import htmlToTextModule from 'html-to-text' import urlRegex from 'url-regex' import matchWords from 'match-words' import syllable from 'syllable' import typogr from 'typogr' import { unicode } from './constants' export function replaceAsync (str, re, callback) { // str = String(str) const parts = [] let i = 0 if ( === '[object RegExp]') { if ( { re.lastIndex = i } let m while ((m = re.exec(str))) { const args = m.concat([m.index, m.input]) parts.push(str.slice(i, m.index), callback.apply(null, args)) i = re.lastIndex if (! { break } // for non-global regexes only take the first match if (m[0].length === 0) { re.lastIndex++ } } } else { re = String(re) i = str.indexOf(re) parts.push(str.slice(0, i), callback(re, i, str)) i += re.length } parts.push(str.slice(i)) return Promise.all(parts).then(function (strings) { return strings.join('') }) } let webpdecoder = null export function webp2png (data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const libwebp = require('./vendor/libwebp') const WebPRiffParser = require('./vendor/libwebp-demux').WebPRiffParser const PNGPacker = require('node-png/lib/packer') if (!webpdecoder) { webpdecoder = new libwebp.WebPDecoder() } const frame = WebPRiffParser(data, 0).frames[0] const width = [0] const height = [0] const decodedData = webpdecoder.WebPDecodeRGBA( data, frame.src_off, frame.src_size, width, height ) const png = new PNGPacker({}) const buffers = [] png.on('data', (chunk) => { buffers.push(chunk) }) png.once('end', () => { const pngData = Buffer.concat(buffers) resolve(pngData) }) png.pack(decodedData, width[0], height[0]) }) } export function sleep (ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } export function htmlToText (html, options = {}) { options = Object.assign({ wordwrap: false, ignoreImage: true, ignoreHref: true }, options) return htmlToTextModule.fromString(html, options) } export function htmlWordCount (html) { html = html.replace(/
.*?<\/pre>/g, '') // Ignore codeblocks
  let text = htmlToText(html)
  text = text.replace(urlRegex(), '') // Remove urls

  let count = 0
  try {
    count = matchWords(text).length
  } catch (err) { count = 0 }
  return count

export async function readingEase (text, wakeupInterval = Infinity, progresscb) {
  const result = {
    sentences: 0, words: 0, syllables: 0, grade: NaN, ease: NaN

  // sentence tokenizer by Darkentor
  const tokenSentences = text
    .replace('\0', '')
    .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') // Replace all whitespace (including newlines) with a single space
    .normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '') // strip diacritics since JS's \w group and explicit [a-z]|[A-Z] don't account for them
    .replace(/(mr|mrs|dr|ms|prof|rev|col|cmdr|flt|lt|brgdr|hon|wng|capt|rt|revd|gen|cdre|admrl|herr|hr|frau|alderman|alhaji|brig|cdr|cik|consul|datin|dato|datuk|seri|dhr|dipl|ing|dott|sa|dra|drs|en|encik|eng|eur|exma|sra|exmo|sr|lieut|fr|fraulein|fru|graaf|gravin|grp|hajah|haji|hajim|hra|ir|lcda|lic|maj|mlle|mme|mstr|nti|sri|rva|sig|na|ra|sqn|ldr|srta|wg|co|esq|inc|iou|ltd|mdlle|messers|messrs|mlles|mm|mmes|mt|p\.s|pvt|st|viz)\./gi, '$1')
    .replace(/(((^|\w).*?[^\w\s,]+)(?=\s+\W*[A-Z])|:|;)/g, '$1\0')

  if (!/[a-z]/i.test(text)) {
    return null

  await sleep(0)

  if (typeof progresscb === 'function') {

  await sleep(0)

  const counts = { syllables: 0, words: 0 }
  let lastTime =

  for (let i = 0; i < tokenSentences.length; i++) {
    const now =
    if (lastTime + wakeupInterval < now) {
      lastTime = now
      if (typeof progresscb === 'function') {
        progresscb(i / tokenSentences.length)
      await sleep(0)
    const sentence = tokenSentences[i]
    // strip all punctuation and numbers from the sentence
    const words = sentence
      .replace(/[^\w\s]|_/g, '')
      .replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
      .split(' ')
      .filter(letter => letter)

    counts.syllables += words.reduce((total, word) => total + syllable(word), 0)
    counts.words += words.length

  const { words, syllables } = counts
  const sentences = tokenSentences.length
  const grade = 0.39 * (words / sentences) + 11.8 * (syllables / words) - 15.59
  const ease = 206.835 - 1.015 * (words / sentences) - 84.6 * (syllables / words)

  tokenSentences.length = 0

  if (!ease) {
    return null

  Object.assign(result, {
    sentences, words, syllables, grade, ease

  if (typeof progresscb === 'function') {

  return result

export function typogrify (content) {
  content = typogr(content.replace(/"/ig, '"').replace(/\.\.\.+/ig, '...')).chain().smartypants().ord().value()
  content = content.replace(/ /ig, unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE) // non-breaking space
  content = content.replace(/’/ig, '’').replace(/‘/ig, '‘') // curly single quotation marks
  content = content.replace(/“/ig, '“').replace(/”/ig, '”') // curly double quotation marks
  content = content.replace(/…/ig, '…') // ellipsis
  content = content.replace(/–/ig, '–').replace(/—/ig, '—') // en and em dash

   * Some of the following is from Standard Ebooks’ typogrify tool:

  content = content.replace(/[‘’]”<\/p>/ig, '’' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '”

') let inSkippedTag = false let closeMatch const reSkipTags = /<(\/)?(style|pre|code|kbd|script|math|title)[^>]*>/i content = typogr.tokenize(content).map(({ type, txt }) => { if (type === 'tag') { closeMatch = reSkipTags.exec(txt) if (closeMatch && closeMatch[1] === undefined) { inSkippedTag = true } else { inSkippedTag = false } } else if (!inSkippedTag) { // Remove spaces between en and em dashes // Note that we match at least one character before the dashes, so that we don't catch start-of-line em dashes like in poetry. txt = txt.replace(/([^.\s])\s*([–—])\s*/g, '$1$2') // First, remove stray word joiners txt = txt.replace(new RegExp(unicode.WORD_JOINER, 'g'), '') // Some older texts use the ,— construct; remove that archaichism txt = txt.replace(/,—/g, '—') // Em dashes and two-em-dashes can be broken before, so add a word joiner between letters/punctuation and the following em dash // txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('([^\\s' + unicode.WORD_JOINER + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '])([—⸻])', 'ig'), '$1' + unicode.WORD_JOINER + '$2') // Add en dashes between numbers txt = txt.replace(/([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/g, '$1–$2') // Add a word joiner on both sides of en dashes txt = txt.replace(new RegExp(unicode.WORD_JOINER + '?–' + unicode.WORD_JOINER + '?', 'g'), unicode.WORD_JOINER + '–' + unicode.WORD_JOINER) // Replace Mr., Mrs., and other abbreviations, and include a non-breaking space txt = txt.replace(/\b(Mr|Mr?s|Drs?|Profs?|Lieut|Fr|Lt|Capt|Pvt|Esq|Mt|St|MM|Mmes?|Mlles?)\.?\s+/g, '$1.' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE) txt = txt.replace(/\bNo\.\s+([0-9]+)/g, 'No.' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + '$1') // Fix common abbreviatons txt = txt.replace(/(\s)‘([an])’(\s)/ig, '$1’$2’$3') // Years // txt = txt.replace(/‘([0-9]{2,}[^a-zA-Z0-9’])/ig, '’$1') txt = txt.replace(/‘([Aa]ve|[Oo]me|[Ii]m|[Mm]idst|[Gg]ainst|[Nn]eath|[Ee]m|[Cc]os|[Tt]is|[Tt]was|[Tt]wixt|[Tt]were|[Tt]would|[Tt]wouldn|[Tt]ween|[Tt]will|[Rr]ound|[Pp]on)\b/g, '’$1') // txt = txt.replace(/\b‘e\b/g, '’e') // txt = txt.replace(/\b‘([Ee])r\b/g, '’$1r') txt = txt.replace(/\b‘([Ee])re\b/g, '’$1re') // txt = txt.replace(/\b‘([Aa])ppen\b/g, '’$1ppen') txt = txt.replace(/\b‘([Aa])ven\b/g, '’$1ven') // 'aven't // nth (as in nth degree) txt = txt.replace(/\bn-?th\b/g, 'nth') // Remove double spaces that use NO_BREAK_SPACE for spacing txt = txt.replace(new RegExp(unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + '[' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ' ]+', 'g'), ' ') txt = txt.replace(new RegExp(' [' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ' ]+', 'g'), ' ') // Put spacing next to close quotes txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('“[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']*‘', 'ig'), '“' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '‘') txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('’[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']*”', 'ig'), '’' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '”') txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('“[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']*’', 'ig'), '“' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '’') txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('‘[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']*“', 'ig'), '‘' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '“') // We require a non-letter char at the end, otherwise we might match a contraction: “Hello,” ’e said. txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('”[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']*’([^a-zA-Z])', 'ig'), '”' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '’$1') // Fix ellipses spacing txt = txt.replace(/\s*\.\s*\.\s*\.\s*/ig, '…') txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']?…[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']?\\.', 'ig'), '.' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '…') txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']?…[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']?', 'ig'), unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '… ') // Add non-breaking spaces between amounts with an abbreviated unit. E.g. 8 oz., 10 lbs. txt = txt.replace(/([0-9])\s+([a-z]{1,3}\.)/ig, '$1' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + '$2') // Add non-breaking spaces between Arabic numbers and AM/PM txt = txt.replace(/([0-9])\s+([ap])\.?m\./ig, '$1' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + '$2.m.') // Fractions txt = txt.replace(/1\/4/g, '¼') txt = txt.replace(/1\/2/g, '½') txt = txt.replace(/3\/4/g, '¾') txt = txt.replace(/1\/3/g, '⅓') txt = txt.replace(/2\/3/g, '⅔') txt = txt.replace(/1\/5/g, '⅕') txt = txt.replace(/2\/5/g, '⅖') txt = txt.replace(/3\/5/g, '⅗') txt = txt.replace(/4\/5/g, '⅘') txt = txt.replace(/1\/6/g, '⅙') txt = txt.replace(/5\/6/g, '⅚') txt = txt.replace(/1\/8/g, '⅛') txt = txt.replace(/3\/8/g, '⅜') txt = txt.replace(/5\/8/g, '⅝') txt = txt.replace(/7\/8/g, '⅞') // Remove spaces between whole numbers and fractions txt = txt.replace(/([0-9,]+)\s+([¼½¾⅔⅕⅖⅗⅘⅙⅚⅛⅜⅝⅞])/g, '$1$2') // Use the Unicode Minus glyph (U+2212) for negative numbers txt = txt.replace(/([\s])-([0-9,]+)/g, '$1−$2') txt = txt.replace(new RegExp(unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE, 'ig'), ' ') // non-breaking space entity } return txt }).join('') // content = content.replace(new RegExp(']*?)>' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '…', 'ig'), '…') // Remove spaces between opening tags and ellipses // content = content.replace(new RegExp('(<[a-z0-9]+[^<]+?>)[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']+?…', 'ig'), '$1…') // Remove spaces between closing tags and ellipses // content = content.replace(new RegExp('…[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']?()', 'ig'), '…$1') // content = content.replace(new RegExp('…[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']+([\\)”’])', 'ig'), '…$1') // content = content.replace(new RegExp('([\\(“‘])[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']+…', 'ig'), '$1…') // content = content.replace(new RegExp('…[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']?([\\!\\?\\.\\;\\,])', 'ig'), '…' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '$1') // content = content.replace(new RegExp('([\\!\\?\\.\\;”’])[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']?…', 'ig'), '$1' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '…') // content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\,[\\s' + unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE + ']?…', 'ig'), ',' + unicode.HAIR_SPACE + '…') content = content.replace(new RegExp(unicode.NO_BREAK_SPACE, 'g'), ' ') content = content.replace(new RegExp(unicode.HAIR_SPACE, 'g'), ' ') content = content.replace(new RegExp(unicode.WORD_JOINER, 'g'), '⁠') return content }