require('babel-register') // use a mock DOM so we can run mithril on the server require('mithril/test-utils/browserMock')(global) const cleanMarkup = require('../src/cleanMarkup').cleanMarkup cleanMarkup(`

Stay tuned, I'll be posting Part 2 (the real ultimate final chapter in which the story will be Complete) tomorrow morning.

Comment away anyway!

Some people have voiced concerns about Naomi's plan, namely how a conspiracy of that scale and nature can survive.
I (and Naomi) understand that it is completely doomed to failure without Daphne's help (and help of other oracles like her.) Foretelling isn't a perfect discipline, but it can detect major fracture points like that.
The society she will form will also help humanity by taking on supernatural threats, so this isn't a completely one-sided affair.

`).then((html) => { console.log(html) }).catch((err) => { throw err })