
372 lines
14 KiB

export interface I_PDFKitDocument extends NodeJS.ReadableStream,
PDFAcroForm {
* PDF Version
version: number;
* Wheter streams should be compressed
compress: boolean;
* PDF document Metadata
info: DocumentInfo;
* Options for the document
options: PDFDocumentOptions;
* Represent the current page.
page: PDFPage;
x: number;
y: number;
addPage(options?: PDFDocumentOptions): I_PDFKitDocument;
bufferedPageRange(): { start: number; count: number };
switchToPage(n?: number): PDFPage;
flushPages(): void;
ref(data: {}): PDFKitReference;
addContent(data: any): I_PDFKitDocument;
* Deprecated
write(fileName: string, fn: any): void;
* Deprecated. Throws exception
output(fn: any): void;
end(): void;
toString(): string;
interface DocumentInfo {
Producer?: string;
Creator?: string;
CreationDate?: Date;
Title?: string;
Author?: string;
Keywords?: string;
ModDate?: Date;
interface PDFDocumentOptions {
compress?: boolean;
info?: DocumentInfo;
userPassword?: string;
ownerPassword?: string;
permissions?: DocumentPermissions;
pdfVersion?: "1.3" | "1.4" | "1.5" | "1.6" | "1.7" | "1.7ext3";
autoFirstPage?: boolean;
size?: number[] | string;
margin?: number;
margins?: { top: number; left: number; bottom: number; right: number };
layout?: "portrait" | "landscape";
bufferPages?: boolean;
interface DocumentPermissions {
modifying?: boolean;
copying?: boolean;
annotating?: boolean;
fillingForms?: boolean;
contentAccessibility?: boolean;
documentAssembly?: boolean;
printing?: "lowResolution" | "highResolution";
interface PDFPage {
size: string;
layout: string;
margins: { top: number; left: number; bottom: number; right: number };
width: number;
height: number;
document: I_PDFKitDocument;
content: PDFKitReference;
* The page dictionnary
dictionary: PDFKitReference;
fonts: any;
xobjects: any;
ext_gstates: any;
patterns: any;
annotations: any;
maxY(): number;
write(chunk: any): void;
end(): void;
interface PDFKitReference {
id: number;
gen: number;
deflate: any;
compress: boolean;
uncompressedLength: number;
chunks: any[];
data: { Font?: any; XObject?: any; ExtGState?: any; Pattern: any; Annots: any };
document: I_PDFKitDocument;
initDeflate(): void;
write(chunk: any): void;
end(chunk: any): void;
finalize(): void;
toString(): string;
interface PDFAnnotation {
annotate(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, option: AnnotationOption): this;
note(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, content: string, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
goTo(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, name: string, options?: AnnotationOption): this;
link(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, url: string, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
highlight(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
underline(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
strike(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
lineAnnotation(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
rectAnnotation(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
ellipseAnnotation(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
textAnnotation(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, text: string, option?: AnnotationOption): this;
interface AnnotationOption {
Type?: string;
Rect?: any;
Border?: Array<number>;
SubType?: string;
Contents?: string;
Name?: string;
color?: string;
QuadPoints?: Array<number>;
A?: any;
B?: any;
C?: any;
L?: any;
DA?: string;
interface PDFColor {
fillColor(color: ColorValue, opacity?: number): this;
strokeColor(color: ColorValue, opacity?: number): this;
opacity(opacity: number): this;
fillOpacity(opacity: number): this;
strokeOpacity(opacity: number): this;
linearGradient(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): PDFLinearGradient;
radialGradient(x1: number, y1: number, r1: number, x2: number, y2: number, r2: number): PDFRadialGradient;
type ColorValue = string | PDFGradient | [number, number, number] | [number, number, number, number];
interface PDFGradient {
stop(pos: number, color?: string | PDFGradient, opacity?: number): PDFGradient;
embed(): void;
apply(): void;
interface PDFLinearGradient extends PDFGradient {
shader(fn: () => any): any;
opacityGradient(): PDFLinearGradient;
interface PDFRadialGradient extends PDFGradient {
shader(fn: () => any): any;
opacityGradient(): PDFRadialGradient;
interface PDFImage {
* Draw an image in PDFKit document.
image(src: any, x?: number, y?: number, options?: ImageOption): this;
image(src: any, options?: ImageOption): this;
interface ImageOption {
width?: number;
height?: number;
/** Scale percentage */
scale?: number;
/** Two elements array specifying dimensions(w,h) */
fit?: [number, number];
cover?: [number, number];
align?: "center" | "right";
valign?: "center" | "bottom";
link?: AnnotationOption;
goTo?: AnnotationOption;
destination?: string;
interface TextOptions {
/** Set to false to disable line wrapping all together */
lineBreak?: boolean;
/** The width that text should be wrapped to (by default, the page width minus the left and right margin) */
width?: number;
/** The maximum height that text should be clipped to */
height?: number;
/** The character to display at the end of the text when it is too long. Set to true to use the default character. */
ellipsis?: boolean | string;
/** the number of columns to flow the text into */
columns?: number;
/** the amount of space between each column (1/4 inch by default) */
columnGap?: number;
/** The amount in PDF points (72 per inch) to indent each paragraph of text */
indent?: number;
/** the amount of space between each paragraph of text */
paragraphGap?: number;
/** the amount of space between each line of text */
lineGap?: number;
/** the amount of space between each word in the text */
wordSpacing?: number;
/** the amount of space between each character in the text */
characterSpacing?: number;
/** whether to fill the text (true by default) */
fill?: boolean;
/** whether to stroke the text */
stroke?: boolean;
/** A URL to link this text to (shortcut to create an annotation) */
link?: string;
/** whether to underline the text */
underline?: boolean;
/** whether to strike out the text */
strike?: boolean;
/** whether the text segment will be followed immediately by another segment. Useful for changing styling in the middle of a paragraph. */
continued?: boolean;
/** whether to slant the text (angle in degrees or true) */
oblique?: boolean | number;
/** the alignment of the text (center, justify, left, right) */
// TODO check this
align?: "center" | "justify" | "left" | "right" | string;
/** the vertical alignment of the text with respect to its insertion point */
baseline?: number | "svg-middle" | "middle" | "svg-central" | "bottom" | "ideographic" | "alphabetic" | "mathematical" | "hanging" | "top";
/** an array of OpenType feature tags to apply. If not provided, a set of defaults is used. */
features?: OpenTypeFeatures[];
// Text option opentype features as listed at
type OpenTypeFeatures =
| "aalt" | "abvf" | "abvm" | "abvs" | "afrc" | "akhn" | "blwf" | "blwm" | "blws" | "calt" | "case"
| "cfar" | "cjct" | "clig" | "cpct" | "cpsp" | "cswh" | "curs" | "cv01" | "cv02" | "cv03" | "cv04"
| "cv05" | "cv06" | "cv07" | "cv08" | "cv09" | "cv10" | "cv11" | "cv12" | "cv13" | "cv14" | "cv15"
| "cv16" | "cv17" | "cv18" | "cv19" | "cv20" | "cv21" | "cv22" | "cv23" | "cv24" | "cv25" | "cv26"
| "cv27" | "cv28" | "cv29" | "cv30" | "cv31" | "cv32" | "cv33" | "cv34" | "cv35" | "cv36" | "cv37"
| "cv38" | "cv39" | "cv40" | "cv41" | "cv42" | "cv43" | "cv44" | "cv45" | "cv46" | "cv47" | "cv48"
| "cv49" | "cv50" | "cv51" | "cv52" | "cv53" | "cv54" | "cv55" | "cv56" | "cv57" | "cv58" | "cv59"
| "cv60" | "cv61" | "cv62" | "cv63" | "cv64" | "cv65" | "cv66" | "cv67" | "cv68" | "cv69" | "cv70"
| "cv71" | "cv72" | "cv73" | "cv74" | "cv75" | "cv76" | "cv77" | "cv78" | "cv79" | "cv80" | "cv81"
| "cv82" | "cv83" | "cv84" | "cv85" | "cv86" | "cv87" | "cv88" | "cv89" | "cv90" | "cv91" | "cv92"
| "cv93" | "cv94" | "cv95" | "cv96" | "cv97" | "cv98" | "cv99" | "c2pc" | "c2sc" | "dist" | "ccmp"
| "dlig" | "dnom" | "dtls" | "expt" | "falt" | "fin2" | "fin3" | "fina" | "flac" | "frac" | "fwid"
| "half" | "haln" | "halt" | "hist" | "hkna" | "hlig" | "hngl" | "hojo" | "hwid" | "init" | "isol"
| "ital" | "jalt" | "jp78" | "jp83" | "jp90" | "jp04" | "kern" | "lfbd" | "liga" | "ljmo" | "lnum"
| "locl" | "ltra" | "ltrm" | "mark" | "med2" | "medi" | "mgrk" | "mkmk" | "mset" | "nalt" | "nlck"
| "nukt" | "numr" | "onum" | "opbd" | "ordn" | "ornm" | "palt" | "pcap" | "pkna" | "pnum" | "pref"
| "pres" | "pstf" | "psts" | "pwid" | "qwid" | "rand" | "rclt" | "rkrf" | "rlig" | "rphf" | "rtbd"
| "rtla" | "rtlm" | "ruby" | "rvrn" | "salt" | "sinf" | "size" | "smcp" | "smpl" | "ss01" | "ss02"
| "ss03" | "ss04" | "ss05" | "ss06" | "ss07" | "ss08" | "ss09" | "ss10" | "ss11" | "ss12" | "ss13"
| "ss14" | "ss15" | "ss16" | "ss17" | "ss18" | "ss19" | "ss20" | "ssty" | "stch" | "subs" | "sups"
| "swsh" | "titl" | "tjmo" | "tnam" | "tnum" | "trad" | "twid" | "unic" | "valt" | "vatu" | "vert"
| "vhal" | "vjmo" | "vkna" | "vkrn" | "vpal" | "vrt2" | "vrtr" | "zero";
interface PDFText {
lineGap(lineGap: number): this;
moveDown(line?: number): this;
moveUp(line?: number): this;
text(text: string, x?: number, y?: number, options?: TextOptions): this;
text(text: string, options?: TextOptions): this;
widthOfString(text: string, options?: TextOptions): number;
heightOfString(text: string, options?: TextOptions): number;
list(list: Array<string | any>, x?: number, y?: number, options?: TextOptions): this;
list(list: Array<string | any>, options?: TextOptions): this;
interface PDFVector {
save(): this;
restore(): this;
closePath(): this;
lineWidth(w: number): this;
lineCap(c: string): this;
lineJoin(j: string): this;
miterLimit(m: any): this;
dash(length: number, option: any): this;
undash(): this;
moveTo(x: number, y: number): this;
lineTo(x: number, y: number): this;
bezierCurveTo(cp1x: number, cp1y: number, cp2x: number, cp2y: number, x: number, y: number): this;
quadraticCurveTo(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number, y: number): this;
rect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): this;
roundedRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, r?: number): this;
ellipse(x: number, y: number, r1: number, r2?: number): this;
circle(x: number, y: number, raduis: number): this;
polygon(...points: number[][]): this;
path(path: string): this;
fill(color?: ColorValue, rule?: RuleValue): this;
fill(rule: RuleValue): this;
stroke(color?: ColorValue): this;
fillAndStroke(fillColor?: ColorValue, strokeColor?: ColorValue, rule?: RuleValue): this;
fillAndStroke(fillColor: ColorValue, rule?: RuleValue): this;
fillAndStroke(rule: RuleValue): this;
clip(rule?: RuleValue): this;
transform(m11: number, m12: number, m21: number, m22: number, dx: number, dy: number): this;
translate(x: number, y: number): this;
rotate(angle: number, options?: { origin?: number[] }): this;
scale(xFactor: number, yFactor?: number, options?: { origin?: number[] }): this;
// The winding / filling rule accepted by PDFKit:
type RuleValue = "even-odd" | "evenodd" | "non-zero" | "nonzero";
type PDFFontSource = string | Buffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer;
interface PDFFont {
font(buffer: Buffer): this;
font(src: string, family?: string, size?: number): this;
fontSize(size: number): this;
currentLineHeight(includeGap?: boolean): number;
registerFont(name: string, src?: PDFFontSource, family?: string): this;
interface PDFAcroForm {
* Must call if adding AcroForms to a document. Must also call font() before
* this method to set the default font.
initForm(): this;
* Called automatically by document.js
endAcroForm(): this;
* Creates and adds a form field to the document. Form fields are intermediate
* nodes in a PDF form that are used to specify form name heirarchy and form
* value defaults.
* @param name - field name (T attribute in field dictionary)
* @param options - other attributes to include in field dictionary
formField(name: string, options?: Record<string, any>): PDFKitReference;
* Creates and adds a Form Annotation to the document. Form annotations are
* called Widget annotations internally within a PDF file.
* @param name - form field name (T attribute of widget annotation
* dictionary)
formAnnotation(name: string, type: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, options?: object): this;
formText(name: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, options?: object): this;
formPushButton(name: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, options?: object): this;
formCombo(name: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, options?: object): this;
formList(name: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, options?: object): this;
formRadioButton(name: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, options?: object): this;
formCheckbox(name: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, options?: object): this;