[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/fimfic2epub.png?compact=true)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fimfic2epub) fimfic2epub =========== This is a tool to generate better EPUB ebooks from [fimfiction](https://fimfiction.net/) stories. It's also a Chrome/Firefox extension, replacing the default EPUB download option with this tool. [Screenshot](http://i.imgbox.com/MalEBiuC.png) of the web extension Features -------- * The generated ebook is in modern EPUB3 format with fallbacks for older EPUB2 reading systems * Improved styling and formatting of content compared to Fimfiction's export options * Cover image can be changed from an image file or url * Downloads and embeds artwork from the story inside the EPUB file, including YouTube thumbnails, for optimal offline reading and archiving (optional) * Rating, tags, status, story description and more info are available on the title page * The table of contents page includes chapter modification dates and word counts * Option to put all author notes in an index at the end of the ebook * Option to not add a title heading for chapters (in case the story has its own) * Tweak paragraph style from double-spaced to indented (similar to book typesetting, may not look good on every story) * Emoji, icon and webp support (webp images gets converted to png) * Calculation the story's Flesch reading ease (disabled by default because it's a slow process) * Customize metadata of the generated ebook, such as title, author, subjects and description * Command line tool with same features as the web extension Demo ---- You can have a look at what a generated EPUB looks like [here](http://books.djazz.se/?epub=epub_content%2Fsummer_island). It was generated from the story [Summer Island](https://fimfiction.net/story/289663/summer-island). Usage (browser extension) ----------------- You can download the Chome extension from [Chrome Web Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fimfic2epub/fiijkoniocipeemlflajmmaecfhfcand) and [Firefox Add-ons](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/fimfic2epub/) Installation & usage (command line) ------------------- You can install the tool by running `npm install -g fimfic2epub`. You can then run it like this: `$ fimfic2epub []` By default the EPUB will be saved in the current working directory with the filename `Title by Author.epub`. Run `fimfic2epub --help` to see a list of all flags. Examples -------- ``` Download with automatic filename: $ fimfic2epub --paragraphs indented --reading-ease 289663 $ fimfic2epub https://www.fimfiction.net/story/289663/summer-island Download and save to a specified dir/filename: $ fimfic2epub 289663 path/to/file.epub $ fimfic2epub --dir path/to/my/dir 289663 ebook_%id%.epub # %id% gets replaced by the story id ``` Building -------- Make sure [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) is installed. After you've cloned this repository, run `npm install` and `npm run build` to build it. This project uses [gulp](http://gulpjs.com/). Run `npm run dev` for a quicker development build. You can add `watch` to both for automatic rebuilding. Development ----------- Make sure [gulp is installed](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/master/docs/getting-started.md). When working on the code and testing it in a web browser as an extension, you can run gulp in watch mode: `gulp watch`. This will lint code and build it when you save. To build, just run `gulp` or `npm run build`. To lint, run `gulp lint` and to clean, run `gulp clean`.