import FimFic2Epub from './FimFic2Epub' import { saveAs } from 'file-saver' function blobToDataURL (blob, callback) { let a = new FileReader() a.onloadend = function (e) { callback(a.result) } a.readAsDataURL(blob) } const STORY_ID = document.location.pathname.match(/^\/story\/(\d*)/)[1] const ffc = new FimFic2Epub(STORY_ID) const epubButton = document.querySelector('.story_container ul.chapters li.bottom a[title="Download Story (.epub)"]') if (epubButton) { epubButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault() => { ffc.getFile().then((file) => { console.log('Saving file...') if (typeof safari !== 'undefined') { blobToDataURL(file, (dataurl) => { document.location.href = dataurl alert('Add .epub to the filename of the downloaded file') }) } else { saveAs(file, ffc.filename) } }) }) }, false) }