const args = require('commander') .command('fimfic2epub [filename]') .description(require('../package.json').description) .version(require('../package.json').version) .option('-d, --dir ', 'Directory to store ebook in. Is prepended to filename') .option('-t, --title ', 'Set the title of the story') .option('-a, --author ', 'Set the author of the story') .option('-T, --typogrify', 'Enable typographic fixes (smart quotes, dashes, ellipsis, ordinal)') .option('-c, --no-comments-link', 'Don\'t add link to online comments') .option('-H, --no-headings', 'Don\'t add headings to chapters (includes chapter title, duration and word count)') .option('-W, --no-chapter-word-count', 'Don\'t add word count to chapter headings') .option('-D, --no-chapter-duration', 'Don\'t add time to read to chapter headings') .option('-b, --no-bars', 'Don\'t add chapter bars to show reading progress') .option('-r, --no-reading-ease', 'Don\'t calculate Flesch reading ease') .option('-e, --no-external', 'Don\'t embed external resources, such as images (breaks EPUB spec)') .option('-n, --no-notes', 'Don\'t include author notes') .option('-i, --notes-index', 'Create an index with all author notes at the end of the ebook') .option('-p, --paragraphs