export interface I_appMenusDataList { /** * Title of the main menu button */ title: string /** * Data contents of the menu dropdown */ data:{ /** * Determines if the item shows as a separator or full-fledged menu item */ mode: 'separator' | 'item' /** * Title of the menu item */ text?: string /** * Icon/Avatar of the menu item */ icon?: string /** * Trigger functionality of the item on click */ trigger?: ((...args: any[]) => unknown|void) /** * Extra arguments for the trigger if need be */ triggerArguments?: unknown[] /** * Conditions to show the menu item as active */ conditions?: boolean /** *Special color class for the item */ specialColor?: string /** * Determined if the item contains a submenu and its inner data */ submenu?: { mode: 'separator' | 'item' text?: string icon?: string trigger?: ((...args: any[]) => unknown|void) triggerArguments?: [] conditions?: boolean specialColor?: string }[] }[] }