require('babel-register') // use a mock DOM so we can run mithril on the server require('mithril/test-utils/browserMock')(global) const kepubify = require('../src/kepubify').default console.log(1, kepubify(` text


Some text. Woo not. Here is another sentence.

More text tail

body tail html tail`) === ` text


Some text. Woo not. Here is another sentence.

More text tail

body tail
`) console.log(2, kepubify(`

Dated: June 5th. Wohoo

`) === `

Dated: June 5th. Wohoo

`) console.log(3, kepubify(`

“Well, you know, Water Bearer and all,” she laughed weakly. “Don’t kid yourself, though. You’re strong, Daphne, and I’m not just saying that. You saved us, and you’ve come all this way through all these trials. If you get a little heartbroken now and again, well, you’re entitled to it. You’re like your mother in that.” She smiled brightly. “The Seer told me a bit about that, you know. The whole… thing passed down the female line, on and on for ages, all of them determined and gifted. Apparently that’s why things here resemble stuff on our earth so well—because the Everfree Ways have been following your maternal line all across Europe and the Americas, and apparently a brief stop at New Zealand. They were super adventurous.”

`) === `

“Well, you know, Water Bearer and all,” she laughed weakly. “Don’t kid yourself, though. You’re strong, Daphne, and I’m not just saying that. You saved us, and you’ve come all this way through all these trials. If you get a little heartbroken now and again, well, you’re entitled to it. You’re like your mother in that.” She smiled brightly. “The Seer told me a bit about that, you know. The whole… thing passed down the female line, on and on for ages, all of them determined and gifted. Apparently that’s why things here resemble stuff on our earth so well—because the Everfree Ways have been following your maternal line all across Europe and the Americas, and apparently a brief stop at New Zealand. They were super adventurous.”
