/* global chrome */ 'use strict' import FimFic2Epub from './FimFic2Epub' import m from 'mithril' import prop from 'mithril/stream' import { saveAs } from 'file-saver' import autosize from 'autosize' import { htmlToText } from './utils' m.withAttr = function (attrName, callback, context) { return function (e) { callback.call(context || this, attrName in e.currentTarget ? e.currentTarget[attrName] : e.currentTarget.getAttribute(attrName)) } } function blobToDataURL (blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fr = new FileReader() fr.onloadend = function (e) { resolve(fr.result) } fr.readAsDataURL(blob) }) } function blobToArrayBuffer (blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fr = new FileReader() fr.onloadend = function (e) { resolve(fr.result) } fr.readAsArrayBuffer(blob) }) } const isChromeExt = typeof chrome !== 'undefined' let pageStoryId try { pageStoryId = document.location.pathname.match(/^\/story\/(\d*)/)[1] } catch (e) {} const logoUrl = chrome.extension.getURL('fimfic2epub-logo.png') let ffc const stories = document.querySelectorAll('.story_container') stories.forEach((story) => { const id = story.dataset.story function epubClick (e) { e.preventDefault() openStory(id) } const epubButtons = story.querySelectorAll('.drop-down ul li a[title="Download Story (.epub)"]') if (epubButtons.length === 0) return for (let i = 0; i < epubButtons.length; i++) { epubButtons[i].addEventListener('click', epubClick, false) } const logo = new Image() logo.className = 'fimfic2epub-logo' logo.title = 'Download EPUB with fimfic2epub' logo.src = logoUrl story.querySelector('.story_content_box .title').appendChild(logo) logo.addEventListener('click', epubClick, false) }) const cards = document.querySelectorAll('.story-card-container') cards.forEach((card) => { let id const classes = card.className.split(' ') for (let i = 0; i < classes.length && !id; i++) { const c = classes[i] id = c.substring(21) } if (!id) return const flip = card.querySelector('a.card-flip') const epubButton = card.querySelector('a[title="Download .ePub"]') if (!epubButton) return epubButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault() openStory(id) flip.click() }, false) }) const dialogContainer = document.createElement('div') dialogContainer.id = 'epubDialogContainer' document.body.appendChild(dialogContainer) const checkbox = { view: function ({ attrs, children }) { return m('label.toggleable-switch', [ m('input', Object.assign({ type: 'checkbox' }, attrs)), m('a'), children ? m('span', children) : null ]) } } function selectOptions (list, selected = '') { return list.map((item) => { return m('option', { value: item[0], selected: selected === item[0] }, item[1]) }) } function redraw (arg) { try { m.redraw(arg) } catch (err) { console.log(err) } } const ffcProgress = prop(0) const ffcStatus = prop('') const dialog = { oninit () { const ctrl = this ffcProgress(0) this.isLoading = prop(true) this.dragging = prop(false) this.xpos = prop(0) this.ypos = prop(0) this.el = prop(null) this.coverFile = prop(null) this.coverUrl = prop('') this.checkboxCoverUrl = prop(false) this.title = prop('') this.author = prop('') this.description = prop('') this.subjects = prop([]) this.typogrify = prop(ffc.options.typogrify) this.addCommentsLink = prop(ffc.options.addCommentsLink) this.includeAuthorNotes = prop(ffc.options.includeAuthorNotes) this.useAuthorNotesIndex = prop(ffc.options.useAuthorNotesIndex) this.showChapterHeadings = prop(ffc.options.showChapterHeadings) this.showChapterWordCount = prop(ffc.options.showChapterWordCount) this.showChapterDuration = prop(ffc.options.showChapterDuration) this.includeExternal = prop(ffc.options.includeExternal) this.kepubify = prop(ffc.options.kepubify) this.joinSubjects = prop(ffc.options.joinSubjects) this.paragraphStyle = prop(ffc.options.paragraphStyle) this.calculateReadingEase = prop(ffc.options.calculateReadingEase) this.addChapterBars = prop(ffc.options.addChapterBars) this.wordsPerMinute = prop(ffc.options.wordsPerMinute) this.onOpen = (vnode) => { this.el(vnode.dom) this.center() this.isLoading(true) ffc.fetchMetadata().then(() => { this.isLoading(false) ffcProgress(-1) this.title(ffc.storyInfo.title) this.author(ffc.storyInfo.author.name) this.description(htmlToText(ffc.storyInfo.description) || ffc.storyInfo.short_description) this.subjects(ffc.subjects.slice(0)) redraw(true) // this.center() ffc.fetchChapters().then(() => { ffcProgress(-1) redraw() }) }).catch((err) => { console.error(err) }) } this.setCoverFile = (e) => { const el = e.dom || e.target if (el.target) { this.coverUrl('') } this.coverFile(el.files ? el.files[0] : null) } this.setSubjects = function () { // 'this' is the textarea const set = new Set() ctrl.subjects(this.value.split('\n').map((s) => s.trim()).filter((s) => { if (!s) return false if (set.has(s)) return false set.add(s) return true })) this.value = ctrl.subjects().join('\n') autosize.update(this) } this.setDescription = function () { ctrl.description(this.value.trim()) this.value = ctrl.description() autosize.update(this) } this.ondown = (e) => { const rect = this.el().firstChild.getBoundingClientRect() const offset = { x: e.pageX - rect.left - document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: e.pageY - rect.top - document.documentElement.scrollTop } this.dragging(true) const onmove = (e) => { e.preventDefault() if (this.dragging()) { this.move(e.pageX - offset.x, e.pageY - offset.y) } } const onup = () => { this.dragging(false) window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onmove) window.removeEventListener('mouseup', onup) } window.addEventListener('mousemove', onmove, false) window.addEventListener('mouseup', onup, false) } this.move = (xpos, ypos) => { const bc = document.querySelector('.body_container') const rect = this.el().firstChild.getBoundingClientRect() this.xpos(Math.max(0, Math.min(xpos, bc.offsetWidth - rect.width))) this.ypos(Math.max(0, Math.min(ypos, bc.offsetHeight - rect.height))) this.el().style.left = this.xpos() + 'px' this.el().style.top = this.ypos() + 'px' } this.center = () => { if (this.dragging()) return const rect = this.el().firstChild.getBoundingClientRect() this.move( Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollLeft, (window.innerWidth / 2) - (rect.width / 2) + document.documentElement.scrollLeft), Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, 100 + document.documentElement.scrollTop) ) } this.createEpub = (e) => { e.target.disabled = true createEpub(this) } }, view (vnode) { const ctrl = vnode.state return m('.drop-down-pop-up-container', { oncreate: ctrl.onOpen.bind(ctrl) }, m('.drop-down-pop-up', { style: { 'min-width': '720px' } }, [ m('h1', { onmousedown: ctrl.ondown }, m('i.fa.fa-book'), 'Export to EPUB (v' + FIMFIC2EPUB_VERSION + ')', m('a.close_button', { onclick: closeDialog })), m('.drop-down-pop-up-content', [ ctrl.isLoading() ? m('div', { style: 'text-align:center;' }, m('i.fa.fa-spin.fa-spinner', { style: 'font-size:50px; margin:20px; color:#777;' })) : m('table.properties', [ m('tr', m('td.section_header', { colspan: 3 }, m('b', 'General settings'))), m('tr', m('td.label', 'Title'), m('td', { colspan: 2 }, m('input', { type: 'text', value: ctrl.title(), onchange: m.withAttr('value', ctrl.title) }))), m('tr', m('td.label', 'Author'), m('td', { colspan: 2 }, m('input', { type: 'text', value: ctrl.author(), onchange: m.withAttr('value', ctrl.author) }))), m('tr', m('td.label', 'Custom cover image'), m('td', ctrl.checkboxCoverUrl() ? m('input', { type: 'url', placeholder: 'Image URL', onchange: m.withAttr('value', ctrl.coverUrl) }) : m('input', { type: 'file', accept: 'image/*', onchange: ctrl.setCoverFile, onupdate: ctrl.setCoverFile }) ), m('td', { style: 'width: 1px' }, m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.checkboxCoverUrl(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.checkboxCoverUrl) }, 'Use image URL')) ), m('tr', m('td.label', 'Paragraph style'), m('td', { colspan: 2 }, m('select', { onchange: m.withAttr('value', ctrl.paragraphStyle) }, selectOptions([ ['indented', 'Indent first line in all paragraphs except the first (Traditional Paperback)'], ['spaced', 'Separate each paragraph with double space (Traditional Web)'], ['both', 'Double space and indent all paragraphs except first (Fusion)'], ['indentedall', 'Indent all paragraphs including the first (Modified Traditional)'] ], ctrl.paragraphStyle())) )), m('tr', m('td.label', { style: 'vertical-align: top;' }, 'Options'), m('td', { colspan: 2 }, m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.typogrify(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.typogrify) }, 'Apply typographic fixes (smart quotes, dashes etc.)'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.showChapterHeadings(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.showChapterHeadings) }, 'Add chapter headings'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.showChapterWordCount(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.showChapterWordCount), disabled: !ctrl.showChapterHeadings() }, 'Include word count in chapter heading'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.showChapterDuration(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.showChapterDuration), disabled: !ctrl.showChapterHeadings() }, 'Include time to read in chapter heading'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.addCommentsLink(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.addCommentsLink) }, 'Add link to online comments (at the end of chapters)'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.includeAuthorNotes(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.includeAuthorNotes) }, 'Include author\'s notes'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.useAuthorNotesIndex(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.useAuthorNotesIndex), disabled: !ctrl.includeAuthorNotes() }, 'Put all notes at the end of the ebook'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.calculateReadingEase(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.calculateReadingEase) }, 'Calculate Flesch reading ease'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.addChapterBars(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.addChapterBars) }, 'Show reading progress and chapter lengths as bars'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.includeExternal(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.includeExternal) }, 'Download & include remote content (embed images)'), m('div', { style: 'font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1em; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 6px; opacity: 0.6;' }, 'Note: Disabling this creates invalid EPUBs and requires internet access to see remote content. Only cover image will be embedded.'), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.kepubify(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.kepubify) }, 'Export as Kobo EPUB, this adds some Kobo-specific div/span tags.') )), m('tr', m('td.label', 'Words per minute'), m('td', { colspan: 2 }, m('input', { type: 'number', min: 0, step: 1, value: ctrl.wordsPerMinute(), onchange: m.withAttr('value', ctrl.wordsPerMinute), placeholder: '200 (default)', style: { width: '140px', float: 'left', marginRight: '.75rem', marginTop: '.35rem', position: 'relative', zIndex: 1 } }), m('div', { style: 'font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1em; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 6px; opacity: 0.6;' }, 'This is used to estimate the time it takes to read the story. Take a test to find out your reading speed.', m('br'), 'Set to 0 to disable.') )), m('tr', m('td.section_header', { colspan: 3 }, m('b', 'Metadata customization'))), m('tr', m('td.label', { style: 'vertical-align: top;' }, 'Description'), m('td', { colspan: 2 }, m('textarea', { oncreate: ({ dom }) => autosize(dom), onchange: ctrl.setDescription }, ctrl.description()))), m('tr', m('td.label', { style: 'vertical-align: top;' }, 'Categories'), m('td', { colspan: 2 }, m('textarea', { rows: 2, oncreate: ({ dom }) => autosize(dom), onchange: ctrl.setSubjects }, ctrl.subjects().join('\n')), m(checkbox, { checked: ctrl.joinSubjects(), onchange: m.withAttr('checked', ctrl.joinSubjects) }, 'Join categories and separate with commas') )) ]), m('.drop-down-pop-up-footer', [ m('button.styled_button', { onclick: ctrl.createEpub, disabled: ffcProgress() >= 0 && ffcProgress() < 1, style: 'float: right' }, 'Download ' + (ctrl.kepubify() ? 'Kobo EPUB' : 'EPUB')), ffcProgress() >= 0 ? m('.rating_container', m('.rating-bar', { style: { background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)', 'margin-right': '5px' } }, m('.like-bar', { style: { width: Math.max(0, ffcProgress()) * 100 + '%' } })), ' ', ffcProgress() >= 0 && ffcProgress() < 1 ? [m('i.fa.fa-spin.fa-spinner'), m.trust('  ')] : null, ffcStatus() ) : null, m('div', { style: 'clear: both' }) ]) ]) ])) } } let dialogOpen = false function openDialog () { if (dialogOpen) { return } dialogOpen = true m.mount(dialogContainer, dialog) } function closeDialog () { dialogOpen = false m.mount(dialogContainer, null) } function createEpub (model) { ffcProgress(0) ffcStatus('') let chain = Promise.resolve() ffc.coverUrl = '' ffc.coverImage = null if (model.checkboxCoverUrl()) { ffc.coverUrl = model.coverUrl() } else if (model.coverFile()) { chain = chain .then(() => blobToArrayBuffer(model.coverFile())) .then((buf) => ffc.setCoverImage(buf)) .catch((err) => console.error(err)) } ffc.setTitle(model.title()) ffc.setAuthorName(model.author()) ffc.storyInfo.short_description = model.description() ffc.options.typogrify = model.typogrify() ffc.options.addCommentsLink = model.addCommentsLink() ffc.options.includeAuthorNotes = model.includeAuthorNotes() ffc.options.useAuthorNotesIndex = model.useAuthorNotesIndex() ffc.options.showChapterHeadings = model.showChapterHeadings() ffc.options.showChapterWordCount = model.showChapterWordCount() ffc.options.showChapterDuration = model.showChapterDuration() ffc.options.includeExternal = model.includeExternal() ffc.options.paragraphStyle = model.paragraphStyle() ffc.options.kepubify = model.kepubify() ffc.subjects = model.subjects() ffc.options.joinSubjects = model.joinSubjects() ffc.options.calculateReadingEase = model.calculateReadingEase() ffc.options.addChapterBars = model.addChapterBars() if (model.wordsPerMinute() === '') ffc.options.wordsPerMinute = 200 else ffc.options.wordsPerMinute = parseInt(model.wordsPerMinute(), 10) || 0 model.wordsPerMinute(ffc.options.wordsPerMinute) redraw() chrome.storage.sync.set({ ffcOptions: ffc.options, version: FIMFIC2EPUB_VERSION }) chain .then(ffc.fetchAll.bind(ffc)) .then(ffc.build.bind(ffc)) .then(ffc.getFile.bind(ffc)).then((file) => { if (typeof safari !== 'undefined') { blobToDataURL(file).then((dataurl) => { document.location.href = dataurl alert('Add .epub to the filename of the downloaded file') }) } else { let filename = ffc.filename if (ffc.options.kepubify) { filename = filename.replace(/\.epub$/, '.kepub.epub') } saveAs(file, filename) } }) } function openStory (id) { chrome.storage.sync.get(['ffcOptions', 'version'], function (result) { let options = result.ffcOptions // Reset options on new version if (result.version !== FIMFIC2EPUB_VERSION) { options = {} } if (!ffc) { ffc = new FimFic2Epub(id, options) ffc.on('progress', onProgress) } else if (ffc.storyId !== id) { ffc.off('progress', onProgress) closeDialog() ffc = new FimFic2Epub(id, options) ffc.on('progress', onProgress) } openDialog() }) } function onProgress (percent, status) { ffcProgress(percent) if (status) { ffcStatus(status) } redraw() } if (pageStoryId && isChromeExt) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ showPageAction: true }) chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request) { if (request === 'pageAction') { openStory(pageStoryId) } }) }