Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-05-09 23:12:29 +12:00
Rafał Mikrut 378fa1fd6e
Excluded extensions and krokiet new features (#1184)

* Import split

* Default thread size

* Hen

* Allowed extensions

* Perf

* Connect

* Excluded

* Zmiany

* Optimization

* 4.10

* At once

* Included

* Chang

* VD

* VD

* Hashes

* Wersja

* SD

* Up

* Up

* 2024

* Dup

* Slint files

* Added  select

* Selections

* Fix


* Actions

* Added popup delete

* AB

* V4

* Release


* Basic moving

* Commonsy

* Moving probably works

* Popup move
2024-02-14 17:45:25 +01:00

198 lines
7.9 KiB

import { Button, VerticalBox ,TextEdit, HorizontalBox, TabWidget, ListView, StandardListView, StandardTableView, CheckBox, LineEdit} from "std-widgets.slint";
import {SelectableTableView} from "selectable_tree_view.slint";
import {LeftSidePanel} from "left_side_panel.slint";
import {MainList} from "main_lists.slint";
import {CurrentTab, ProgressToSend} from "common.slint";
import { ActionButtons } from "action_buttons.slint";
import { Progress } from "progress.slint";
import {MainListModel} from "common.slint";
import {Settings} from "settings.slint";
import {Callabler} from "callabler.slint";
import { BottomPanel } from "bottom_panel.slint";
import {ColorPalette} from "color_palette.slint";
import {GuiState} from "gui_state.slint";
import { Preview } from "preview.slint";
import {PopupNewDirectories} from "popup_new_directories.slint";
import {PopupDelete} from "popup_delete.slint";
import {PopupMoveFolders} from "popup_move_folders.slint";
import { PopupSelectResults } from "popup_select_results.slint";
import { ToolSettings } from "tool_settings.slint";
export {Settings, Callabler, GuiState}
export component MainWindow inherits Window {
callback scan_stopping;
callback scan_starting(CurrentTab);
callback folder_choose_requested(bool);
callback scan_ended(string);
callback show_move_folders_dialog(string);
callback folders_move_choose_requested();
min-width: 300px;
preferred-width: 800px;
min-height: 300px;
preferred-height: 600px;
in-out property <string> text_summary_text: "";
in-out property <bool> stop_requested: false;
in-out property <bool> scanning: false;
in-out property <ProgressToSend> progress_datas: {
current_progress: 15,
all_progress: 20,
step_name: "Cache",
in-out property <[MainListModel]> empty_folder_model: [
{checked: false, selected_row: false, header_row: true, val_str: ["kropkarz", "/Xd1", "24.10.2023"], val_int: []} ,
{checked: false, selected_row: false, header_row: false, val_str: ["witasphere", "/Xd1/Imagerren2", "25.11.1991"], val_int: []} ,
{checked: false, selected_row: false, header_row: false, val_str: ["witasphere", "/Xd1/Imagerren2", "25.11.1991"], val_int: []} ,
{checked: true, selected_row: false, header_row: false, val_str: ["lokkaler", "/Xd1/Vide2", "01.23.1911"], val_int: []}
in-out property <[MainListModel]> empty_files_model: [
{checked: false, selected_row: false, header_row: true, val_str: ["kropkarz", "/Xd1", "24.10.2023"], val_int: []} ,
{checked: false, selected_row: false, header_row: false, val_str: ["witasphere", "/Xd1/Imagerren2", "25.11.1991"], val_int: []} ,
{checked: false, selected_row: false, header_row: false, val_str: ["witasphere", "/Xd1/Imagerren2", "25.11.1991"], val_int: []} ,
{checked: true, selected_row: false, header_row: false, val_str: ["lokkaler", "/Xd1/Vide2", "01.23.1911"], val_int: []}
in-out property <[MainListModel]> similar_images_model: [];
VerticalBox {
HorizontalBox {
vertical-stretch: 1.0;
preferred-height: 300px;
LeftSidePanel {
horizontal-stretch: 0.0;
scanning <=> root.scanning;
changed_current_tab() => {
GuiState.preview_visible = false;
VerticalLayout {
horizontal-stretch: 1.0;
min_width: 300px;
Rectangle {
vertical-stretch: 1.0;
main_list := MainList {
x: 0;
width: preview_or_tool_settings.visible ? parent.width / 2 : parent.width;
height: parent.height;
horizontal-stretch: 0.5;
empty_folder_model <=> root.empty_folder_model;
empty_files_model <=> root.empty_files_model;
similar_images_model <=> root.similar_images_model;
preview_or_tool_settings := Rectangle {
visible: (GuiState.preview_visible || tool_settings.visible) && GuiState.active_tab != CurrentTab.Settings;
height: parent.height;
x: parent.width / 2;
width: self.visible ? parent.width / 2 : 0;
Preview {
height: parent.height;
width: parent.width;
visible: GuiState.preview_visible && !tool_settings.visible;
source: GuiState.preview_image;
image-fit: ImageFit.contain;
tool_settings := ToolSettings {
height: parent.height;
width: parent.width;
visible: GuiState.visible_tool_settings && GuiState.available_subsettings;
if root.scanning: Progress {
horizontal-stretch: 0.0;
progress_datas <=> root.progress_datas;
action_buttons := ActionButtons {
vertical-stretch: 0.0;
scanning <=> root.scanning;
stop_requested <=> root.stop-requested;
scan_stopping => {
text_summary_text = "Stopping scan, please wait...";
scan_starting(item) => {
text_summary_text = "Searching...";
show_select_popup(x_offset, y_offset) => {
select_popup_window.x_offset = x_offset;
select_popup_window.y_offset = y_offset;
request_folder_to_move => {
show_remove_popup => {
text_summary := LineEdit {
text: text_summary_text;
read-only: true;
bottom_panel := BottomPanel {
bottom-panel-visibility <=> action_buttons.bottom_panel_visibility;
vertical-stretch: 0.0;
folder_choose_requested(included_directories) => {
show_manual_add_dialog(included_directories) => {
GuiState.choosing_include_directories = included_directories;
new_directory_popup_window := PopupNewDirectories {
height: root.height;
width: root.width;
select_popup_window := PopupSelectResults {
property <length> x_offset: 0;
property <length> y_offset: 0;
x: parent.x + x_offset - self.item_width / 2.0;
y: parent.y + y_offset - self.all_items_height - 5px;
height: root.height;
width: root.width;
delete_popup_window := PopupDelete {
height: root.height;
width: root.width;
x: parent.x + (root.width - self.popup_width) / 2.0;
y: parent.y + (parent.height - self.popup_height) / 2.0;
move_popup_window := PopupMoveFolders {
height: root.height;
width: root.width;
x: parent.x + (root.width - self.popup_width) / 2.0;
y: parent.y + (parent.height - self.popup_height) / 2.0;
show_move_folders_dialog(folder_name) => {
move_popup_window.folder_name = folder_name;
scan_ended(scan_text) => {
text_summary_text = scan_text;
root.scanning = false;
root.stop_requested = false;