#![cfg(target_os = "windows")] extern crate winapi; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::convert::From; use std::ptr; use winapi::ctypes::c_void; use winapi::shared::windef::HWND; use winapi::shared::winerror::{E_POINTER, S_OK}; use winapi::shared::wtypesbase::CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER; use winapi::um::shobjidl_core::{CLSID_TaskbarList, ITaskbarList3, TBPFLAG}; use winapi::um::{combaseapi, objbase, winuser}; use winapi::Interface; pub mod tbp_flags { pub use winapi::um::shobjidl_core::{TBPF_ERROR, TBPF_INDETERMINATE, TBPF_NOPROGRESS, TBPF_NORMAL, TBPF_PAUSED}; } pub struct TaskbarProgress { hwnd: HWND, taskbar_list: *mut ITaskbarList3, current_state: RefCell, current_progress: RefCell<(u64, u64)>, must_uninit_com: bool, is_active: RefCell, } impl TaskbarProgress { pub fn new() -> TaskbarProgress { let hwnd = unsafe { winuser::GetActiveWindow() }; TaskbarProgress::from(hwnd) } pub fn set_progress_state(&self, tbp_flags: TBPFLAG) { if tbp_flags == *self.current_state.borrow() || !*self.is_active.borrow() { return (); } let result = unsafe { if let Some(list) = self.taskbar_list.as_ref() { list.SetProgressState(self.hwnd, tbp_flags) } else { E_POINTER } }; if result == S_OK { self.current_state.replace(tbp_flags); } } pub fn set_progress_value(&self, completed: u64, total: u64) { // Don't change the value if the is_active flag is false or the value has not changed. // If is_active is true and the value has not changed, but the progress indicator was in NOPROGRESS or INDETERMINATE state, set the value (and NORMAL state). if ((completed, total) == *self.current_progress.borrow() && *self.current_state.borrow() != tbp_flags::TBPF_NOPROGRESS && *self.current_state.borrow() != tbp_flags::TBPF_INDETERMINATE) || !*self.is_active.borrow() { return (); } let result = unsafe { if let Some(list) = self.taskbar_list.as_ref() { list.SetProgressValue(self.hwnd, completed, total) } else { E_POINTER } }; if result == S_OK { self.current_progress.replace((completed, total)); if *self.current_state.borrow() == tbp_flags::TBPF_NOPROGRESS || *self.current_state.borrow() == tbp_flags::TBPF_INDETERMINATE { self.current_state.replace(tbp_flags::TBPF_NORMAL); } } } pub fn hide(&self) { self.set_progress_state(tbp_flags::TBPF_NOPROGRESS); *self.is_active.borrow_mut() = false; } pub fn show(&self) { *self.is_active.borrow_mut() = true; } /// Releases the ITaskbarList3 pointer, uninitialises the COM API and sets the struct to a valid "empty" state. /// It's required for proper use of the COM API, because `drop` is never called (objects moved to GTK closures have `static` lifetime). pub fn release(&mut self) { unsafe { if let Some(list) = self.taskbar_list.as_ref() { list.Release(); self.taskbar_list = ptr::null_mut(); self.hwnd = ptr::null_mut(); } // A thread must call CoUninitialize once for each successful call it has made to // the CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx function, including any call that returns S_FALSE. if self.must_uninit_com { combaseapi::CoUninitialize(); self.must_uninit_com = false; } } } } impl From for TaskbarProgress { fn from(hwnd: HWND) -> Self { if hwnd.is_null() { return TaskbarProgress { hwnd, taskbar_list: ptr::null_mut(), current_state: RefCell::new(tbp_flags::TBPF_NOPROGRESS), current_progress: RefCell::new((0, 0)), must_uninit_com: false, is_active: RefCell::new(false), }; } let init_result = unsafe { combaseapi::CoInitializeEx(ptr::null_mut(), objbase::COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) }; // S_FALSE means that COM library is already initialised for this thread // Success codes are not negative, RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE should not be possible and is treated as an error if init_result < 0 { return TaskbarProgress { hwnd: ptr::null_mut(), taskbar_list: ptr::null_mut(), current_state: RefCell::new(tbp_flags::TBPF_NOPROGRESS), current_progress: RefCell::new((0, 0)), must_uninit_com: false, is_active: RefCell::new(false), }; } let mut taskbar_list: *mut ITaskbarList3 = ptr::null_mut(); let taskbar_list_ptr: *mut *mut ITaskbarList3 = &mut taskbar_list; unsafe { combaseapi::CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_TaskbarList, ptr::null_mut(), CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &ITaskbarList3::uuidof(), taskbar_list_ptr as *mut *mut c_void) }; TaskbarProgress { hwnd: if taskbar_list.is_null() { ptr::null_mut() } else { hwnd }, taskbar_list, current_state: RefCell::new(tbp_flags::TBPF_NOPROGRESS), // Assume no progress current_progress: RefCell::new((0, 0)), must_uninit_com: true, is_active: RefCell::new(false), } } } impl Drop for TaskbarProgress { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if let Some(list) = self.taskbar_list.as_ref() { list.Release(); } // A thread must call CoUninitialize once for each successful call it has made to // the CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx function, including any call that returns S_FALSE. if self.must_uninit_com { combaseapi::CoUninitialize(); } } } }