translations = ["pl", "it"] # en is missing here base_translation = "en" base_keywords = [] with open('i18n/' + base_translation + "/czkawka_gui.ftl", 'r') as file: base_translation_file_content = file.readlines() for line in base_translation_file_content: if line.find("=") != -1: first_split = line.split("=")[0].strip() # Debug check, check for usage of AAAAA in result to see which esults are unused # To check in what exactly places are usused, remove -c parameter # print("rg \"" + first_split + "\" czkawka_gui/src -c;echo \"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - "+first_split+"\"") try: base_keywords.index(first_split) print("Duplicated member " + first_split +" in base translation") except: True # All good base_keywords.append(first_split) for lang in translations: print("\nChecking " + lang + " language") lang_keywords = [] with open('i18n/' + lang + "/czkawka_gui.ftl", 'r') as file: file_content = file.readlines() for line in file_content: if line.find("=") != -1: first_split = line.split("=")[0].strip() try: lang_keywords.index(first_split) print("Duplicated member " + first_split +" in " + lang + " translation") except: True # All good lang_keywords.append(first_split) for keyword in base_keywords: try: lang_keywords.index(keyword) except: print("Missing keyword - " + keyword) for keyword in lang_keywords: try: base_keywords.index(keyword) except: print("Unused keyword - " + keyword)