# Fantasia archive (fantasiaarchive) A database manager for world building ## Install the dependencies ```bash npm install ``` - **IMPORTAN NOTE:** Due to issues with this package being written in somewhat older version of nodeJS, the script will fizzle out upon building due to wrong version of `.d.ts` file in one of the included NPM packages. - The proper replacement file can be found in `_typeFix/index.d.ts` - The faulty file can be found in `node_modules\builder-util\node_modules\@types\fs-extra\index.d.ts` - To fix this issue, simply copy the contents of the proper replacement over the buggy faulty file (or just replace its contents) - Once this is done, the build should run as normal without any issues ### Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.) ```bash npm run dev ``` ### Build the app for production ```bash npm run build ``` ### New object files go into ``` src\databaseManager\blueprints ``` ### Document configuration details can be found in the following file ``` I_Blueprint.ts ``` ### Customize the configuration See [Configuring quasar.conf.js](https://quasar.dev/quasar-cli/quasar-conf-js).