'use strict' import m from 'mithril' import render from './mithril-node-render' import { pd as pretty } from 'pretty-data' import escapeStringRegexp from 'escape-string-regexp' import { XmlEntities } from 'html-entities' import { saveAs } from 'file-saver' const entities = new XmlEntities() const tidy = tidy_html5 //const XMLHttpRequest = require('xhr2') let beautifyOptions = { indent_size: 2, wrap_attributes: false } const NS = { OPF: 'http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf', OPS: 'http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops', DC: 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', DAISY: 'http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/', XHTML: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', SVG: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', XLINK: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' } let tidyOptions = { 'indent': 'auto', 'numeric-entities': 'yes', 'output-xhtml': 'yes', 'alt-text': 'Image', 'wrap': '0', 'quiet': 'yes' } let mimeMap = { 'image/jpeg': 'Images/*.jpg', 'image/png': 'Images/*.png', 'image/gif': 'Images/*.gif' } //const STORY_ID = 180690 // bbcode test tags //const STORY_ID = 931 // pink eyes //const STORY_ID = 119190 // fallout equestria const STORY_ID = document.location.pathname.match(/^\/story\/(\d*)/)[1] let apiUrl = 'https://www.fimfiction.net/api/story.php?story=' + STORY_ID let storyInfo let remoteResources = new Map() let chapterContent = {} let epubButton = document.querySelector('.story_container ul.chapters li.bottom a[title="Download Story (.epub)"]') let isDownloading = false let cachedBlob = null if (epubButton) { epubButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault() if (isDownloading) { return } if (cachedBlob) { saveStory() return } downloadStory() }, false) } function fetch(url, cb, type) { if (url.indexOf('//') === 0) { url = 'http:'+url } let x = new XMLHttpRequest() x.open('get', url, true) if (type) { x.responseType = type } x.onload = function () { cb(x.response, x.getResponseHeader('content-type')) } x.onerror = function () { cb(null) } x.send() } function fetchChapters(cb) { let chapters = storyInfo.chapters let chapterCount = storyInfo.chapters.length let currentChapter = 0 function recursive() { let ch = chapters[currentChapter] console.log('Fetching chapter '+ch.id+' '+ch.title) fetch(ch.link.replace('http', 'https'), function (html) { html = parseChapter(ch, html) chapterContent[ch.id] = html currentChapter++ if (currentChapter < chapterCount) { recursive() } else { cb() } }) } recursive() } function fetchRemote(cb) { let iter = remoteResources.entries() let counter = 0 function recursive() { let r = iter.next().value if (!r) { cb() return } let url = r[0] r = r[1] console.log('Fetching remote file '+r.filename, url) chrome.runtime.sendMessage(url, function (objUrl) { if (objUrl) { fetch(objUrl, function (data, type) { r.dest = null r.type = type let dest = mimeMap[type] if (dest) { r.dest = dest.replace('*', r.filename) zip.file(r.dest, data) } URL.revokeObjectURL(objUrl) counter++ recursive() }, 'arraybuffer') } else { counter++ recursive() } }) } recursive() } function downloadStory() { isDownloading = true console.log('Fetching story...') fetch(apiUrl, function (raw) { let data try { data = JSON.parse(raw) } catch (e) { console.log('Unable to fetch story json') return } storyInfo = data.story storyInfo.uuid = 'urn:fimfiction:'+storyInfo.id storyInfo.publishDate = '1970-01-01' // TODO! console.log(storyInfo) remoteResources.set(storyInfo.full_image, {filename: 'cover'}) let coverImage = new Image() coverImage.src = storyInfo.full_image coverImage.addEventListener('load', function () { zip.file('toc.ncx', createNcx()) zip.file('nav.xhtml', createNav()) fetchChapters(function () { fetchRemote(function () { remoteResources.forEach((r, url) => { if (r.chapter && r.originalUrl && r.dest) { chapterContent[r.chapter] = chapterContent[r.chapter].replace( new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(r.originalUrl), 'g'), r.dest ) } else { r.remote = true } }) for (let id in chapterContent) { let html = chapterContent[id] let filename = 'chapter_'+id+'.xhtml' zip.file(filename, html) } zip.file('cover.xhtml', createCoverPage(coverImage.width, coverImage.height)) zip.file('content.opf', createOpf()) /*zip .generateNodeStream({ type: 'nodebuffer', streamFiles: true, mimeType: 'application/epub+zip', compression: 'DEFLATE', compressionOptions: {level: 9} }) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('out.epub')) .on('finish', function () { // JSZip generates a readable stream with a "end" event, // but is piped here in a writable stream which emits a "finish" event. console.log("out.epub written."); })*/ zip .generateAsync({ type: 'blob', mimeType: 'application/epub+zip', compression: 'DEFLATE', compressionOptions: {level: 9} }) .then((blob) => { cachedBlob = blob saveStory() isDownloading = false }) }) }) }, false) }) } function saveStory() { saveAs(cachedBlob, storyInfo.title+' by '+storyInfo.author.name+'.epub') } //const parse5 = require('parse5') //const xmlserializer = require('xmlserializer') //let html = fs.readFileSync('chapter.html', 'utf8') function parseChapter(ch, html) { let chapterPage = ``+render( m('html', {xmlns: NS.XHTML}, [ m('head', [ m('meta', {charset: 'utf-8'}), m('link', {rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: 'style.css'}), m('title', ch.title) ]), m('body', [ m('div', {id: 'chapter_container'}, '@@CHAPTER@@'), m('div', {id: 'author_notes'}, '@@NOTES@@') ]) ]) ) let chapterTitle = html.match(/]*id="chapter_title"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/) if (!chapterTitle) { return tidy(`\n`+chapterPage, tidyOptions) } chapterTitle = chapterTitle[1] let chapterPos = html.indexOf('
') let chapter = html.substring(chapterPos+29) let pos = chapter.indexOf('\t
\t\t\n\t') let authorNotesPos = chapter.substring(pos).indexOf('Author\'s Note:') let authorNotes = '' if (authorNotesPos !== -1) { authorNotes = chapter.substring(pos+authorNotesPos+22) authorNotes = authorNotes.substring(0, authorNotes.indexOf('\t\t\n\t')) } chapter = chapter.substring(0, pos) chapterPage = chapterPage.replace('@@CHAPTER@@', chapter) chapterPage = chapterPage.replace('@@NOTES@@', authorNotes) chapterPage = chapterPage.replace(/
/g, '
') chapterPage = chapterPage.replace(/<\/center>/g, '
') chapterPage = chapterPage.replace(/
(.+?)<\/div>/g, function (match, contents, offset) { //console.log(match, contents, offset) let youtubeId = contents.match(/src="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/(.+?)"/)[1] let thumbnail = 'http://img.youtube.com/vi/'+youtubeId+'/hqdefault.jpg' let youtubeUrl = 'https://youtube.com/watch?v='+youtubeId return render(m('a', {href: youtubeUrl, target: '_blank'}, m('img', {src: thumbnail, alt: 'Youtube Video'}) )) }) chapterPage = chapterPage.replace('
', '
') chapterPage = chapterPage.replace('
', '
') chapterPage = tidy(`\n`+chapterPage, tidyOptions) let remoteCounter = 1 chapterPage = chapterPage.replace(/(]*>)/g, function (match, first, url, last) { let cleanurl = decodeURI(entities.decode(url)) if (remoteResources.has(cleanurl)) { return match } let filename = 'ch'+ch.id+'_'+remoteCounter remoteCounter++ remoteResources.set(cleanurl, {filename: filename, chapter: ch.id, originalUrl: url}) return match }) return chapterPage } const JSZip = require('jszip') const zip = new JSZip() zip.file('mimetype', 'application/epub+zip') zip.folder('META-INF').file('container.xml', ` `) function subjects(s) { var list = [] for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { list.push(m('dc:subject', s[i])) } return list } function createOpf() { let remotes = [] remoteResources.forEach((r, url) => { if (!r.dest) { return } let attrs = {id: r.filename, href: r.dest, 'media-type': r.type} if (r.filename === 'cover') { attrs.properties = 'cover-image' } remotes.push(m('item', attrs)) }) let contentOpf = ` `+pretty.xml(render( m('package', {xmlns: NS.OPF, version: '3.0', 'unique-identifier': 'BookId'}, [ m('metadata', {'xmlns:dc': NS.DC, 'xmlns:opf': NS.OPF}, [ m('dc:identifier', {id: 'BookId'}, storyInfo.uuid), m('dc:title', storyInfo.title), m('dc:creator', {id: 'cre'}, storyInfo.author.name), m('meta', {refines: '#cre', property: 'role', scheme: 'marc:relators'}, 'aut'), m('dc:date', storyInfo.publishDate), m('dc:publisher', 'Fimfiction'), m('dc:description', storyInfo.description), m('dc:source', storyInfo.url), m('dc:language', 'en'), m('meta', {name: 'cover', content: 'cover'}), m('meta', {property: 'dcterms:modified'}, new Date(storyInfo.date_modified*1000).toISOString().replace('.000','')) ].concat(subjects(['Fiction', 'Pony']))), m('manifest', [ m('item', {id: 'ncx', href: 'toc.ncx', 'media-type': 'application/x-dtbncx+xml'}), m('item', {id: 'nav', 'href': 'nav.xhtml', 'media-type': 'application/xhtml+xml', properties: 'nav'}), m('item', {id: 'style', href: 'style.css', 'media-type': 'text/css'}), m('item', {id: 'coverstyle', href: 'coverstyle.css', 'media-type': 'text/css'}), m('item', {id: 'coverpage', href: 'cover.xhtml', 'media-type': 'application/xhtml+xml', properties: 'svg'}) ].concat(storyInfo.chapters.map((ch) => m('item', {id: 'chapter_'+ch.id, href: 'chapter_'+ch.id+'.xhtml', 'media-type': 'application/xhtml+xml'}) ), remotes)), m('spine', {toc: 'ncx'}, [ m('itemref', {idref: 'coverpage'}), m('itemref', {idref: 'nav'}) ].concat(storyInfo.chapters.map((ch) => m('itemref', {idref: 'chapter_'+ch.id}) ))), false? m('guide', [ ]):null ]) )) //console.log(contentOpf) return contentOpf } function navPoints(list) { var arr = [] for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i] arr.push(m('navPoint', {id: 'navPoint-'+(i+1), playOrder: i+1}, [ m('navLabel', m('text', list[i][0])), m('content', {src: list[i][1]}) ])) } return arr } function createNcx() { let tocNcx = ` `+pretty.xml(render( m('ncx', {version: '2005-1', xmlns: NS.DAISY}, [ m('head', [ m('meta', {content: storyInfo.uuid, name: 'dtb:uid'}), m('meta', {content: 0, name: 'dtb:depth'}), m('meta', {content: 0, name: 'dtb:totalPageCount'}), m('meta', {content: 0, name: 'dtb:maxPageNumber'}) ]), m('docTitle', m('text', storyInfo.title)), m('navMap', navPoints([ ['Cover', 'cover.xhtml'], ['Contents', 'nav.xhtml'] ].concat(storyInfo.chapters.map((ch) => [ch.title, 'chapter_'+ch.id+'.xhtml'] )))) ]) )) //console.log(tocNcx) return tocNcx } function createNav() { let navDocument = ` `+pretty.xml(render( m('html', {xmlns: NS.XHTML, 'xmlns:epub': NS.OPS, lang: 'en', 'xml:lang': 'en'}, [ m('head', [ m('meta', {charset: 'utf-8'}), m('link', {rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: 'style.css'}), m('title', 'Contents') ]), m('body', [ m('nav', {'epub:type': 'toc', id: 'toc'}, [ m('h1', 'Contents'), m('ol', [ m('li', {hidden: ''}, m('a', {href: 'cover.xhtml'}, 'Cover')), m('li', {hidden: ''}, m('a', {href: 'nav.xhtml'}, 'Contents')) ].concat(storyInfo.chapters.map((ch) => m('li', m('a', {href: 'chapter_'+ch.id+'.xhtml'}, ch.title)) ))) ]) ]) ]) )) //console.log(navDocument) return navDocument } function createCoverPage(w, h) { let coverPage = ` `+pretty.xml(render( m('html', {xmlns: NS.XHTML, 'xmlns:epub': NS.OPS}, [ m('head', [ m('meta', {name: 'viewport', content: 'width='+w+', height='+h}), m('title', 'Cover'), m('link', {rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: 'coverstyle.css'}) ]), m('body', {'epub:type': 'cover'}, [ m('svg', {xmlns: NS.SVG, 'xmlns:xlink': NS.XLINK, version: '1.1', viewBox: '0 0 '+w+' '+h, id: 'cover'}, m('image', {width: w, height: h, 'xlink:href': 'Images/cover.jpg'}) ) ]) ]) )) //console.log(coverPage) return coverPage } zip.file('style.css', ` body { background-color: white; color: black; } p { margin-top: 0.0em; margin-bottom: 0.0em; text-indent: 0.0em; } p.double { margin-top: 1.0em; } p.double2 { margin-top: 1.0em; margin-bottom: 1.0em; } p.indented { text-indent: 1.0em; } img { height: auto; width: auto; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; } blockquote { margin: 10px 0px; padding: 20px; border: none; border-left: 5px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1); } blockquote.left_insert { box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; margin-right:25px; padding: 15px; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 1px solid #AAA; width: 50%; float:left; box-shadow: 5px 5px 0px #EEE; } blockquote.right_insert { box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; margin-left:25px; padding: 15px; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 1px solid #AAA; width: 50%; float:right; box-shadow: 5px 5px 0px #EEE; } hr { background-color: #ddd; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px; color: #ddd; height: 1px; border: 0px; } #author_notes { clear: both; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; line-height: 1.7em; padding: 16px; margin-top: 1.0em; margin-bottom: 1.0em; } #toc [hidden] { display: none; } `) zip.file('coverstyle.css', ` @page {padding: 0; margin:0;} html, body { padding:0; margin: 0; height: 100%; } #cover { width: 100%; height: 100%; display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; } `)