import { remote } from "electron" // @ts-ignore import replicationStream from "pouchdb-replication-stream/dist/pouchdb.replication-stream.min.js" // @ts-ignore import load from "pouchdb-load" import PouchDB from "pouchdb" import fs from "fs" import path from "path" import { extend } from "quasar" /** * Creates a brand new project and deleted any present data avaiable right now * @param projectName The name of the new project * @praram vueRouter The vue router object */ export const createNewProject = async (projectName: string, vueRouter: any, quasar: any, vueInstance: any) => { await removeCurrentProject() if (!window.FA_dbs) { // @ts-ignore window.FA_dbs = {} } window.FA_dbs["project-data"] = new PouchDB("project-data") const newProject = { _id: "projectSetup", projectName: projectName } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call window.FA_dbs["project-data"].put(newProject) /*eslint-disable */ // @ts-ignore vueRouter.push({ path: "/" }).catch((e: {name: string}) => { const errorName : string = if (errorName === "NavigationDuplicated") { return } console.log(e) }) /* eslint-enable */ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) /*eslint-disable */ // @ts-ignore vueRouter.push({ path: "/project" }).catch((e: {name: string}) => { const errorName : string = if (errorName === "NavigationDuplicated") { return } console.log(e) }) quasar.notify({ type: 'positive', message: `New project succesfully created` }) vueInstance.SSET_resetDocuments() vueInstance.SSET_resetAllDocuments() /* eslint-enable */ } /** * Open an file dialog asking the use for location where to export the project * @param projectName The name of the project to export */ export const saveProject = (projectName: string, Loading: any, loadingSetup: any, quasar: any) => { remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ["openDirectory"] }).then(async (result) => { /*eslint-disable */ const folderPath = result.filePaths[0] if (!folderPath) { return } PouchDB.plugin(replicationStream.plugin) // @ts-ignore PouchDB.adapter("writableStream", replicationStream.adapters.writableStream) // @ts-ignore const allDBS = await indexedDB.databases() const DBnames: string[] = allDBS .filter((d: {name: string}) => !== '_pouch_fa-settings') .map((db: {name: string}) => { return"_pouch_", "") }) for (const db of DBnames) { window.FA_dbs[db] = new PouchDB(db) if (!fs.existsSync(`${folderPath}`)) { fs.mkdirSync(`${folderPath}`) } if (!fs.existsSync(`${folderPath}/${projectName}`)) { fs.mkdirSync(`${folderPath}/${projectName}`) } const ws = fs.createWriteStream(`${folderPath}/${projectName}/${db}.txt`) // @ts-ignore await window.FA_dbs[db].dump(ws) } Loading.hide() quasar.notify({ type: 'positive', message: `Project succesfully saved` }) /* eslint-enable */ }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) } /** * Delete the current project and all its data */ export const removeCurrentProject = async () => { /*eslint-disable */ // @ts-ignore const allDBS = await indexedDB.databases() const DBnames: string[] = allDBS .filter((d: {name: string}) => !== '_pouch_fa-settings') .map((db: {name: string}) => { return"_pouch_", "") }) for (const db of DBnames) { window.FA_dbs[db] = new PouchDB(db) await window.FA_dbs[db].destroy() } /* eslint-enable */ } /** * Opens a dialog to let user pick whatever project they wish to open and lets them select a directory * @param vueRouter The vue router object */ export const loadExistingProject = (vueRouter: any, Loading: any, loadingSetup: any, quasar: any, vueInstance: any) => { /*eslint-disable */ remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ["openDirectory"] }).then(async (result) => { const folderPath = result.filePaths[0] if (!folderPath) { return } await removeCurrentProject() // @ts-ignore PouchDB.plugin({ loadIt: load.load }) const allFiles = fs.readdirSync(folderPath) for (const file of allFiles) { const currentDBName = path.parse(file).name window.FA_dbs[currentDBName] = new PouchDB(currentDBName) const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(`${folderPath}/${file}`, { encoding: "utf8" }) // @ts-ignore await window.FA_dbs[currentDBName].loadIt(fileContents) } const optionsSnapShot = extend(true, {}, vueInstance.SGET_options) // @ts-ignore optionsSnapShot.legacyFieldsCheck = true // @ts-ignore optionsSnapShot.pre017check = true // @ts-ignore vueInstance.SSET_options(optionsSnapShot) /*eslint-disable */ // @ts-ignore vueRouter.push({ path: "/" }).catch((e: {name: string}) => { const errorName : string = if (errorName === "NavigationDuplicated") { return } console.log(e) }) /* eslint-enable */ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) /*eslint-disable */ // @ts-ignore vueRouter.push({ path: "/project" }).catch((e: {name: string}) => { const errorName : string = if (errorName === "NavigationDuplicated") { return } console.log(e) }) quasar.notify({ type: 'positive', message: `Project succesfully loaded` }) vueInstance.SSET_resetDocuments() vueInstance.SSET_resetAllDocuments() /* eslint-enable */ }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) /* eslint-enable */ } /** * Opens a dialog to let user pick whatever project they wish to open and lets them select a directory * @param vueRouter The vue router object */ export const mergeExistingProject = (vueRouter: any, Loading: any, loadingSetup: any, quasar: any, vueInstance: any) => { /*eslint-disable */ remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ["openDirectory"] }).then(async (result) => { const folderPath = result.filePaths[0] if (!folderPath) { return } // @ts-ignore PouchDB.plugin({ loadIt: load.load }) let allFiles = fs.readdirSync(folderPath) allFiles = allFiles.filter(file => file !== 'project-data.txt') for (const file of allFiles) { const currentDBName = path.parse(file).name window.FA_dbs[currentDBName] = new PouchDB(currentDBName) const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(`${folderPath}/${file}`, { encoding: "utf8" }) // @ts-ignore await window.FA_dbs[currentDBName].loadIt(fileContents) } const optionsSnapShot = extend(true, {}, vueInstance.SGET_options) // @ts-ignore optionsSnapShot.legacyFieldsCheck = true // @ts-ignore optionsSnapShot.pre017check = true // @ts-ignore vueInstance.SSET_options(optionsSnapShot) /*eslint-disable */ // @ts-ignore vueRouter.push({ path: "/" }).catch((e: {name: string}) => { const errorName : string = if (errorName === "NavigationDuplicated") { return } console.log(e) }) /* eslint-enable */ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) /*eslint-disable */ // @ts-ignore vueRouter.push({ path: "/project" }).catch((e: {name: string}) => { const errorName : string = if (errorName === "NavigationDuplicated") { return } console.log(e) }) quasar.notify({ type: 'positive', message: `Data successfully merged into the project` }) vueInstance.SSET_resetDocuments() vueInstance.SSET_resetAllDocuments() /* eslint-enable */ }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) /* eslint-enable */ } /** * Retrieves current project name */ export const retrieveCurrentProjectName = async () => { if (!window.FA_dbs) { // @ts-ignore window.FA_dbs = {} } window.FA_dbs["project-data"] = new PouchDB("project-data") // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call const projectData = await window.FA_dbs["project-data"].allDocs({ include_docs: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return const projectName: string = (projectData?.rows[0]?.doc?.projectName) || projectData?.rows[0]?.doc?._id return (projectName) || "" } /** * Change current project name */ export const changeCurrentProjectSettings = async (input: {projectName: string}) => { if (!window.FA_dbs) { // @ts-ignore window.FA_dbs = {} } window.FA_dbs["project-data"] = new PouchDB("project-data") // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call const projectData = await window.FA_dbs["project-data"].allDocs({ include_docs: true }) projectData.rows[0].doc.projectName = input.projectName // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call await window.FA_dbs["project-data"].put(projectData.rows[0].doc) } /** * Save corkboard update */ export const saveCorkboard = async (input: string) => { if (!window.FA_dbs) { // @ts-ignore window.FA_dbs = {} } window.FA_dbs["project-data"] = new PouchDB("project-data") // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call const projectData = await window.FA_dbs["project-data"].allDocs({ include_docs: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return projectData.rows[0].doc.corkboardText = input.trim() // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call window.FA_dbs["project-data"].put(projectData.rows[0].doc) } /** * Retrieve corkboard */ export const retrieveCorkboard = async (): Promise => { if (!window.FA_dbs) { // @ts-ignore window.FA_dbs = {} } window.FA_dbs["project-data"] = new PouchDB("project-data") // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call const projectData = await window.FA_dbs["project-data"].allDocs({ include_docs: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return return (projectData.rows[0]?.doc.corkboardText) || "" } /** * Update last opened documents */ export const updateLastOpenedDocuments = async (newDocID: string) => { if (!window.FA_dbs) { // @ts-ignore window.FA_dbs = {} } window.FA_dbs["project-data"] = new PouchDB("project-data") // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call const projectData = await window.FA_dbs["project-data"].allDocs({ include_docs: true }) if (!projectData.rows[0].doc.lastOpenedDocList) { projectData.rows[0].doc.lastOpenedDocList = [] } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call projectData.rows[0].doc.lastOpenedDocList = [ Set([ newDocID, ...projectData.rows[0].doc.lastOpenedDocList ])].slice(0, 50) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call window.FA_dbs["project-data"].put(projectData.rows[0].doc).catch(() => console.log()) } /** * Retrieve last opened document IDListr */ export const retrieveLastOpenedDocuments = async (): Promise => { if (!window.FA_dbs) { // @ts-ignore window.FA_dbs = {} } window.FA_dbs["project-data"] = new PouchDB("project-data") // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call const projectData = await window.FA_dbs["project-data"].allDocs({ include_docs: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return return (projectData.rows[0]?.doc?.lastOpenedDocList) || [] }