self.core.egl_import(egl_game.app_name) else: print('Nothing to import.') if not args.import_only: print('\nChecking for exportable games...') exportable = self.core.egl_get_exportable() if exportable: print('The following games are exportable (Legendary -> EGL)') for lgd_game in exportable: print(' *', lgd_game.app_name, '-', lgd_game.title) if args.yes or get_boolean_choice('Do you want to export the games to EGL?'): for lgd_game in exportable: logger.info(f'Exporting "{lgd_game.title}"...') self.core.egl_export(lgd_game.app_name) else: print('Nothing to export.') print('\nChecking automatic sync...') if not self.core.egl_sync_enabled and not args.one_shot and not args.migrate: if not args.enable_sync: args.enable_sync = args.yes or get_boolean_choice('Enable automatic synchronization?') if not args.enable_sync: # if user chooses no, still run the sync once self.core.egl_sync() self.core.lgd.config.set('Legendary', 'egl_sync', str(args.enable_sync)) elif args.migrate: # migration also disables sync logger.info('Disabling automatic sync (if enabled) and removing EGL link to finish migration...') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary', 'egl_programdata') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary', 'egl_sync') for igame in self.core.get_installed_list(): if not igame.egl_guid: continue self.core.egl_uninstall(igame) igame.egl_guid = '' self.core.install_game(igame) logger.info('Migration complete. Your games will now be exclusively managed by Legendary.') else: self.core.egl_sync() def status(self, args): if not args.offline: try: if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Log in failed!') exit(1) except ValueError: pass # if automatic checks are off force an update here self.core.check_for_updates(force=True) if not self.core.lgd.userdata: user_name = '' args.offline = True else: user_name = self.core.lgd.userdata['displayName'] games_available = len(self.core.get_game_list(update_assets=not args.offline)) games_installed = len(self.core.get_installed_list()) if args.json: return self._print_json(dict( account=user_name, games_available=games_available, games_installed=games_installed, egl_sync_enabled=self.core.egl_sync_enabled, config_directory=self.core.lgd.path ), args.pretty_json) print(f'Epic account: {user_name}') print(f'Games available: {games_available}') print(f'Games installed: {games_installed}') print(f'EGL Sync enabled: {self.core.egl_sync_enabled}') print(f'Config directory: {self.core.lgd.path}') print(f'Platform (System): {platform()} ({os.name})') print(f'\nLegendary version: {__version__} - "{__codename__}"') print(f'Update available: {"yes" if self.core.update_available else "no"}') if self.core.update_available: if update_info := self.core.get_update_info(): print(f'- New version: {update_info["version"]} - "{update_info["name"]}"') print(f'- Release summary:\n{update_info["summary"]}\n- Release URL: {update_info["gh_url"]}') if update_info['critical']: print('! This update is recommended as it fixes major issues.') # prevent update message on close self.core.update_available = False def info(self, args): name_or_path = args.app_name_or_manifest app_name = manifest_uri = None if os.path.exists(name_or_path) or name_or_path.startswith('http'): manifest_uri = name_or_path else: app_name = self._resolve_aliases(name_or_path) if not args.offline and not manifest_uri: try: if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Log in failed!') exit(1) except ValueError: pass # lists that will be printed or turned into JSON data info_items = dict(game=list(), manifest=list(), install=list()) InfoItem = namedtuple('InfoItem', ['name', 'json_name', 'value', 'json_value']) if self.core.is_installed(app_name): installed_platform = self.core.get_installed_game(app_name).platform if installed_platform != args.platform: logger.warning(f'Game is installed for platform "{installed_platform}", ' f'but requested metadata is for "{args.platform}", this may ' f'lead to unexpected results.') game = self.core.get_game(app_name, update_meta=not args.offline, platform=args.platform) if game and not self.core.asset_available(game, platform=args.platform): logger.warning(f'Asset information for "{game.app_name}" is missing, this may be due to the game ' f'not being available on the selected platform or currently logged-in account.') args.offline = True manifest_data = None entitlements = None # load installed manifest or URI if args.offline or manifest_uri: if app_name and self.core.is_installed(app_name): manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_installed_manifest(app_name) elif manifest_uri and manifest_uri.startswith('http'): r = self.core.egs.unauth_session.get(manifest_uri) r.raise_for_status() manifest_data = r.content elif manifest_uri and os.path.exists(manifest_uri): with open(manifest_uri, 'rb') as f: manifest_data = f.read() else: logger.info('Game not installed and offline mode enabled, cannot load manifest.') elif game: entitlements = self.core.egs.get_user_entitlements() egl_meta = self.core.egs.get_game_info(game.namespace, game.catalog_item_id) game.metadata = egl_meta # Get manifest if asset exists for current platform if args.platform in game.asset_infos: manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_cdn_manifest(game, args.platform) if game: game_infos = info_items['game'] game_infos.append(InfoItem('App name', 'app_name', game.app_name, game.app_name)) game_infos.append(InfoItem('Title', 'title', game.app_title, game.app_title)) game_infos.append(InfoItem('Latest version', 'version', game.app_version(args.platform), game.app_version(args.platform))) all_versions = {k: v.build_version for k, v in game.asset_infos.items()} game_infos.append(InfoItem('All versions', 'platform_versions', all_versions, all_versions)) # Cloud save support for Mac and Windows game_infos.append(InfoItem('Cloud saves supported', 'cloud_saves_supported', game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves, game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves)) cs_dir = None if game.supports_cloud_saves: cs_dir = game.metadata['customAttributes']['CloudSaveFolder']['value'] game_infos.append(InfoItem('Cloud save folder (Windows)', 'cloud_save_folder', cs_dir, cs_dir)) cs_dir = None if game.supports_mac_cloud_saves: cs_dir = game.metadata['customAttributes']['CloudSaveFolder_MAC']['value'] game_infos.append(InfoItem('Cloud save folder (Mac)', 'cloud_save_folder_mac', cs_dir, cs_dir)) game_infos.append(InfoItem('Is DLC', 'is_dlc', game.is_dlc, game.is_dlc)) external_activation = game.third_party_store or game.partner_link_type game_infos.append(InfoItem('Activates on external platform', 'external_activation', external_activation or 'No', external_activation)) # Find custom launch options, if available launch_options = [] i = 1 while f'extraLaunchOption_{i:03d}_Name' in game.metadata['customAttributes']: launch_options.append(( game.metadata['customAttributes'][f'extraLaunchOption_{i:03d}_Name']['value'], game.metadata['customAttributes'][f'extraLaunchOption_{i:03d}_Args']['value'] )) i += 1 if launch_options: human_list = [] json_list = [] for opt_name, opt_cmd in sorted(launch_options): human_list.append(f'Name: "{opt_name}", Parameters: {opt_cmd}') json_list.append(dict(name=opt_name, parameters=opt_cmd)) game_infos.append(InfoItem('Extra launch options', 'launch_options', human_list, json_list)) else: game_infos.append(InfoItem('Extra launch options', 'launch_options', None, [])) # list all owned DLC based on entitlements if entitlements and not game.is_dlc: owned_entitlements = {i['entitlementName'] for i in entitlements} owned_app_names = {g.app_name for g in self.core.get_assets(args.platform)} owned_dlc = [] for dlc in game.metadata.get('dlcItemList', []): installable = dlc.get('releaseInfo', None) if dlc['entitlementName'] in owned_entitlements: owned_dlc.append((installable, None, dlc['title'], dlc['id'])) elif installable: app_name = dlc['releaseInfo'][0]['appId'] if app_name in owned_app_names: owned_dlc.append((installable, app_name, dlc['title'], dlc['id'])) if owned_dlc: human_list = [] json_list = [] for installable, app_name, title, dlc_id in owned_dlc: json_list.append(dict(app_name=app_name, title=title, installable=installable, id=dlc_id)) if installable: human_list.append(f'App name: {app_name}, Title: "{title}"') else: human_list.append(f'Title: "{title}" (no installation required)') game_infos.append(InfoItem('Owned DLC', 'owned_dlc', human_list, json_list)) else: game_infos.append(InfoItem('Owned DLC', 'owned_dlc', None, [])) else: game_infos.append(InfoItem('Owned DLC', 'owned_dlc', None, [])) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(app_name) if igame: installation_info = info_items['install'] installation_info.append(InfoItem('Platform', 'platform', igame.platform, igame.platform)) installation_info.append(InfoItem('Version', 'version', igame.version, igame.version)) disk_size_human = f'{igame.install_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024:.02f} GiB' installation_info.append(InfoItem('Install size', 'disk_size', disk_size_human, igame.install_size)) installation_info.append(InfoItem('Install path', 'install_path', igame.install_path, igame.install_path)) installation_info.append(InfoItem('Save data path', 'save_path', igame.save_path, igame.save_path)) installation_info.append(InfoItem('EGL sync GUID', 'synced_egl_guid', igame.egl_guid, igame.egl_guid)) if igame.install_tags: tags = ', '.join(igame.install_tags) else: tags = '(None, all game data selected for install)' installation_info.append(InfoItem('Install tags', 'install_tags', tags, igame.install_tags)) installation_info.append(InfoItem('Requires ownership verification token (DRM)', 'requires_ovt', igame.requires_ot, igame.requires_ot)) installed_dlc_human = [] installed_dlc_json = [] for dlc in game.metadata.get('dlcItemList', []): if not dlc.get('releaseInfo', None): continue app_name = dlc['releaseInfo'][0]['appId'] if igame := self.core.get_installed_game(app_name): installed_dlc_json.append(dict(app_name=igame.app_name, title=igame.title, install_size=igame.install_size)) installed_dlc_human.append('App name: {}, Title: "{}", Size: {:.02f} GiB'.format( igame.app_name, igame.title, igame.install_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 )) installation_info.append(InfoItem('Installed DLC', 'installed_dlc', installed_dlc_human or None, installed_dlc_json)) if manifest_data: manifest_info = info_items['manifest'] manifest = self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data) manifest_size = len(manifest_data) manifest_size_human = f'{manifest_size / 1024:.01f} KiB' manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Manifest size', 'size', manifest_size_human, manifest_size)) manifest_type = 'JSON' if hasattr(manifest, 'json_data') else 'Binary' manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Manifest type', 'type', manifest_type, manifest_type.lower())) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Manifest version', 'version', manifest.version, manifest.version)) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Manifest feature level', 'feature_level', manifest.meta.feature_level, manifest.meta.feature_level)) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Manifest app name', 'app_name', manifest.meta.app_name, manifest.meta.app_name)) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Launch EXE', 'launch_exe', manifest.meta.launch_exe or 'N/A', manifest.meta.launch_exe)) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Launch Command', 'launch_command', manifest.meta.launch_command or '(None)', manifest.meta.launch_command)) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Build version', 'build_version', manifest.meta.build_version, manifest.meta.build_version)) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Build ID', 'build_id', manifest.meta.build_id, manifest.meta.build_id)) if manifest.meta.prereq_ids: human_list = [ f'Prerequisite IDs: {", ".join(manifest.meta.prereq_ids)}', f'Prerequisite name: {manifest.meta.prereq_name}', f'Prerequisite path: {manifest.meta.prereq_path}', f'Prerequisite args: {manifest.meta.prereq_args or "(None)"}', ] manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Prerequisites', 'prerequisites', human_list, dict(ids=manifest.meta.prereq_ids, name=manifest.meta.prereq_name, path=manifest.meta.prereq_path, args=manifest.meta.prereq_args))) else: manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Prerequisites', 'prerequisites', None, None)) install_tags = {''} for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements: for tag in fm.install_tags: install_tags.add(tag) install_tags = sorted(install_tags) install_tags_human = ', '.join(i if i else '(empty)' for i in install_tags) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Install tags', 'install_tags', install_tags_human, install_tags)) # file and chunk count manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Files', 'num_files', manifest.file_manifest_list.count, manifest.file_manifest_list.count)) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Chunks', 'num_chunks', manifest.chunk_data_list.count, manifest.chunk_data_list.count)) # total file size total_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) file_size = '{:.02f} GiB'.format(total_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Disk size (uncompressed)', 'disk_size', file_size, total_size)) # total chunk size total_size = sum(c.file_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements) chunk_size = '{:.02f} GiB'.format(total_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Download size (compressed)', 'download_size', chunk_size, total_size)) # if there are install tags break down size by tag tag_disk_size = [] tag_disk_size_human = [] tag_download_size = [] tag_download_size_human = [] if len(install_tags) > 1: longest_tag = max(max(len(t) for t in install_tags), len('(empty)')) for tag in install_tags: # sum up all file sizes for the tag human_tag = tag or '(empty)' tag_files = [fm for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if (tag in fm.install_tags) or (not tag and not fm.install_tags)] tag_file_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in tag_files) tag_disk_size.append(dict(tag=tag, size=tag_file_size, count=len(tag_files))) tag_file_size_human = '{:.02f} GiB'.format(tag_file_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) tag_disk_size_human.append(f'{human_tag.ljust(longest_tag)} - {tag_file_size_human} ' f'(Files: {len(tag_files)})') # tag_disk_size_human.append(f'Size: {tag_file_size_human}, Files: {len(tag_files)}, Tag: "{tag}"') # accumulate chunk guids used for this tag and count their size too tag_chunk_guids = set() for fm in tag_files: for cp in fm.chunk_parts: tag_chunk_guids.add(cp.guid_num) tag_chunk_size = sum(c.file_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in tag_chunk_guids) tag_download_size.append(dict(tag=tag, size=tag_chunk_size, count=len(tag_chunk_guids))) tag_chunk_size_human = '{:.02f} GiB'.format(tag_chunk_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) tag_download_size_human.append(f'{human_tag.ljust(longest_tag)} - {tag_chunk_size_human} ' f'(Chunks: {len(tag_chunk_guids)})') manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Disk size by install tag', 'tag_disk_size', tag_disk_size_human or 'N/A', tag_disk_size)) manifest_info.append(InfoItem('Download size by install tag', 'tag_download_size', tag_download_size_human or 'N/A', tag_download_size)) if not args.json: def print_info_item(item: InfoItem): if item.value is None: print(f'- {item.name}: (None)') elif isinstance(item.value, list): print(f'- {item.name}:') for list_item in item.value: print(' + ', list_item) elif isinstance(item.value, dict): print(f'- {item.name}:') for k, v in item.value.items(): print(' + ', k, ':', v) else: print(f'- {item.name}: {item.value}') if info_items['game']: print('\nGame Information:') for info_item in info_items['game']: print_info_item(info_item) if info_items['install']: print('\nInstallation information:') for info_item in info_items['install']: print_info_item(info_item) if info_items['manifest']: print('\nManifest information:') for info_item in info_items['manifest']: print_info_item(info_item) if not any(info_items.values()): print('No game information available.') else: json_out = dict(game=dict(), install=dict(), manifest=dict()) for info_item in info_items['game']: json_out['game'][info_item.json_name] = info_item.json_value for info_item in info_items['install']: json_out['install'][info_item.json_name] = info_item.json_value for info_item in info_items['manifest']: json_out['manifest'][info_item.json_name] = info_item.json_value # set empty items to null for key, value in json_out.items(): if not value: json_out[key] = None return self._print_json(json_out, args.pretty_json) def alias(self, args): if args.action == 'add': alias = args.alias app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_or_alias) game = self.core.get_game(app_name) if not game: logger.error(f'Invalid app name: "{app_name}"') return self.core.lgd.config.set('Legendary.aliases', alias, app_name) logger.info(f'Added alias "{alias}" to "{app_name}" (Title: "{game.app_title}")') elif args.action == 'rename': old_alias = args.app_or_alias new_alias = args.alias app_name = self.core.lgd.config.get('Legendary.aliases', old_alias, fallback=None) if not app_name: logger.error(f'Invalid old alias: "{app_name}"') return self.core.lgd.config.set('Legendary.aliases', new_alias, app_name) self.core.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary.aliases', old_alias) logger.info(f'Renamed alias "{old_alias}" to "{new_alias}"') elif args.action == 'remove': alias = args.app_or_alias if not self.core.lgd.config.has_option('Legendary.aliases', alias): logger.error(f'Alias does not exist: "{args.alias}"') return self.core.lgd.config.remove_option('Legendary.aliases', alias) logger.info(f'Removed alias "{alias}"') elif args.action == 'list': if args.app_or_alias: self.core.update_aliases(force=True) app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_or_alias) game = self.core.get_game(app_name) if not game: logger.error(f'Invalid app name: "{app_name}"') return print(f'\nAliases for "{game.app_title}" ({app_name}):') # Use-defined if self.core.lgd.config.has_section('Legendary.aliases'): aliases = [alias for (alias, app_name) in self.core.lgd.config['Legendary.aliases'].items() if app_name == game.app_name] if aliases: print('- User-defined aliases:') for alias in sorted(aliases): print(f' + {alias}') else: print('- User-defined aliases: (None)') # Automatically generated aliases = [alias for (alias, app_name) in self.core.lgd.aliases.items() if app_name == game.app_name] if aliases: print('- Automatic aliases:') for alias in sorted(aliases): print(f' + {alias}') else: print('- Automatic aliases: (None)') else: if not self.core.lgd.config.has_section('Legendary.aliases'): logger.error('No aliases in config!') return print('User-defined aliases:') for alias, app_name in self.core.lgd.config['Legendary.aliases'].items(): print(f' - {alias} => {app_name}') def cleanup(self, args): before = self.core.lgd.get_dir_size() # delete metadata logger.debug('Removing app metadata...') app_names = set() for _platform in self.core.get_installed_platforms(): app_names |= set(g.app_name for g in self.core.get_assets(update_assets=False, platform=_platform)) self.core.lgd.clean_metadata(app_names) if not args.keep_manifests: logger.debug('Removing manifests...') installed = [(ig.app_name, ig.version, ig.platform) for ig in self.core.get_installed_list()] installed.extend((ig.app_name, ig.version, ig.platform) for ig in self.core.get_installed_dlc_list()) self.core.lgd.clean_manifests(installed) logger.debug('Removing tmp data') self.core.lgd.clean_tmp_data() after = self.core.lgd.get_dir_size() logger.info(f'Cleanup complete! Removed {(before - after) / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB.') def activate(self, args): if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Login failed!') return if args.uplay: ubi_account_id = '' ext_auths = self.core.egs.get_external_auths() for ext_auth in ext_auths: if ext_auth['type'] != 'ubisoft': continue ubi_account_id = ext_auth['externalAuthId'] break else: logger.error('No linked ubisoft account found! Link your accounts via your browser and try again.') webbrowser.open('https://www.epicgames.com/id/link/ubisoft') print('If the web page did not open automatically, please manually open the following URL: ' 'https://www.epicgames.com/id/link/ubisoft') return uplay_keys = self.core.egs.store_get_uplay_codes() key_list = uplay_keys['data']['PartnerIntegration']['accountUplayCodes'] redeemed = {k['gameId'] for k in key_list if k['redeemedOnUplay']} games = self.core.get_game_list() entitlements = self.core.egs.get_user_entitlements() owned_entitlements = {i['entitlementName'] for i in entitlements} uplay_games = [] activated = 0 for game in games: for dlc_data in game.metadata.get('dlcItemList', []): if dlc_data['entitlementName'] not in owned_entitlements: continue try: app_name = dlc_data['releaseInfo'][0]['appId'] except (IndexError, KeyError): app_name = 'unknown' dlc_game = Game(app_name=app_name, app_title=dlc_data['title'], metadata=dlc_data) if dlc_game.partner_link_type != 'ubisoft': continue if dlc_game.partner_link_id in redeemed: continue uplay_games.append(dlc_game) if game.partner_link_type != 'ubisoft': continue if game.partner_link_id in redeemed: activated += 1 continue uplay_games.append(game) if not uplay_games: logger.info(f'All of your {activated} titles have already been activated on your Ubisoft account.') return logger.info(f'Found {len(uplay_games)} game(s) to redeem:') for game in sorted(uplay_games, key=lambda g: g.app_title.lower()): logger.info(f' - {game.app_title}') if not args.yes: y_n = get_boolean_choice('Do you want to redeem these games?') if not y_n: logger.info('Aborting.') return def read_service_response(response): # try to get specific error, otherwise just fall back to generic message error_msgs = [] for error in response['errors']: try: srv_resp = json.loads(error['serviceResponse']) error_msgs.append(srv_resp["errorMessage"]) except Exception as _e: logger.debug(f'Reading upstream error message failed with {_e!r}') error_msgs.append(error['message']) if len(error_msgs) > 1: return error_msgs elif error_msgs: return error_msgs[0] else: return 'Unknown error (API error message missing)' try: for game in uplay_games: result = self.core.egs.store_claim_uplay_code(ubi_account_id, game.partner_link_id) if 'errors' in result: logger.error(f'Claiming "{game.app_title}" failed with: {read_service_response(result)}') else: logger.debug(f'Successfully claimed code for "{game.partner_link_id}"') result = self.core.egs.store_redeem_uplay_codes(ubi_account_id) if 'errors' in result: logger.error(f'Redeeming codes (partially) failed with: {read_service_response(result)}') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to redeem Uplay codes: {e!r}') else: logger.info('Redeemed all outstanding Uplay codes.') elif args.origin: na_games, _ = self.core.get_non_asset_library_items(skip_ue=True) origin_games = [game for game in na_games if game.third_party_store == 'Origin'] if not origin_games: logger.info('No redeemable games found.') return logger.info(f'Found {len(origin_games)} game(s) to redeem:') for game in origin_games: logger.info(f' - {game.app_title}') logger.info('Note: Legendary does not know which of these have already been activated. ' 'Proceeding will result in it attempting to activate all of them.') logger.info('If Origin asks you to install the title rather than to activate, ' 'it has already been activated, and the dialog can be dismissed.') if os.name != 'nt': logger.info('On non-Windows systems the automatic portion of this process does not work yet, ' 'please use the launch commands listed below together with --wine/--wine-prefix to ' 'specify the wine binary to use and the prefix where Origin is installed.') for idx, game in enumerate(origin_games, start=1): logger.info(f'{idx}. legendary launch --origin {game.app_name}') return logger.info('After one title has been processed, hit enter to proceed with the next one.') y_n = get_boolean_choice('Do you want to redeem these games?') if not y_n: logger.info('Aborting...') return last_game = origin_games[-1] for game in origin_games: origin_uri = self.core.get_origin_uri(game.app_name) logger.info(f'Opening Origin to activate "{game.app_title}"') logger.debug(f'Opening Origin URI: {origin_uri}') webbrowser.open(origin_uri) if game == last_game: break y_n = get_boolean_choice('Do you want to proceed with the next title?') if not y_n: logger.info('User requested abort.') return logger.info('Origin activation process completed.') def get_token(self, args): if not self.core.login(force_refresh=args.bearer): logger.error('Login failed!') return if args.bearer: args.json = True token = dict(token_type='bearer', access_token=self.core.egs.user['access_token'], expires_in=self.core.egs.user['expires_in'], expires_at=self.core.egs.user['expires_at'], account_id=self.core.egs.user['account_id']) else: token = self.core.egs.get_game_token() if args.json: if args.pretty_json: print(json.dumps(token, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) else: print(json.dumps(token)) return logger.info(f'Exchange code: {token["code"]}') def manage_eos_overlay(self, args): prefix = None if os.name != 'nt': if args.app: app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app) # try getting bottle/prefix from config if sys_platform == 'darwin': args.bottle = self.core.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'crossover_bottle', fallback=None) args.prefix = self.core.lgd.config.get(f'{app_name}.env', 'WINEPREFIX', fallback=None) args.prefix = self.core.lgd.config.get(app_name, 'wine_prefix', fallback=args.prefix) if sys_platform == 'darwin' and args.bottle: if not mac_is_valid_bottle(args.bottle): logger.error('Invalid bottle specified.') return prefix = mac_get_bottle_path(args.bottle) elif args.prefix: if not os.path.exists(args.prefix): logger.error(f'Prefix "{args.prefix}" does not exist.') return prefix = args.prefix elif args.action not in {'info', 'install', 'remove', 'update'}: logger.error('Need either --prefix, --bottle, or --app for this command.') return if prefix: if not os.path.exists(prefix): logger.error(f'Prefix "{prefix}" does not exist.') return else: logger.info(f'Using prefix "{prefix}"') if args.action == 'info': igame = self.core.lgd.get_overlay_install_info() if not igame: logger.info('No Legendary-managed installation found.') else: logger.info(f'Installed version: {igame.version}') logger.info(f'Installed path: {igame.install_path}') if os.name != 'nt' and not prefix: return reg_paths = query_registry_entries(prefix) available_installs = self.core.search_overlay_installs(prefix) logger.info('Found available Overlay installations in:') for install in available_installs: logger.info(f' - {install}') # check if overlay path is in registry, and if it is valid overlay_enabled = False if reg_paths['overlay_path'] and self.core.is_overlay_install(reg_paths['overlay_path']): overlay_enabled = True logger.info(f'Overlay enabled: {"Yes" if overlay_enabled else "No"}') logger.info(f'Enabled Overlay path: {reg_paths["overlay_path"]}') # Also log Vulkan overlays vulkan_overlays = set(reg_paths['vulkan_hkcu']) | set(reg_paths['vulkan_hklm']) if vulkan_overlays: logger.info('Enabled Vulkan layers:') for vk_overlay in sorted(vulkan_overlays): logger.info(f' - {vk_overlay}') else: logger.info('No enabled Vulkan layers.') elif args.action == 'enable': if not args.path: igame = self.core.lgd.get_overlay_install_info() if igame: args.path = igame.install_path else: available_installs = self.core.search_overlay_installs(prefix) if not available_installs: logger.error('No EOS overlay installs found!') return args.path = available_installs[0] if not self.core.is_overlay_install(args.path): logger.error(f'Not a valid Overlay installation: {args.path}') return args.path = os.path.normpath(args.path) # Check for existing entries reg_paths = query_registry_entries(prefix) if old_path := reg_paths["overlay_path"]: if os.path.normpath(old_path) == args.path: logger.info(f'Overlay already enabled, nothing to do.') return else: logger.info(f'Updating overlay registry entries from "{old_path}" to "{args.path}"') remove_registry_entries(prefix) add_registry_entries(args.path, prefix) logger.info(f'Enabled overlay at: {args.path}') elif args.action == 'disable': logger.info('Disabling overlay (removing registry keys)..') reg_paths = query_registry_entries(prefix) old_path = reg_paths["overlay_path"] remove_registry_entries(prefix) # if the install is not managed by legendary, specify the command including the path if self.core.is_overlay_installed(): logger.info(f'To re-enable the overlay, run: legendary eos-overlay enable') else: logger.info(f'To re-enable the overlay, run: legendary eos-overlay enable --path "{old_path}"') elif args.action == 'remove': if not self.core.is_overlay_installed(): logger.error('No legendary-managed overlay installation found.') return if not args.yes: if not get_boolean_choice('Do you want to uninstall the overlay?', default=False): print('Aborting...') return logger.info('Deleting overlay installation...') self.core.remove_overlay_install() if os.name != 'nt' and not prefix: logger.info('Registry entries in prefixes (if any) have not been removed. ' f'This shouldn\'t cause any issues as the overlay will simply fail to load.') else: logger.info('Removing registry entries...') remove_registry_entries(prefix) if os.name != 'nt': logger.info(f'Registry entries in prefixes other than "{prefix}" were not removed. ' f'This shouldn\'t cause any issues as the overlay will simply fail to load.') logger.info('Done.') elif args.action in {'install', 'update'}: if args.action == 'update' and not self.core.is_overlay_installed(): logger.error(f'Overlay not installed, nothing to update.') return logger.info('Preparing to start overlay install...') dlm, ares, igame = self.core.prepare_overlay_install(args.path) if old_install := self.core.lgd.get_overlay_install_info(): if old_install.version == igame.version: logger.info('Installed version is up to date, nothing to do.') return logger.info(f'Install directory: {igame.install_path}') logger.info(f'Install size: {ares.install_size / 1024 / 1024:.2f} MiB') logger.info(f'Download size: {ares.dl_size / 1024 / 1024:.2f} MiB') if not args.yes: if not get_boolean_choice('Do you want to install the overlay?'): print('Aborting...') return try: # set up logging stuff (should be moved somewhere else later) dlm.logging_queue = self.logging_queue dlm.start() dlm.join() except Exception as e: logger.error(f'The following exception occurred while waiting for the downloader to finish: {e!r}. ' f'Try restarting the process, if it continues to fail please open an issue on GitHub.') else: self.core.finish_overlay_install(igame) if os.name == 'nt' or prefix: logger.info('Finished downloading, setting up overlay...') # Check for existing registry entries, and remove them if necessary install_path = os.path.normpath(igame.install_path) reg_paths = query_registry_entries(prefix) if old_path := reg_paths["overlay_path"]: if os.path.normpath(old_path) != install_path: logger.info(f'Updating overlay registry entries from "{old_path}" to "{install_path}"') remove_registry_entries(prefix) else: logger.info(f'Registry entries already exist. Done.') return add_registry_entries(install_path, prefix) logger.info('Done.') else: logger.info('Overlay has been downloaded. Run "legendary eos-overlay enable -h" to see ' 'available options for enabling the overlay by specifying a prefix, app, or bottle.') def crossover_setup(self, args): if sys_platform != 'darwin': logger.fatal('This command is only supported on macOS.') return if not args.app_name: app_name = 'default' game = None else: app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) game = self.core.get_game(app_name) if args.reset: if not game: prompt = 'Reset default crossover configuration?' else: prompt = f'Reset "{game.app_title}" crossover configuration?' y_n = args.yes or get_boolean_choice(prompt, default=False) if y_n: self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(app_name, 'crossover_app') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(app_name, 'crossover_bottle') return if args.crossover_app: cx_version = mac_get_crossover_version(args.crossover_app) if not cx_version: logger.error(f'No valid CrossOver install specified!') return logger.info(f'Using CrossOver {cx_version} at {args.crossover_app}') else: logger.info('Looking for CrossOver installs...') apps = mac_find_crossover_apps() if len(apps) > 1: print('\nFound multiple CrossOver installs, please select one:') for i, (ver, path) in enumerate(apps, start=1): print(f' {i:2d}. {ver} ({path})') print('') choice = get_int_choice(f'Select a CrossOver install', 1, 1, len(apps)) if choice is None: logger.error(f'No valid choice made, aborting.') exit(1) # empty line just to make the output look a little less crammed print('') cx_version, args.crossover_app = apps[choice - 1] elif len(apps) == 1: cx_version, args.crossover_app = apps[0] logger.info(f'Found CrossOver {cx_version} at {args.crossover_app}') else: logger.error(f'No CrossOver installs found, see https://legendary.gl/crossover-setup ' f'for setup instructions') return forced_selection = None bottles = mac_get_crossover_bottles() if args.crossover_bottle: if args.crossover_bottle not in bottles: logger.error(f'No valid CrossOver bottle specified!') return logger.info(f'Using Bottle "{args.crossover_bottle}"') forced_selection = args.crossover_bottle elif not any(b.startswith('Legendary') for b in bottles) and not args.download: logger.info('It is recommended to set up a bottle specifically for Legendary, see ' 'https://legendary.gl/crossover-setup for setup instructions.') elif args.download: logger.warning('This feature is experimental, and may not work properly. This is not supported by ' 'CodeWeavers/CrossOver, please report issues only on the Legendary GitHub or Discord!') if mac_is_crossover_running(): logger.error('CrossOver is still running, please quit it before proceeding.') return logger.info('Checking available bottles...') available_bottles = self.core.get_available_bottles() if args.disable_version_check: logger.warning('All available bottles are shown, including possibly incompatible ones.') usable_bottles = available_bottles else: usable_bottles = [b for b in available_bottles if cx_version in b['cx_versions']] logger.info(f'Found {len(usable_bottles)} bottle(s) usable with the selected CrossOver version. ' f'(Total: {len(available_bottles)})') if not usable_bottles: logger.info(f'No usable bottles found, see https://legendary.gl/crossover-setup for ' f'manual setup instructions.') install_candidate = None else: print('\nFound available bottle(s), please select one:') default_choice = None for i, bottle in enumerate(usable_bottles, start=1): extra = [] if cx_version in bottle['cx_versions']: if app_name in bottle['compatible_apps']: extra.append('recommended') if not default_choice and bottle['is_default']: default_choice = i extra.append('default') if bottle['name'] in bottles: extra.append('installed') if extra: print(f' {i:2d}. {bottle["name"]} ({bottle["description"]}) [{", ".join(extra)}]') else: print(f' {i:2d}. {bottle["name"]} ({bottle["description"]})') print('') choice = get_int_choice(f'Select a bottle (CTRL+C to abort)', default_choice, 1, len(usable_bottles), return_on_invalid=True) if choice is None: logger.error(f'No valid choice made, aborting.') return # empty line just to make the output look a little less crammed print('') install_candidate = usable_bottles[choice - 1] if install_candidate: bottle_name = install_candidate["name"] logger.info(f'Preparing to download "{bottle_name}" ({install_candidate["description"]})...') if bottle_name in bottles: logger.warning(f'Bottle with the same name already exists!') new_name = input('Please provide a new name for the bottle [CTRL-C or empty to abort]: ') if not new_name: logger.error('No new name provided, aborting.') return bottle_name = clean_filename(new_name).strip() dlm, ares, path = self.core.prepare_bottle_download(bottle_name, install_candidate['manifest'], base_url=install_candidate.get('base_url')) logger.info(f'Bottle install directory: {path}') logger.info(f'Bottle size: {ares.install_size / 1024 / 1024:.2f} MiB') logger.info(f'Download size: {ares.dl_size / 1024 / 1024:.2f} MiB') if not args.yes: if not get_boolean_choice('Do you want to download the selected bottle?'): print('Aborting...') return try: # set up logging stuff (should be moved somewhere else later) dlm.logging_queue = self.logging_queue dlm.start() dlm.join() except Exception as e: logger.error(f'The following exception occurred while waiting for the downloader: {e!r}. ' f'Try restarting the process, if it continues to fail please open an issue on GitHub.') # delete the unfinished bottle self.core.remove_bottle(bottle_name) return else: logger.info('Finished downloading, finalising bottle setup...') self.core.finish_bottle_setup(bottle_name) forced_selection = bottle_name if len(bottles) > 1 and not forced_selection: print('\nFound multiple CrossOver bottles, please select one:') if 'Legendary' in bottles: default_choice = bottles.index('Legendary') + 1 elif 'Heroic' in bottles: default_choice = bottles.index('Heroic') + 1 else: default_choice = None for i, bottle in enumerate(bottles, start=1): if i == default_choice: print(f' {i:2d}. {bottle} (default)') else: print(f' {i:2d}. {bottle}') print('') choice = get_int_choice(f'Select a bottle', default_choice, 1, len(bottles)) if choice is None: logger.error(f'No valid choice made, aborting.') exit(1) # empty line just to make the output look a little less crammed print('') args.crossover_bottle = bottles[choice - 1] elif len(bottles) == 1 and not forced_selection: logger.info(f'Found only one bottle: {bottles[0]}') args.crossover_bottle = bottles[0] elif forced_selection: args.crossover_bottle = forced_selection else: logger.error('No Bottles found, see https://legendary.gl/crossover-setup for setup instructions.') return logger.info(f'Current configuration: ' f'--crossover-bottle "{args.crossover_bottle}" ' f'--crossover-app "{args.crossover_app}" ') if not game: prompt = 'Would you like to save these choices as the default?' else: prompt = f'Would you like to save these choices for "{game.app_title}"?' y_n = args.yes or get_boolean_choice(prompt) if y_n: self.core.lgd.config.set(app_name, 'crossover_app', args.crossover_app) self.core.lgd.config.set(app_name, 'crossover_bottle', args.crossover_bottle) logger.info('Saved choices to configuration.') def move(self, args): app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(app_name, skip_sync=True) if not igame: logger.error(f'No installed game found for "{app_name}"') return old_base, game_folder = os.path.split(igame.install_path.replace('\\', '/')) new_path = os.path.join(args.new_path, game_folder) logger.info(f'Moving "{game_folder}" from "{old_base}" to "{args.new_path}"') if not args.skip_move: try: if not os.path.exists(args.new_path): os.makedirs(args.new_path) os.rename(igame.install_path, new_path) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, OSError) and e.errno == 18: logger.error(f'Moving to a different drive is not supported. Move the folder manually to ' f'"{new_path}" and run "legendary move {app_name} "{args.new_path}" --skip-move"') elif isinstance(e, FileExistsError): logger.error(f'The target path already contains a folder called "{game_folder}", ' f'please remove or rename it first.') else: logger.error(f'Moving failed with unknown error {e!r}.') logger.info(f'Try moving the folder manually to "{new_path}" and running ' f'"legendary move {app_name} "{args.new_path}" --skip-move"') return else: logger.info(f'Not moving, just rewriting legendary metadata...') igame.install_path = new_path self.core.install_game(igame) logger.info('Finished.') def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f'Legendary v{__version__} - "{__codename__}"') parser.register('action', 'parsers', HiddenAliasSubparsersAction) # general arguments parser.add_argument('-H', '--full-help', dest='full_help', action='store_true', help='Show full help (including individual command help)') parser.add_argument('-v', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Set loglevel to debug') parser.add_argument('-y', '--yes', dest='yes', action='store_true', help='Default to yes for all prompts') parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', dest='version', action='store_true', help='Print version and exit') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-file', dest='config_file', action='store', metavar='', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-J', '--pretty-json', dest='pretty_json', action='store_true', help='Pretty-print JSON') parser.add_argument('-A', '--api-timeout', dest='api_timeout', action='store', type=float, default=10, metavar='', help='API HTTP request timeout (default: 10 seconds)') # all the commands subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Commands', dest='subparser_name', metavar='') activate_parser = subparsers.add_parser('activate', help='Activate games on third party launchers') alias_parser = subparsers.add_parser('alias', help='Manage aliases') auth_parser = subparsers.add_parser('auth', help='Authenticate with the Epic Games Store') clean_saves_parser = subparsers.add_parser('clean-saves', help='Clean cloud saves') clean_parser = subparsers.add_parser('cleanup', help='Remove old temporary, metadata, and manifest files') cx_parser = subparsers.add_parser('crossover', help='Setup CrossOver for launching games (macOS only)') download_saves_parser = subparsers.add_parser('download-saves', help='Download all cloud saves') egl_sync_parser = subparsers.add_parser('egl-sync', help='Setup or run Epic Games Launcher sync') eos_overlay_parser = subparsers.add_parser('eos-overlay', help='Manage EOS Overlay install') import_parser = subparsers.add_parser('import', help='Import an already installed game', aliases=('import-game',), hide_aliases=True) info_parser = subparsers.add_parser('info', help='Prints info about specified app name or manifest') install_parser = subparsers.add_parser('install', help='Install/download/update/repair a game', aliases=('download', 'update', 'repair'), usage='%(prog)s [options]', description='Aliases: download, update') launch_parser = subparsers.add_parser('launch', help='Launch a game', usage='%(prog)s [options]', description='Note: additional arguments are passed to the game') list_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list', aliases=('list-games',), hide_aliases=True, help='List available (installable) games') list_files_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-files', help='List files in manifest') list_installed_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-installed', help='List installed games') list_saves_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-saves', help='List available cloud saves') move_parser = subparsers.add_parser('move', help='Move specified app name to a new location') status_parser = subparsers.add_parser('status', help='Show legendary status information') sync_saves_parser = subparsers.add_parser('sync-saves', help='Sync cloud saves') uninstall_parser = subparsers.add_parser('uninstall', help='Uninstall (delete) a game') verify_parser = subparsers.add_parser('verify', help='Verify a game\'s local files', aliases=('verify-game',), hide_aliases=True) # hidden commands have no help text get_token_parser = subparsers.add_parser('get-token') # Positional arguments install_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='') uninstall_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='') launch_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='') list_files_parser.add_argument('app_name', nargs='?', metavar='', help='Name of the app (optional)') list_saves_parser.add_argument('app_name', nargs='?', metavar='', default='', help='Name of the app (optional)') download_saves_parser.add_argument('app_name', nargs='?', metavar='', default='', help='Name of the app (optional)') clean_saves_parser.add_argument('app_name', nargs='?', metavar='', default='', help='Name of the app (optional)') sync_saves_parser.add_argument('app_name', nargs='?', metavar='', default='', help='Name of the app (optional)') verify_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='') import_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='') import_parser.add_argument('app_path', help='Path where the game is installed', metavar='') info_parser.add_argument('app_name_or_manifest', help='App name or manifest path/URI', metavar='') alias_parser.add_argument('action', help='Action: Add, rename, remove, or list alias(es)', choices=['add', 'rename', 'remove', 'list'], metavar='') alias_parser.add_argument('app_or_alias', help='App name when using "add" or "list" action, ' 'existing alias when using "rename" or "remove" action', metavar='', nargs='?') alias_parser.add_argument('alias', help='New alias when using "add" action', metavar='', nargs='?') cx_parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='', nargs='?', help='App name to configure, will configure defaults if ommited') move_parser.add_argument('app_name', metavar='', help='Name of the app') move_parser.add_argument('new_path', metavar='', help='Directory to move game folder to') # Flags auth_parser.add_argument('--import', dest='import_egs_auth', action='store_true', help='Import Epic Games Launcher authentication data (logs out of EGL)') auth_parser.add_argument('--code', dest='auth_code', action='store', metavar='', help='Use specified authorization code instead of interactive authentication') auth_parser.add_argument('--token', dest='ex_token', action='store', metavar='', help='Use specified exchange token instead of interactive authentication') auth_parser.add_argument('--sid', dest='session_id', action='store', metavar='', help='Use specified session id instead of interactive authentication') auth_parser.add_argument('--delete', dest='auth_delete', action='store_true', help='Remove existing authentication (log out)') auth_parser.add_argument('--disable-webview', dest='no_webview', action='store_true', help='Do not use embedded browser for login') install_parser.add_argument('--base-path', dest='base_path', action='store', metavar='', help='Path for game installations (defaults to ~/Games)') install_parser.add_argument('--game-folder', dest='game_folder', action='store', metavar='', help='Folder for game installation (defaults to folder specified in metadata)') install_parser.add_argument('--max-shared-memory', dest='shared_memory', action='store', metavar='', type=int, help='Maximum amount of shared memory to use (in MiB), default: 1 GiB') install_parser.add_argument('--max-workers', dest='max_workers', action='store', metavar='', type=int, help='Maximum amount of download workers, default: min(2 * CPUs, 16)') install_parser.add_argument('--manifest', dest='override_manifest', action='store', metavar='', help='Manifest URL or path to use instead of the CDN one (e.g. for downgrading)') install_parser.add_argument('--old-manifest', dest='override_old_manifest', action='store', metavar='', help='Manifest URL or path to use as the old one (e.g. for testing patching)') install_parser.add_argument('--delta-manifest', dest='override_delta_manifest', action='store', metavar='', help='Manifest URL or path to use as the delta one (e.g. for testing)') install_parser.add_argument('--base-url', dest='override_base_url', action='store', metavar='', help='Base URL to download from (e.g. to test or switch to a different CDNs)') install_parser.add_argument('--force', dest='force', action='store_true', help='Download all files / ignore existing (overwrite)') install_parser.add_argument('--disable-patching', dest='disable_patching', action='store_true', help='Do not attempt to patch existing installation (download entire changed files)') install_parser.add_argument('--download-only', '--no-install', dest='no_install', action='store_true', help='Do not install app and do not run prerequisite installers after download') install_parser.add_argument('--update-only', dest='update_only', action='store_true', help='Only update, do not do anything if specified app is not installed') install_parser.add_argument('--dlm-debug', dest='dlm_debug', action='store_true', help='Set download manager and worker processes\' loglevel to debug') install_parser.add_argument('--platform', dest='platform', action='store', metavar='', type=str, help='Platform for install (default: installed or Windows)') install_parser.add_argument('--prefix', dest='file_prefix', action='append', metavar='', help='Only fetch files whose path starts with (case insensitive)') install_parser.add_argument('--exclude', dest='file_exclude_prefix', action='append', metavar='', type=str, help='Exclude files starting with (case insensitive)') install_parser.add_argument('--install-tag', dest='install_tag', action='append', metavar='', type=str, help='Only download files with the specified install tag') install_parser.add_argument('--enable-reordering', dest='order_opt', action='store_true', help='Enable reordering optimization to reduce RAM requirements ' 'during download (may have adverse results for some titles)') install_parser.add_argument('--dl-timeout', dest='dl_timeout', action='store', metavar='', type=int, help='Connection timeout for downloader (default: 10 seconds)') install_parser.add_argument('--save-path', dest='save_path', action='store', metavar='', help='Set save game path to be used for sync-saves') install_parser.add_argument('--repair', dest='repair_mode', action='store_true', help='Repair installed game by checking and redownloading corrupted/missing files') install_parser.add_argument('--repair-and-update', dest='repair_and_update', action='store_true', help='Update game to the latest version when repairing') install_parser.add_argument('--ignore-free-space', dest='ignore_space', action='store_true', help='Do not abort if not enough free space is available') install_parser.add_argument('--disable-delta-manifests', dest='disable_delta', action='store_true', help='Do not use delta manifests when updating (may increase download size)') install_parser.add_argument('--reset-sdl', dest='reset_sdl', action='store_true', help='Reset selective downloading choices (requires repair to download new components)') install_parser.add_argument('--skip-sdl', dest='skip_sdl', action='store_true', help='Skip SDL prompt and continue with defaults (only required game data)') install_parser.add_argument('--disable-sdl', dest='disable_sdl', action='store_true', help='Disable selective downloading for title, reset existing configuration (if any)') install_parser.add_argument('--preferred-cdn', dest='preferred_cdn', action='store', metavar='', help='Set the hostname of the preferred CDN to use when available') install_parser.add_argument('--no-https', dest='disable_https', action='store_true', help='Download games via plaintext HTTP (like EGS), e.g. for use with a lan cache') install_parser.add_argument('--with-dlcs', dest='with_dlcs', action='store_true', help='Automatically install all DLCs with the base game') install_parser.add_argument('--skip-dlcs', dest='skip_dlcs', action='store_true', help='Do not ask about installing DLCs.') uninstall_parser.add_argument('--keep-files', dest='keep_files', action='store_true', help='Keep files but remove game from Legendary database') launch_parser.add_argument('--offline', dest='offline', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip login and launch game without online authentication') launch_parser.add_argument('--skip-version-check', dest='skip_version_check', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip version check when launching game in online mode') launch_parser.add_argument('--override-username', dest='user_name_override', action='store', metavar='', help='Override username used when launching the game (only works with some titles)') launch_parser.add_argument('--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', help='Print the command line that would have been used to launch the game and exit') launch_parser.add_argument('--language', dest='language', action='store', metavar='', help='Override language for game launch (defaults to system locale)') launch_parser.add_argument('--wrapper', dest='wrapper', action='store', metavar='', default=os.environ.get('LGDRY_WRAPPER', None), help='Wrapper command to launch game with') launch_parser.add_argument('--set-defaults', dest='set_defaults', action='store_true', help='Save parameters used to launch to config (does not include env vars)') launch_parser.add_argument('--reset-defaults', dest='reset_defaults', action='store_true', help='Reset config settings for app and exit') launch_parser.add_argument('--override-exe', dest='executable_override', action='store', metavar='', help='Override executable to launch (relative path)') launch_parser.add_argument('--origin', dest='origin', action='store_true', help='Launch Origin to activate or run the game.') launch_parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', action='store_true', help='Print launch information as JSON and exit') if os.name != 'nt': launch_parser.add_argument('--wine', dest='wine_bin', action='store', metavar='', default=os.environ.get('LGDRY_WINE_BINARY', None), help='Set WINE binary to use to launch the app') launch_parser.add_argument('--wine-prefix', dest='wine_pfx', action='store', metavar='', default=os.environ.get('LGDRY_WINE_PREFIX', None), help='Set WINE prefix to use') launch_parser.add_argument('--no-wine', dest='no_wine', action='store_true', default=strtobool(os.environ.get('LGDRY_NO_WINE', 'False')), help='Do not run game with WINE (e.g. if a wrapper is used)') else: # hidden arguments to not break this on Windows launch_parser.add_argument('--wine', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, dest='wine_bin') launch_parser.add_argument('--wine-prefix', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, dest='wine_pfx') launch_parser.add_argument('--no-wine', dest='no_wine', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', default=True) if sys_platform == 'darwin': launch_parser.add_argument('--crossover', dest='crossover', action='store_true', help='Interactively configure CrossOver for this application.') launch_parser.add_argument('--crossover-app', dest='crossover_app', action='store', metavar='', help='Specify which App to use for CrossOver (e.g. "/Applications/CrossOver.app")') launch_parser.add_argument('--crossover-bottle', dest='crossover_bottle', action='store', help='Specify which bottle to use for CrossOver', metavar='') else: launch_parser.add_argument('--crossover', dest='crossover', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) launch_parser.add_argument('--crossover-app', dest='crossover_app', action='store', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) launch_parser.add_argument('--crossover-bottle', dest='crossover_bottle', action='store', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) list_parser.add_argument('--platform', dest='platform', action='store', metavar='', type=str, help='Platform to fetch game list for (default: Mac on macOS, otherwise Windows)') list_parser.add_argument('--include-ue', dest='include_ue', action='store_true', help='Also include Unreal Engine content (Engine/Marketplace) in list') list_parser.add_argument('-T', '--third-party', '--include-non-installable', dest='include_noasset', action='store_true', default=False, help='Include apps that are not installable (e.g. that have to be activated on Origin)') list_parser.add_argument('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true', help='List games in CSV format') list_parser.add_argument('--tsv', dest='tsv', action='store_true', help='List games in TSV format') list_parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', action='store_true', help='List games in JSON format') list_parser.add_argument('--force-refresh', dest='force_refresh', action='store_true', help='Force a refresh of all game metadata') list_installed_parser.add_argument('--check-updates', dest='check_updates', action='store_true', help='Check for updates for installed games') list_installed_parser.add_argument('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true', help='List games in CSV format') list_installed_parser.add_argument('--tsv', dest='tsv', action='store_true', help='List games in TSV format') list_installed_parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', action='store_true', help='List games in JSON format') list_installed_parser.add_argument('--show-dirs', dest='include_dir', action='store_true', help='Print installation directory in output') list_files_parser.add_argument('--force-download', dest='force_download', action='store_true', help='Always download instead of using on-disk manifest') list_files_parser.add_argument('--platform', dest='platform', action='store', metavar='', type=str, help='Platform (default: Mac on macOS, otherwise Windows)') list_files_parser.add_argument('--manifest', dest='override_manifest', action='store', metavar='', help='Manifest URL or path to use instead of the CDN one') list_files_parser.add_argument('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true', help='Output in CSV format') list_files_parser.add_argument('--tsv', dest='tsv', action='store_true', help='Output in TSV format') list_files_parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', action='store_true', help='Output in JSON format') list_files_parser.add_argument('--hashlist', dest='hashlist', action='store_true', help='Output file hash list in hashcheck/sha1sum -c compatible format') list_files_parser.add_argument('--install-tag', dest='install_tag', action='store', metavar='', type=str, help='Show only files with specified install tag') sync_saves_parser.add_argument('--skip-upload', dest='download_only', action='store_true', help='Only download new saves from cloud, don\'t upload') sync_saves_parser.add_argument('--skip-download', dest='upload_only', action='store_true', help='Only upload new saves from cloud, don\'t download') sync_saves_parser.add_argument('--force-upload', dest='force_upload', action='store_true', help='Force upload even if local saves are older') sync_saves_parser.add_argument('--force-download', dest='force_download', action='store_true', help='Force download even if local saves are newer') sync_saves_parser.add_argument('--save-path', dest='save_path', action='store', metavar='', help='Override savegame path (requires single app name to be specified)') sync_saves_parser.add_argument('--disable-filters', dest='disable_filters', action='store_true', help='Disable save game file filtering') clean_saves_parser.add_argument('--delete-incomplete', dest='delete_incomplete', action='store_true', help='Delete incomplete save files') import_parser.add_argument('--disable-check', dest='disable_check', action='store_true', help='Disables completeness check of the to-be-imported game installation ' '(useful if the imported game is a much older version or missing files)') import_parser.add_argument('--with-dlcs', dest='with_dlcs', action='store_true', help='Automatically attempt to import all DLCs with the base game') import_parser.add_argument('--skip-dlcs', dest='skip_dlcs', action='store_true', help='Do not ask about importing DLCs.') import_parser.add_argument('--platform', dest='platform', action='store', metavar='', type=str, help='Platform for import (default: Mac on macOS, otherwise Windows)') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--egl-manifest-path', dest='egl_manifest_path', action='store', help='Path to the Epic Games Launcher\'s Manifests folder, should ' 'point to /ProgramData/Epic/EpicGamesLauncher/Data/Manifests') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--egl-wine-prefix', dest='egl_wine_prefix', action='store', help='Path to the WINE prefix the Epic Games Launcher is installed in') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--enable-sync', dest='enable_sync', action='store_true', help='Enable automatic EGL <-> Legendary sync') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--disable-sync', dest='disable_sync', action='store_true', help='Disable automatic sync and exit') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--one-shot', dest='one_shot', action='store_true', help='Sync once, do not ask to setup automatic sync') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--import-only', dest='import_only', action='store_true', help='Only import games from EGL (no export)') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--export-only', dest='export_only', action='store_true', help='Only export games to EGL (no import)') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--migrate', dest='migrate', action='store_true', help='Import games into legendary, then remove them from EGL ' '(implies --import-only --one-shot --unlink)') egl_sync_parser.add_argument('--unlink', dest='unlink', action='store_true', help='Disable sync and remove EGL metadata from installed games') status_parser.add_argument('--offline', dest='offline', action='store_true', help='Only print offline status information, do not login') status_parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', action='store_true', help='Show status in JSON format') clean_parser.add_argument('--keep-manifests', dest='keep_manifests', action='store_true', help='Do not delete old manifests') info_parser.add_argument('--offline', dest='offline', action='store_true', help='Only print info available offline') info_parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', action='store_true', help='Output information in JSON format') info_parser.add_argument('--platform', dest='platform', action='store', metavar='', type=str, help='Platform to fetch info for (default: installed or Mac on macOS, Windows otherwise)') store_group = activate_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) store_group.add_argument('-U', '--uplay', dest='uplay', action='store_true', help='Activate Uplay/Ubisoft Connect titles on your Ubisoft account ' '(Uplay install not required)') store_group.add_argument('-O', '--origin', dest='origin', action='store_true', help='Activate Origin/EA App managed titles on your EA account ' '(requires Origin to be installed)') get_token_parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', action='store_true', help='Output information in JSON format') get_token_parser.add_argument('--bearer', dest='bearer', action='store_true', help='Return fresh bearer token rather than an exchange code') eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('action', help='Action: install, remove, enable, disable, ' 'or print info about the overlay', choices=['install', 'update', 'remove', 'enable', 'disable', 'info'], metavar='') eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('--path', dest='path', action='store', help='Path to the EOS overlay folder to be enabled/installed to.') if os.name != 'nt': eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('--prefix', dest='prefix', action='store', help='WINE prefix to install the overlay in') eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('--app', dest='app', action='store', help='Use this app\'s wine prefix (if configured in config)') if sys_platform == 'darwin': eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('--bottle', dest='bottle', action='store', help='WINE prefix to install the overlay in') else: eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('--bottle', dest='bottle', action='store', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) else: eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('--prefix', dest='prefix', action='store', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('--bottle', dest='bottle', action='store', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) eos_overlay_parser.add_argument('--app', dest='app', action='store', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) cx_parser.add_argument('--reset', dest='reset', action='store_true', help='Reset default/app-specific crossover configuration') cx_parser.add_argument('--download', dest='download', action='store_true', help='Automatically download and set up a preconfigured bottle (experimental)') cx_parser.add_argument('--ignore-version', dest='disable_version_check', action='store_true', help='Disable version check for available bottles when using --download') cx_parser.add_argument('--crossover-app', dest='crossover_app', action='store', metavar='', help='Specify app to skip interactive selection') cx_parser.add_argument('--crossover-bottle', dest='crossover_bottle', action='store', metavar='', help='Specify bottle to skip interactive selection') move_parser.add_argument('--skip-move', dest='skip_move', action='store_true', help='Only change legendary database, do not move files (e.g. if already moved)') args, extra = parser.parse_known_args() if args.version: print(f'legendary version "{__version__}", codename "{__codename__}"') exit(0) if not args.subparser_name or args.full_help: print(parser.format_help()) if args.full_help: # Commands that should not be shown in full help/list of commands (e.g. aliases) _hidden_commands = {'download', 'update', 'repair', 'get-token', 'import-game', 'verify-game', 'list-games'} # Print the help for all of the subparsers. Thanks stackoverflow! print('Individual command help:') subparsers = next(a for a in parser._actions if isinstance(a, argparse._SubParsersAction)) for choice, subparser in subparsers.choices.items(): if choice in _hidden_commands: continue print(f'\nCommand: {choice}') print(subparser.format_help()) elif os.name == 'nt': from legendary.lfs.windows_helpers import double_clicked if double_clicked(): print('Please note that this is not the intended way to run Legendary.') print('Follow https://github.com/derrod/legendary/wiki/Setup-Instructions to set it up properly') subprocess.Popen(['cmd', '/K', 'echo>nul']) return cli = LegendaryCLI(override_config=args.config_file, api_timeout=args.api_timeout) ql = cli.setup_threaded_logging() config_ll = cli.core.lgd.config.get('Legendary', 'log_level', fallback='info') if config_ll == 'debug' or args.debug: logging.getLogger().setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) # keep requests quiet logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.WARNING) if hasattr(args, 'platform'): if not args.platform: os_default = 'Mac' if sys_platform == 'darwin' else 'Windows' args.platform = cli.core.lgd.config.get('Legendary', 'default_platform', fallback=os_default) elif args.platform not in ('Win32', 'Windows', 'Mac'): logger.warning(f'Platform "{args.platform}" may be invalid. Valid ones are: Windows, Win32, Mac.') # if --yes is used as part of the subparsers arguments manually set the flag in the main parser. if '-y' in extra or '--yes' in extra: args.yes = True extra = [i for i in extra if i not in ('--yes', '-y')] # technically args.func() with setdefaults could work (see docs on subparsers) # but that would require all funcs to accept args and extra... try: if args.subparser_name == 'auth': cli.auth(args) elif args.subparser_name in {'list', 'list-games'}: cli.list_games(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'list-installed': cli.list_installed(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'launch': cli.launch_game(args, extra) elif args.subparser_name in {'download', 'install', 'update', 'repair'}: cli.install_game(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'uninstall': cli.uninstall_game(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'list-files': cli.list_files(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'list-saves': cli.list_saves(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'download-saves': cli.download_saves(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'sync-saves': cli.sync_saves(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'clean-saves': cli.clean_saves(args) elif args.subparser_name in {'verify', 'verify-game'}: cli.verify_game(args) elif args.subparser_name in {'import', 'import-game'}: cli.import_game(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'egl-sync': cli.egs_sync(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'status': cli.status(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'info': cli.info(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'alias': cli.alias(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'cleanup': cli.cleanup(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'activate': cli.activate(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'get-token': cli.get_token(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'eos-overlay': cli.manage_eos_overlay(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'crossover': cli.crossover_setup(args) elif args.subparser_name == 'move': cli.move(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info('Command was aborted via KeyboardInterrupt, cleaning up...') # Disable the update message if JSON/TSV/CSV outputs are used disable_update_message = False if hasattr(args, 'json'): disable_update_message = args.json if not disable_update_message and hasattr(args, 'tsv'): disable_update_message = args.tsv if not disable_update_message and hasattr(args, 'csv'): disable_update_message = args.csv # show note if update is available if not disable_update_message and cli.core.update_available and cli.core.update_notice_enabled(): if update_info := cli.core.get_update_info(): print(f'\nLegendary update available!') print(f'- New version: {update_info["version"]} - "{update_info["name"]}"') print(f'- Release summary:\n{update_info["summary"]}\n- Release URL: {update_info["gh_url"]}') if update_info['critical']: print('! This update is recommended as it fixes major issues.') if not is_windows_mac_or_pyi(): print('If you installed legendary via a package manager it may ' 'take some time for the update to become available.') elif 'downloads' in update_info: dl_platform = 'windows' if sys_platform == 'darwin': dl_platform = 'macos' elif sys_platform == 'linux': dl_platform = 'linux' print(f'\n- Download URL: {update_info["downloads"][dl_platform]}') if not disable_update_message and cli.core.overlay_update_available: old_version = cli.core.lgd.get_overlay_install_info().version new_version = cli.core.lgd.get_cached_overlay_version()["data"]["buildVersion"] print(f'\nEOS Overlay update available: {new_version} (Current: {old_version}).') print('Run "legendary eos-overlay update" to update to the latest version.') cli.core.exit() ql.stop() exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': # required for pyinstaller on Windows, does nothing on other platforms. freeze_support() main()