import QuasarDate from '../QuasarDate.vue' const targetDate = '2023/02/23' describe('QuasarDate', () => { it('selects a date by date string', () => { cy.mount(QuasarDate) cy.dataCy('date-picker').selectDate(targetDate) cy.dataCy('date-value').should('have.text', targetDate) }) it('selects a date by date object', () => { cy.mount(QuasarDate) cy.dataCy('date-picker').selectDate(new Date(targetDate)) cy.dataCy('date-value').should('have.text', targetDate) }) it('selects a date displayed into a popup proxy', () => { cy.mount(QuasarDate) cy.dataCy('open-date-picker-popup-button').click() cy.withinDialog(() => { cy.get('.q-date').selectDate(targetDate) }) cy.dataCy('date-value').should('have.text', targetDate) // When dealing with a nested dialog, or a popup proxy within a dialog, // add a data-cy on the dialog/popup-proxy containing the QDate and use the `withinDialog` extended signature: // Example: cy.withinDialog({ dataCy: 'date-picker-popup', fn: () => { cy.get('.q-date').selectDate(targetDate); } }) }) })