Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-28 02:50:21 +12:00
Rafał Mikrut 45da05c173 Also
2023-05-02 09:17:39 +02:00

390 lines
14 KiB

use std::fs::{DirEntry, File, Metadata};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread::{sleep, JoinHandle};
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use std::{fs, thread};
use crossbeam_channel::Receiver;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use crate::common::{check_folder_children, send_info_and_wait_for_ending_all_threads, Common, LOOP_DURATION};
use crate::common_dir_traversal::{common_get_entry_data_metadata, common_read_dir, get_lowercase_name, get_modified_time};
use crate::common_directory::Directories;
use crate::common_items::ExcludedItems;
use crate::common_messages::Messages;
use crate::common_traits::*;
const TEMP_EXTENSIONS: &[&str] = &[
pub struct ProgressData {
pub current_stage: u8,
pub max_stage: u8,
pub files_checked: usize,
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Copy)]
pub enum DeleteMethod {
pub struct FileEntry {
pub path: PathBuf,
pub modified_date: u64,
/// Info struck with helpful information's about results
pub struct Info {
pub number_of_temporary_files: usize,
impl Info {
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Struct with required information's to work
pub struct Temporary {
text_messages: Messages,
information: Info,
temporary_files: Vec<FileEntry>,
directories: Directories,
excluded_items: ExcludedItems,
recursive_search: bool,
delete_method: DeleteMethod,
stopped_search: bool,
impl Temporary {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
text_messages: Messages::new(),
information: Info::new(),
recursive_search: true,
directories: Directories::new(),
excluded_items: ExcludedItems::new(),
delete_method: DeleteMethod::None,
temporary_files: vec![],
stopped_search: false,
/// Finding temporary files, save results to internal struct variables
pub fn find_temporary_files(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<ProgressData>>) {
self.directories.optimize_directories(self.recursive_search, &mut self.text_messages);
if !self.check_files(stop_receiver, progress_sender) {
self.stopped_search = true;
pub fn get_stopped_search(&self) -> bool {
pub const fn get_temporary_files(&self) -> &Vec<FileEntry> {
pub const fn get_text_messages(&self) -> &Messages {
pub const fn get_information(&self) -> &Info {
pub fn set_delete_method(&mut self, delete_method: DeleteMethod) {
self.delete_method = delete_method;
pub fn set_recursive_search(&mut self, recursive_search: bool) {
self.recursive_search = recursive_search;
#[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
pub fn set_exclude_other_filesystems(&mut self, exclude_other_filesystems: bool) {
#[cfg(not(target_family = "unix"))]
pub fn set_exclude_other_filesystems(&mut self, _exclude_other_filesystems: bool) {}
pub fn set_included_directory(&mut self, included_directory: Vec<PathBuf>) -> bool {
self.directories.set_included_directory(included_directory, &mut self.text_messages)
pub fn set_excluded_directory(&mut self, excluded_directory: Vec<PathBuf>) {
self.directories.set_excluded_directory(excluded_directory, &mut self.text_messages);
pub fn set_excluded_items(&mut self, excluded_items: Vec<String>) {
self.excluded_items.set_excluded_items(excluded_items, &mut self.text_messages);
fn prepare_thread_handler_temporary(
progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<ProgressData>>,
progress_thread_run: &Arc<AtomicBool>,
atomic_counter: &Arc<AtomicUsize>,
) -> JoinHandle<()> {
if let Some(progress_sender) = progress_sender {
let progress_send = progress_sender.clone();
let progress_thread_run = progress_thread_run.clone();
let atomic_counter = atomic_counter.clone();
thread::spawn(move || loop {
.unbounded_send(ProgressData {
current_stage: 0,
max_stage: 0,
files_checked: atomic_counter.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
if !progress_thread_run.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
sleep(Duration::from_millis(LOOP_DURATION as u64));
} else {
thread::spawn(|| {})
fn check_files(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<ProgressData>>) -> bool {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
let mut folders_to_check: Vec<PathBuf> = Vec::with_capacity(1024 * 2); // This should be small enough too not see to big difference and big enough to store most of paths without needing to resize vector
// Add root folders for finding
for id in &self.directories.included_directories {
let progress_thread_run = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true));
let atomic_counter = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let progress_thread_handle = self.prepare_thread_handler_temporary(progress_sender, &progress_thread_run, &atomic_counter);
while !folders_to_check.is_empty() {
if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() {
send_info_and_wait_for_ending_all_threads(&progress_thread_run, progress_thread_handle);
return false;
let segments: Vec<_> = folders_to_check
.map(|current_folder| {
let mut dir_result = vec![];
let mut warnings = vec![];
let mut fe_result = vec![];
let Some(read_dir) = common_read_dir(current_folder, &mut warnings) else {
return (dir_result, warnings, fe_result);
// Check every sub folder/file/link etc.
for entry in read_dir {
let Some((entry_data,metadata)) = common_get_entry_data_metadata(&entry, &mut warnings, current_folder) else {
if metadata.is_dir() {
&mut dir_result,
&mut warnings,
} else if metadata.is_file() {
if let Some(file_entry) = self.get_file_entry(&metadata, &atomic_counter, entry_data, &mut warnings, current_folder) {
(dir_result, warnings, fe_result)
// Advance the frontier
// Process collected data
for (segment, warnings, fe_result) in segments {
for fe in fe_result {
send_info_and_wait_for_ending_all_threads(&progress_thread_run, progress_thread_handle);
self.information.number_of_temporary_files = self.temporary_files.len();
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "check_files_size");
pub fn get_file_entry(
metadata: &Metadata,
atomic_counter: &Arc<AtomicUsize>,
entry_data: &DirEntry,
warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
current_folder: &Path,
) -> Option<FileEntry> {
atomic_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let Some(file_name_lowercase) = get_lowercase_name(entry_data, warnings) else {
return None;
if !TEMP_EXTENSIONS.iter().any(|f| file_name_lowercase.ends_with(f)) {
return None;
let current_file_name = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name());
if self.excluded_items.is_excluded(&current_file_name) {
return None;
// Creating new file entry
Some(FileEntry {
path: current_file_name.clone(),
modified_date: get_modified_time(metadata, warnings, &current_file_name, false),
/// Function to delete files, from filed Vector
fn delete_files(&mut self) {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
match self.delete_method {
DeleteMethod::Delete => {
for file_entry in &self.temporary_files {
if fs::remove_file(file_entry.path.clone()).is_err() {
DeleteMethod::None => {
//Just do nothing
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "delete_files");
impl Default for Temporary {
fn default() -> Self {
impl DebugPrint for Temporary {
fn debug_print(&self) {
println!("---------------DEBUG PRINT---------------");
println!("### Information's");
println!("Errors size - {}", self.text_messages.errors.len());
println!("Warnings size - {}", self.text_messages.warnings.len());
println!("Messages size - {}", self.text_messages.messages.len());
println!("### Other");
println!("Temporary list size - {}", self.temporary_files.len());
println!("Excluded items - {:?}", self.excluded_items.items);
println!("Included directories - {:?}", self.directories.included_directories);
println!("Excluded directories - {:?}", self.directories.excluded_directories);
println!("Recursive search - {}", self.recursive_search);
#[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
println!("Skip other filesystems - {}", self.directories.exclude_other_filesystems());
println!("Delete Method - {:?}", self.delete_method);
impl SaveResults for Temporary {
fn save_results_to_file(&mut self, file_name: &str) -> bool {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
let file_name: String = match file_name {
"" => "results.txt".to_string(),
k => k.to_string(),
let file_handler = match File::create(&file_name) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => {
self.text_messages.errors.push(format!("Failed to create file {file_name}, reason {e}"));
return false;
let mut writer = BufWriter::new(file_handler);
if let Err(e) = writeln!(
"Results of searching {:?} with excluded directories {:?} and excluded items {:?}",
self.directories.included_directories, self.directories.excluded_directories, self.excluded_items.items
) {
self.text_messages.errors.push(format!("Failed to save results to file {file_name}, reason {e}"));
return false;
if !self.temporary_files.is_empty() {
writeln!(writer, "Found {} temporary files.", self.information.number_of_temporary_files).unwrap();
for file_entry in &self.temporary_files {
writeln!(writer, "{}", file_entry.path.display()).unwrap();
} else {
write!(writer, "Not found any temporary files.").unwrap();
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "save_results_to_file");
impl PrintResults for Temporary {
fn print_results(&self) {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
println!("Found {} temporary files.\n", self.information.number_of_temporary_files);
for file_entry in &self.temporary_files {
println!("{}", file_entry.path.display());
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "print_entries");