Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-04-27 09:12:06 +12:00
Rafał Mikrut 878550446d
Show how many files will be deleted/moved (#514)
* Print proper character(\) in Windows when printing files

* Show how many files will be moved/deleted.
Don't show dialog when 0 files is selected
2021-12-21 18:23:17 +01:00

145 lines
6 KiB

use gdk::ModifierType;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use crate::help_functions::*;
// TODO add option to open files and folders from context menu activated by pressing ONCE with right mouse button
pub fn opening_enter_function_ported(event_controller: &gtk::EventControllerKey, _key_value: u32, key_code: u32, _modifier_type: ModifierType) -> bool {
let tree_view = event_controller.widget().unwrap().downcast::<gtk::TreeView>().unwrap();
println!("key_code {}", key_code);
let nt_object = get_notebook_object_from_tree_view(&tree_view);
handle_tree_keypress(&tree_view, key_code, nt_object.column_name, nt_object.column_path, nt_object.column_selection);
false // True catches signal, and don't send it to function, e.g. up button is catched and don't move selection
pub fn opening_double_click_function(tree_view: &gtk::TreeView, event: &gdk::EventButton) -> gtk::Inhibit {
let nt_object = get_notebook_object_from_tree_view(tree_view);
if event.event_type() == gdk::EventType::DoubleButtonPress && event.button() == 1 {
common_open_function(tree_view, nt_object.column_name, nt_object.column_path, OpenMode::PathAndName);
} else if event.event_type() == gdk::EventType::DoubleButtonPress && event.button() == 3 {
common_open_function(tree_view, nt_object.column_name, nt_object.column_path, OpenMode::OnlyPath);
// // GTK 4
// pub fn opening_enter_function_ported(event_controller: &gtk4::EventControllerKey, _key: gdk4::keys::Key, key_code: u32, _modifier_type: ModifierType) -> gtk4::Inhibit {
// let tree_view = event_controller.widget().unwrap().downcast::<gtk4::TreeView>().unwrap();
// #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
// {
// println!("key_code {}", key_code);
// }
// let nt_object = get_notebook_object_from_tree_view(&tree_view);
// handle_tree_keypress(&tree_view, key_code, nt_object.column_name, nt_object.column_path, nt_object.column_selection);
// Inhibit(false) // True catches signal, and don't send it to function, e.g. up button is catched and don't move selection
// }
// pub fn opening_double_click_function(gesture_click: &GestureClick, number_of_clicks: i32, _b: f64, _c: f64) {
// let tree_view = gesture_click.widget().unwrap().downcast::<gtk4::TreeView>().unwrap();
// let nt_object = get_notebook_object_from_tree_view(&tree_view);
// if number_of_clicks == 2 {
// if gesture_click.current_button() == 1 {
// common_open_function(&tree_view, nt_object.column_name, nt_object.column_path, OpenMode::PathAndName);
// } else if gesture_click.current_button() == 3 {
// common_open_function(&tree_view, nt_object.column_name, nt_object.column_path, OpenMode::OnlyPath);
// }
// }
// }
enum OpenMode {
fn common_mark_function(tree_view: &gtk::TreeView, column_name: i32) {
let selection = tree_view.selection();
let (selected_rows, tree_model) = selection.selected_rows();
let model = get_list_store(tree_view);
for tree_path in selected_rows.iter().rev() {
let value = !tree_model.value(&tree_model.iter(tree_path).unwrap(), column_name).get::<bool>().unwrap();
model.set_value(&tree_model.iter(tree_path).unwrap(), column_name as u32, &value.to_value());
fn common_open_function(tree_view: &gtk::TreeView, column_name: i32, column_path: i32, opening_mode: OpenMode) {
let selection = tree_view.selection();
let (selected_rows, tree_model) = selection.selected_rows();
for tree_path in selected_rows.iter().rev() {
let name = tree_model.value(&tree_model.iter(tree_path).unwrap(), column_name).get::<String>().unwrap();
let path = tree_model.value(&tree_model.iter(tree_path).unwrap(), column_path).get::<String>().unwrap();
let end_path = match opening_mode {
OpenMode::OnlyPath => path,
OpenMode::PathAndName => get_full_name_from_path_name(&path, &name),
// if let Err(e) = open::that(&end_path) {
// println!("Failed to open {} - Error {}", end_path, e);
// }
fn handle_tree_keypress(tree_view: &gtk::TreeView, key_code: u32, name_column: i32, path_column: i32, mark_column: i32) {
match key_code {
common_open_function(tree_view, name_column, path_column, OpenMode::PathAndName);
common_mark_function(tree_view, mark_column);
_ => {}
pub fn select_function_duplicates(_tree_selection: &gtk::TreeSelection, tree_model: &gtk::TreeModel, tree_path: &gtk::TreePath, _is_path_currently_selected: bool) -> bool {
let color = tree_model.value(&tree_model.iter(tree_path).unwrap(), ColumnsDuplicates::Color as i32).get::<String>().unwrap();
if color == HEADER_ROW_COLOR {
return false;
pub fn select_function_same_music(_tree_selection: &gtk::TreeSelection, tree_model: &gtk::TreeModel, tree_path: &gtk::TreePath, _is_path_currently_selected: bool) -> bool {
let color = tree_model.value(&tree_model.iter(tree_path).unwrap(), ColumnsSameMusic::Color as i32).get::<String>().unwrap();
if color == HEADER_ROW_COLOR {
return false;
pub fn select_function_similar_images(_tree_selection: &gtk::TreeSelection, tree_model: &gtk::TreeModel, tree_path: &gtk::TreePath, _is_path_currently_selected: bool) -> bool {
let color = tree_model.value(&tree_model.iter(tree_path).unwrap(), ColumnsSimilarImages::Color as i32).get::<String>().unwrap();
if color == HEADER_ROW_COLOR {
return false;
pub fn select_function_similar_videos(_tree_selection: &gtk::TreeSelection, tree_model: &gtk::TreeModel, tree_path: &gtk::TreePath, _is_path_currently_selected: bool) -> bool {
let color = tree_model.value(&tree_model.iter(tree_path).unwrap(), ColumnsSimilarVideos::Color as i32).get::<String>().unwrap();
if color == HEADER_ROW_COLOR {
return false;