# Fantasia Archive (fantasia-archive) A worldbuilding database manager Use Yarn 1.22.19 or stuff is gonna bug out. Make sure you are running this with Node v16.17.0 ("nvm" is great for these older versions) ## Install Quasar CLI for smoothest experience ##### Details found here: https://quasar.dev/start/quasar-cli ##### Ensure that the Yarn global install location is in your PATH after install. (details in article linked above) ``` yarn global add @quasar/cli ``` ## Install the dependencies and set up the project ``` yarn ``` ### Start the app in Quasar development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.) ``` quasar dev -m electron ``` ### Build the app for production ``` quasar build ``` ### Testing: > Keep in mind that Cypress tests are limited to front-end testing due to the nature of Electron's nodeJS-based backend. Anything in Electron's main and preload will NOT work. #### Unit test - with pretty web-UI ``` test:unit:ui ``` #### Unit test - without any UI, fully in a terminal ``` test:unit:ci ``` #### Component test, Frontend - via Cypress, pick Electron on the config screen (I suggest turning on the electron dev window first, the test is a bit buggy sometimes) ``` test:component:frontend ``` #### E2E test, Froentend - via Cypress, pick Electron on the config screen (I suggest turning on the electron dev window first, the test is a bit buggy sometimes) ``` test:e2e:frontend ``` ### Customize the configuration See [Configuring quasar.config.js](https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js).